Take welfare to live=no vote.


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
I believe that outside of unemployment that anyone taking welfare shouldn't be allowed to vote. People on cradle to grave are of course going to vote themselves more free shit.

As a civilization we can't do it and shouldn't allow it. There's NO way we can sustain this much longer as the takers start eating alive the providers.

I believe we must use the laws to keep this nation economically competitive.

Do I support unemployment=yes
Do I support SSI=YES
DO I support helping people of course.
Do I believe in helping the disabled of course! Hell, maybe I'd add an exception for this group as they can't help it.

We won't be a superpower if we keep walking down this street. We're at half the country right now and that will likely keep growing unless we cap it. Humans have two competing forces 1# The want to better one's self and 2# the want to be taken care of. Something for nothing. NO ECONOMIC SYSTEM can play to this without failure.

We should make 2# harder to come by. There's no economic way around it.
I believe that outside of unemployment that anyone taking welfare shouldn't be allowed to vote. ...

Interesting. So, should anyone who gets more in government benefits than they pay for forfeit their right to vote? What about corporate welfare - bailouts and the like. Should everyone working for those companies give up their vote? What about the stockholders? What about all the freeloaders who are going to 'clean up' on FEMA money after the hurricane. I guess they won't get to vote either, eh?
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I believe that outside of unemployment that anyone taking welfare shouldn't be allowed to vote. ...

Interesting. So, should anyone who gets more in government benefits than they pay for forfeit their right to vote? What about corporate welfare - bailouts and the like. Should everyone working for those companies give up their vote? What about the stockholders? What about all the freeloaders who are going to 'clean up' on FEMA money after the hurricane. I guess they won't get to vote either, eh?

We have to work out something to keep our nation a free market system and keep our "welfare" system a safety net instead of cradle to grave.

I'd say any corporations that are being bailed out shouldn't be allowed to give funds to the federal government.

Is that fair???
I believe that outside of unemployment that anyone taking welfare shouldn't be allowed to vote. ...

Interesting. So, should anyone who gets more in government benefits than they pay for forfeit their right to vote? What about corporate welfare - bailouts and the like. Should everyone working for those companies give up their vote? What about the stockholders? What about all the freeloaders who are going to 'clean up' on FEMA money after the hurricane. I guess they won't get to vote either, eh?

We have to work out something to keep our nation a free market system and keep our "welfare" system a safety net instead of cradle to grave.

I'd say any corporations that are being bailed out shouldn't be allowed to give funds to the federal government.

Is that fair???

I don't think so. It's our leaders who create bad policy and encourage dependency on government. That pisses me off. We should be finding ways to end their little game. But punishing the people on the bottom rung just has a little bit too much of the "kick-em-while-they're-down" vibe for my tastes.
Lets go a step further. If you work for the govt, you dont get to vote. They'll only vote for those who will raise taxes, and thus, enable the govt to grow and give more pay raises.

Sorry cops, firemen, teachers and..........OH and the military. You guys cant vote, you'll only vote your own self interests.
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Lets go a step further. If you work for the govt, you dont get to vote. They'll only vote for those who will raise taxes, and thus, enable the govt to grow and give more pay raises.

Sorry cops, firemen, teachers and..........OH and the military. You guys cant vote, you'll only vote your own self interests.

Government works do things to improve society. They should be allowed to vote for that reason.
I believe that outside of unemployment that anyone taking welfare shouldn't be allowed to vote. ...

Interesting. So, should anyone who gets more in government benefits than they pay for forfeit their right to vote? What about corporate welfare - bailouts and the like. Should everyone working for those companies give up their vote? What about the stockholders? What about all the freeloaders who are going to 'clean up' on FEMA money after the hurricane. I guess they won't get to vote either, eh?

Make it simpler....you used to have to own property(ie a house)...that would be a goodway....or maybe just people who pay income tax
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Now why would right wing be looking for MORE reasons to try and disenfranchise voters?

Greece asshole. It's economically impossible to keep down this street.

Then I guess it's a shame for your twisted paradigm that the economy has improved under Obama, isn't it?

But let's just say you are correct. Disenfranchising voters only means you are not having a government for the people, of the people, and by the people. it would change to government for MY people, of MY people, and by SOME of the people... namely MY people.

and you don't think there is an inherent wrongness to that?
I believe that outside of unemployment that anyone taking welfare shouldn't be allowed to vote. People on cradle to grave are of course going to vote themselves more free shit.

As a civilization we can't do it and shouldn't allow it. There's NO way we can sustain this much longer as the takers start eating alive the providers.

I believe we must use the laws to keep this nation economically competitive.

Do I support unemployment=yes
Do I support SSI=YES
DO I support helping people of course.
Do I believe in helping the disabled of course! Hell, maybe I'd add an exception for this group as they can't help it.

We won't be a superpower if we keep walking down this street. We're at half the country right now and that will likely keep growing unless we cap it. Humans have two competing forces 1# The want to better one's self and 2# the want to be taken care of. Something for nothing. NO ECONOMIC SYSTEM can play to this without failure.

We should make 2# harder to come by. There's no economic way around it.

You do realize that the vast majority of people receiving "welfare" are the working poor? Most of them actually work, but they work in jobs that pay so little that they cannot possibly support their families, so they receive additional help through Medicaid, and in many cases food stamps, but they are actually working.

Living Stingy: 50 Million Americans on Welfare? Not Really...
Republicans want the middle class to hate the poor, so they won't notice the rich walking away with all the money.
Now why would right wing be looking for MORE reasons to try and disenfranchise voters?

Greece asshole. It's economically impossible to keep down this street.

Then I guess it's a shame for your twisted paradigm that the economy has improved under Obama, isn't it?

But let's just say you are correct. Disenfranchising voters only means you are not having a government for the people, of the people, and by the people. it would change to government for MY people, of MY people, and by SOME of the people... namely MY people.

and you don't think there is an inherent wrongness to that?

no people shoujldnt vote themselves raises......just allow people who pay taxes to vote.....if you pay zero income tax work your ass off
Greece asshole. It's economically impossible to keep down this street.

Then I guess it's a shame for your twisted paradigm that the economy has improved under Obama, isn't it?

But let's just say you are correct. Disenfranchising voters only means you are not having a government for the people, of the people, and by the people. it would change to government for MY people, of MY people, and by SOME of the people... namely MY people.

and you don't think there is an inherent wrongness to that?

no people shoujldnt vote themselves raises......just allow people who pay taxes to vote.....if you pay zero income tax work your ass off

mmhmmm. I DO suppose that's the only way the Goopers could win. Slam the door on everyone that wouldn't vote for them if they had a gun to their head.
I believe that outside of unemployment that anyone taking welfare shouldn't be allowed to vote. ...

Interesting. So, should anyone who gets more in government benefits than they pay for forfeit their right to vote? What about corporate welfare - bailouts and the like. Should everyone working for those companies give up their vote? What about the stockholders? What about all the freeloaders who are going to 'clean up' on FEMA money after the hurricane. I guess they won't get to vote either, eh?
The first thing you have to understand is being allowed to keep more of your own money is not a government benefit. The second is that corporations don't cast votes.

Having said that, any individual who depends upon government for subsistence should be ineligible to vote until such time as they are able to provide for their own basic needs.

We simply cannot allow people to keep voting for their own monetary gain at the expense of the rest of us.
Then I guess it's a shame for your twisted paradigm that the economy has improved under Obama, isn't it?

But let's just say you are correct. Disenfranchising voters only means you are not having a government for the people, of the people, and by the people. it would change to government for MY people, of MY people, and by SOME of the people... namely MY people.

and you don't think there is an inherent wrongness to that?

no people shoujldnt vote themselves raises......just allow people who pay taxes to vote.....if you pay zero income tax work your ass off

mmhmmm. I DO suppose that's the only way the Goopers could win. Slam the door on everyone that wouldn't vote for them if they had a gun to their head.

nope, they founded the country with that idea.....so you dont see a conflict of interest in people on welfae voting for more welfare...with no intention to get off?
I believe that outside of unemployment that anyone taking welfare shouldn't be allowed to vote. ...

Interesting. So, should anyone who gets more in government benefits than they pay for forfeit their right to vote? What about corporate welfare - bailouts and the like. Should everyone working for those companies give up their vote? What about the stockholders? What about all the freeloaders who are going to 'clean up' on FEMA money after the hurricane. I guess they won't get to vote either, eh?
The first thing you have to understand is being allowed to keep more of your own money is not a government benefit. The second is that corporations don't cast votes.

Having said that, any individual who depends upon government for subsistence should be ineligible to vote until such time as they are able to provide for their own basic needs.

We simply cannot allow people to keep voting for their own monetary gain at the expense of the rest of us.

So all members of the US military....who depend on their govt check to survive...shouldnt be allowed to vote? Cops? Firemen? Teachers? None of them can vote?
no people shoujldnt vote themselves raises......just allow people who pay taxes to vote.....if you pay zero income tax work your ass off

mmhmmm. I DO suppose that's the only way the Goopers could win. Slam the door on everyone that wouldn't vote for them if they had a gun to their head.

nope, they founded the country with that idea.....so you dont see a conflict of interest in people on welfae voting for more welfare...with no intention to get off?

I wasn't aware they directly voted for anything to do with Welfare. Huh. that a ballot question there, chachi?
no people shoujldnt vote themselves raises......just allow people who pay taxes to vote.....if you pay zero income tax work your ass off

mmhmmm. I DO suppose that's the only way the Goopers could win. Slam the door on everyone that wouldn't vote for them if they had a gun to their head.

nope, they founded the country with that idea.....so you dont see a conflict of interest in people on welfae voting for more welfare...with no intention to get off?

how does one vote for welfare ??

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