Ted Cruz's private numbers show up on DC Madams call logs #CruzSexScandal

Baloney..............had this been on Trump you'd be crowing your ass off...............and you know it no matter how you deny it.


Nutbags always do that. They ascribe their own character flaws to others.

I don't pass on info until I am personally satisfied that it is true. You won't find a single example of me posting about a news item before the facts are in and substantiated.

Regarding Trump.......I have never uttered a word about him that is not 100% true.

Like this: I would rather have Trump as POTUS than Cruz. 100% true.

Well so would I on that issue.........but you'll vote for the Hildabeast.............

So would you what on what issue?

I'll vote for either Bernie or Hillary. True. I've never indicated otherwise.

Why is that relevant to the discussion we are having here?
Rather have Trump over Cruz............that issue.................

So you will support Hillary.........are you for the TPP.............hmmm..........

I'm concerned about the TPP adding to income inequality. But....I don't think that it's the end of the world or entirely negative.

I'm not cool with the idea that it will mostly benefit highly skilled US workers and not low skilled US workers. Our low skilled workers won't get jobs as a result of this deal. Our skilled workers and investment class will get richer

But.....it will increase US exports of machinery and autos because tariffs on them will be lifted. The US already....please note BEFORE THIS DEAL....had no tariffs on 80% of the imports from member nations. So....this deal sort of levels the playing field.

Like many issues.....there are pros and cons.
We disagree..........These deals kill our jobs............and the TPP would allow companies to file suit against countries in the WTO court................and just like NAFTA force us to change our laws or allow tariffs against us..........Trade deals should be one on one as they were before NAFTA............

Nutbags always do that. They ascribe their own character flaws to others.

I don't pass on info until I am personally satisfied that it is true. You won't find a single example of me posting about a news item before the facts are in and substantiated.

Regarding Trump.......I have never uttered a word about him that is not 100% true.

Like this: I would rather have Trump as POTUS than Cruz. 100% true.

Well so would I on that issue.........but you'll vote for the Hildabeast.............

So would you what on what issue?

I'll vote for either Bernie or Hillary. True. I've never indicated otherwise.

Why is that relevant to the discussion we are having here?
Rather have Trump over Cruz............that issue.................

So you will support Hillary.........are you for the TPP.............hmmm..........

I'm concerned about the TPP adding to income inequality. But....I don't think that it's the end of the world or entirely negative.

I'm not cool with the idea that it will mostly benefit highly skilled US workers and not low skilled US workers. Our low skilled workers won't get jobs as a result of this deal. Our skilled workers and investment class will get richer

But.....it will increase US exports of machinery and autos because tariffs on them will be lifted. The US already....please note BEFORE THIS DEAL....had no tariffs on 80% of the imports from member nations. So....this deal sort of levels the playing field.

Like many issues.....there are pros and cons.
We disagree..........These deals kill our jobs............and the TPP would allow companies to file suit against countries in the WTO court................and just like NAFTA force us to change our laws or allow tariffs against us..........Trade deals should be one on one as they were before NAFTA............

I'm not opposed to reigning in our trade deals. But....I'm not stupid enough to think that we will be able to unilaterally renegotiate deals because Trump says we can.

I see you glossed over the fact that I prefer Trump to Cruz.....yet don't condone passing on unsubstantiated info about Cruz. Are you prepared to admit that you misjudged my character earlier?
Cruz just got cooked. Third place in Ohio puts him out. Trump can afford to lose Ohio. Kasich can't and Cruz can't. Trump and Kasich are running neck and neck in Ohio at 33%.

Now the OTHER internet rumor IS and I have this off another board {UN-named} that Bills name is on the list. THAT would be devastating to Hillary.
You people should have the sense to run Kasich and not Trump against the democratic nominee. Kasich is the only electable candidate you have. Trump will never be elected in a national election.
Thanks for reading the chicken bones for us.
Cruz just got cooked. Third place in Ohio puts him out. Trump can afford to lose Ohio. Kasich can't and Cruz can't. Trump and Kasich are running neck and neck in Ohio at 33%.

Now the OTHER internet rumor IS and I have this off another board {UN-named} that Bills name is on the list. THAT would be devastating to Hillary.
You people should have the sense to run Kasich and not Trump against the democratic nominee. Kasich is the only electable candidate you have. Trump will never be elected in a national election.
When we need the advice of those voting for Hillary we will ask for it................

You don't want someone firing away like your side does on Hillary's baggage.............
Your party is such a complete disaster, you need any advice you can get. LOL
Fair enough. I'll return the favor and suggest your side find a candidate without a mountain of baggage, possibly indicted and who demonstrated she can't oversee a Libya operation with any degree of success. And right now your only other option is someone who has no chance to get any of his juvenile policies written into law.
I wouldnt care how many vaginas ted gets into and makes heidi look like a fool except for all the lyin bible thumping he does.
Cruz just got cooked. Third place in Ohio puts him out. Trump can afford to lose Ohio. Kasich can't and Cruz can't. Trump and Kasich are running neck and neck in Ohio at 33%.

Now the OTHER internet rumor IS and I have this off another board {UN-named} that Bills name is on the list. THAT would be devastating to Hillary.
It's DC. Who isn't fucking a whore?
If Bill gets named in ONE post white house sex scandal there is not a rock big enough for the both of them.

I don't honestly care. Humans being human. Now if Cruz tries to pitch it in some "I've been a sinner" light he can goto hell. Keep the God nonsense out of my politics please!

Exactly why i wont vote for ted. He gets into hundreds of vaginas, then goes around thumping the bible.
Well so would I on that issue.........but you'll vote for the Hildabeast.............

So would you what on what issue?

I'll vote for either Bernie or Hillary. True. I've never indicated otherwise.

Why is that relevant to the discussion we are having here?
Rather have Trump over Cruz............that issue.................

So you will support Hillary.........are you for the TPP.............hmmm..........

I'm concerned about the TPP adding to income inequality. But....I don't think that it's the end of the world or entirely negative.

I'm not cool with the idea that it will mostly benefit highly skilled US workers and not low skilled US workers. Our low skilled workers won't get jobs as a result of this deal. Our skilled workers and investment class will get richer

But.....it will increase US exports of machinery and autos because tariffs on them will be lifted. The US already....please note BEFORE THIS DEAL....had no tariffs on 80% of the imports from member nations. So....this deal sort of levels the playing field.

Like many issues.....there are pros and cons.
We disagree..........These deals kill our jobs............and the TPP would allow companies to file suit against countries in the WTO court................and just like NAFTA force us to change our laws or allow tariffs against us..........Trade deals should be one on one as they were before NAFTA............

I'm not opposed to reigning in our trade deals. But....I'm not stupid enough to think that we will be able to unilaterally renegotiate deals because Trump says we can.

I see you glossed over the fact that I prefer Trump to Cruz.....yet don't condone passing on unsubstantiated info about Cruz. Are you prepared to admit that you misjudged my character earlier?
Perhaps................but my statements stand..........this is a topic whether it's real or memorex................The Trade deals are killing our manufacturing jobs...................Since NAFTA roughly 60,000 businesses have either closed shop or moved...............

That isn't good for the country.
Cruz just got cooked. Third place in Ohio puts him out. Trump can afford to lose Ohio. Kasich can't and Cruz can't. Trump and Kasich are running neck and neck in Ohio at 33%.

Now the OTHER internet rumor IS and I have this off another board {UN-named} that Bills name is on the list. THAT would be devastating to Hillary.

Ohio was several weeks ago
Cruz just got cooked. Third place in Ohio puts him out. Trump can afford to lose Ohio. Kasich can't and Cruz can't. Trump and Kasich are running neck and neck in Ohio at 33%.

Now the OTHER internet rumor IS and I have this off another board {UN-named} that Bills name is on the list. THAT would be devastating to Hillary.
You people should have the sense to run Kasich and not Trump against the democratic nominee. Kasich is the only electable candidate you have. Trump will never be elected in a national election.
When we need the advice of those voting for Hillary we will ask for it................

You don't want someone firing away like your side does on Hillary's baggage.............
Your party is such a complete disaster, you need any advice you can get. LOL
Like you really care about what happens to the GOP.............LOL

You have your own corrupt system....with Super Delegates.............and a completely corrupt candidate...........

Which is why you want to keep discussions on our side of the court.
I wouldn't be surprised if the bisexual hildabeast was on the list...

She's not bisexual. More lies. Don't you people ever give up? Making up and spreading lies not only makes you trash but it hurts you in the long run: look at what a disaster the Republican party has turned into--it's a direct result of the scurrilous lies you tell about everyone you don't like. You are so pumped up with mean spirited and vicious mythology, you can't even function.
I agree. Hillary is not bisexual. She's pure lesbian. As Bill told Gennifer Flowers, "Hillary has eaten more pussy than I have".
More self serving lies. You people are beneath contempt. If you ever can face the truth, maybe you will rise up to the level of decent human beings. Good luck with that.
NOT a rumor, documented statement.
Update: Huma Called Hillary’s “Body Woman” – Update: Daily Mail Reinserts Quote…" style="color: rgb(39, 149, 182); text-decoration: underline; line-height: inherit; -webkit-tap-highlight-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0); cursor: pointer; outline: 0px;">Gennifer Flowers Tells Daily Mail: Bill Clinton Told Me, “Hillary Had Eaten More P*ssy Than He Had”… Daily Mail Scrubs Quote – Update: Huma Called Hillary’s “Body Woman” – Update: Daily Mail Reinserts Quote…

Gennifer Flowers Tells Daily Mail: Bill Clinton Told Me, “Hillary Had Eaten More P*ssy Than He Had”… Daily Mail Scrubs Quote – Update: Huma Called Hillary’s “Body Woman” – Update: Daily Mail Reinserts Quote… | Weasel Zippers
Gennifer Flowers is an attention whore, as well as a whore in general. I wouldn't believe one thing she said; in fact, only a jackass would believe her.
It's DC. Who isn't fucking a whore?
If Bill gets named in ONE post white house sex scandal there is not a rock big enough for the both of them.

I don't honestly care. Humans being human. Now if Cruz tries to pitch it in some "I've been a sinner" light he can goto hell. Keep the God nonsense out of my politics please!

Ted has been pimping his religious bonafides the entire campaign.
I have heard it on occasion. I try to ignore it. As an EX believer I know the bullshit inside out.
I care about politics & policy. Not someone's religion, fake or otherwise. And I certainly don't give two shits about their sex life.

I don't care about their sex lives either. But if they are constantly invoking "Christ" in every stump speech like Cruz, well, I think voters hold them to a higher standard. Remember this?

If it turns out that Cruz did have affairs and is fucking whores, it will end his campaign.

And yet trump invokes Christ and his Christian faith countless times and we should ignore his behavior?
I expect the NE will provide PROOF of Ted Cruz's affairs on or about April 3rd or 4th, giving Donald Trump a comfortable victory in Wisconsin and ending Cruz's political career.

And I expect monkeys to fly out of trumps butt and subject the human race to slavery
Cruz just got cooked. Third place in Ohio puts him out. Trump can afford to lose Ohio. Kasich can't and Cruz can't. Trump and Kasich are running neck and neck in Ohio at 33%.

Now the OTHER internet rumor IS and I have this off another board {UN-named} that Bills name is on the list. THAT would be devastating to Hillary.
It's DC. Who isn't fucking a whore?
If Bill gets named in ONE post white house sex scandal there is not a rock big enough for the both of them.

I don't honestly care. Humans being human. Now if Cruz tries to pitch it in some "I've been a sinner" light he can goto hell. Keep the God nonsense out of my politics please!
Cruz wants to do nothing more than put the UNITED STATES under CHRISTARIA LAW.
He is a religious nut cake who would not only ban all abortion but would ban birth control, including condoms, if he could get away with it.

Cruz is, by far, the worst and nuttiest candidate and Gawd help America if that motherfucker ever got in office.
If Bill gets named in ONE post white house sex scandal there is not a rock big enough for the both of them.

I don't honestly care. Humans being human. Now if Cruz tries to pitch it in some "I've been a sinner" light he can goto hell. Keep the God nonsense out of my politics please!

Ted has been pimping his religious bonafides the entire campaign.
I have heard it on occasion. I try to ignore it. As an EX believer I know the bullshit inside out.
I care about politics & policy. Not someone's religion, fake or otherwise. And I certainly don't give two shits about their sex life.

I don't care about their sex lives either. But if they are constantly invoking "Christ" in every stump speech like Cruz, well, I think voters hold them to a higher standard. Remember this?

If it turns out that Cruz did have affairs and is fucking whores, it will end his campaign.

And yet trump invokes Christ and his Christian faith countless times and we should ignore his behavior?
Well he says he's a Christian and Christians are all over the map with exactly what they believe and uphold. Cruz definitely is the conservative Christian version.
This has just broke in the past hour or so. Let me preface this post by saying that I am by no means saying this breaking "news" is accurate or true, but it just very well may be the real deal. The story leading up to these events is accurate however (see below). I'll give a brief overview of it.

If anyone has been following this story the lawyer that represented the DC Madam wanted to disclose this info but was shut down by the courts. A court order in '07 prevenTED him from releasing the call logs and he wanted to release them because he said it would have a huge impact on this election (2016). Lawyer try's to get the court to hear him out but they essentially wouldn't hear it.

He uploaded the records to 4 different servers back in '07 and just recently (yesterday or day before?) said that he set a password that needed to be reset in 72 hours (by him) or the files would be kicked out to all the major media outlets. He did this in case he turned up dead or missing.

Anonymous has been threatening to release info they had on Ted for weeks now. It appears the Enquirer beat them to it but Anon has continued their threats. Well late last night they made good on their threats and dumped the call log. They are going to let the internet sleuths tear it apart.

0 on Twitter

The Marshall Report picked it up (read comments after article for some good reading)


Marshall report got the full story from the site below. It verifies the files have been there since '07:

SuperStation95 - Ted Cruz Sex Scandal - Phone Records from "DC Madam" Released!

More info on this will surely make its away around the internets.

Wait. You don't know if this news is accurate or true? But you decided to post a thread about it anyway? That's awesome.
It's breaking news...............This kind of stuff blew Edwards out of the water in the past...........and you know it.............

Better now than after the convention.................These kind of stories have been shown true in the past..........even from the National Enquirer.................

Edwards story had evidence. Cruz, none at all
Cruz just got cooked. Third place in Ohio puts him out. Trump can afford to lose Ohio. Kasich can't and Cruz can't. Trump and Kasich are running neck and neck in Ohio at 33%.

Now the OTHER internet rumor IS and I have this off another board {UN-named} that Bills name is on the list. THAT would be devastating to Hillary.
It's DC. Who isn't fucking a whore?
If Bill gets named in ONE post white house sex scandal there is not a rock big enough for the both of them.

I don't honestly care. Humans being human. Now if Cruz tries to pitch it in some "I've been a sinner" light he can goto hell. Keep the God nonsense out of my politics please!
Cruz wants to do nothing more than put the UNITED STATES under CHRISTARIA LAW.
He is a religious nut cake who would not only ban all abortion but would ban birth control, including condoms, if he could get away with it.

Cruz is, by far, the worst and nuttiest candidate and Gawd help America if that motherfucker ever got in office.
I don't know any Republican that wouldn't ban abortion so in that aspect he's no different than any of the others. As to your comment on condoms, we'll I'm confident that is just your idiocy on display.
It isn't breaking news. When the news is reported.....not commented on.....but reported by a reliable news outlet.....it will become breaking news.

Until then, it is speculation. When one begins a post with "I don't know if this is true, but....." It is not considered news.
It's on he grid, whether you like it or not and will go viral and you know it...............pound sand.

The low threshold for accuracy displayed by nutbags is precisely why nutbags have become such useful idiots.

You don't care if it is true. As long as it goes viral and gets the job done.

But....let an untruth be told about someone yiu support....and the cries from you about the "drive by media" will reach an unbearable pitch.
Might not have come to bear if the PAC's hadn't started it..........now the shiite is gonna hit the fan.............The media will jump all over the dirty laundry and try to uncover the deal............In the past that hasn't always worked out well for the one in the spot light.................

To the Melanie hit article............most of the country just shrugged their shoulders.....she's a fashion model and most people I know say so what..............

We'll see where this leads.............and why do you care anyway........this will help you according to all your blabbering about wanting to face Trump in the General election. Why wouldn't you want something to make WHAT YOU WANT TO HAPPEN come true............

We'll see where it goes.

Why do I care?

Because unlike you, clearly, my standards for what is factual and substantiated information don't change according to who is being reported on.
Baloney..............had this been on Trump you'd be crowing your ass off...............and you know it no matter how you deny it.

No we wouldn't. Do you know how I know?

Because Trump has had countless affairs. He BRAGS about it.

It hasn't been an issue. Why? Because we know trump is a scum bag
Cruz just got cooked. Third place in Ohio puts him out. Trump can afford to lose Ohio. Kasich can't and Cruz can't. Trump and Kasich are running neck and neck in Ohio at 33%.

Now the OTHER internet rumor IS and I have this off another board {UN-named} that Bills name is on the list. THAT would be devastating to Hillary.
It's DC. Who isn't fucking a whore?
If Bill gets named in ONE post white house sex scandal there is not a rock big enough for the both of them.

I don't honestly care. Humans being human. Now if Cruz tries to pitch it in some "I've been a sinner" light he can goto hell. Keep the God nonsense out of my politics please!

Exactly why i wont vote for ted. He gets into hundreds of vaginas, then goes around thumping the bible.

Hundreds? Really? Have you seen Ted Cruz? You sure you don't mean Tom Cruise?

And yet you can't find one who will come forward?

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