Suppose the right wing is able to outlaw abortion. Then what?

So what are you after?

I'm after movement towards a Morally centered Society. One where people are expected to do what's Right, regardless of whst they want or like. One where Immorality us severely punished through consequences and legsl actions when necessary.

We are not that par apart on this. To use your phrasing, I would say that I am after a movement towards a more Just and Constitutional society that has an unwavering focus on the facts and the reality of any particular issue. A fact is a fact whether it is an inconvenience to others to acknowledge that fact or not.
Suppose the right wing is able to outlaw abortion. Then what?

The republicans would lose their #1 issue and never win another election anywhere
I doubt it will ever happen. The repugs would lose a prized wedge issue to rile their religious base with. Besides, just as many repug women are getting abortions as the liberals they castigate.

120,000 evangelical Christian women had abortions last year out of the 900,000+ abortions in the US. That’s a lot of abortions for a group that teaches abortion is murder.

I guess that whole abstinence thing isn’t exactly working for them.

Two wrongs make it right?

If God thinks every zygote is precious why do women have miscarriages?

As for your false belief that women would be more careful about BC, evangelicals are barring access to birth control, as well. They believe it leads to promiscuity.

The problem with reliance on BC is that birth control isn’t nearly as reliable as they claim. Half of the women who get abortions were using birth control when they got pregnant.

Even those of us who are very careful about their birth control get pregnant. By age 40, one woman in four in the US will have had an abortion. Do you really think women will go back to being slaves to their biology?

Here’s what will happen. Women who can afford it will come to Canada where abortion is not regulated. Or Japan, or some other first world country.

Poor women will have more babies. Welfare costs, food stamps, Medicaid will all rise, as will homelessness and poverty and crime.

Unwanted children have higher rates of crime, poverty and drug abuse. They struggle all of their lives.

The anti-abortion crowd keeps talking about these poor innocent lives lost but there is more to “life” than just being alive. Every child deserves to be loved and wanted.

The loved and wanted part is the most important aspect of “life”.
Excellent post! Thank You!
Suppose the right wing is able to outlaw abortion. Then what?

The republicans would lose their #1 issue and never win another election anywhere

If that's true. . .

Why then are libtardz like YOU against it?

Why don't you want the GOP to lose their number one issue?
Suppose the right wing is able to outlaw abortion. Then what?

The republicans would lose their #1 issue and never win another election anywhere

If that's true. . .

Why then are libtardz like YOU against it?

Why don't you want the GOP to lose their number one issue?
Cuz Democrats are all about morality and freedom, not sharia fascism like you contards are
Who is the ultimate arbiter of what is "moral" or "immoral"?

I believe thst there is a "Universal" Morality, based on the simple cultural and societal norms of the first human societies, before they developed religion.
But we don't know what it is/was. As far back in history as we can go, groups of humans have been fighting with each other, killing each other, enslaving each other, and raping each other. Humankind has lived through clubs, swords, pikes, spikes, crossbows, guns, advanced guns, gas chambers and ovens, and now nuclear bombs. "Universal morality"? There has never been one.
But we don't know what it is/was. As far back in history as we can go, groups of humans have been fighting with each other, killing each other, enslaving each other, and raping each other. Humankind has lived through clubs, swords, pikes, spikes, crossbows, guns, advanced guns, gas chambers and ovens, and now nuclear bombs. "Universal morality"? There has never been one.

I believe the common themes in the cultures and societies of those early civilizations provide us with sufficient input to determine a close resemblance of thst initial system of values and norms.
But we don't know what it is/was. As far back in history as we can go, groups of humans have been fighting with each other, killing each other, enslaving each other, and raping each other. Humankind has lived through clubs, swords, pikes, spikes, crossbows, guns, advanced guns, gas chambers and ovens, and now nuclear bombs. "Universal morality"? There has never been one.

I believe the common themes in the cultures and societies of those early civilizations provide us with sufficient input to determine a close resemblance of thst initial system of values and norms.
You need a refresher course in early civilizations
But we don't know what it is/was. As far back in history as we can go, groups of humans have been fighting with each other, killing each other, enslaving each other, and raping each other. Humankind has lived through clubs, swords, pikes, spikes, crossbows, guns, advanced guns, gas chambers and ovens, and now nuclear bombs. "Universal morality"? There has never been one.

I believe the common themes in the cultures and societies of those early civilizations provide us with sufficient input to determine a close resemblance of thst initial system of values and norms.
Like attacking other tribes? Raising up a king? Setting up a code that allows one to capture people and either kill them or enslave them? That allows the males of one tribe to capture the females of another tribe and rape them? The history of humanity is shrouded back through millennia, and the little that comes down to us shows nothing to suggest that humanity has a universal moral code.
But we don't know what it is/was. As far back in history as we can go, groups of humans have been fighting with each other, killing each other, enslaving each other, and raping each other. Humankind has lived through clubs, swords, pikes, spikes, crossbows, guns, advanced guns, gas chambers and ovens, and now nuclear bombs. "Universal morality"? There has never been one.

I believe the common themes in the cultures and societies of those early civilizations provide us with sufficient input to determine a close resemblance of thst initial system of values and norms.
Like attacking other tribes? Raising up a king? Setting up a code that allows one to capture people and either kill them or enslave them? That allows the males of one tribe to capture the females of another tribe and rape them? The history of humanity is shrouded back through millennia, and the little that comes down to us shows nothing to suggest that humanity has a universal moral code.
We are actually more moral today then in the past, agreed
As near as I can tell, the Right believes that more doctors should be in prison, and more loose nuts should have assault rifles. I'm still struggling with that, but maybe there is something about it that I just don't quite grasp.....

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