Summer of Recovery huh? Economy Caught in Depression, Not Recession

I made $128,000 last year in Salary and a few grand in capital gains. That is way up from 08 and 9 of 10 coworkers in the same boat. Granted nearly everybody in large oil companies has at least one degree. TeapartyGED will call that elitist. LOL

What makes you elitist and arrogant is your attitude.

Have a degree or making more money does not make you superior to others.
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Some depression.
Long Horn and Olive Garden are a 45 minute wait every Friday and Saturday night here. My son comes home from college and makes a grand a week waiting tables.
You people do not have a damn clue what a depression is.

Get this!

Some elite is doing fine!

Can't be a depression. I'm sure the rich said the same in the 30s..

Say you're not rich? Guess again!!!! Obama says you're rich if you make 250K and in some speeches it was 100K.

He'll get down to your income as the economy goes further and further South.


Yeah, right Moe.
The elite eat at Olive Garden. Meals starting at $7.

How many unemployed do you think can afford that??????

Oh that's right, you think they are eating at Olive Garden on Obama's money!

That wouldn't be me!

But then I wouldn't vote for someone who has a liberal foreign policy that is no different from the radical left and call it "true conservatism."


Neo conservatism is as liberal as "Obamacare".:funnyface:

Yeah right. That's why the "neo conservatives" are against both Obama care and the radical left and Pat Buchanan's hate of Israel.


Neo cons came from the DEmocratic Party, look at who people like Charles Krudehammer and Bill Kristol worked for, it is downright funny that people refer to a f/p called LIBERAL INTERVENTIONISM.....conservative, but alas, this is a thread on the economy so we will debate this elsewhere unless you want to take your own thread off course:cool:
I gave you the income showing up stay at home ditz.

YEAH! Decrease, decrease, decrease, revised downward, etc etc etc.

This makes Obama look good?


What would you like Obama to do about it? Mandate wage scales? Order businesses to start hiring again? What would a President Palin or President Gingrich do about it if the economy continues to tank or even remains flat?

Criticism abounds because it's easy. Solutions not so much.

Yeah, I mean all the socialist BS that Obama has done, hasn't improved things!

What could anyone else do that's different!!!!!!!!

That you guys have NO CLUE what should be done says a lot.


NAH!!!!!!!! Obama can't do that!

He better keep spending money he doesn't have on stimulus! :cuckoo:

incomes are and have been rising
Prices on Houses are way down, cars and most big ticket items have to be discounted to be sold.

The economy is not even strong, but it's growing and those with the rising incomes are seeing thier purchasing power rise.

Either provide a link or stop making the completely false claim that incomes Are rising. Private sector incomes are not keeping up with inflation.

You are a liar.

your poor and a clown, I posted the gov numbers already. Stop spinning weakling.

Your numbers combined Private sector and Public sector.

Private sector Wages are not keeping up with the Public Sector.

Why don't you be honest.
YEAH! Decrease, decrease, decrease, revised downward, etc etc etc.

This makes Obama look good?


What would you like Obama to do about it? Mandate wage scales? Order businesses to start hiring again? What would a President Palin or President Gingrich do about it if the economy continues to tank or even remains flat?

Criticism abounds because it's easy. Solutions not so much.

Yeah, I mean all the socialist BS that Obama has done, hasn't improved things!

What could anyone else do that's different!!!!!!!!

That you guys have NO CLUE what should be done says a lot.


NAH!!!!!!!! Obama can't do that!

He better keep spending money he doesn't have on stimulus! :cuckoo:

LESS GOVERNMENT INTRUSION:clap2: It causes unintended consequences...right?:eusa_angel:
Neo conservatism is as liberal as "Obamacare".:funnyface:

Yeah right. That's why the "neo conservatives" are against both Obama care and the radical left and Pat Buchanan's hate of Israel.


Neo cons came from the DEmocratic Party, look at who people like Charles Krudehammer and Bill Kristol worked for, it is downright funny that people refer to a f/p called LIBERAL INTERVENTIONISM.....conservative, but alas, this is a thread on the economy so we will debate this elsewhere unless you want to take your own thread off course:cool:

I have no intention of debating your laughable ideas on conservatism, that battle was lost when Ron Paul lost. People do not agree with this blame America for 9/11 attitude anymore than they do with that terrorism loving ground zero imam. There isn't a dime's worth of difference between their foreign policy views. It's all based on hate Israel.

Battling it out here would not change that one iota. The voters wouldn't have it, and they won't have it again in 2012.

All Ron Paul can do is pretend he never stuck his foot in his mouth over 9/11.
Assclown, I'd be very happy with a 40% reduction in public pay. Did you see me anywhere pro gov spending? No you didn't
Either provide a link or stop making the completely false claim that incomes Are rising. Private sector incomes are not keeping up with inflation.

You are a liar.

your poor and a clown, I posted the gov numbers already. Stop spinning weakling.

Your numbers combined Private sector and Public sector.

Private sector Wages are not keeping up with the Public Sector.

Why don't you be honest.

:clap2: Take the public sector out of the equation and the economy has been flat or faltering for years outside of healthcare; I think that is the only private sector that has grown and liberals want to screw that up.
Either provide a link or stop making the completely false claim that incomes Are rising. Private sector incomes are not keeping up with inflation.

You are a liar.

your poor and a clown, I posted the gov numbers already. Stop spinning weakling.

Your numbers combined Private sector and Public sector.

Private sector Wages are not keeping up with the Public Sector.

Why don't you be honest.

Because he's totally out of touch with the private sector.

He doesn't care. It's going great guns for him. To hell with those getting screwed in Obama's economy.

That is your typical liberal.
Yeah right. That's why the "neo conservatives" are against both Obama care and the radical left and Pat Buchanan's hate of Israel.


Neo cons came from the DEmocratic Party, look at who people like Charles Krudehammer and Bill Kristol worked for, it is downright funny that people refer to a f/p called LIBERAL INTERVENTIONISM.....conservative, but alas, this is a thread on the economy so we will debate this elsewhere unless you want to take your own thread off course:cool:

I have no intention of debating your laughable ideas on conservatism, that battle was lost when Ron Paul lost. People do not agree with this blame America for 9/11 attitude anymore than they do with that terrorism loving ground zero imam. There isn't a dime's worth of difference between their foreign policy views. It's all based on hate Israel.

Battling it out here would not change that one iota. The voters wouldn't have it, and they won't have it again in 2012.

All Ron Paul can do is pretend he never stuck his foot in his mouth over 9/11.

I thought you were the same Samurai:lol: Neo cons are liberals and social cons came from the Democratic Party too,btw, I seem to recall you were once a Democrat....hmmmm:lol: Apply the same logic to f/p as you do here...that would be what a conservative does.
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What would you like Obama to do about it? Mandate wage scales? Order businesses to start hiring again? What would a President Palin or President Gingrich do about it if the economy continues to tank or even remains flat?

Criticism abounds because it's easy. Solutions not so much.

Yeah, I mean all the socialist BS that Obama has done, hasn't improved things!

What could anyone else do that's different!!!!!!!!

That you guys have NO CLUE what should be done says a lot.


NAH!!!!!!!! Obama can't do that!

He better keep spending money he doesn't have on stimulus! :cuckoo:

LESS GOVERNMENT INTRUSION:clap2: It causes unintended consequences...right?:eusa_angel:

You DO know the difference between private sector business and foreign policy?

There is a HUGE difference between cutting govenrment intrustion in THE AMERICAN PRIVATE SECTOR and blaming the US for 9/11.

Give me a break! Not even close.

I can't name 1 who's making less. People are still getting raises, maybe lower raises but the 90% of us working are still paying our mortgages and still getting raises.

You have changed your stat three times now since I started challenging you. That shows dishonesty and weakness on your part. Now 90% of people are paying their mortgages and getting raises? (those working)

If that were true, why the recent increase in foreclosures? Most people I know took jobs that paid less than their old job. If they got a raise, it still is well below their old job's rate. Your wrong and spewing nothing but messiah 0bama scripture.

toppy was one of those I was speaking of who said the economy would rebound in 3rd quarted 2008 or 1st quarter 2009. He Kept talking about how could things be bad the mall parking lots were full.

He has been wrong all along on the economy.

What I find most intriguing is the vast chasm between priorities. Not too long ago, tens of thousands either stood in line across the country or pre-ordered the new I-Phone 4, yet in a few short weeks thereafter, over 400,000 people jammed a gymnasium in Georgia just to pick up an application for Section 8 housing. Just who am I supposed to feel sorry for? The people who choose to spend their money on stupid shit and then go on to complain about the lack of jobs, or the people who can't afford a roof over their heads which has tripled as a result of the housing crisis?
Assclown, I'd be very happy with a 40% reduction in public pay. Did you see me anywhere pro gov spending? No you didn't


Although personal income grew in 134 MSAs, in most cases this growth represented an
increase in transfer receipts (unemployment insurance benefits, for example). Only in 57 MSAs
did the net earnings of workers increase in 2009.
In most of the 57 MSAs where net earnings increased, the gains were concentrated in the
government sector.

Yeah, I mean all the socialist BS that Obama has done, hasn't improved things!

What could anyone else do that's different!!!!!!!!

That you guys have NO CLUE what should be done says a lot.


NAH!!!!!!!! Obama can't do that!

He better keep spending money he doesn't have on stimulus! :cuckoo:

LESS GOVERNMENT INTRUSION:clap2: It causes unintended consequences...right?:eusa_angel:

You DO know the difference between private sector business and foreign policy?

There is a HUGE difference between cutting govenrment intrustion in THE AMERICAN PRIVATE SECTOR and blaming the US for 9/11.

Give me a break! Not even close.


I'm agreeing with you that government intervention causes unintended consequences:eusa_angel: no one is blaming anyone but government and it's interventionist ways.
income up ditz
s/he is interpreting PCE as income. With that in mind, do you really expect him/her to understand the rest of the report?

She is a unemployed high school dropout who's only purpose in life it seems is to start threads on this site about the demise of our country. She doesn't know what she is saying 99.9% of the time and when she "read" that article posted, she just looked for the word 'decrease' and assumed it was showing Obama in a bad light and thus somehow validating her POV.

There is no use trying to have an intelligent discussion with someone who is unfortunately just not intelligent.

That kind of idiotic attitude no longer gets my blood pressure boiling. This board and the rest of the right wing noisemakers are very good at putting up smokescreens to avoid intelligent and honest debate on the nuts and bolts of the sources behind the real problem issues. It's the same kind of mentality that loses itself in fantasy virtual cities where swords and/or bullets are the only answer. They think looking tough is all that counts in the real world.
Neo cons came from the DEmocratic Party, look at who people like Charles Krudehammer and Bill Kristol worked for, it is downright funny that people refer to a f/p called LIBERAL INTERVENTIONISM.....conservative, but alas, this is a thread on the economy so we will debate this elsewhere unless you want to take your own thread off course:cool:

I have no intention of debating your laughable ideas on conservatism, that battle was lost when Ron Paul lost. People do not agree with this blame America for 9/11 attitude anymore than they do with that terrorism loving ground zero imam. There isn't a dime's worth of difference between their foreign policy views. It's all based on hate Israel.

Battling it out here would not change that one iota. The voters wouldn't have it, and they won't have it again in 2012.

All Ron Paul can do is pretend he never stuck his foot in his mouth over 9/11.

I thought you were the same Samurai:lol: Neo cons are liberals and social cons came from the Democratic Party too,btw, I seem to recall you were once a Democrat....hmmmm:lol: Apply the same logic to f/p as you do here...that would be what a conservative does.

I don't know what universe you are from, BUT I WAS NEVER A DEMOCRAT!

You are confusing me with someone else if you think that.

Nice try, but I voted for REAGAN my first chance to vote (18 years old) in 1980.

I have never voted Democrat. Where on earth are you getting this crap?

I have been anti-Democrat since I watched the way they treated blacks in the South when I was a kid.

You think I would vote for the party of George Wallace??????????

Guess again. Who the hell are you confusing me with?

I'm a fiscal conservative and a social liberal, and unlike teaparty I work for a living.
I think Obama has to do something big in the economy or he's Jimmy Carter II.
I say he will extend Bush tax cuts for everybody 2 years, and he'll do something big like lower corp income taxes 5% to assure the markets and restore confidence or he's done.
All the liberal extend unemployment, tax credits for the poor just delay the agony. He has to inspire the trillions of dollars afraid of going into the market to invest. Period.
You have changed your stat three times now since I started challenging you. That shows dishonesty and weakness on your part. Now 90% of people are paying their mortgages and getting raises? (those working)

If that were true, why the recent increase in foreclosures? Most people I know took jobs that paid less than their old job. If they got a raise, it still is well below their old job's rate. Your wrong and spewing nothing but messiah 0bama scripture.

toppy was one of those I was speaking of who said the economy would rebound in 3rd quarted 2008 or 1st quarter 2009. He Kept talking about how could things be bad the mall parking lots were full.

He has been wrong all along on the economy.

What I find most intriguing is the vast chasm between priorities. Not too long ago, tens of thousands either stood in line across the country or pre-ordered the new I-Phone 4, yet in a few short weeks thereafter, over 400,000 people jammed a gymnasium in Georgia just to pick up an application for Section 8 housing. Just who am I supposed to feel sorry for? The people who choose to spend their money on stupid shit and then go on to complain about the lack of jobs, or the people who can't afford a roof over their heads which has tripled as a result of the housing crisis?

What in the hell are you saying here?

That it's the fault of those buying the Iphone4 for those who are out of work?

Do you not get the divide in incomes being caused by this administration when rich are those working for government and the poor are out of work from the private sector?

LESS GOVERNMENT INTRUSION:clap2: It causes unintended consequences...right?:eusa_angel:

You DO know the difference between private sector business and foreign policy?

There is a HUGE difference between cutting govenrment intrustion in THE AMERICAN PRIVATE SECTOR and blaming the US for 9/11.

Give me a break! Not even close.


I'm agreeing with you that government intervention causes unintended consequences:eusa_angel: no one is blaming anyone but government and it's interventionist ways.

The problem is, NON GOVERNMENT INTERVETNTION causes big consequences too, like the government ignoring the war in Europe until it came to our shores on December 7, 1941, OR on 9/11/2001.

There is a big difference between the government getting out of the lives OF AMERICAN CITIZENS and the government ignoring the problems in the rest of the world, until it is dumped on our shores in a heap of bodies.

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