Biden in Florida Thinks He's in Ohio


יעקב כהן
Oct 19, 2010
:lol: This guy is a joke

[ame=]Biden in Florida: Cleveland Plain Dealer one of the major papers 'in this state' - YouTube[/ame]

Not as much of a joke as Romney outright lying about Jeep closing down all their plants in the US. If you want to talk about the biggest doozie of a lie, let's discuss that one. I used to think Romney was fairly intelligent, but he's made it clear that he's just not all that bright. Just because you have a lot of money does not guarantee intelligence.

Don't look now but here's the self labeled "Independent" running to cover for Goober Biden.
Don't hold it against slow Joe, he's getting old and when your stupid to start with, he's got a hell of a handicap.

Not as much of a joke as Romney outright lying about Jeep closing down all their plants in the US. If you want to talk about the biggest doozie of a lie, let's discuss that one. I used to think Romney was fairly intelligent, but he's made it clear that he's just not all that bright. Just because you have a lot of money does not guarantee intelligence.

Don't look now but here's the self labeled "Independent" running to cover for Goober Biden.

I don't believe I've called myself an independent. What I've said is that I switched parties after over 25 years as a Republican, and for good reason.
Not as much of a joke as Romney outright lying about Jeep closing down all their plants in the US. If you want to talk about the biggest doozie of a lie, let's discuss that one. I used to think Romney was fairly intelligent, but he's made it clear that he's just not all that bright. Just because you have a lot of money does not guarantee intelligence.

Don't look now but here's the self labeled "Independent" running to cover for Goober Biden.

I don't believe I've called myself an independent. What I've said is that I switched parties after over 25 years as a Republican, and for good reason.

You must be proud of your VP....This guy is unfit, he's not all there
Masterpiece of misdirection is telling Floridians they're in Cleveland. :lol::lol::lol:

Not as much of a joke as Romney outright lying about Jeep closing down all their plants in the US. If you want to talk about the biggest doozie of a lie, let's discuss that one. I used to think Romney was fairly intelligent, but he's made it clear that he's just not all that bright. Just because you have a lot of money does not guarantee intelligence.

Biden is a moron, but unless someone has spent a lot of time on the road they will never understand this.

When you travel week in and week out you OFTEN times get confused on where you are.

Its the main reason I came off the road after 15 years, it is simply very common...and very unsettling.

Biden is getting senile--he never knows where he's at anymore--this is very commonplace with him.

I am kind of hard of hearing BUT I understood the idiot to say "the Cleveland Plain Dealer, one of the major newspapers in THE state"

Lord knows I don't go out of my way to defend that goofy SoB, but that's what I think I heard him say.

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