CDZ Students Demand Removal of White Authors; Why is this not Condemned as Racist?

I laugh when something as mainstream as diversifying the canon is held up as "racist" or "radical." The literary canon has been expanded to include many voices and perspectives, and it is a very interesting read.
I dont know how you can miss the racism in saying remove books by white men.

Student activists at the University of Notre Dame are calling for the removal of white authors from the university curriculum to “decolonize” the university. According to the students, “diversifying the canon helps eliminate the violence of only privileging white scholarship.”

According to a report by The College Fix, a student activist group at the University of Notre Dame called “End Hate at ND” is demanding that the university drastically rewrite course curriculum because they believe it currently features too many works by white authors.
Your reflexive defense of everything Woketard is interesting though.
Spin it any way you like, Jim. I'm just telling you the reality of the situation. Like I said, Notre Dame is way behind the times.
The only reason they need to cut out some of the white guys is that even Notre Dame English majors can only read so many novels in a semester. Expanding the canon to include other perspectives and points of view is a GOOD thing. It's really sad that it scares anyone.
Expanding is fine, excluding is another thing
No one is excluding.
Admittedly I didn't read all of the article, but seems to me they want to limit some of the articles to include lesser articles that were written by minorities, that is excluding.
I laugh when something as mainstream as diversifying the canon is held up as "racist" or "radical." The literary canon has been expanded to include many voices and perspectives, and it is a very interesting read.
I dont know how you can miss the racism in saying remove books by white men.

Student activists at the University of Notre Dame are calling for the removal of white authors from the university curriculum to “decolonize” the university. According to the students, “diversifying the canon helps eliminate the violence of only privileging white scholarship.”

According to a report by The College Fix, a student activist group at the University of Notre Dame called “End Hate at ND” is demanding that the university drastically rewrite course curriculum because they believe it currently features too many works by white authors.
Your reflexive defense of everything Woketard is interesting though.
Spin it any way you like, Jim. I'm just telling you the reality of the situation. Like I said, Notre Dame is way behind the times.
The only reason they need to cut out some of the white guys is that even Notre Dame English majors can only read so many novels in a semester. Expanding the canon to include other perspectives and points of view is a GOOD thing. It's really sad that it scares anyone.
Expanding is fine, excluding is another thing
No one is excluding.
Admittedly I didn't read all of the article, but seems to me they want to limit some of the articles to include lesser articles that were written by minorities, that is excluding.
Again, even an English major can read only so much in a semester.
Who says the articles written by the minorities are "lesser?" This is where value judgments come into play and why the canon was the exclusive property of white men for hundreds of years. To be fair, there weren't many challenges because it was pretty much unheard of for a woman to be published, let alone some black dude.
It is good to have different perspectives and to read about different cultures and places. It's part of what makes reading interesting. If that means I miss out in one class on Yeats in order to read Elizabeth Barrett Browning, is that so horrible? The alarm is all nonsense.
I dont know how you can miss the racism in saying remove books by white men.

Student activists at the University of Notre Dame are calling for the removal of white authors from the university curriculum to “decolonize” the university. According to the students, “diversifying the canon helps eliminate the violence of only privileging white scholarship.”

According to a report by The College Fix, a student activist group at the University of Notre Dame called “End Hate at ND” is demanding that the university drastically rewrite course curriculum because they believe it currently features too many works by white authors.
Your reflexive defense of everything Woketard is interesting though.
Spin it any way you like, Jim. I'm just telling you the reality of the situation. Like I said, Notre Dame is way behind the times.
The only reason they need to cut out some of the white guys is that even Notre Dame English majors can only read so many novels in a semester. Expanding the canon to include other perspectives and points of view is a GOOD thing. It's really sad that it scares anyone.
Expanding is fine, excluding is another thing
No one is excluding.
Admittedly I didn't read all of the article, but seems to me they want to limit some of the articles to include lesser articles that were written by minorities, that is excluding.
Again, even an English major can read only so much in a semester.
Who says the articles written by the minorities are "lesser?" This is where value judgments come into play and why the canon was the exclusive property of white men for hundreds of years. To be fair, there weren't many challenges because it was pretty much unheard of for a woman to be published, let alone some black dude.
It is good to have different perspectives and to read about different cultures and places. It's part of what makes reading interesting. If that means I miss out in one class on Yeats in order to read Elizabeth Barrett Browning, is that so horrible? The alarm is all nonsense.
Sorry, but what you say is nonsense.
They want to cut the documents written by whites, and expand minority articles to be 50/50.
That is ludicrous. There are just not that many minority written to even begin to reach that number.
I guess this is the 2019 American equivalent of the May 10, 1933 Third Reich book burnings. I just read that Trump had a scene in the movie Home Alone, and the distributor took it out!! That's certainly censorship. And I last night started a classic Georgette Heyer mystery from the 1930s in audiobook form that had a looonnnng cautionary note at the beginning going on and on about how standards of language were different in the 1930s from now and that the publishers didn't necessarily agree with etc., etc. (And to be fair, all those classic novels I love from less than a hundred years ago have amazingly raw anti-Jew, anti-"native" verbiage in them that I've noticed for YEARS.) But that's censorship. We'll have the Moor and the Jew in Shakespeare plays bowdlerized soon, I suppose.
We say that the Left is fascist, and of course it really is: this kind of new-style book burning equivalent is part of that fascism.

What I would prefer is just letting published works alone and let people make sense of them as they like and can. To do anything else is propaganda and indoctrination. I have seen written work too bigoted even for me (Mysterious Island: and I'd like to point out, that was French, not American) or taking for granted social issues of the past in a very startling way to a modern reader (Robinson Crusoe: try reading the unabridged version! You'll swallow your gum, and I am NOT talking about Friday, but about the stuff publishers have been leaving out for two centuries). However, the solution to all that is not read it if you don't like it. I did stop reading Mysterious Island.
I laugh when something as mainstream as diversifying the canon is held up as "racist" or "radical." The literary canon has been expanded to include many voices and perspectives, and it is a very interesting read.
I dont know how you can miss the racism in saying remove books by white men.

Student activists at the University of Notre Dame are calling for the removal of white authors from the university curriculum to “decolonize” the university. According to the students, “diversifying the canon helps eliminate the violence of only privileging white scholarship.”

According to a report by The College Fix, a student activist group at the University of Notre Dame called “End Hate at ND” is demanding that the university drastically rewrite course curriculum because they believe it currently features too many works by white authors.
Your reflexive defense of everything Woketard is interesting though.
Spin it any way you like, Jim. I'm just telling you the reality of the situation. Like I said, Notre Dame is way behind the times.
The only reason they need to cut out some of the white guys is that even Notre Dame English majors can only read so many novels in a semester. Expanding the canon to include other perspectives and points of view is a GOOD thing. It's really sad that it scares anyone.
Expanding is fine, excluding is another thing
No one is excluding.
Another person that did NOT read the linked article, yes in fact the protesters DEMANDED the REMOVAL of authors.
If that means I miss out in one class on Yeats in order to read Elizabeth Barrett Browning, is that so horrible? The alarm is all nonsense.

"How do I love thee? Let me count the ways."

Yeahbut ---- I don't think that's the choice kids paying for grossly overpriced college indoctrination are going to get. Yours was literally the choice I had when I did competitive poetry reading in high school (they wouldn't let girls do extemporaneous speaking or debate in those days so boys could get practice for law or politics....).

I think the whole point now is to shove in some VERY poor-quality writers of incendiary black victimhood stuff and who knows what -- transvestite promotion and Boston Marriages and so on. I think if books are quality, they'll rise to the top. Most of the black stuff is just "Oh, the poor black victims," and that's just boring and stupid, IMO. I go to a local bookstore in a white town run by whites which is, I noticed yesterday, FULL of "Oh, the poor blacks" books. Which of course I avoid. And I suddenly thought, you got a lot of black customers, lady? Because I sure never saw any. Who is reading this crap? It's like the so-called "art" that consists of obscenities and dead bulls in formaldehyde. It's a scam; there will be a swing of the pendulum to sensible stuff that people actually want to pay money for and relate to, literature and art.
Another person that did NOT read the linked article, yes in fact the protesters DEMANDED the REMOVAL of authors.

Well, sure. The problem, I think, is the wrong kind of kids are being shoved into these colleges on scholarships. They are rude, communistic, violent, aggressive, demanding, and think they know everything already. The schools that used to be good are now catering to these types plus a heavy, heavy influx of paying Chinese and Indians from rich foreign families. The rotten kids who spend all their time in violent demonstrating and complaining about everything anyone says to them, especially their profs, are on scholarships from white do-gooders that the schools have to take because of their money-crunch (from WAAAAAAY too many administrators and crazy requirements).

The market needs to come back into this and provide good schools teaching good curricula to students who are actually going to be high achievers rather than socialist failures.
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Also the other problem with this thread is the article is about Western Civilization NOT western Literature. How many women and minorities had anything to do with creating western civilization? The liberals on this thread keep bringing up stuff NOT associated with the op and say but see they existed....
Why wouldn't they if it is good literature? It is all ot there and equally attainable.

Why not base it on the ideas communicated instead of simply saying 'fewer white men'?

Why bring race and gender into the consideration at all?

Without race or gender, they would have to argue a point based upon its inherent merit. in addition, by reducing everything to such a simplistic tribal level, they provide themselves with a useful tool to control others.

Identity politics is really all about power and control. The practitioners of such do not really want to eliminate all those isms they claim to be against. They want to REVERSE them.
Also the other problem with this thread is the article is about Western Civilization NOT western Literature. How many women and minorities had anything to do with creating western civilization? The liberals on this thread keep bringing up stuff NOT associated with the op and say but see they existed....

Actually, if you go to the article, Breitbart linked to a more comprehensive article. The group isn't talking about just "Western Civilization" - it wants all required readings and courses to have a diversity of authors:

With that, “no course or program of study should have a view limited to white, western, and/or male voices. We demand that people who are of Color, Indigenous, Black, queer, or not male are represented in the authorship of at least half course and major required readings,” the demand states.

It's unrealistic, but it isn't in and of itself racist.
The liberals on this thread keep bringing up stuff NOT associated with the op and say but see they existed....
It's unrealistic, but it isn't in and of itself racist.
Not as long as it discriminates against White guys, right?

Lets be clear, the students are demanding WHITE authors be removed, not just some reform of the list based on a diversity of IDEAS.

Why are liberals these days so blind to intellectual diversity?

Oh, right, because all intellectuals with good hearts are, deep down, liberals too? :D
One example of the far left's racist hatred for white men.

Michael Moore: “White People Are Not Good People…You Should Be Afraid of White People”

Moore said that people should cross the street if they see three white men approaching them because at least two voted for Trump.

“Two-thirds of all white guys voted for Trump. That means anytime you see three white guys walking at you, down the street toward you, two of them voted for Trump. You need to move over to the other sidewalk because these are not good people that are walking toward you. You should be afraid of them,” Moore warned.

“I refuse to participate in post-racial America,” he added. “I refuse to say because we elected Obama that suddenly that means everything is okay, white people have changed. White people have not changed.”...

Last year, he called on “angry white American guys” to “give it up” because they are demographically doomed.

Back in January 2018, he asserted that America needed to be “cleansed” of its white privilege.

He also previously celebrated the fact that that white men are “dying out” because America “will be a better country.”​
With that, “no course or program of study should have a view limited to white, western, and/or male voices. We demand that people who are of Color, Indigenous, Black, queer, or not male are represented in the authorship of at least half course and major required readings,” the demand states.

It's unrealistic, but it isn't in and of itself racist.

It seems to me quite racist, given how wildly unrealistic it is. When my husband took a logics course years ago, this stuff had just started and the school decreed that the prof had to include blacks as references in the class materials, if possible. It was not possible, of course -- the prof just announced this and said that he was not aware any blacks had ever contributed to the field of mathematical logic, but if anyone heard of any such, to bring it to his attention.

Okay, fair enough. But this HALF of the course and required readings must be weirdos idea --- how to teach a logic course, or French literature, or Ancient Greek and Latin (Classics), or Mathematics, or Computer programming ------ or really anything at all except maybe Queer Feminism or Black Studies? Can't be done, because these types of people are not scholars and don't usually write, except the radical feminists. I bought one of those that was being talked up a little in 2019 and read some of it, screamed, and threw it toward the fireplace. Bad is bad.
Also the other problem with this thread is the article is about Western Civilization NOT western Literature. How many women and minorities had anything to do with creating western civilization? The liberals on this thread keep bringing up stuff NOT associated with the op and say but see they existed....

Actually, if you go to the article, Breitbart linked to a more comprehensive article. The group isn't talking about just "Western Civilization" - it wants all required readings and courses to have a diversity of authors:

With that, “no course or program of study should have a view limited to white, western, and/or male voices. We demand that people who are of Color, Indigenous, Black, queer, or not male are represented in the authorship of at least half course and major required readings,” the demand states.

It's unrealistic, but it isn't in and of itself racist.
I can't wait until those of you with authoritarian racialist viewpoints are able to rework the 19th CENTURY European Literature courses according to your quota system.
The Wokesters are so blatantly racist today, and it boggles my mind why they get away with it.

Notre Dame Students Call for the Removal of White Authors from Curriculum | Breitbart

Can someone explain why this is not damned as racism?

It is racism.

But it’s important to note that this is a fringe group. There have always been fringe groups on campus make silly demands such as this one, and there always will be.

No it isnt. This is the mainstream of the left. They have been successful in with this already including their takeover of the World Science Fiction Science and complete destruction of the Hugo awards. Just one example. All over the country great literature is being suppressed in favor of "diversity".

Harvard EdCast: Putting Diverse Books into Practice
As long as the basics of the university curriculum remain intact... the degree will be as useful as it has been traditionally.

lol...the sweatshirt says "COLLEGE"...cracks me up every time

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