Thank you KOMEN for reversing the decision regarding Planned Parenthood funding!


Gold Member
Dec 27, 2011
The Komen Foundation’s surprise funding reversal proves what we’ve long known: The investigation of Planned Parenthood by anti-choice Republican extremists is a partisan witch hunt. Period.

Planned Parenthood’s Komen grants will resume – for now. But as long as this scurrilous “investigation” continues, Planned Parenthood isn’t safe.

Radical anti-choice Republicans won’t rest until every door to every Planned Parenthood in every community is locked and barred -- even if it means more women getting sick.

The Komen Foundation just proved that this “investigation” is motivated purely by extremist right-wing ideology, which has no place in women’s health.

This threat to Planned Parenthood’s funding was a potent reminder of the great work they do.

From detecting breast cancer, to preventing unintended pregnancies, to keeping women – and men! – healthy, Planned Parenthood is a vital piece of our nation’s health care infrastructure.

That such a valuable resource would be politically targeted is deeply troubling.
This an act of pure pure political stupidity.

The monies donated to Planned Parenthood by Komen went to Breast Cancer Prevention.

Mammagrams and Cancer Treatment.

Abortons represent less than 5% of the medical practice of Planned Parenthood.

Had Komen NOT reversed itself, over 110,000 Women would NOT have received Breat Cancer Screeings.

Breast Cancer is treatable if detected in the early stages.

1110,000 Women would have died because Komen played politics with Women's Health Issues.
Yes Yes Yes!!!

It is obvious by most all statements that so many have no clue as to the depth and scope of Planned Parenthood.

Too many rely on soundbites from politicians as sources of fact when in reality politicians are often the most uninformed body in the world.

Lobbyists are as well for the most part which of course makes sense considering a good many are former members of congress.

Where do they get their misinformation? Straight from the source of the crap and may well be a high dollar CEO delivering the crap.

Learn about Planned Parenthood - yes even men need planned parenthood
Sexual Health Topics - Planned Parenthood
The Komen Foundation’s surprise funding reversal proves what we’ve long known: The investigation of Planned Parenthood by anti-choice Republican extremists is a partisan witch hunt. Period.

"I knew that sooner or later, it would come out that some professional wingnut was behind the little love match between the Susan G. Komen Foundation and anti-Planned Parenthood VP Karen Handel. Surprise!

It's Ari Fleischer!"


I used to support them because I thought they were interested in curing cancer instead of helping those interested in killing babies.

Boy was I fooled.
I used to support them because I thought they were interested in curing cancer instead of helping those interested in killing babies.

Boy was I fooled.

What part of "Breast Cancer and Prevention" fails to penetrate the vacant space between your ears?

Planned Parenthood is about Women's Health Care. Abortions represent less than 5% of medical procedure done by PPH.

Breast Cancer easily treatable if detected in the early stages. Would rather 110,000 DIE from Breast Cancer?

And just so you know.

"The Government" has no right, or purpose of right in determining Health Care, according to your side. Your side did not "Want Big Government In The Doctor's Office". Your side did not want "]Big Government In The Operating Room]". ]"Your side did not want "Big Government to determine who could and could not receive medical care".

Planned Parenthood provides vital Medical Treatment from Breast Exams to Pap Smears for women.

YOU want Big Government.

I do not.
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