Subway Bytes: NeXt-Gen Democrats


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Does commerce/consumerism remind you of films like Toys?



American consumerism offered the world various tokens/trophies/totems of commercial aesthetics including the real-estate board game Monopoly (Parker Brothers), which had become a popular iPhone video-game app countless pedestrians enjoyed. This was a new age of aesthetics-oriented political philosophy, and Vanity Fair and Consumer Reports had replaced network-reporting standards such as The Today Show and Little Orphan Annie. Everything was about convenience and satisfaction.


The office-place became a hub for new age metaphysics, and working-girls and working-men were contemplating the psycho-sociological impact of a shift in culture preferring behaviors regarding the 'near-deification' of traffic, labor, and social networking, which is why modernism-relevant films such as Working Girl, Traffic, and The Social Network were suddenly considered 'prophetic.' Productivity was on everyone's mind, and the quality of merchants were reviewed by large online networks. Wikipedia, the world's largest free peer-edited online encyclopedia, 'enhanced' tried-and-true knowledge sharing platforms such as the Library of Congress.


The rise of the eccentric 'comic book' saw a huge shift in pedestrian art and art in general. Comic books in America presented outlandish heroes and villains like Spider-Man, Gray Goblin, Red Skull, Poison Ivy, The Shadow, and Catwoman. These unusual 'avatars' signified a modern social fascination with 'coordinated civics,' vigilantism-daydreams/fantasies, folk-justice storytelling, and traffic-terrorism paranoia. Since consumerism was so 'precious,' threats to commerce/traffic such as 9/11 reminded everyone of the basic value of securities-dialogue, and comic book hero-villain pairings illuminated an 'aesthetic' interest in civics-gossip.


An angel of God named Iceman descended to Earth to tackle a minion of the Devil, or Satan, named Hobgoblin. Iceman had the ability to shoot ice and make bridges or spears, while Hobgoblin was a jet-glider soaring terrorist who threw pumpkin-bombs at skyscrapers in NYC. Iceman wanted to protect American democracy, and hence consumerism, but Hobgoblin served Satan and wanted to create general panic regarding the safeties of commercial pedagoguery (e.g., World Trade Center). The Democratic National Party, headed by Senator Hillary Clinton, declared Iceman to be the 'official guardian' of the new 'Subway Consumer Generation.'


American designers were busy balancing beauty/glamour with convenience/marketing. Art was officially a thing for consumption rather than contemplation. Paper-plates, disposable napkins, and iPods replaced handkerchiefs, fine china, and opera. Brands had to be both visually attractive and easily marketable, which is why illustrious clothing-designers such as Yves Saint Laurent began 'branching' into market-friendly (or consumption-friendly) industries such as perfumes. Everyone was curious about the 'texture' of vanity.


Comic book writers/artists created dramatic and expressive and fun stories about idealistic outlandish heroes like Captain America and Batman engaged in amorous poses with admirable and gorgeous heroines like Catwoman and Elektra as they tackled new age terrors regarding real anti-social behaviors (e.g., 9/11). These stories about the emotive quality of modern anthropology suggested that folk-heroes needed to be like Robin Hood, stealing from the silos of industry/commerce and facilitating the comforts of everyday shoppers or patriots. It was a 'magzazine world.'


American crime-stories focused on strange deeds of smuggling, subversion, and stealth, and romanticized tales of great urban intrigue became the subjects of comics-adapted TV shows such as Gotham and The Greatest American Hero. Iceman knew all of this represented modern patriotism, so he engaged with the evil Hobgoblin on the public stage to ensure that commerce/traffic would not be manipulated into something akin to fascism or anarchy. Iceman encouraged consumers to think about the optimism behind modernism-symbolic heroic crime-stories, while wrestling with the Hobgoblin near the Empire State Building.


Hobgoblin knew that the 'pulse' of urban activity in modern American cities such as Boston, Los Angeles, and Chicago relied on the pace and action of the subway-train system. The subways facilitate all kinds of traffic and social activity in a modern city bustling with vitality, so Hobgoblin planned various forms of subversive terrorism. Iceman was shocked and insisted that Americans remain calm and think about why the Subway restaurant-chain, symbolic of modernism traffic/customs pride and imagination, symbolized infrastructure diligence. Iceman then froze all subway-trains with his ice-shooters while caging Hobgoblin completely in a block of ice. The subways were safe again.


HOBGOBLIN: You've managed to foil me...
ICEMAN: I serve God, while you serve Satan!
HOBGOBLIN: My intention was to remind consumers of the frailty of traffic.
ICEMAN: You were merely a messenger of terrorism...
HOBGOBLIN: How did you perceive the necessary labors to foil my schemes?
ICEMAN: I simply meditated on what modern traffic required to be more stable.
HOBGOBLIN: Do you think capitalism is 'vindicated' by consumerism?
ICEMAN: Convenience-culture and contract-based goods-delivery reminds people of trust.
HOBGOBLIN: In other words, and Netgrocer create...'value'?
ICEMAN: Precisely; and value is why we angels of heaven defend Subway restaurants!
HOBGOBLIN: Well, I suppose it's a 'capitalism-giddy' world.
ICEMAN: I suppose it is indeed.
HOBGOBLIN: I wonder what journalists will say about McNuggets?
ICEMAN: There's even a movie now about the founder of McDonald's.
HOBGOBLIN: Yes, it stars Michael Keaton as Ray Kroc --- The Founder.
ICEMAN: You think I'm a 'naive servant' who merely upheld the 'value' of french-fries.
HOBGOBLIN: Aren't you?
ICEMAN: No; I upheld the dignity/sanctity of Harper's Bazaar and the World Trade Center.
HOBGOBLIN: Perhaps we'll meet again...when traffic is threatened by the forces of vanity.
ICEMAN: If/when that day comes, I'll be ready to praise Washington Democrats...



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