The 5 Worst Things About Getting Older


This instantly caught my attention!

1. Physical deterioration

Different with each individual. My knees are shot and affect my mobility. But, my heart’s strong and I see not loss in mental acuity.

2. Loss

We all lose people we love and things we enjoy at all ages.

3. Looking old

A matter of ego.

4. Achieving your dreams and NOT achieving your dreams

The worst thing anyone can have is the, “If I only...” syndrome.

5. Dwindling excitement

Again, it’s a matter of personal beliefs and desires

The author’s explanation for these can be found @ The 5 Worst Things About Getting Older | John Hawkins' Right Wing News
I'm 51 and I can out lift, out work, out drink, and out think guys half my age.

Looks like you're still a pretty good liar too.
Being old has its advantages. Everything I buy comes with a lifetime guarantee; there is always something in my mailbox (usually ads for hearing aids and Medicare supplements); and I remember the great music from the 50s and 60s. Of course, the mind doesn't work like it used to but that's a good thing. God, in His infinite wisdom, decreed that the mind would be the first thing to go. That way we don't worry so much when the really important things don't work anymore.

Youth has its advantages but age with its experience and increased knowledge is indispensable to the progress of humanity.

I would much prefer to live in a world where everyone was over 50 than an ungovernable world in which everyone was so young they thought they knew everything and too immature to know they did not. Youth, energy and passion will move the world but wisdom moves it in the right direction.

I'm 79, still learning and still lifting weights; still enjoying life.

Oh, I don't look as good as I did when I was young and I really don't give a damn. My lady, my wife, who has aged right along with me, still enjoys my touch and that is all that matters.

Yes, there are problems with age, but no stage of life is pain-free and euphoric. One last thought:

Grow old along with me!
The best is yet to be,
The last of life, for which the first was made:
Our times are in His hand
Who saith "A whole I planned,
Youth shows but half; trust God: see all, nor be afraid!''

From Rabbi Ben Ezra
By Robert Browning
Thank you. Mind if I borrow?

Of course not. Thanks for your kind response.
Who do I cite?

I wrote it and you can use it any way you want. There is no need to give me credit. It pleases me that you enjoyed it.
Pee every chance you get.

Never trust a fart.

Don’t let a hard on go to waste, even if you are alone.

This instantly caught my attention!

1. Physical deterioration

Different with each individual. My knees are shot and affect my mobility. But, my heart’s strong and I see not loss in mental acuity.

2. Loss

We all lose people we love and things we enjoy at all ages.

3. Looking old

A matter of ego.

4. Achieving your dreams and NOT achieving your dreams

The worst thing anyone can have is the, “If I only...” syndrome.

5. Dwindling excitement

Again, it’s a matter of personal beliefs and desires

The author’s explanation for these can be found @ The 5 Worst Things About Getting Older | John Hawkins' Right Wing News
I'm 51 and I can out lift, out work, out drink, and out think guys half my age.

Looks like you're still a pretty good liar too.
Nah, I became a liberal so my ability to lie (particularly to myself) is one of the few things that has gotten worse as I get older.

This instantly caught my attention!

1. Physical deterioration

Different with each individual. My knees are shot and affect my mobility. But, my heart’s strong and I see not loss in mental acuity.

2. Loss

We all lose people we love and things we enjoy at all ages.

3. Looking old

A matter of ego.

4. Achieving your dreams and NOT achieving your dreams

The worst thing anyone can have is the, “If I only...” syndrome.

5. Dwindling excitement

Again, it’s a matter of personal beliefs and desires

The author’s explanation for these can be found @ The 5 Worst Things About Getting Older | John Hawkins' Right Wing News
I'm 51 and I can out lift, out work, out drink, and out think guys half my age.

Looks like you're still a pretty good liar too.
Nah, I became a liberal so my ability to lie (particularly to myself) is one of the few things that has gotten worse as I get older.

Just a silly poke. Sometimes I can't help myself.
When you hear a song on the radio, you sing every word, and you realize....holy crud...that was 35 years ago.....
When it's been so long, even a garden ornament starts to look good. :)

When I was 17, that could have been me. A knothole in a pine tree wouldn't have been safe if I thought I could have gotten away with it.
Or the dichotomy of this: get ready in the morning, think: not bad.

Come home from work at night and think WHAT IN THE LIVING HECK HAPPENED TO ME

This instantly caught my attention!

1. Physical deterioration

Different with each individual. My knees are shot and affect my mobility. But, my heart’s strong and I see not loss in mental acuity.

2. Loss

We all lose people we love and things we enjoy at all ages.

3. Looking old

A matter of ego.

4. Achieving your dreams and NOT achieving your dreams

The worst thing anyone can have is the, “If I only...” syndrome.

5. Dwindling excitement

Again, it’s a matter of personal beliefs and desires

The author’s explanation for these can be found @ The 5 Worst Things About Getting Older | John Hawkins' Right Wing News

The physical deterioration is tough. My mind says I am still 25. My body reminds me that was a long time ago.

The loss hits on occasions. So many of the people and places that shaped me are gone. While it can bring a lump to my throat, I try to smile at the sweet memories.

Looking old isn't a big deal to me.

Achieving dreams or not acheiving them can be tougher. Until you see that all of the mistakes you made and the things you did or didn't accomplish got you where you are today. I believe, it is hard to tell what was a mistake until the end.

I don't know about the dwindling excitement. I still get pretty excited about things.
When it's been so long, even a garden ornament starts to look good. :)

When I was 17, that could have been me. A knothole in a pine tree wouldn't have been safe if I thought I could have gotten away with it.

There was a law against ravishing trees?

Not that I know of. It was more of an embarrassment thing.

I'd love to know how high up the tree that knothole was.

My mind is almost boggling.

Some blokes do pavements. (oops....sidewalks)

This instantly caught my attention!

1. Physical deterioration

Different with each individual. My knees are shot and affect my mobility. But, my heart’s strong and I see not loss in mental acuity.

2. Loss

We all lose people we love and things we enjoy at all ages.

3. Looking old

A matter of ego.

4. Achieving your dreams and NOT achieving your dreams

The worst thing anyone can have is the, “If I only...” syndrome.

5. Dwindling excitement

Again, it’s a matter of personal beliefs and desires

The author’s explanation for these can be found @ The 5 Worst Things About Getting Older | John Hawkins' Right Wing News

The physical deterioration is tough. My mind says I am still 25. My body reminds me that was a long time ago.

The loss hits on occasions. So many of the people and places that shaped me are gone. While it can bring a lump to my throat, I try to smile at the sweet memories.

Looking old isn't a big deal to me.

Achieving dreams or not acheiving them can be tougher. Until you see that all of the mistakes you made and the things you did or didn't accomplish got you where you are today. I believe, it is hard to tell what was a mistake until the end.

I don't know about the dwindling excitement. I still get pretty excited about things.

Losing people sucks.

I don't think it occurred to my mother that her peers would die. So it hit her hard when it started happening.
I have auburn hair and grow a beard in the winter, it usually looks good on me. This year there are these grey patches and I look like a hobo. I'm officially old.

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