Tesla sales

Old Rocks

Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2008
Portland, Ore.
Tesla sales beating Mercedes, BMW and Audi - May. 13, 2013

You know the Tesla Model S, the $70,000 (and-up) electric car that "nobody can afford"? Well, evidently, more than a few people can afford it.

In fact, in the first quarter of this year, more people bought a Tesla Model S than bought any of the similarly priced gasoline-powered cars from the top three German luxury brands, according to data from LMC Automotive. About 4,750 buyers bought a Model S while just over 3,000 people bought Mercedes' top-level sedan.

My, my, what are the 'let the market decide' people going to say about this? And what happens when the inevitable drop in battery prices, and increase in range occurs?
Tesla sales beating Mercedes, BMW and Audi - May. 13, 2013

You know the Tesla Model S, the $70,000 (and-up) electric car that "nobody can afford"? Well, evidently, more than a few people can afford it.

In fact, in the first quarter of this year, more people bought a Tesla Model S than bought any of the similarly priced gasoline-powered cars from the top three German luxury brands, according to data from LMC Automotive. About 4,750 buyers bought a Model S while just over 3,000 people bought Mercedes' top-level sedan.

My, my, what are the 'let the market decide' people going to say about this? And what happens when the inevitable drop in battery prices, and increase in range occurs?


Put on your reading glasses and check out the small print of the article you quoted:
"Note, Tesla estimated, as Tesla does not provide monthly sales data".

Well here are some actual sales that Mercedes, BMW, Audi etc did report:
Auto Shanghai 2013 - SPIEGEL ONLINE
While some car manufacturers struggle with CO2 regulations others see a boom in sales. Example China where sales for Mercedes, BMW, Audi and other luxury cars have sky rocketed. 1 out of every 3 cars has been exported to China.The trend has been +12 % and is climbing outpacing China`s electric car market.
VW is building 7 more plants in China in addition to the 12 VW plants that already exist in China. VW is currently producing 10 million cars per year.
Mercedes Benz is building a new plant at the outskirts of Beijing which is twice the size as the main Merceds factory in Dingelfingen Germany and BMW has already sold more than 300 000 cars to China last year.
meh........youd think people are heading to the showrooms to buy up Tesla's in droves......

The grim reality is, there were over 6 million German cars sold last year.

vs. 4,700 Tesla's...........can somebody do the math in terms of percentage?


The irony?

The Tesla is bought by the uber wealthy!!!

Nobody in this forum will ever come close to owning one.
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These are golf carts that think they are automobiles.

Perfect for trannies.
I guess the issue will continue to be political. The left wing hypocrites who think that the rich are evil are now on the side of the people who can afford to spend 70k on a car that needs to take a nap for 6 hours after 250 miles. You can bet your ass that the rich folks who can afford drive the thing have backup support fleet so they aren't inconvenienced.
4000 omg let me put my socks back on....not.

For some reason that is fascinating to me, those with a far left ideology are so easily fooled by canned statistics. They just have this inability to ask themselves the question, "As compared to what?".......thinking on the margin just isnt their thing. Its not an intelligence thing......its thought proccessing. Totally different.

A woman with a far left mind can be standing in a bathhouse sporting B size breasts will feel amazingly chesty if the other 9 women in the bathhouse are sporting A size breasts.:eusa_dance:
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Tesla's value on the stock market far exceeds the number of vehicles it contributes to the automotive market. According to a report from Automotive News, Tesla is currently valued at $8.8 billion. Almost unbelievably, though we've never claimed to have a firm grasp on the inner workings of the stock market, that's a full billion dollars more valuable than Fiat and three times more valuable than PSA Peugeot Citroën, says the report.

How unfathomable is that statistic? Consider the fact that Tesla, a ten-year-old company, just managed to turn its very first profit last quarter and has produced fewer than 10,000 vehicles in its lifetime. How does that compare to an automotive giant like Fiat? Well... it doesn't – The brand sold 44,772 Fiat 500s in the United States alone in 2012, and it owns or controls the Chrysler portfolio of brands along with Ferrari and Maserati... not to mention the hundreds of thousands of cars Fiat Group sells yearly in the rest of the world.

Granted, the number of vehicles sold by a brand is just a small portion of its value, but you may still wonder, Why is such a seemingly small player in the global automotive marketplace such a big deal on Wall Street? According to AN, it has a lot to do with its controversial and headline-grabbing CEO, Elon Musk, and the way he disseminates company information to his investors. How so? We suggest you take a good look at the article here for the whole story.

I guess the issue will continue to be political. The left wing hypocrites who think that the rich are evil are now on the side of the people who can afford to spend 70k on a car that needs to take a nap for 6 hours after 250 miles. You can bet your ass that the rich folks who can afford drive the thing have backup support fleet so they aren't inconvenienced.

80% charge in a half hour, complete charge in an hour. And you have been shown the facts, so for whatever reason, you just continue to lie.

Your Questions Answered | Tesla Motors
I guess the issue will continue to be political. The left wing hypocrites who think that the rich are evil are now on the side of the people who can afford to spend 70k on a car that needs to take a nap for 6 hours after 250 miles. You can bet your ass that the rich folks who can afford drive the thing have backup support fleet so they aren't inconvenienced.

80% charge in a half hour, complete charge in an hour. And you have been shown the facts, so for whatever reason, you just continue to lie.

Your Questions Answered | Tesla Motors

Take another mortgage out on your trailer and go buy one, assfucker.
4000 omg let me put my socks back on....not.

For some reason that is fascinating to me, those with a far left ideology are so easily fooled by canned statistics. They just have this inability to ask themselves the question, "As compared to what?".......thinking on the margin just isnt their thing. Its not an intelligence thing......its thought proccessing. Totally different.

A woman with a far left mind can be standing in a bathhouse sporting B size breasts will feel amazingly chesty if the other 9 women in the bathhouse are sporting A size breasts.:eusa_dance:

Yeah well you can use that against them some times.
My wife gained a bit too much weight but I did not want to hurt her feelings. So I went into the basement and "rearranged" the washing machine. After a while she could not fit into her favorite dresses any more and said "gee I must be gaining weight"...and went on a diet.
But one day she found out when she was still shoving cloths into the machine when it was set to lo-temp and the water was screeching hot,...shrinking a brand new dress,and discovered that I switched the hot & cold water hoses over .
What happened to me next I`ld rather not discuss.
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I guess the issue will continue to be political. The left wing hypocrites who think that the rich are evil are now on the side of the people who can afford to spend 70k on a car that needs to take a nap for 6 hours after 250 miles. You can bet your ass that the rich folks who can afford drive the thing have backup support fleet so they aren't inconvenienced.

80% charge in a half hour, complete charge in an hour. And you have been shown the facts, so for whatever reason, you just continue to lie.

Your Questions Answered | Tesla Motors

Would you really want to drive one of those things watching the meter especially after shelling out 70k? Only the incredible rich could afford a support fleet which is what it would require.
Don't mess with a Lakota woman. They get even +. Learned that decades ago:eusa_shhh:

I found that out...but the hardest thing was not laughing while her cloths were shrinking..and that made it even worse.
That`s what gets me caught every time I pull a prank.
I wish I could keep a poker face no matter what, like others can...
Can you? And if you can was it in the genes or can it be learned ?
The Base sedan is $71,000. They charge you $10000 for the weakest battery option. and almost $2000 for a destination fee...

LOL, it's quite a scam really. Car and Driver were only given 10 minutes with the car meaning they couldn't say anything about even short term reliability or mileage per charge, yet it somehow got a good review.. I guess if enough money goes out even a president who hasn't done anything yet can get a Nobel prize.

They even have a site dedicated to squashing bad press and rumors against it. They cite 5 year cost of ownership claims and compare them to BMW, the odd part is the car hasn't been around long enough to have a 5 year ownership cost number....

They are backed by google founders and some big bankers as well.. Hence all bad press getting lost in a google search... Yeah it's Obama Nobel prize all over again..

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