Taliban ‘delighted’ Malala missed out on Nobel

How is blowing up a marketplace full of women and children a response to a foreign invasion? That seems like terrorism to me.

I think each post is addressing something different.

My post addressed how the US created the Taliban.

Malalas story illustrates how the Taliban is today terrorizing the people inside Pakistan, in acts such as closing down schools for girls and attacking young students like Malala and her friend.

And you applaude all this Sherri you fraud.

No, I applauded nothing
I think each post is addressing something different.

My post addressed how the US created the Taliban.

Malalas story illustrates how the Taliban is today terrorizing the people inside Pakistan, in acts such as closing down schools for girls and attacking young students like Malala and her friend.

And you applaude all this Sherri you fraud.

No, I applauded nothing

Sherri does not applaud----she simply dances upon the dead bodies of the
millions of innocent men women and children murdered by her fellow isa-
repecters INCLUDING muslim girls in Afghanistan and Pakistan who attend
schools, christians world wide, jew world wide, hindus world wide and
buddhists world wide------so long as they are murdered in the name of
I think each post is addressing something different.

My post addressed how the US created the Taliban.

Malalas story illustrates how the Taliban is today terrorizing the people inside Pakistan, in acts such as closing down schools for girls and attacking young students like Malala and her friend.

And you applaude all this Sherri you fraud.

No, I applauded nothing

The Taliban are your heroes, don't lie.
And you applaude all this Sherri you fraud.

No, I applauded nothing

The Taliban are your heroes, don't lie.

Maybe not , Gravity. The taliban are SUNNIS-----sherri supports
SLITTERS Assad is a "something like shiite ally of the iranian shiite"
baby throat slitters Its a matter of some kid in a well----the MAHDI
who is about to jump out of the well and hand the planet to IRAN
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Look at Iraq and Pakistan and Syria, Christians lived peacefully there before the US invaded and started engaging in military strikes and started stirring up fighting, in each nation. We brought terrorism to the peaceful people in these lands, to include Christian populations there.
No, I applauded nothing

The Taliban are your heroes, don't lie.

No, where in the world do you get such an idea?

What I keep doing is criticizing the US for creating these terrorists who now terrorize people in Pakistan, like Malala.

A qualification, we are speaking about Pakistan.

I wonder upon what sort of evidence sherri bases her assertion "THE USA
CREATED THE TALIBAN" I have evidence as to what the taliban are ---
because I have known pakistanis who had relatives and former classmates
who became TALIBAN -----pakistanis quite eager to let me know how noble
are the taliban ---and HOW proud they are of them. ----I also used to read the
news. The Taliban are IDEALISTIC PAKISTANIS from the campuses of the
universities of Pakistan. They went to Afghanistan to rid that land of the
of Afghanistan-----the IDEAL of which they had heard since their childhoods---
they are the ORIGINAL ISLAMIC SPRING people of the current times.
mistake in TRUSTING THEM. and that is all-----the US did not create them.
The US made a big mistake by ARMING THEM so they could repel the Soviets.---
and that is all The taliban are SUNNI MUSLIMS---which means they tend
to hate Iranians ------in fact they are not even too crazy about PASHTUNS ---
(afghanis) What they are CRAZY ABOUT is SHARIAH. Keep in mind---
sherri is pro shiite. Bashir is a semi shiite ----and ally of SHIITE IRAN
Look at Iraq and Pakistan and Syria, Christians lived peacefully there before the US invaded and started engaging in military strikes and started stirring up fighting, in each nation. We brought terrorism to the peaceful people in these lands, to include Christian populations there.

You are seriously wrong here. Condition of minorities in Pakistan is unfortunate and sad. US has not precipitated the condition of minorities in Pakistant, although US uses Pakistan to further its interest and does some unsavory things to India through Pakistan.
Pakistan after 9/11

Pakistan after 9/11

By:Iqbal Haider 16 min ago | Comments (0) And Talibanization of our society

It is an undeniable fact that not a single Pakistani, Iraqi or Afghani participated in the dastardly attack on Twin Towers and Pentagon on 9/11. But strangely, the U.S chose to attack Afghanistan, Iraq and made Pakistan scapegoat by once again assigning it the role of frontline state in its “war on terrorism”. Consequently, Pakistan has suffered incalculable destruction of an unprecedented magnitude. Unlike the Western countries, the people and Armed Forces of Pakistan are continuously facing such terrorist attacks virtually every day in Pakistan, resulting in loss of precious lives of over 70,000 innocent civilians and sacrifices of over 8,000 lives of our brave soldiers including one Lieutenant General Mushtaq, one Major General Bilal Omer and five brigadiers. Pakistan has not suffered such a huge death toll of civilian and armed forces and destruction of its assets and financial losses in its four wars put together with India. Despite these unparallel sacrifices made by our citizens and Armed Forces, Pakistan is still being defamed as a terrorist state and the West is continuing to demand from Pakistan “to do more”. Why this most harmful perception, image and propaganda against Pakistan?

We should also realize that we are not the only neighbors of Afghanistan, which is surrounded by at least six countries. Why is it that only Pakistan is burdened with continuous presence in the past three decades of about two million Afghan refugees and has immensely suffered huge losses of all kinds on account of the first Afghan war and the present Afghan war? Why is it that no other neighboring country of Afghanistan has suffered such losses? The greater irony is that despite these sacrifices of Pakistan, it is blamed, accused and disliked both by the government and the people of Afghanistan. There must be some blunders that our rulers have committed to cause disaster for Pakistan. Similarly, there are 57 Muslim countries in the world, why are they not suffering such religious extremism, terrorism, sectarianism, bigotry, murders and mayhems of the Muslims by the Muslims in the name of Islam? Not even our former bigger part, East Pakistan, now Bangladesh, has such menace of sectarianism, hatred, intolerance or religious terrorism or the spate of fatwas of “kaafir” or “wajib-ul-qatal” from any extremist mullah there.

Pakistan after 9/11
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Read what the US did to the Christians of Iraq.

Iraq invasion anniversary: the last Christians in Baghdad

http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/wor...ry-the-last-Christians-in-Baghdad.htmlstone's throw from the River Tigris, in the heart of Baghdad, stands an Anglican church with an immaculate green lawn and an English vicar, the Revd Canon Andrew White.

This tiny church now has the biggest congregation of any in Iraq. Until the Anglo-US invasion 10 years ago, Iraq had about 1.5 million Christians. Today, Canon White believes that only 200,000 are left, meaning that about 85 per cent have fled.
Planning and training for 911 attack took place in Taliban controlled Afghanistan. Taliban is a proxy of Pakistan's intelligence agency ISI. Pakistan itself acted as a conduit for money transfer and communication for 911 terror operations. Osama bin Laden was found in the military garrison town of Pakistan.
Planning and training for 911 attack took place in Taliban controlled Afghanistan. Taliban is a proxy of Pakistan's intelligence agency ISI. Pakistan itself acted as a conduit for money transfer and communication for 911 terror operations. Osama bin Laden was found in the military garrison town of Pakistan.

And the Christians suffer in Pakistan too.

But we are not a Christian nation.

So why should I care?
Read what the US did to the Christians of Iraq.

Iraq invasion anniversary: the last Christians in Baghdad

http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/wor...ry-the-last-Christians-in-Baghdad.htmlstone's throw from the River Tigris, in the heart of Baghdad, stands an Anglican church with an immaculate green lawn and an English vicar, the Revd Canon Andrew White.

This tiny church now has the biggest congregation of any in Iraq. Until the Anglo-US invasion 10 years ago, Iraq had about 1.5 million Christians. Today, Canon White believes that only 200,000 are left, meaning that about 85 per cent have fled.

So the US invaded Iraq and told the Christians to get lost, you dumb fuck?:eusa_hand:
Like it or not, the U.S. military is viewed in the Middle East as a Christian army.

And so by extension, any arab christians are seen as friends and allies of the U.S. christian army.

And that is why there is soo much animosity against them from their fellow muslim citizens. . :cool:
Like it or not, the U.S. military is viewed in the Middle East as a Christian army.

And so by extension, any arab christians are seen as friends and allies of the U.S. christian army.

And that is why there is soo much animosity against them from their fellow muslim citizens. . :cool:

Not news sunni 'Kaffirin' are 'kaffirin' in the eyes of the canines who worship
the porcine rapist. Good of you to remind us. Lots of the problems we
(that ** we ** refers to me and my fellow kaffirin americans) relates to the
fact that our fellow kaffirin leaders in washington misjudged the worshippers
of the porcine rapist and their tendencies to deceit, violence and general filth---
both in Afghanistan and Pakistan-----and the rest of the world----in whatever
lands they BESMIRCH
Read what the US did to the Christians of Iraq.

Iraq invasion anniversary: the last Christians in Baghdad

http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/wor...ry-the-last-Christians-in-Baghdad.htmlstone's throw from the River Tigris, in the heart of Baghdad, stands an Anglican church with an immaculate green lawn and an English vicar, the Revd Canon Andrew White.

This tiny church now has the biggest congregation of any in Iraq. Until the Anglo-US invasion 10 years ago, Iraq had about 1.5 million Christians. Today, Canon White believes that only 200,000 are left, meaning that about 85 per cent have fled.

So the US invaded Iraq and told the Christians to get lost, you dumb fuck?:eusa_hand:

Gravity----you have simply MISSED THE LOGIC. All people have to have
EGO DEFENSES (see Freud) The arabian canines who invaded
mesopotamia------have their own set of ego defenses. When their
hind ends itch--------they have to SCRATCH------(see freud on body
orifices) In Mesopotamia----what is left for them to SCRATCH OUT??
well-------the eyes of chaldeans. They do not even have any jews left
to rape or behead. -----in fact not even a single zoroastrian left over
there in Baghdad. -----SEE THE LOGIC? When the kaffirin americans
came over------their hind ends began to itch. So they HAD TO SCRATCH---
Do not worry-----they still have each other and the kurds

(why would anyone copy and paste so idiotic an essay?)
Look at Iraq and Pakistan and Syria, Christians lived peacefully there before the US invaded and started engaging in military strikes and started stirring up fighting, in each nation. We brought terrorism to the peaceful people in these lands, to include Christian populations there.

You are seriously wrong here. Condition of minorities in Pakistan is unfortunate and sad. US has not precipitated the condition of minorities in Pakistant, although US uses Pakistan to further its interest and does some unsavory things to India through Pakistan.

Please excuse sherri-----she is a bit HISTORY CHALLENGED. If you are
interested,, Vikrant------I have lots of examples of the meccan version of
history. The pakistani version is especially fascinating. Did you know
that Dhal and chappatis is a muslim invention? ---well---actually---more
specifically MUGHAL Pita---which is a yeast bread----was invented
by AL NABI (I have that one on good authority---from an Iraqi
Ph-d-----who died about 10 years ago. ----uhm M. Mehdi <<< a very
important guy----he did invents something----the forerunner of CAIR)
Like it or not, the U.S. military is viewed in the Middle East as a Christian army.

And so by extension, any arab christians are seen as friends and allies of the U.S. christian army.

And that is why there is soo much animosity against them from their fellow muslim citizens. . :cool:

Not news sunni 'Kaffirin' are 'kaffirin' in the eyes of the canines who worship
the porcine rapist. Good of you to remind us. Lots of the problems we
(that ** we ** refers to me and my fellow kaffirin americans) relates to the
fact that our fellow kaffirin leaders in washington misjudged the worshippers
of the porcine rapist and their tendencies to deceit, violence and general filth---
both in Afghanistan and Pakistan-----and the rest of the world----in whatever
lands they BESMIRCH

One of the most tragic US foreign policies has been US aid to Pakistani military which ranges in billions. This is wrong both morally and practically.
Like it or not, the U.S. military is viewed in the Middle East as a Christian army.

And so by extension, any arab christians are seen as friends and allies of the U.S. christian army.

And that is why there is soo much animosity against them from their fellow muslim citizens. . :cool:

Not news sunni 'Kaffirin' are 'kaffirin' in the eyes of the canines who worship
the porcine rapist. Good of you to remind us. Lots of the problems we
(that ** we ** refers to me and my fellow kaffirin americans) relates to the
fact that our fellow kaffirin leaders in washington misjudged the worshippers
of the porcine rapist and their tendencies to deceit, violence and general filth---
both in Afghanistan and Pakistan-----and the rest of the world----in whatever
lands they BESMIRCH

One of the most tragic US foreign policies has been US aid to Pakistani military which ranges in billions. This is wrong both morally and practically.

That some idiots in Washington decided that arming the MUJAHAD TALIBAN
in the 1980s was somehow a good idea because it gave them an edge over
the USSR --------proves to me how stupid they are ----in our "seat" of government.

Once anyone says "I AM MUJAHAD"-----one should never expose one's back---let
along hand it a knife

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