NY Goblin Scare: Christian Diorama [Harper's Bazaar]


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Sep 22, 2013
How much more 'folkloric' are you about New York superstitions after 9/11?

This patriotic comic book yarn was inspired by Gangs of New York.



"After 9/11, when the World Trade Center in NYC was destroyed, everyone became more conscious of anti-commerce sentiments among terrorists around the world. Was New York becoming a hub for tremors? This was not the 'vision' of TrumpUSA."


"A wheelchair-priest named Xavier was working with a Luciferian named Erik in Manhattan, trying to use the Internet to create social optimism about the development of NYC traffic. Xavier was a fan of the Book of Revelation, while Erik was a fan of the Book of the Nine Gates to the Kingdom of Shadows. Xavier and Erik agreed on everything about NY splendor, minus some details about the evangelical priorities, of course."


"Xavier and Erik came up with a computer-generated image of a podium-logo regarding their 'New York crusade.' Their 'union' was referred to as the Antifascist-Occultist Apologists [ACA]. ACA was not like any other social union/organization (or gang!) seen in American history. ACA was devoted to the recruiting of pro-commerce idealists, and Xavier preferred using the Internet to market this new impressive 'group' which soon found itself being featured in an article in Harper's Bazaar as well as the esteemed New Yorker."


"Xavier knew that New York history involved the dramatic motion of peoples, the development of contracts and commerce, the evolution of ethnic groups/gangs, and the emergence of populism-oriented politics. Xavier used ACA platforms to hype the circulation of commercial goods and chains such as Wal-Mart, Genco Olive Oil, IKEA furniture, Bugle Boy denim, and even Popeye's Chicken. You see, Xavier believed that terrorists destroyed the World Trade Center because there was too much 'global cynicism' towards general capitalism and networking."


"As Erik and Xavier marveled at the successes of online sales of Genco Olive Oil which fed to the financial coffers of ACA, since Genco was now unofficially 'wed' to ACA through a liaison of Erik's, a journalist at the NY Post wrote, 'It seems that the networking-work of Xavier and Erik with the ACA has fueled new age 'intrigue' not seen really in the 'media' since the days of Sacco and Vanzetti.' Genco became to ACA what arguably Nike was to Michael Jordan's NBA era of marketing."


"Xavier sent an editorial to the NY Post about the traffic-value of academic evaluations of the history of orphanages and asylums in New York since Independence (from Great Britain). Xavier wanted modern-day Americans to think that folk-literature and pop-psychology catered to a social fascination with clubs, associations, and enterprises geared to making the American Dream seem more like a poem and less like an asterisk."


"Meanwhile, Erik was busy coordinating some modern-day sub-culture groups which were found carrying guns to create neighborhood citizenry-vigilance watches in the late hours the city evenings to counter the detrimental work of corrupt cops. Erik believed that free-speech rhetoric was useless without more attention to new age concerns regarding basic social activism. Was Erik right? Xavier believed such 'drama' would only draw dangerous attention to Erik's ties to Luciferianism."


"Xavier decided to 'complement' Erik's 'underground' work in NYC with a series of patriotic 'folk-tales' or comic book 'fan-fics' about the crusading American superheroine Wonder Woman (DC Comics), a 'diplomat' of democratic idealism. Xavier wrote, 'Wonder Woman reminded New Yorkers of the possibility that Jesus Christ would return, and return to America, to offer everyday consumers the bright message that traffic was elevated by pure design.' Xavier became an instant fan of Wonder Woman."


"Well, all this pedestrianism-vigilance activity by Xavier, Erik, and the ACA led to the formation of a radical new underground gang in New York called the Baseball Boys who dressed in MLB costumes and painted-faces and ran around the city every night at 3 a.m. yelling, 'The AntiChrist is Muslim!'. Xavier wondered if the Baseball Boys were acting as 'ironical comedians' and asked Erik to see if he could 'recruit' them as 'messengers' of peace. However, the Baseball Boys despised the ACA and considered it yet another 'token' of basic social armchair-warrior fantasy."


"As more and more Hollywood (USA) movie stars made films about pedestrian daydreams, comic book warriors, crazy sentiments/romance, outlandish toy-themed fantasy-adventures, and terrorism anxieties, the ACA grew to become a prominent sub-culture phenomenon and 'arm' of American society. The ACA would offer messages like, 'Planet Hollywood will turn the world into a giant popcorn factory which will only promote beneficial peace and friendliness, which is why we want to endorse new age consumerism confetti (e.g., MTV!).' The biggest threat to all this 'media-dancing' was, of course, the fear of censorship (e.g., WikiLeaks)."


"An Algerian-American and Ivy League (Yale University) student named Ajay Satan decided to dress up in vigilante-costumes/outfits and post photos of himself for Internet blogs about the allure of pornography in the age of media and why American consumerism confetti culture (e.g., MTV) catered to a 'lazy moral sensibility.' Ajay was a 'new age radical' and Xavier believed he may even be an 'amateur terrorist.' Ajay was a big fan of films like Fight Club, The Purge: Anarchy, The Crow: City of Angels, and Priest. Would the new world go the way of the ACA or the way of Ajay Satan and the Baseball Boys?"


"Ajay carried a green water-pistol in his pocket and espoused the ideals of Malcolm X and Frantz Fanon everywhere he went, insisting that consumerism must be a podium for radicalism if society was to avoid the disasters such as the destruction of the World Trade Center. Ajay Satan was the opposite of Dick Tracy, but Erik and Xavier believed he might become the new Unabomber. Ajay began using Ouija spirit-incantation boards to invoke the underworld spirit of a terrorist-gargoyle named 'Red Goblin' and his Internet-blogs caught the attention of the terrorist group ISIS."


"As New Year's Day dawned, the menacing spirit of the Red Goblin rose from the underworld thanks to Ajay's Ouija incantations. Red Goblin was throwing miniature pumpkins lit on fire towards the Empire State Building. Fortunately, American movie-star Tom Cruise, star of Born on the 4th of July, revealed himself to be a superhuman hero named 'Spider-Man' and wrestled with Red Goblin and handedly defeated him even after being literally flipped. Cruise stated in a CNN interview, 'All Americans care about the Empire State Building and modern-day miracles!'."


ERIK: Thank God for Tom Cruise.
XAVIER: Yes, Spider-Man saved the day...
ERIK: Have you seen Polanski's Satanic film The Ninth Gate (Johnny Depp)?
XAVIER: No, but I know it's about a corrupt book-dealer questing after Lucifer.
ERIK: Yes! It's very intriguing indeed and representative of a new curiosity about the Occult.
XAVIER: New York makes for all kinds of social imagination...
ERIK: Well, sometimes people need a little 'spice.'
XAVIER: Harper's Bazaar calls this entire 'tribulation' a 'Christian diorama.'
ERIK: Vanity Fairy is calling this entire 'ordeal' a 'Capitalism daydream.'
XAVIER: At least we know now that Tom Cruise is a superhero.
ERIK: Let's hope terrorists are not targeting Spider-Man!
XAVIER: We have to continue our work with the ACA.
ERIK: There're rumors that the Baseball Boys are allied to Spider-Man.
XAVIER: That would be interesting...what about Ajay Satan?
ERIK: He's disappeared.
XAVIER: Well, I hope you weren't right about him becoming the new Unabomber.
ERIK: The NSA (National Security Agency) has a new cyber-security division.
XAVIER: Yes, it oversees all Internet activity on the American homeland.
ERIK: Internet-hackers subvert basic networking stability.
XAVIER: I'm glad for Genco olive-oil and eBay merchant-ratings!
ERIK: We need more 'commerce valuations' like Consumer Reports magazine.
XAVIER: Do you think Ajay is playing with Ouija/Occultism?
ERIK: Well, like I suggested, Occultism has seen a resurgence in popularity!
XAVIER: Maybe all this 'NY intrigue' will return us to the days of McCarthy.
ERIK: At least Spider-Man 'escorted' Red Goblin back to Hell.




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