"Suck It Up and Cope"


Diamond Member
Oct 19, 2008

Number 1: "Suck It Up and Cope"

"Let them eat cake" is a phrase composed of four simple, easy-to-remember words, which is probably why it became so emblematic of a larger set of ideas. "Suck it up and cope" is a phrase made up of five similarly simple and memorable words, which is why it may well replace "Let them eat cake" in the annals of history.

Yes, "Suck it up and cope" -- that is what billionaire Charlie Munger said that the unemployed, the homeless and the impoverished should do as their lives are torn apart by the recession.

Of course, had he said the same thing about bailed-out banks, his now-infamous line might have just seemed like the innocuous rant of a crotchety geezer who might be a little too zealous about old-school principles. But no, Munger made the remark during a 2010 speech to University of Michigan students in which he first lauded bankers as people who "saved your civilization" and then urged all Americans to bow down and "thank god" that the bailouts preserved the financial industry's profits.

And so we end this feature with a worthy successor to "Let them eat cake": "Suck it up and cope."

The new "Let them eat cake!" | Slide Show - Salon.com

i suppose 'and your little dog too' isn't in vouge anymore...?
And so we end this feature with a worthy successor to "Let them eat cake": "Suck it up and cope."

I would have some respect for the right if they were at least honest about their disdain and contempt for the working middle class, their reactionary advocacy of Social Darwinism, and general Dickensian world-view.
Charlies will be surprised and shocked when enough people decide that sucking it up and coping means turning to crime.

Believe me that last thing in the world people like Charlie really wants is for people to start thinking like he thinks.

There wouldn't be a wealthy person on earth if everybody thought about life the way people like Charlies apparently thinks about it.

NOBODY will be a worker if that happened.

Capitalism could not possible exist if everybody decided to become Charlie.
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I recently saw an old movie where a billionaire is suddenly thrown into a middle class family. It makes for a good comedy but I think there is lesson here for the super rich and power brokers in the nation. When they become so isolated from the general population that they can't relate to the problems, fears, and hopes of everyday of Americans, they rely on polls, focus groups, and the media for information. They see America as it was 40 or 50 years ago in their childhood, not as it is today. When the CEO of one the largest fast food chains admits he has never eaten in one of his restaurants, spoken to any store employees or customer, that's a problem. When a president has not been in a grocery store in 10 years and claims he feels our pain when dealing with skyrocketing grocery prices, that's nonsense.

There are people who have no keys to their office, home or vehicles because someone else takes care of those things. Their domestic staff shops for the groceries, cooks the food, cleans the house, and does the gardening. Their driver takes them to the office. Their secretary and personal assistant do just about everything that you and I do in our daily lives. About the only thing they do, is make decisions that determine how we live, of which they have little or no knowledge.

I remember years ago when I lived in Florida, Governor Graham, later Senator Graham spent one day a month working in a middle class job, a cashier, a carpenter, ect. I think all CEO's and government administrators would benefit from doing this. If nothing else, they would at least not sound so damn hypocritical.

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