The biggest case of TDS I have ever experienced, and it was in Canada, must read


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
This is a true story, God as my witness. In fact, it may have been divine intervention as to how I even heard it.

So, in my current job, before the covert apparatus has me unemployed and angry again, I called a client. Oddly, the name was a male name and the voice message was that of a woman, so either I dialed the wrong number or our data was wrong. Normally I would just hang up obviously, but for some reason, and I really don't know why, maybe because it was just before lunch; I let it continue.

It was a British womans voice, not as unusual to hear in Canada with our heritage but still very rare, and I listened to the full message, and I swear on my life, it went something like "hi you've reached so and so, I can't get to the phone right now, yadda yadda," then the kicker, right at the end of the message, she finishes it with "HATE TRUMP". *beep*

I hung up and had to laugh. Just what in the hell is going on? Yesterday I told you guys about the radio bit in the morning, totally true. Now this today, again totally true. Unheard of.

No Canadian on this forum or elsewhere should pretend the bias and rage isn't extreme here at the moment. Clearly she was committed enough in her political position to even put a voice message like that on her phone, her alt-left friends probably loving it over a glass of subsidized red wine.
This is a true story, God as my witness. In fact, it may have been divine intervention as to how I even heard it.

So, in my current job, before the covert apparatus has me unemployed and angry again, I called a client. Oddly, the name was a male name and the voice message was that of a woman, so either I dialed the wrong number or our data was wrong. Normally I would just hang up obviously, but for some reason, and I really don't know why, maybe because it was just before lunch; I let it continue.

It was a British womans voice, not as unusual to hear in Canada with our heritage but still very rare, and I listened to the full message, and I swear on my life, it went something like "hi you reached so and so, I can't get to the phone right now, yadda yadda," then the kicker, right at the end of the message, she finishes it with "HATE TRUMP". *beep*

I hung up and had to laugh. Just what in the hell is going on? Yesterday I told you guys about the radio bit in the morning, totally true. Now this today, again totally true. Unheard of.

No Canadian on this forum or elsewhere should pretend the bias and rage isn't extreme here at the moment. Clearly she was committed enough in her political position to even put a voice message like that on her phone, her alt-left friends probably loving it over a glass of subsidized red wine.

Well, she is Canadian, you know ...
When Hitler was in power, Heil Hitler was used as a form of greeting. Today among muslims allah akbar serves much the same purpose. It could be that "hate Trump " is serving in that role.
This is a true story, God as my witness. In fact, it may have been divine intervention as to how I even heard it.

So, in my current job, before the covert apparatus has me unemployed and angry again, I called a client. Oddly, the name was a male name and the voice message was that of a woman, so either I dialed the wrong number or our data was wrong. Normally I would just hang up obviously, but for some reason, and I really don't know why, maybe because it was just before lunch; I let it continue.

It was a British womans voice, not as unusual to hear in Canada with our heritage but still very rare, and I listened to the full message, and I swear on my life, it went something like "hi you reached so and so, I can't get to the phone right now, yadda yadda," then the kicker, right at the end of the message, she finishes it with "HATE TRUMP". *beep*

I hung up and had to laugh. Just what in the hell is going on? Yesterday I told you guys about the radio bit in the morning, totally true. Now this today, again totally true. Unheard of.

No Canadian on this forum or elsewhere should pretend the bias and rage isn't extreme here at the moment. Clearly she was committed enough in her political position to even put a voice message like that on her phone, her alt-left friends probably loving it over a glass of subsidized red wine.

Well, she is Canadian, you know ...

That should read, "Well, she is Canadian, eh?"
This is a true story, God as my witness. In fact, it may have been divine intervention as to how I even heard it.

So, in my current job, before the covert apparatus has me unemployed and angry again, I called a client. Oddly, the name was a male name and the voice message was that of a woman, so either I dialed the wrong number or our data was wrong. Normally I would just hang up obviously, but for some reason, and I really don't know why, maybe because it was just before lunch; I let it continue.

It was a British womans voice, not as unusual to hear in Canada with our heritage but still very rare, and I listened to the full message, and I swear on my life, it went something like "hi you reached so and so, I can't get to the phone right now, yadda yadda," then the kicker, right at the end of the message, she finishes it with "HATE TRUMP". *beep*

I hung up and had to laugh. Just what in the hell is going on? Yesterday I told you guys about the radio bit in the morning, totally true. Now this today, again totally true. Unheard of.

No Canadian on this forum or elsewhere should pretend the bias and rage isn't extreme here at the moment. Clearly she was committed enough in her political position to even put a voice message like that on her phone, her alt-left friends probably loving it over a glass of subsidized red wine.

Well, she is Canadian, you know ...

Might be pissed at Trump for tearing up NAFTA, and leaving Canada out of the new negotiations with Mexico.
This is a true story, God as my witness. In fact, it may have been divine intervention as to how I even heard it.

So, in my current job, before the covert apparatus has me unemployed and angry again, I called a client. Oddly, the name was a male name and the voice message was that of a woman, so either I dialed the wrong number or our data was wrong. Normally I would just hang up obviously, but for some reason, and I really don't know why, maybe because it was just before lunch; I let it continue.

It was a British womans voice, not as unusual to hear in Canada with our heritage but still very rare, and I listened to the full message, and I swear on my life, it went something like "hi you reached so and so, I can't get to the phone right now, yadda yadda," then the kicker, right at the end of the message, she finishes it with "HATE TRUMP". *beep*

I hung up and had to laugh. Just what in the hell is going on? Yesterday I told you guys about the radio bit in the morning, totally true. Now this today, again totally true. Unheard of.

No Canadian on this forum or elsewhere should pretend the bias and rage isn't extreme here at the moment. Clearly she was committed enough in her political position to even put a voice message like that on her phone, her alt-left friends probably loving it over a glass of subsidized red wine.

Well, she is Canadian, you know ...

Might be pissed at Trump for tearing up NAFTA, and leaving Canada out of the new negotiations with Mexico.

Well technically it might have been, except this was before this deal was announced. Really, when it comes to those who dislike Trump it starts with ignorance and lack of objectivity in regards to what America has been through unfairly for decades, and moves to "he is fighting back and taking back his country. How dare he!?" To, the usual, "he's a foul, racist man".

All of it just excuses for their own bias and lack of critical thinking. Her last two words at the end were almost an order, some not so subtle subliminal comment. Clear as day and not ashamed. I was ashamed for her even as I laughed at how bold and arrogant it sounded.
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This is a true story, God as my witness. In fact, it may have been divine intervention as to how I even heard it.

So, in my current job, before the covert apparatus has me unemployed and angry again, I called a client. Oddly, the name was a male name and the voice message was that of a woman, so either I dialed the wrong number or our data was wrong. Normally I would just hang up obviously, but for some reason, and I really don't know why, maybe because it was just before lunch; I let it continue.

It was a British womans voice, not as unusual to hear in Canada with our heritage but still very rare, and I listened to the full message, and I swear on my life, it went something like "hi you've reached so and so, I can't get to the phone right now, yadda yadda," then the kicker, right at the end of the message, she finishes it with "HATE TRUMP". *beep*

I hung up and had to laugh. Just what in the hell is going on? Yesterday I told you guys about the radio bit in the morning, totally true. Now this today, again totally true. Unheard of.

No Canadian on this forum or elsewhere should pretend the bias and rage isn't extreme here at the moment. Clearly she was committed enough in her political position to even put a voice message like that on her phone, her alt-left friends probably loving it over a glass of subsidized red wine.

I had a similar experience with some Canadian tourists in Egypt, who spontaneously combusted into an anti-Trump harangue. What was even funnier was that one of them was bragging about her great retirement deal because it included lifetime health insurance benefits!
This is a true story, God as my witness. In fact, it may have been divine intervention as to how I even heard it.

So, in my current job, before the covert apparatus has me unemployed and angry again, I called a client. Oddly, the name was a male name and the voice message was that of a woman, so either I dialed the wrong number or our data was wrong. Normally I would just hang up obviously, but for some reason, and I really don't know why, maybe because it was just before lunch; I let it continue.

It was a British womans voice, not as unusual to hear in Canada with our heritage but still very rare, and I listened to the full message, and I swear on my life, it went something like "hi you reached so and so, I can't get to the phone right now, yadda yadda," then the kicker, right at the end of the message, she finishes it with "HATE TRUMP". *beep*

I hung up and had to laugh. Just what in the hell is going on? Yesterday I told you guys about the radio bit in the morning, totally true. Now this today, again totally true. Unheard of.

No Canadian on this forum or elsewhere should pretend the bias and rage isn't extreme here at the moment. Clearly she was committed enough in her political position to even put a voice message like that on her phone, her alt-left friends probably loving it over a glass of subsidized red wine.

Well, she is Canadian, you know ...

Might be pissed at Trump for tearing up NAFTA, and leaving Canada out of the new negotiations with Mexico.

Not a chance. She's a leftist. She was never open to supporting Trump. You should relate to that, racist piece of shit. Race baiting is itself racism, you're exploiting black people
This is a true story, God as my witness. In fact, it may have been divine intervention as to how I even heard it.

So, in my current job, before the covert apparatus has me unemployed and angry again, I called a client. Oddly, the name was a male name and the voice message was that of a woman, so either I dialed the wrong number or our data was wrong. Normally I would just hang up obviously, but for some reason, and I really don't know why, maybe because it was just before lunch; I let it continue.

It was a British womans voice, not as unusual to hear in Canada with our heritage but still very rare, and I listened to the full message, and I swear on my life, it went something like "hi you reached so and so, I can't get to the phone right now, yadda yadda," then the kicker, right at the end of the message, she finishes it with "HATE TRUMP". *beep*

I hung up and had to laugh. Just what in the hell is going on? Yesterday I told you guys about the radio bit in the morning, totally true. Now this today, again totally true. Unheard of.

No Canadian on this forum or elsewhere should pretend the bias and rage isn't extreme here at the moment. Clearly she was committed enough in her political position to even put a voice message like that on her phone, her alt-left friends probably loving it over a glass of subsidized red wine.

Well, she is Canadian, you know ...

Might be pissed at Trump for tearing up NAFTA, and leaving Canada out of the new negotiations with Mexico.

Well technically it might have been, except this was before this deal was announced. Really, when it comes to those who dislike Trump it starts with ignorance and lack of objectivity in regards to what America has been through unfairly for decades, and moves to "he is fighting back and taking back his country. How dare he!?" To, the usual, "he's a foul, racist man".

All of it just excuses for their own bias and lack of critical thinking.

I also agree with the approach of one on one trade deals. The multi-lateral deals never work out for us. We always end up giving more than we get. It's how our trade deals worked before the globalists started negotiating them and globalists don't like America because we have disproportionate military and economic power, so they actively want deals to bring us down a notch
Might be pissed at Trump for tearing up NAFTA, and leaving Canada out of the new negotiations with Mexico
Canada was invited and still is...hey what is wrong with America making sure we are being treated fairly globally?....why would any American be against that?....If Obama had defended us in that way he would have been your hero....
This is a true story, God as my witness. In fact, it may have been divine intervention as to how I even heard it.

So, in my current job, before the covert apparatus has me unemployed and angry again, I called a client. Oddly, the name was a male name and the voice message was that of a woman, so either I dialed the wrong number or our data was wrong. Normally I would just hang up obviously, but for some reason, and I really don't know why, maybe because it was just before lunch; I let it continue.

It was a British womans voice, not as unusual to hear in Canada with our heritage but still very rare, and I listened to the full message, and I swear on my life, it went something like "hi you've reached so and so, I can't get to the phone right now, yadda yadda," then the kicker, right at the end of the message, she finishes it with "HATE TRUMP". *beep*

I hung up and had to laugh. Just what in the hell is going on? Yesterday I told you guys about the radio bit in the morning, totally true. Now this today, again totally true. Unheard of.

No Canadian on this forum or elsewhere should pretend the bias and rage isn't extreme here at the moment. Clearly she was committed enough in her political position to even put a voice message like that on her phone, her alt-left friends probably loving it over a glass of subsidized red wine.
She should flee to Canada.
Oh wait....
This is a true story, God as my witness. In fact, it may have been divine intervention as to how I even heard it.

So, in my current job, before the covert apparatus has me unemployed and angry again, I called a client. Oddly, the name was a male name and the voice message was that of a woman, so either I dialed the wrong number or our data was wrong. Normally I would just hang up obviously, but for some reason, and I really don't know why, maybe because it was just before lunch; I let it continue.

It was a British womans voice, not as unusual to hear in Canada with our heritage but still very rare, and I listened to the full message, and I swear on my life, it went something like "hi you've reached so and so, I can't get to the phone right now, yadda yadda," then the kicker, right at the end of the message, she finishes it with "HATE TRUMP". *beep*

I hung up and had to laugh. Just what in the hell is going on? Yesterday I told you guys about the radio bit in the morning, totally true. Now this today, again totally true. Unheard of.

No Canadian on this forum or elsewhere should pretend the bias and rage isn't extreme here at the moment. Clearly she was committed enough in her political position to even put a voice message like that on her phone, her alt-left friends probably loving it over a glass of subsidized red wine.
Why doesn’t Canada mind it’s own fucking business?
Canadians are a bunch of limp wristed morons. Look who they elected ffs. No surprise the poison of my nation has spread to yours.

TDS: IMPEACH 45! Why? To feel good I guess as there is no logical reason.
This is a true story, God as my witness. In fact, it may have been divine intervention as to how I even heard it.

So, in my current job, before the covert apparatus has me unemployed and angry again, I called a client. Oddly, the name was a male name and the voice message was that of a woman, so either I dialed the wrong number or our data was wrong. Normally I would just hang up obviously, but for some reason, and I really don't know why, maybe because it was just before lunch; I let it continue.

It was a British womans voice, not as unusual to hear in Canada with our heritage but still very rare, and I listened to the full message, and I swear on my life, it went something like "hi you reached so and so, I can't get to the phone right now, yadda yadda," then the kicker, right at the end of the message, she finishes it with "HATE TRUMP". *beep*

I hung up and had to laugh. Just what in the hell is going on? Yesterday I told you guys about the radio bit in the morning, totally true. Now this today, again totally true. Unheard of.

No Canadian on this forum or elsewhere should pretend the bias and rage isn't extreme here at the moment. Clearly she was committed enough in her political position to even put a voice message like that on her phone, her alt-left friends probably loving it over a glass of subsidized red wine.

Well, she is Canadian, you know ...

Might be pissed at Trump for tearing up NAFTA, and leaving Canada out of the new negotiations with Mexico.

The negotiators gave up dealing with the whacked out Trudeau's government wanting a "progressive trade pact".


The Chinese told Trudeau to take a hike over trade talks. Trudeau didn't bother even showing up for the TPP talks and has even managed to piss off Saudi Arabia too. The Liberal government are arrogant assholes who are so blinded by social justice issues they're costing Canucks a fortune.

Canada's goals for 'progressive' NAFTA include labour and environmental standards, gender equality

"Specifically, she pointed to strong labour safeguards, integrated environmental protections, a new chapter on gender rights to promote gender equality, a chapter dedicated to Indigenous people and reforming the investor-state dispute settlement process to ensure governments can pass regulations in the public interest without facing corporate legal action."

Canada's goals for 'progressive' NAFTA include modernized labour standards, gender equality | CBC News

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