The backward psychology of 9/11 conspiracy theorists


VIP Member
Oct 5, 2016
There is a strange psychology to 9/11 conspiracy theorists. On the one hand, you claim to be truth seekers, to question the government, to label everybody else as sheeple, etc. You insist that 9/11 was an inside job, that it was all orchested by America, or a cabal within America, that the Muslim terrorists had nothing to do with it, etc.

Just think about this, for a second. If you believe this, that totally denies the Muslim terrorists their own agency, their own willpower and planning. You deny that they wanted to and were able to carry out the attack. Now, as horrific as the attack was, at the very least one can now see that there are people out their with legitimate grievances against America, and they were willing to act on that belief, even unto death.

But you say no! Impossible! We did it to ourselves! You basically see America, or people within America, as totally responsible for everything, including the attack on itself. It's actually a way of protecting yourself, and of doubling down on the idea of total American power.

See what you do? By insisting on the inside job conspiracy, you conveniently assert your own power, and the power of your own country. You absolutely cannot stand the thought that there are others out there who hate America and are willing to act on it. This is a strange, inconceivable thought to you, so you fall back on the belief that only we were capable of doing it, and we must have done it to ourselves.

Not true! There are indeed people out there who hate America, and are willing to act on it. In fact, there are many within Europe, Russia, China, etc., who, although they may not attack America, are probably already planning to end American dominance. Yes, you really are hated for your wealth, for your power, and always will be, as long as you have the wealth and power.
The evil Government wired the Trade Center towers with explosives on the chance that someday terrorists would fly planes into the building and they could blame the terrorists
I never understood why we need to have this conspiracy that the government did it, and that's all there is to it. The fact is that we did some shitty things in the Middle East, and they retaliated with some shitty things. Why do we have to make a conspiracy out of this? Can't we just be shitty people?
There is a strange psychology to 9/11 conspiracy theorists. On the one hand, you claim to be truth seekers, to question the government, to label everybody else as sheeple, etc. You insist that 9/11 was an inside job, that it was all orchested by America, or a cabal within America, that the Muslim terrorists had nothing to do with it, etc.

Just think about this, for a second. If you believe this, that totally denies the Muslim terrorists their own agency, their own willpower and planning. You deny that they wanted to and were able to carry out the attack. Now, as horrific as the attack was, at the very least one can now see that there are people out their with legitimate grievances against America, and they were willing to act on that belief, even unto death.

But you say no! Impossible! We did it to ourselves! You basically see America, or people within America, as totally responsible for everything, including the attack on itself. It's actually a way of protecting yourself, and of doubling down on the idea of total American power.

See what you do? By insisting on the inside job conspiracy, you conveniently assert your own power, and the power of your own country. You absolutely cannot stand the thought that there are others out there who hate America and are willing to act on it. This is a strange, inconceivable thought to you, so you fall back on the belief that only we were capable of doing it, and we must have done it to ourselves.

Not true! There are indeed people out there who hate America, and are willing to act on it. In fact, there are many within Europe, Russia, China, etc., who, although they may not attack America, are probably already planning to end American dominance. Yes, you really are hated for your wealth, for your power, and always will be, as long as you have the wealth and power.

"Now, as horrific as the attack was, at the very least one can now see that there are people out their with legitimate grievances against America, and they were willing to act on that belief, even unto death."

No. The fact that someone believes they have a legitimate grievance doesn't mean they actually do.
There is a strange psychology to 9/11 conspiracy theorists. On the one hand, you claim to be truth seekers, to question the government, to label everybody else as sheeple, etc. You insist that 9/11 was an inside job, that it was all orchested by America, or a cabal within America, that the Muslim terrorists had nothing to do with it, etc.

Just think about this, for a second. If you believe this, that totally denies the Muslim terrorists their own agency, their own willpower and planning. You deny that they wanted to and were able to carry out the attack. Now, as horrific as the attack was, at the very least one can now see that there are people out their with legitimate grievances against America, and they were willing to act on that belief, even unto death.

But you say no! Impossible! We did it to ourselves! You basically see America, or people within America, as totally responsible for everything, including the attack on itself. It's actually a way of protecting yourself, and of doubling down on the idea of total American power.

See what you do? By insisting on the inside job conspiracy, you conveniently assert your own power, and the power of your own country. You absolutely cannot stand the thought that there are others out there who hate America and are willing to act on it. This is a strange, inconceivable thought to you, so you fall back on the belief that only we were capable of doing it, and we must have done it to ourselves.

Not true! There are indeed people out there who hate America, and are willing to act on it. In fact, there are many within Europe, Russia, China, etc., who, although they may not attack America, are probably already planning to end American dominance. Yes, you really are hated for your wealth, for your power, and always will be, as long as you have the wealth and power.

"Now, as horrific as the attack was, at the very least one can now see that there are people out their with legitimate grievances against America, and they were willing to act on that belief, even unto death."

No. The fact that someone believes they have a legitimate grievance doesn't mean they actually do.

You can argue whether the grievances were legitimate but you can't argue there were grievances

They did not attack us because they "hate our freedom"
There is a strange psychology to 9/11 conspiracy theorists. On the one hand, you claim to be truth seekers, to question the government, to label everybody else as sheeple, etc. You insist that 9/11 was an inside job, that it was all orchested by America, or a cabal within America, that the Muslim terrorists had nothing to do with it, etc.

Just think about this, for a second. If you believe this, that totally denies the Muslim terrorists their own agency, their own willpower and planning. You deny that they wanted to and were able to carry out the attack. Now, as horrific as the attack was, at the very least one can now see that there are people out their with legitimate grievances against America, and they were willing to act on that belief, even unto death.

But you say no! Impossible! We did it to ourselves! You basically see America, or people within America, as totally responsible for everything, including the attack on itself. It's actually a way of protecting yourself, and of doubling down on the idea of total American power.

See what you do? By insisting on the inside job conspiracy, you conveniently assert your own power, and the power of your own country. You absolutely cannot stand the thought that there are others out there who hate America and are willing to act on it. This is a strange, inconceivable thought to you, so you fall back on the belief that only we were capable of doing it, and we must have done it to ourselves.

Not true! There are indeed people out there who hate America, and are willing to act on it. In fact, there are many within Europe, Russia, China, etc., who, although they may not attack America, are probably already planning to end American dominance. Yes, you really are hated for your wealth, for your power, and always will be, as long as you have the wealth and power.

"Now, as horrific as the attack was, at the very least one can now see that there are people out their with legitimate grievances against America, and they were willing to act on that belief, even unto death."

No. The fact that someone believes they have a legitimate grievance doesn't mean they actually do.

You can argue whether the grievances were legitimate but you can't argue there were grievances

They did not attack us because they "hate our freedom"

"You can argue whether the grievances were legitimate but you can't argue there were grievances
They did not attack us because they "hate our freedom"

Nope, the fact of their attack does not prove either of those statements. For all we know they might just have been in a hurry to meet up with 76 virgins or otherwise delusional. If we're going to guess, mine would be that they were Islamic and Islam hates anybodies' freedom to not be Islamic.
There is a strange psychology to 9/11 conspiracy theorists. On the one hand, you claim to be truth seekers, to question the government, to label everybody else as sheeple, etc. You insist that 9/11 was an inside job, that it was all orchested by America, or a cabal within America, that the Muslim terrorists had nothing to do with it, etc.

Just think about this, for a second. If you believe this, that totally denies the Muslim terrorists their own agency, their own willpower and planning. You deny that they wanted to and were able to carry out the attack. Now, as horrific as the attack was, at the very least one can now see that there are people out their with legitimate grievances against America, and they were willing to act on that belief, even unto death.

But you say no! Impossible! We did it to ourselves! You basically see America, or people within America, as totally responsible for everything, including the attack on itself. It's actually a way of protecting yourself, and of doubling down on the idea of total American power.

See what you do? By insisting on the inside job conspiracy, you conveniently assert your own power, and the power of your own country. You absolutely cannot stand the thought that there are others out there who hate America and are willing to act on it. This is a strange, inconceivable thought to you, so you fall back on the belief that only we were capable of doing it, and we must have done it to ourselves.

Not true! There are indeed people out there who hate America, and are willing to act on it. In fact, there are many within Europe, Russia, China, etc., who, although they may not attack America, are probably already planning to end American dominance. Yes, you really are hated for your wealth, for your power, and always will be, as long as you have the wealth and power.

"Now, as horrific as the attack was, at the very least one can now see that there are people out their with legitimate grievances against America, and they were willing to act on that belief, even unto death."

No. The fact that someone believes they have a legitimate grievance doesn't mean they actually do.

You can argue whether the grievances were legitimate but you can't argue there were grievances

They did not attack us because they "hate our freedom"

"You can argue whether the grievances were legitimate but you can't argue there were grievances
They did not attack us because they "hate our freedom"

Nope, the fact of their attack does not prove either of those statements. For all we know they might just have been in a hurry to meet up with 76 virgins or otherwise delusional. If we're going to guess, mine would be that they were Islamic and Islam hates anybodies' freedom to not be Islamic.


They hate our freedom

They don't give a shit about our freedom. They resent our support of Israel, they hate our meddling in the middle east, they think we are anti-Islam

They have grievances against us that go back 50 years
Yeah, psychology controls physics.

Skyscrapers must hold themselves up so the bottom needs to be stronger and therefore heavier than the top.

So where is the data on the distribution of steel in the towers? Who did what is irrelevant to physics.
Jet fuel burns purple and there were no purple flames, therefor planted explosives brought down the towers rather than burning jet fuel.

That's the kind of logic the 911 conspiracy theorists use. They exploit your ignorance to convince you that the evidence contradicts the official narrative, then you're on board with the conspiracy theory.

But, before we judge the conspiracy theorists of being idiots, most people are willing to be totally stupid to believe something that goes along with their world view.
There is a strange psychology to 9/11 conspiracy theorists. On the one hand, you claim to be truth seekers, to question the government, to label everybody else as sheeple, etc. You insist that 9/11 was an inside job, that it was all orchested by America, or a cabal within America, that the Muslim terrorists had nothing to do with it, etc.

Just think about this, for a second. If you believe this, that totally denies the Muslim terrorists their own agency, their own willpower and planning. You deny that they wanted to and were able to carry out the attack. Now, as horrific as the attack was, at the very least one can now see that there are people out their with legitimate grievances against America, and they were willing to act on that belief, even unto death.

But you say no! Impossible! We did it to ourselves! You basically see America, or people within America, as totally responsible for everything, including the attack on itself. It's actually a way of protecting yourself, and of doubling down on the idea of total American power.

See what you do? By insisting on the inside job conspiracy, you conveniently assert your own power, and the power of your own country. You absolutely cannot stand the thought that there are others out there who hate America and are willing to act on it. This is a strange, inconceivable thought to you, so you fall back on the belief that only we were capable of doing it, and we must have done it to ourselves.

Not true! There are indeed people out there who hate America, and are willing to act on it. In fact, there are many within Europe, Russia, China, etc., who, although they may not attack America, are probably already planning to end American dominance. Yes, you really are hated for your wealth, for your power, and always will be, as long as you have the wealth and power.

"Now, as horrific as the attack was, at the very least one can now see that there are people out their with legitimate grievances against America, and they were willing to act on that belief, even unto death."

No. The fact that someone believes they have a legitimate grievance doesn't mean they actually do.

You can argue whether the grievances were legitimate but you can't argue there were grievances

They did not attack us because they "hate our freedom"

"You can argue whether the grievances were legitimate but you can't argue there were grievances
They did not attack us because they "hate our freedom"

Nope, the fact of their attack does not prove either of those statements. For all we know they might just have been in a hurry to meet up with 76 virgins or otherwise delusional. If we're going to guess, mine would be that they were Islamic and Islam hates anybodies' freedom to not be Islamic.


They hate our freedom

They don't give a shit about our freedom. They resent our support of Israel, they hate our meddling in the middle east, they think we are anti-Islam

They have grievances against us that go back 50 years

Exactly. They hate our freedom to support Israel, do business in the ME, or be anti-islam. You just admitted, they hate our freedom. Thank you.:lol::lol:
Exactly. They hate our freedom to support Israel, do business in the ME, or be anti-islam. You just admitted, they hate our freedom. Thank you.:lol::lol:

They hate our middle-east policy. They'd love for use to find some some freedom from Zionist shackles.

W. Bush, an habitual liar, said "they hate us for our freedom". Sorry to all the sh1thead Zionists, I'm not really big on telling lies for propaganda purposes. The 9/11 terrorists didn't give a sh1t about our freedom.
Jet fuel burns purple and there were no purple flames, therefor planted explosives brought down the towers rather than burning jet fuel.

That's the kind of logic the 911 conspiracy theorists use. They exploit your ignorance to convince you that the evidence contradicts the official narrative, then you're on board with the conspiracy theory.

But, before we judge the conspiracy theorists of being idiots, most people are willing to be totally stupid to believe something that goes along with their world view.

uh the logic we use that the 9/11 conspiracy theorists apologists ignore is that explosives brought down the towers is experts in their fields such as over a 1000 architects and engineers,and even demolition experts have all called out the bullshit of the 9/11 commission report that jet fuel caused the collapse of the towers.

plus the fact many witnesses reported hearing explosions in the basement of the towers before the plane even struck above.:rolleyes: Over a 100 witnesses heard explosions on the towers many being firefighters experienced in the sound of explosives who were insulted by the bs of the government that fires caused the collapse and i see as always you trolls ignore BLD 7 the crux of the 9/11 coverup that none of you trolls have ever been able to get around,no plane hit that building so so much for your pathetic jet fuel arguments:haha::haha::haha::haha::lmao::lmao::lmao:

oh and NONE of you trolls have been able to debunk the two videos i posted in this thread here in post# 5 that explosives indeed brought down the towers.:rolleyes-41:

There was no demolition
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I never understood why we need to have this conspiracy that the government did it, and that's all there is to it. The fact is that we did some shitty things in the Middle East, and they retaliated with some shitty things. Why do we have to make a conspiracy out of this? Can't we just be shitty people?

you 9/11 official conspiracy theory apologists always demonstrate your ignorance everytime because even if you believe the governments version of events,it was a conspiracy since you are dense to the fact that a conspiracy is the act of two or more people.:lmao::haha:

we are not talking about the other unproven theory of the governments that oswald was the lone assassin here.:uhoh3::cuckoo::cuckoo:

since the governments version of events IS an unproven conspiracy THEORY,better question for you to ask is why do we have to say it was a conspiracy the government was involved in?:rolleyes:

and thats simple as pie to answer.NONE of you trolls have even been able to debunk the two videos here in my op that it was a joint CIA/mossad operation.:rolleyes:

everytime i challenge you conspiracy theorist apologists that it was a CIA/MOSSAD operation to watch these two videos below in this link of mine,you do this all the time without fail-:scared1::cuckoo::cuckoo::rolleyes:
The mossad and CIA did 9/11.overwhelming facts prove it.
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There is a strange psychology to 9/11 conspiracy theorists. On the one hand, you claim to be truth seekers, to question the government, to label everybody else as sheeple, etc. You insist that 9/11 was an inside job, that it was all orchested by America, or a cabal within America, that the Muslim terrorists had nothing to do with it, etc.

Just think about this, for a second. If you believe this, that totally denies the Muslim terrorists their own agency, their own willpower and planning. You deny that they wanted to and were able to carry out the attack. Now, as horrific as the attack was, at the very least one can now see that there are people out their with legitimate grievances against America, and they were willing to act on that belief, even unto death.

But you say no! Impossible! We did it to ourselves! You basically see America, or people within America, as totally responsible for everything, including the attack on itself. It's actually a way of protecting yourself, and of doubling down on the idea of total American power.

See what you do? By insisting on the inside job conspiracy, you conveniently assert your own power, and the power of your own country. You absolutely cannot stand the thought that there are others out there who hate America and are willing to act on it. This is a strange, inconceivable thought to you, so you fall back on the belief that only we were capable of doing it, and we must have done it to ourselves.

Not true! There are indeed people out there who hate America, and are willing to act on it. In fact, there are many within Europe, Russia, China, etc., who, although they may not attack America, are probably already planning to end American dominance. Yes, you really are hated for your wealth, for your power, and always will be, as long as you have the wealth and power.

"Now, as horrific as the attack was, at the very least one can now see that there are people out their with legitimate grievances against America, and they were willing to act on that belief, even unto death."

No. The fact that someone believes they have a legitimate grievance doesn't mean they actually do.

You can argue whether the grievances were legitimate but you can't argue there were grievances

They did not attack us because they "hate our freedom"

"You can argue whether the grievances were legitimate but you can't argue there were grievances
They did not attack us because they "hate our freedom"

Nope, the fact of their attack does not prove either of those statements. For all we know they might just have been in a hurry to meet up with 76 virgins or otherwise delusional. If we're going to guess, mine would be that they were Islamic and Islam hates anybodies' freedom to not be Islamic.


They hate our freedom

They don't give a shit about our freedom. They resent our support of Israel, they hate our meddling in the middle east, they think we are anti-Islam

They have grievances against us that go back 50 years

Exactly. They hate our freedom to support Israel, do business in the ME, or be anti-islam. You just admitted, they hate our freedom. Thank you.:lol::lol:
Freedom to exploit?

That is funny
I never understood why we need to have this conspiracy that the government did it, and that's all there is to it. The fact is that we did some shitty things in the Middle East, and they retaliated with some shitty things. Why do we have to make a conspiracy out of this? Can't we just be shitty people?

you 9/11 official conspiracy theory apologists always demonstrate your ignorance everytime because even if you believe the governments version of events,it was a conspiracy since you are dense to the fact that a conspiracy is the act of two or more people.:lmao::haha:

we are not talking about the other unproven theory of the governments that oswald was the lone assassin here.:uhoh3::cuckoo::cuckoo:

hey USMB's resident troll agent wrongwinger,glad you admit you are stupid you dont know what a conspiracy is same as him.:haha:

Exactly. They hate our freedom to support Israel, do business in the ME, or be anti-islam. You just admitted, they hate our freedom. T

you nailed it.:clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2:
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There is a strange psychology to 9/11 conspiracy theorists. On the one hand, you claim to be truth seekers, to question the government, to label everybody else as sheeple, etc. You insist that 9/11 was an inside job, that it was all orchested by America, or a cabal within America, that the Muslim terrorists had nothing to do with it, etc.

Just think about this, for a second. If you believe this, that totally denies the Muslim terrorists their own agency, their own willpower and planning. You deny that they wanted to and were able to carry out the attack. Now, as horrific as the attack was, at the very least one can now see that there are people out their with legitimate grievances against America, and they were willing to act on that belief, even unto death.

But you say no! Impossible! We did it to ourselves! You basically see America, or people within America, as totally responsible for everything, including the attack on itself. It's actually a way of protecting yourself, and of doubling down on the idea of total American power.

See what you do? By insisting on the inside job conspiracy, you conveniently assert your own power, and the power of your own country. You absolutely cannot stand the thought that there are others out there who hate America and are willing to act on it. This is a strange, inconceivable thought to you, so you fall back on the belief that only we were capable of doing it, and we must have done it to ourselves.

Not true! There are indeed people out there who hate America, and are willing to act on it. In fact, there are many within Europe, Russia, China, etc., who, although they may not attack America, are probably already planning to end American dominance. Yes, you really are hated for your wealth, for your power, and always will be, as long as you have the wealth and power.

yeah the neocons in the Bush administration and the zionists of Israel hate our freedoms and want to rule the world sheep. these two videos in this thread of mine take you to school on this.:rolleyes:

Nobody has ever been able to debunk them.:ahole-1:
The mossad and CIA did 9/11.overwhelming facts prove it.
I never understood why we need to have this conspiracy that the government did it, and that's all there is to it. The fact is that we did some shitty things in the Middle East, and they retaliated with some shitty things. Why do we have to make a conspiracy out of this? Can't we just be shitty people?

you 9/11 official conspiracy theory apologists always demonstrate your ignorance everytime because even if you believe the governments version of events,it was a conspiracy since you are dense to the fact that a conspiracy is the act of two or more people.:lmao::haha:

we are not talking about the other unproven theory of the governments that oswald was the lone assassin here.:uhoh3::cuckoo::cuckoo:

hey USMB's resident troll agent wrongwinger,glad you admit you are stupid you dont know what a conspiracy is same as him.:haha:

Exactly. They hate our freedom to support Israel, do business in the ME, or be anti-islam. You just admitted, they hate our freedom. T

you nailed it.:clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2: this boy my bitch or what?
There is a strange psychology to 9/11 conspiracy theorists. On the one hand, you claim to be truth seekers, to question the government, to label everybody else as sheeple, etc. You insist that 9/11 was an inside job, that it was all orchested by America, or a cabal within America, that the Muslim terrorists had nothing to do with it, etc.

Just think about this, for a second. If you believe this, that totally denies the Muslim terrorists their own agency, their own willpower and planning. You deny that they wanted to and were able to carry out the attack. Now, as horrific as the attack was, at the very least one can now see that there are people out their with legitimate grievances against America, and they were willing to act on that belief, even unto death.

But you say no! Impossible! We did it to ourselves! You basically see America, or people within America, as totally responsible for everything, including the attack on itself. It's actually a way of protecting yourself, and of doubling down on the idea of total American power.

See what you do? By insisting on the inside job conspiracy, you conveniently assert your own power, and the power of your own country. You absolutely cannot stand the thought that there are others out there who hate America and are willing to act on it. This is a strange, inconceivable thought to you, so you fall back on the belief that only we were capable of doing it, and we must have done it to ourselves.

Not true! There are indeed people out there who hate America, and are willing to act on it. In fact, there are many within Europe, Russia, China, etc., who, although they may not attack America, are probably already planning to end American dominance. Yes, you really are hated for your wealth, for your power, and always will be, as long as you have the wealth and power.

you mean THIS backward psychology of the official conspiracy theorists such as yourself?:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha:

Idaho Observer: The looniest of all 9/11 conspiracy theories
"Now, as horrific as the attack was, at the very least one can now see that there are people out their with legitimate grievances against America, and they were willing to act on that belief, even unto death."

No. The fact that someone believes they have a legitimate grievance doesn't mean they actually do.

You can argue whether the grievances were legitimate but you can't argue there were grievances

They did not attack us because they "hate our freedom"

"You can argue whether the grievances were legitimate but you can't argue there were grievances
They did not attack us because they "hate our freedom"

Nope, the fact of their attack does not prove either of those statements. For all we know they might just have been in a hurry to meet up with 76 virgins or otherwise delusional. If we're going to guess, mine would be that they were Islamic and Islam hates anybodies' freedom to not be Islamic.


They hate our freedom

They don't give a shit about our freedom. They resent our support of Israel, they hate our meddling in the middle east, they think we are anti-Islam

They have grievances against us that go back 50 years

Exactly. They hate our freedom to support Israel, do business in the ME, or be anti-islam. You just admitted, they hate our freedom. Thank you.:lol::lol:
Freedom to exploit?

That is funny

You think that freedom to make our own political and religious choices is somehow "exploitation"? Now that is funny!
Exactly. They hate our freedom to support Israel, do business in the ME, or be anti-islam. You just admitted, they hate our freedom. Thank you.:lol::lol:

They hate our middle-east policy. They'd love for use to find some some freedom from Zionist shackles.

W. Bush, an habitual liar, said "they hate us for our freedom". Sorry to all the sh1thead Zionists, I'm not really big on telling lies for propaganda purposes. The 9/11 terrorists didn't give a sh1t about our freedom.

Bush was correct. We are free to decide our own foreign policies. We don't need or want direction from a bunch of barbarians.

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