Suppose the right wing is able to outlaw abortion. Then what?

I doubt it will ever happen. The repugs would lose a prized wedge issue to rile their religious base with. Besides, just as many repug women are getting abortions as the liberals they castigate.

120,000 evangelical Christian women had abortions last year out of the 900,000+ abortions in the US. That’s a lot of abortions for a group that teaches abortion is murder.

I guess that whole abstinence thing isn’t exactly working for them.

Two wrongs make it right?
I doubt it will ever happen. The repugs would lose a prized wedge issue to rile their religious base with. Besides, just as many repug women are getting abortions as the liberals they castigate.

120,000 evangelical Christian women had abortions last year out of the 900,000+ abortions in the US. That’s a lot of abortions for a group that teaches abortion is murder.

I guess that whole abstinence thing isn’t exactly working for them.

Two wrongs make it right?
It was never about right or wrong except to zealots like you.
I doubt it will ever happen. The repugs would lose a prized wedge issue to rile their religious base with. Besides, just as many repug women are getting abortions as the liberals they castigate.

120,000 evangelical Christian women had abortions last year out of the 900,000+ abortions in the US. That’s a lot of abortions for a group that teaches abortion is murder.

I guess that whole abstinence thing isn’t exactly working for them.

Two wrongs make it right?

If God thinks every zygote is precious why do women have miscarriages?

As for your false belief that women would be more careful about BC, evangelicals are barring access to birth control, as well. They believe it leads to promiscuity.

The problem with reliance on BC is that birth control isn’t nearly as reliable as they claim. Half of the women who get abortions were using birth control when they got pregnant.

Even those of us who are very careful about their birth control get pregnant. By age 40, one woman in four in the US will have had an abortion. Do you really think women will go back to being slaves to their biology?

Here’s what will happen. Women who can afford it will come to Canada where abortion is not regulated. Or Japan, or some other first world country.

Poor women will have more babies. Welfare costs, food stamps, Medicaid will all rise, as will homelessness and poverty and crime.

Unwanted children have higher rates of crime, poverty and drug abuse. They struggle all of their lives.

The anti-abortion crowd keeps talking about these poor innocent lives lost but there is more to “life” than just being alive. Every child deserves to be loved and wanted.

The loved and wanted part is the most important aspect of “life”.
I doubt it will ever happen. The repugs would lose a prized wedge issue to rile their religious base with. Besides, just as many repug women are getting abortions as the liberals they castigate.

120,000 evangelical Christian women had abortions last year out of the 900,000+ abortions in the US. That’s a lot of abortions for a group that teaches abortion is murder.

I guess that whole abstinence thing isn’t exactly working for them.

Two wrongs make it right?

If God thinks every zygote is precious why do women have miscarriages?

As for your false belief that women would be more careful about BC, evangelicals are barring access to birth control, as well. They believe it leads to promiscuity.

The problem with reliance on BC is that birth control isn’t nearly as reliable as they claim. Half of the women who get abortions were using birth control when they got pregnant.

Even those of us who are very careful about their birth control get pregnant. By age 40, one woman in four in the US will have had an abortion. Do you really think women will go back to being slaves to their biology?

Here’s what will happen. Women who can afford it will come to Canada where abortion is not regulated. Or Japan, or some other first world country.

Poor women will have more babies. Welfare costs, food stamps, Medicaid will all rise, as will homelessness and poverty and crime.

Unwanted children have higher rates of crime, poverty and drug abuse. They struggle all of their lives.

The anti-abortion crowd keeps talking about these poor innocent lives lost but there is more to “life” than just being alive. Every child deserves to be loved and wanted.

The loved and wanted part is the most important aspect of “life”.

This God you speak of.... you have proof of such a thing as that?
Are Repubtards going to pay the $2 million per Black Baby born pre-term?
If we are not willing to do so, are you saying that would be Constitutional Justification for Murdering them?

Neither I nor the state abort or murder. It is the free will of the mother until the a viable fetus can thrive outside the wound. You want to have the state take a 23 week preterm fetus from the mother, punish or kill the mother & let the child die in multi million dollar ICU or suffer life long birth-defects surviving on government dole. You are the one who wishes strip freedoms, impose your will to torture, maim & murder.
Are Repubtards going to pay the $2 million per Black Baby born pre-term?
If we are not willing to do so, are you saying that would be Constitutional Justification for Murdering them?

Neither I nor the state abort or murder. It is the free will of the mother until the a viable fetus can thrive outside the wound. You want to have the state take a 23 week preterm fetus from the mother, punish or kill the mother & let the child die in multi million dollar ICU or suffer life long birth-defects surviving on government dole. You are the one who wishes strip freedoms, impose your will to torture, maim & murder.

True or False

Children have a Constitutional right to the equal protections of our laws from the moment their life begins.

Again, True or False.

Any answer other than True or False and I will simply add you to my ignore list.
Are Repubtards going to pay the $2 million per Black Baby born pre-term?
If we are not willing to do so, are you saying that would be Constitutional Justification for Murdering them?

Neither I nor the state abort or murder. It is the free will of the mother until the a viable fetus can thrive outside the wound. You want to have the state take a 23 week preterm fetus from the mother, punish or kill the mother & let the child die in multi million dollar ICU or suffer life long birth-defects surviving on government dole. You are the one who wishes strip freedoms, impose your will to torture, maim & murder.

True or False

Children have a Constitutional right to the equal protections of our laws from the moment their life begins.

Again, True or False.

Any answer other than True or False and I will simply add you to my ignore list.
Pleas add me to your ignore list you idiot.

Constitutional protected US citizen life begins at birth! Life is not viable until after 28 weeks.

A child born in Iran is not a US citizen because both of it's foreign parents had sex while on vacation in the USA!
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I doubt it will ever happen. The repugs would lose a prized wedge issue to rile their religious base with. Besides, just as many repug women are getting abortions as the liberals they castigate.

120,000 evangelical Christian women had abortions last year out of the 900,000+ abortions in the US. That’s a lot of abortions for a group that teaches abortion is murder.

I guess that whole abstinence thing isn’t exactly working for them.

Two wrongs make it right?
It was never about right or wrong except to zealots like you.

Why then, did so many democrats support our fetal HOMICIDE laws?
Well, we know what it was like from before when it was illegal.

Young girls died going to backstreet abortionists.

There were a lot of unwanted children.

Many unwanted children grow up to be criminals.

Now we know that right wingers will do nothing to support these children or their mothers. How many Conservative Christian Right Wingers right here on the USMB say: It's not my kid. Why should I help pay for it. And they think the mothers were whores.

And if the child was a result of rape, then what?

And if the child was a result of incest, then what?

What I really want to know is what is it these right wingers expect to happen? That the US will turn into utopia because they outlawed abortion? You know that people with money will simply go outside the country to get an abortion.

Well I have wondered that myself.

How soon before they start putting doctors on trial for murder for the abortions that they have performed for the last 30 years?
And the women who had abortions?

And if life begins at conception- any miscarriage would of course be the death of a child. And should be investigated just like any unexplained death of a child.

And women who smoke during their pregnancies? Child abuse- throw them in jail. Women who have a glass of wine when they are three weeks pregnant? Child abuse.
Well, we know what it was like from before when it was illegal.

Young girls died going to backstreet abortionists.

There were a lot of unwanted children.

Many unwanted children grow up to be criminals.

Now we know that right wingers will do nothing to support these children or their mothers. How many Conservative Christian Right Wingers right here on the USMB say: It's not my kid. Why should I help pay for it. And they think the mothers were whores.

And if the child was a result of rape, then what?

And if the child was a result of incest, then what?

What I really want to know is what is it these right wingers expect to happen? That the US will turn into utopia because they outlawed abortion? You know that people with money will simply go outside the country to get an abortion.

It just goes underground. You can pick up some pills on the border. It's already happening now.

Dims prefer to keep it legal and refuse to go after mass murders like Gosnell cuz abortion is such a political football.

And yes, 30 years plus of mass murder makes him the biggest mass murderer in US history.
Gosnell was "gone after." I believe that he is in prison. This post is a lie. All medical facilities are supposed to be inspected by the state in which they operate, and not just those in which abortions are performed, either. There is no reason for facilities in which are abortions are performed to be singled out from those in which other procedures are performed. Each state is supposed to be doing its job of inspecting all medical facilities.
We remember the town of West, Texas, exploding because the Texas state authorities failed in their duty to inspect the fertilizer plant, thus allowing the unsafe storage of ammonium nitrate.

Gosnell was found to have violated a myriad of health regulations in the 1970's, but instead of pursuing them they inexplicably just stopped coming round cuz any restrictions on abortion is seen politically as a threat. Any dead baby is a good baby it seems.

Fast forward some 30 years later. It was again found that he was mistreating women, especially poor women, which meant minority women, and the law finally caught up with him. He picked on the poor because they were not as well educated and less likely to report him, and it worked like a charm.........for 30 years or so.

How many Dr. Gosnells are floating round out there? My guess is a lot.

I also wonder how many under aged girls are being brought to these butcher shops around the country without parents or even the police notified. Doctors like Gosnell I'm sure are just a drop in the bucket. Now girls can obtain an abortion without there parents consent, even though they can't so much as take an aspirin in school without parental consent. I know of one man whose daughter had an abortion without him knowing, and she bled to death. He had no legal recourse.

My guess is that the laws the way they are have increased the abuse of young girls 20 fold.
What I really want to know is what is it these right wingers expect to happen? That the US will turn into utopia because they outlawed abortion? You know that people with money will simply go outside the country to get an abortion.

What we expect is thst stupid, immoral feminists/liberals will get whst they deserve for the immoral act of getting pregnant before they are in a stable relationship and finsncial situation.

With the exception of conception from rape (the one exception I believe in), abortion is nothing more thsn the me and for a Feminist to avoid the consewuences of a CHOICE they willingly made.

Dims prefer to keep it legal and refuse to go after mass murders like Gosnell cuz abortion is such a political football.

And yes, 30 years plus of mass murder makes him the biggest mass murderer in US history.
Gosnell was "gone after." I believe that he is in prison. This post is a lie. All medical facilities are supposed to be inspected by the state in which they operate, and not just those in which abortions are performed, either. There is no reason for facilities in which are abortions are performed to be singled out from those in which other procedures are performed. Each state is supposed to be doing its job of inspecting all medical facilities.
We remember the town of West, Texas, exploding because the Texas state authorities failed in their duty to inspect the fertilizer plant, thus allowing the unsafe storage of ammonium nitrate.

Gosnell was found to have violated a myriad of health regulations in the 1970's, but instead of pursuing them they inexplicably just stopped coming round cuz any restrictions on abortion is seen politically as a threat. Any dead baby is a good baby it seems.

Fast forward some 30 years later. It was again found that he was mistreating women, especially poor women, which meant minority women, and the law finally caught up with him. He picked on the poor because they were not as well educated and less likely to report him, and it worked like a charm.........for 30 years or so.

How many Dr. Gosnells are floating round out there? My guess is a lot.

I also wonder how many under aged girls are being brought to these butcher shops around the country without parents or even the police notified. Doctors like Gosnell I'm sure are just a drop in the bucket. Now girls can obtain an abortion without there parents consent, even though they can't so much as take an aspirin in school without parental consent. I know of one man whose daughter had an abortion without him knowing, and she bled to death. He had no legal recourse.

My guess is that the laws the way they are have increased the abuse of young girls 20 fold.
There would be no "butcher shops," any more than there could be "butcher shops" among clinics devoted to gastroenterology, if the state officials do their jobs and run inspections regularly. You may, and apparently are, for forced birth, but that is an entirely separate issue from whether medical facilities are run according to accepted medical standards.
If there are so many doctors like Gosnell, as you by yourself estimate, why don't the state officials get them? Don't use women's safety as an issue. It's a phony. Every patient, undergoing any procedure and regardless of sex, has the right to have it done in a safe, clean environment according to accepted standards. If you know of a medical facility that is not complying with accepted standards, please report it.
What I really want to know is what is it these right wingers expect to happen? That the US will turn into utopia because they outlawed abortion? You know that people with money will simply go outside the country to get an abortion.

What we expect is thst stupid, immoral feminists/liberals will get whst they deserve for the immoral act of getting pregnant before they are in a stable relationship and finsncial situation.

With the exception of conception from rape (the one exception I believe in), abortion is nothing more thsn the me and for a Feminist to avoid the consewuences of a CHOICE they willingly made.
An "immoral act"? Just how many heterosexual men and women commit "immoral acts" every day, even those who are in stable relationships? Sorry to tell you, that men and women who are single and, apparently, those who are married to each other or who are in committed relationships, commit "immoral acts" everyday, mr. preacher. Ask your buddies who have been to bars, overseas brothels, had sex with somebody whose last name they didn't know, or even your buddies who fell in love with someone of the opposite sex before they were willing/able to be fathers.
An "immoral act"? Just how many heterosexual men and women commit "immoral acts" every day, even those who are in stable relationships? Sorry to tell you, that men and women who are single and, apparently, those who are married to each other or who are in committed relationships, commit "immoral acts" everyday, mr. preacher. Ask your buddies who have been to bars, overseas brothels, had sex with somebody whose last name they didn't know, or even your buddies who fell in love with someone of the opposite sex before they were willing/able to be fathers.

I'm not a preacher. I have no use for organized religion. I believe in Morality, not Religion.

I'm well aware of the amount of sexual immorality in Society. I'm disgusted by it and believe it should be criminalized with severe punishments.

As for a ki g this or thst type of person - I don't socialize with those types of people, thsnk you very much.
An "immoral act"? Just how many heterosexual men and women commit "immoral acts" every day, even those who are in stable relationships? Sorry to tell you, that men and women who are single and, apparently, those who are married to each other or who are in committed relationships, commit "immoral acts" everyday, mr. preacher. Ask your buddies who have been to bars, overseas brothels, had sex with somebody whose last name they didn't know, or even your buddies who fell in love with someone of the opposite sex before they were willing/able to be fathers.

I'm not a preacher. I have no use for organized religion. I believe in Morality, not Religion.

I'm well aware of the amount of sexual immorality in Society. I'm disgusted by it and believe it should be criminalized with severe punishments.

As for a ki g this or thst type of person - I don't socialize with those types of people, thsnk you very much.
So what are you after?

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