Susan Collins (R-Maine) is an American hero


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
Thanks to her breaking ranks by having common sense as with a couple other republicans, the repeal of ACA was dead in the water. She also may not vote for the disasterous GOP senate tax plan. I bet she’ll do the right thing.

Damn betcha she’s a RINO! God bless her for it.
Thanks to her breaking ranks by having common sense as with a couple other republicans, the repeal of ACA was dead in the water. She also may not vote for the disasterous GOP senate tax plan. I bet she’ll do the right thing.

Damn betcha she’s a RINO! God bless her for it.
a hero? have a pretty loose application for that word...
Thanks to her breaking ranks by having common sense as with a couple other republicans, the repeal of ACA was dead in the water. She also may not vote for the disasterous GOP senate tax plan. I bet she’ll do the right thing.

Damn betcha she’s a RINO! God bless her for it.
a hero? have a pretty loose application for that word...
Nah, just a woman who does her job and says what she thinks.
If it's true that people making under $70,000 a year are actually going to see a tax increase or if they insist on getting rid of Obamacare mandate and subsidies, she probably won't agree with it. She has to think of her broke ass constituents in Maine.
Let's rid ourselves of RINOS~2018

Dear The Irish Ram and Billy000
Let's give people on both sides of the fence what they both want:
Let's give taxpayers an equal choice on tax forms WHICH plan they want to pay their taxes under
Box A for ACA and taxes as they are now
Box B for the New Revised repeal and replace tax policies

Then put Obama and Democrats and any other leaders members voters or taxpayers
who check plan A
in charge of pooling their resources and representation together to manage that plan
for the members, like a collective insurance pool

And likewise taxpayers who vote for Plan B can manage those resources
under their collective administration.

If both sides get what they want, then the rest of us can also choose which
plan we believe in and want to fund.
Thanks to her breaking ranks by having common sense as with a couple other republicans, the repeal of ACA was dead in the water. She also may not vote for the disasterous GOP senate tax plan. I bet she’ll do the right thing.

Damn betcha she’s a RINO! God bless her for it.

So you consider politicians who agree with you on legislation “heros”. Tell me more. Second thought - don’t.
To fix health care, we must first remove that which made it too expensive,. too bureaucratic, too time consuming, and focusing not on getting the patient healthy, but on getting the patient hooked on pills to forever come back again and again for more expensive "check-ups."

We first need to repeal the MANDATE that O put in forcing us to buy into a system that makes you pay for the 400 pound woman ordering yet another carmel Oreo frappe at McDonald's.

People need to be accountable for their own health. Their needs to be a MARKET for health services, not a government monopoly that keeps costs skyrocketing and service plummeting....


GET GOVERNMENT OUT OF HEALTH CARE and let the MARKET fix the price issue.
I don't have "the answers" but I enjoy complaining about nonsense. Say you make $70K married joint. Say your state/local was 10% (no longer deductible).

Hello, they doubled the standard joint married deduction to $24K and your property taxes are still deductible up to ·~$10K. mortgage interest still deductible unless you live in a $1.5M home? Big picture don't seem so bad? I will work no harder at this time to figure it out. They are paid well to do it.
Alaska’s senator is also female. She also played a role in rejecting the appeal. I guess it takes women to do the right thing.
The female GOP Senator from Alaska is the one behind the famous BRIDGE TO NOWHERE because her family owned the unpopulated island....
To fix health care, we must first remove that which made it too expensive,. too bureaucratic, too time consuming, and focusing not on getting the patient healthy, but on getting the patient hooked on pills to forever come back again and again for more expensive "check-ups."

We first need to repeal the MANDATE that O put in forcing us to buy into a system that makes you pay for the 400 pound woman ordering yet another carmel Oreo frappe at McDonald's.

People need to be accountable for their own health. Their needs to be a MARKET for health services, not a government monopoly that keeps costs skyrocketing and service plummeting....


GET GOVERNMENT OUT OF HEALTH CARE and let the MARKET fix the price issue.

So you can be a drain on society and not carry ins.?
So you can be a drain on society and not carry ins.?

I am 51 years old and perfectly healthy.

I take care of my health.

People who do not should not be able to reach into my wallet to pay for their unhealthy lifestyle.

You commie leftists don't like that view. You hate it. You want to reach into everyone's wallet and steal as much as you can, all while smiling for the camera telling folks you "care...."

You only care about how much you make off with from the taxpayer....
So you can be a drain on society and not carry ins.?

I am 51 years old and perfectly healthy.

I take care of my health.

People who do not should not be able to reach into my wallet to pay for their unhealthy lifestyle.

You commie leftists don't like that view. You hate it. You want to reach into everyone's wallet and steal as much as you can, all while smiling for the camera telling folks you "care...."

You only care about how much you make off with from the taxpayer....

One day healthy, the next not. If you do not have ins your a drain on society. Cover your body, or is an employer cost sharing with you. Is your employer paying a %age of your health ins, or maybe the VA, as you know all taxpayers pay the VA bennies, and many of us are paying for corp taxes in that they get freebies in states.

Come to think of it, I can see if we are at war and the draft is on, but maybe the military should cover their butts as well. There is no draft, many enlist for the gov benefits, which we all pay.
Em, the collective insurance pool is the problem with your hypothesis. As with the Social Security "Insurance", politicians tend to spend our money, not save it for us. They are not good stewards of our taxed dollars.
The other problem is that ACA is too expensive. It has to rely on all those who want to switch to your plan B to stay afloat, and insurance companies to insure it's success. And they have all pulled out already. ACA is simply not affordable.

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