Ted Nugent Is A True American Patriot

Birds of a feather. I mean look at the High Times interview, speaking about himself in the third person, that is a huge red flag.

It is. The user formerly known as the Dainty (Dante) used to refer to itself in the third person an awful lot. He is now “procrusty” something or other. 😂

Maybe tell it to stop using that manner of speaking.
His words,

. I was extremely antidrug as I’ve always been, but I snorted some crystal methedrine.

According to whom? You? You are such a a liar and you better use the bathroom before replying because Stevie Wonder can see how full of shit that you are.
An ignorant claim ^ suggesting only that you, one individual twit, happen not to believe them. Who cares what a random libturd happens to believe or disbelieve?

You have been found guilty of wasting electrons.
And you’re an asshole.

Now go fuck yourself.
Which he later admitted was just him fuckin around. That’s right. He acknowledged speaking some words and later admitted that he wasn’t being serious.
You are full of shit. Post it up, post up his claim that he wasn't being serious.

Honestly, it takes a Trumptard of the highest degree to defend the draft dodging admitted pedophile Ted Nugent. Seriously, pick your battles, this is one you shouldn't be wondering in to.
His words,

You boneheads kill me. You call everything fake news all day long until you can dig up some lying hosebag who prints actual fake news then it is like the gospel to you. Meanwhile, if Trump tells you anything, you call him a liar. First sign of mental illness is idiots like you who only selectively believe stuff which reinforces your little delusional bubble cult universe. Anyone with ANY experience in dealing with the Left know that the truth is always 180° from whatever you claim.

Here is HIS WORDS:

You are full of shit. Post it up, post up his claim that he wasn't being serious.
I already did. You were too lazy to bother reading the link I offered many posts back. (See post 33.)

So, as usual, you remain full of shit.
Honestly, it takes a Trumptard of the highest degree to defend the draft dodging admitted pedophile Ted Nugent. Seriously, pick your battles, this is one you shouldn't be wondering in to.

Honestly? You’re never honest. You stepped on the mine, you dopey twat.
This Ted Nugent who took a hot dump in public to get out of serving in the US armed forces...?

He was quite a pig back in the Amboy Dukes day. Probably still is.
You boneheads kill me. You call everything fake news all day long until you can dig up some lying hosebag who prints actual fake news then it is like the gospel to you. Meanwhile, if Trump tells you anything, you call him a liar. First sign of mental illness is idiots like you who only selectively believe stuff which reinforces your little delusional bubble cult universe. Anyone with ANY experience in dealing with the Left know that the truth is always 180° from whatever you claim.

Here is HIS WORDS:

I mean this is really easy. In the late 70's it was cool to be a draft dodger. So Nugent bragged about it. And while I will admit that Nugent was always anti-drug, he openly admitted in the High Times interview that he used crank. And while Nugent was anti-drug, he also openly admitted to being addicted to sex, especially under-aged girls, including receiving oral sex from Courtney Love when she was 12.

defend the draft dodging admitted pedophile

^^^Another demented fuckwad cultist living on fake news and horseshit while actually SUPPORTING the Biden criminal family whose CAREER is built upon draft-dodging & pedophilia! :21:

It is like, the worse democrats are, the more you love them, while the cleaner and more patriotic a normal person is, the more you HATE them.

Then you make up crap to support your cultist delusions.
This Ted Nugent who took a hot dump in public to get out of serving in the US armed forces...?


Lie. Absolutely no proof this happened.

He got a student deferment. He showed up for his medical exam, so by definition he didn't avoid the draft. Bill Clinton also got the same deferment and ya'll don't consider him a draft dodger. A legal way to avoid the draft.

He said he was fucking with the reporter when he said he snorted cocaine to fail the physical. That was a lie. There is ZERO medical history showing that he did any of this stuff.
I mean this is really easy. In the late 70's it was cool to be a draft dodger. So Nugent bragged about it. And while I will admit that Nugent was always anti-drug, he openly admitted in the High Times interview that he used crank.

You crackpots kill me. You will believe anything but the truth. The Left INVENTED fake news. Leftists must all be born with their heads up their asses. Now you admit that Nugent was always anti-drug---- except when he shot up heroin.


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