The "Acela" Economy: More Misery for Millions, More Millions for Misers

A sound economy has a good balance between money for investment and money for consumption. Our economy is out of balance. Most of that out of balance is caused by bad government policy.
If Obama, and the elites want to stay in power they should try and fix it, but if they want to lose all their power they can by all means not solve the problem.

But Russia and China won't support the US government (many in those nations are openly hostile to the CIA, the US Congress, Senate and US corporations) instead the American people and most of the military in the US (as well as in Russia and China) would support a popular revolution in the US (tune into Russia Today once in a while); because it supports its economic and political interests right now, the major powers wouldn't want to support Congress, the Senate, the President or the corporations any more.

The US military will run out of money without Russia and China, and Russia and China would only loan to the US again if it demonstrated it could clean the budget (which would only happen if the current powers that be lost power in the US), let the US government dig its own grave if it wants to. :cuckoo:
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Do you have children? If so, maybe you should be more concerned about their future more than just yourself.

Nope. I'm single Kiwi. Came close to tying the knot a couple of times but never did.

I'm big on personal responsibility. I take care of whats mine and I don't expect anyone else to carry my water or bail me out. My responsibilities are mine and no one elses.

As I said. I don't give a rats ass what others make. That doesn't concern me. What does concern me is taking care of my bills and my responsibilities and living my life. Period.

What exactly?

None as far as I'm concerned. You might ask Bass though. He seems to be consumed with the "dispartity" in wealth.
The disarrity of income and wealth is unhealthy for this society overall precisely because it is unhealthy for this economy overall.

Supply and demand need to be in balance. This is the nature of the system we call capitalism.

The disparity of income and wealth is evidence of this imbalance and this economic meltdown is the result of that imbalance.

There's nothing remotely radical about the above POV.

It is entirely understood by the science of economists.
Oh come now, Frank.

We ALL know that the money made by millionaires is really OUR money. Those evil greedy rich bastards have the audacity to think they should be entitled to keep what they earn.


The class warfare rhetoric is ENTIRELY justified and PERFECTLY VALID and LOGICAL. For we all also know that if we taxed not just the money MADE each year by the RICH bastards at 100% but also seized from them all the assets they had left AFTER paying income taxes, the crushing national debt would disappear -- uhm

never. But that's not really the point. They are rich. They are greedy. They are bastards. We must hate them.

Leave it up to a fucking dickheaded dumbass like yourself to twist somebodies argument into your own little fucked up reality. Less tax cuts for the rich is not a case of the poor taking the money of the rich and in turn who do you think the rich get their money and riches from quite literally?

Who do you think the 'rich' get their money from? It can't be from the 'poor' since, by definition, they have NO money.
Claudette is silent, I guess that retarded monkey believes that class envy is the reason for the wealth gap or maybe she's too dumb and retarded to state the reasons.

Nope. Claudette just now got back to this thread. So fuck off there Bassboy.

To be perfectly honest I don't care what other people make. I don't care what some board of directors pays its CEO. Nor do I give a flying fuck about a wealth gap.

I'm doing pretty darned good despite that wealth gap.

My house is payed for.

The two cars sitting in my driveway are payed for.

I don't owe anyone a dime.

The only credit card I have is the one on my debit card.

I have my dogs, my horse and I live my life so excuse me if what upsets you doesn't mean shit to me.

Carry on.

Same here, except I don't have a horse.
The disarrity of income and wealth is unhealthy for this society overall precisely because it is unhealthy for this economy overall.

Supply and demand need to be in balance. This is the nature of the system we call capitalism.

The disparity of income and wealth is evidence of this imbalance and this economic meltdown is the result of that imbalance.

There's nothing remotely radical about the above POV.

It is entirely understood by the science of economists.

The trickle down theory supply side economic shitheads don't understand this, thats why their economic ideas never work.
The disarrity of income and wealth is unhealthy for this society overall precisely because it is unhealthy for this economy overall.

Supply and demand need to be in balance. This is the nature of the system we call capitalism.

The disparity of income and wealth is evidence of this imbalance and this economic meltdown is the result of that imbalance.

There's nothing remotely radical about the above POV.

It is entirely understood by the science of economists.

Statistics show that the income and wealth at the top has increased several fold since Regan while the rest of the economy has been stagnant to declining. If that trickle down voo doo economic theory worked we should be up to our ass in jobs.

But it has not. It has only created investment bubbles. Too much money chasing too few profitable investments. Investments require money in the rest of the economy to be profitable.
The disarrity of income and wealth is unhealthy for this society overall precisely because it is unhealthy for this economy overall.

Supply and demand need to be in balance. This is the nature of the system we call capitalism.

The disparity of income and wealth is evidence of this imbalance and this economic meltdown is the result of that imbalance.

There's nothing remotely radical about the above POV.

It is entirely understood by the science of economists.

The trickle down theory supply side economic shitheads don't understand this, thats why their economic ideas never work.

The disparity in guitar playing ability is unhealthy.

The disparity in interior decorating skills is unhealthy.

The disparity in auto repair skills is unhealthy.

The disparity in salemenship skills is unhealthy.

The disparity in Entrepreneurial talent is unhealthy.

What does Warren Buffet produce?

He produces a lot of wealth for his investors, and he makes companies grow.

Buffet does not produce anything for our country
He moves money from one place to another and makes a handsome profit everytime he does

If his nominal ownership of a company that is failing to achieve its potential compels that company to become more productive and efficient, then ol' Mr. Buffet certainly IS producing something AS WELL ASS doing FAR more than just moving money around and profiting from that activity.
Why do you think the economic problems of the majority of Americans can be explained by just saying all these people losing their homes and or jobs are just envious?
He produces a lot of wealth for his investors, and he makes companies grow.

Buffet does not produce anything for our country
He moves money from one place to another and makes a handsome profit everytime he does

If his nominal ownership of a company that is failing to achieve its potential compels that company to become more productive and efficient, then ol' Mr. Buffet certainly IS producing something AS WELL ASS doing FAR more than just moving money around and profiting from that activity.

He is a drain on our economy as he adds a layer of overhead to each transaction. There is no value added by what Buffett does. Just another case of the rules of the game being set up so the super wealthy gain more wealth.
Buffet does not produce anything for our country
He moves money from one place to another and makes a handsome profit everytime he does

If his nominal ownership of a company that is failing to achieve its potential compels that company to become more productive and efficient, then ol' Mr. Buffet certainly IS producing something AS WELL ASS doing FAR more than just moving money around and profiting from that activity.

He is a drain on our economy as he adds a layer of overhead to each transaction. There is no value added by what Buffett does. Just another case of the rules of the game being set up so the super wealthy gain more wealth.

Re-stating your empty opinion doesn't actually support your empty opinion.

You were wrong. You remain wrong.
If his nominal ownership of a company that is failing to achieve its potential compels that company to become more productive and efficient, then ol' Mr. Buffet certainly IS producing something AS WELL ASS doing FAR more than just moving money around and profiting from that activity.

He is a drain on our economy as he adds a layer of overhead to each transaction. There is no value added by what Buffett does. Just another case of the rules of the game being set up so the super wealthy gain more wealth.

Re-stating your empty opinion doesn't actually support your empty opinion.

You were wrong. You remain wrong.

Yes....I, for one, am thankful for our capitalists

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