What's with the Peace Prize?

anddd 1940 nobel peace prize goes tooooooooooooo .............................. Hitlerrrr

.................and 1945 and 1948 to Stalinnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn

Nobel Prize is a joke, pure and simple.
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In what is now the second bust by the Nobel Committee in the past four years in awarding it's famous Nobel Peace Prize, the Committee selected the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW), an organization founded in 1997 and tabbed by the UN to oversee the destruction of Syria's chemical weapons, to win the prize. The runner up? A sixteen year old Pakistani girl named Malala Yousafzai, who was shot in the head and left to die by the Taliban for speaking out on women's rights

Now tell me something... how did she lose to an organization? Is it the politics of the time? Is it something else? Normally, you would think something as miraculous as Malala's brush with death and advocacy of women's rights would win such a prestigious award. But I guess not. This in my opinion is a travesty. What say you?


A bunch of BS, Bashar Assad is the front runner this year.
One wonders why do they bother at all.... with the charade of the Nobel Peace prize. Waste of time it's all it is.
One wonders why do they bother at all.... with the charade of the Nobel Peace prize. Waste of time it's all it is.

Then how do you propose they recognize those who advance the cause of international liberalism like Yassar Arafat, Jimmy Carter, Al Gore and Obama. You don't want them unrecognized for their contributions to international totalitarianism and the worldwide collective, do you? Seriously?
I gotta tell ya......

For a group of people who claim to be entirely disinterested in who wins the Nobel....our resident nutters sure do have some strong opinions.
In what is now the second bust by the Nobel Committee in the past four years in awarding it's famous Nobel Peace Prize, the Committee selected the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW), an organization founded in 1997 and tabbed by the UN to oversee the destruction of Syria's chemical weapons, to win the prize. The runner up? A sixteen year old Pakistani girl named Malala Yousafzai, who was shot in the head and left to die by the Taliban for speaking out on women's rights

Now tell me something... how did she lose to an organization? Is it the politics of the time? Is it something else? Normally, you would think something as miraculous as Malala's brush with death and advocacy of women's rights would win such a prestigious award. But I guess not. This in my opinion is a travesty. What say you?


in 2008 the image of the prize was irrepairably damaged. now it is kind of like a cracker jack prize. the candy coated popcorn and peanuts are worth more
I gotta tell ya......

For a group of people who claim to be entirely disinterested in who wins the Nobel....our resident nutters sure do have some strong opinions.

You mean like Democrats and the Republican Presidential nominee?
I think ever politician that walks into Jerusalem and says "World Peace" and gives the israelis a dozen billion gets one.

I hope every here does know the reason Obama got one was nothing more then an advance on being nice to israel...
I think ever politician that walks into Jerusalem and says "World Peace" and gives the israelis a dozen billion gets one.

I hope every here does know the reason Obama got one was nothing more then an advance on being nice to israel...


You're delusional.
I gotta tell ya......

For a group of people who claim to be entirely disinterested in who wins the Nobel....our resident nutters sure do have some strong opinions.

You mean like Democrats and the Republican Presidential nominee?

No. Democrats are very interested in that. Aren't you interested in the DNC nominee?

Try again.

And if you read my posts I blasted the Nobel Prize, I didn't' say I didn't care. You have a non-point.
All speculation as to "runners up" and any other nominees is just that.

The Nobel commitee does not release the names of nominees for 99 years.

Other than that, the Nobel committee is a private organization founded by the man who invented dynamite and accidentally killed his own brother during the process.

They can give their prizes to whoever they want, but the Peace Prize has been a joke ever since Kissenger got one.

And it became a laughing stock when they gave one to Obama.

Only to brainwashed Pub hater dupes- the rest of the world was excited about the prospects of civil, intelligent US foreign policy- as has happened- except to you functional morons, of course...:cuckoo::eusa_whistle:
These fuckers get a prize for doing their well paid jobs.

Young girl stood up to terrorists, got shot and almost killed, survived , faced down these evil people.

She gets a bigger prize in my book.

This girl is a hero.
The NO BALLS commitee are incapable of understanding this patent fact.
Reality is an obscure concept for people in ivory towers.

But many in the real world know.
That knowledge is a greater prize than some PC bullshit awarded by isolated fools with no concept of what the real world is like!!!
These fuckers get a prize for doing their well paid jobs.

Young girl stood up to terrorists, got shot and almost killed, survived , faced down these evil people.

She gets a bigger prize in my book.

This girl is a hero.
The NO BALLS commitee are incapable of understanding this patent fact.
Reality is an obscure concept for people in ivory towers.

But many in the real world know.
That knowledge is a greater prize than some PC bullshit awarded by isolated fools with no concept of what the real world is like!!!

Oh, Please, Double Wide. If this girl had insulted Christianity instead of Islam, you'd have shot her yourself.
In what is now the second bust by the Nobel Committee in the past four years in awarding it's famous Nobel Peace Prize, the Committee selected the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW), an organization founded in 1997 and tabbed by the UN to oversee the destruction of Syria's chemical weapons, to win the prize. The runner up? A sixteen year old Pakistani girl named Malala Yousafzai, who was shot in the head and left to die by the Taliban for speaking out on women's rights

Now tell me something... how did she lose to an organization? Is it the politics of the time? Is it something else? Normally, you would think something as miraculous as Malala's brush with death and advocacy of women's rights would win such a prestigious award. But I guess not. This in my opinion is a travesty. What say you?


In the grand scheme of things which of those two is more likely to advance the cause of peace?

Beats me, but that is really the benchmark by which this award ought to be granted.
I think ever politician that walks into Jerusalem and says "World Peace" and gives the israelis a dozen billion gets one.

I hope every here does know the reason Obama got one was nothing more then an advance on being nice to israel...


You're delusional.

Then why did he get it?

The international left and Obama hate Israel. Don't you follow politics at all? Don't you know anything about the UN and what they do to Israel?
And this is why I don't care who wins the Nobel Peace Prize,it's all BS. Malala should have won hands down. She wins anyway as she survived that cowardly attack and in now proving herself a leader. We've not heard the last of her so if you think she should have won, support her cause. Her nonimation and public attention has got to be burning the Taliban's biscuits right now. lol

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