Student Wearing Military Type Jacket Prompts Southington School Lockdown

Was the school terrified? Don’t know. I do know males at HS have excess testerone play the inclusive exclusive game as hard as the females but are willing to use their fists etc.

The principal is in charge of the school.

Not RGS or averagebear. You get in between him/her and principal duty on school grounds, it then becomes a police matter.

Your job is to back him up, then disagree with him later.

Our school board policies were very clear: when matters are confusing, keep the parents out of it and the police nearby if needed. Worked well. Only had tow arrest two dads and one mom over the years. Other than the mom who tld a teacher she would kill him when they were at the local Brookshires, so we had her arrested and led out in handcuffs behind her back.

We had a great school. Grduates went off to Rice, A&M, and Texas every fall.
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Was the school terrified? Don’t know. I do know males at HS have excess testerone play the inclusive exclusive game as hard as the females but are willing to use their fists etc.

The principal is in charge of the school.

Not RGS or averagebear. You get in between him/her and principal duty on school grounds, it then becomes a police matter.

Your job is to back him up, then disagree with him later.

You do understand that I didn't make any comment on the school's actions here, don't you?
I got the same exact reaction from a 4 year old Kuwait boy when I was walking through a mall back in 91'. He must have thought I was a member of Saddam's Republican Guard. Started screaming.
Seems like a pretty big overreaction to me.
It's the normal reaction one derives from a liberal state.

There actually isn't any proof that this man is in fact a liberal. Just a lot conjecture at this point. I don't care what side of the political spectrum he resides, it was a silly overreaction.
The paranoia of the public school teachers is reaching a fever pitch.
Army fatigue jackets at one time used to be all the rage.
The teachers need to have their meds checked at the school door before entering.
It isn't paranoia if they actually have valid reasons to worry.

Cons want teachers armed. Now that's an overreaction.
Then you do want a society with laws?

Then act like it. I don't tolerate rudeness, you know that.

I treat people how they treat me.
The paranoia of the public school teachers is reaching a fever pitch.
Army fatigue jackets at one time used to be all the rage.
The teachers need to have their meds checked at the school door before entering.
It isn't paranoia if they actually have valid reasons to worry.

Cons want teachers armed. Now that's an overreaction.

And what is there exactly that gives someone a reason to worry about an Army fatigue jacket
if that was even what the jacket was?
The paranoia of the public school teachers is reaching a fever pitch.
Army fatigue jackets at one time used to be all the rage.
The teachers need to have their meds checked at the school door before entering.
It isn't paranoia if they actually have valid reasons to worry.

Cons want teachers armed. Now that's an overreaction.

And what is there exactly that gives someone a reason to worry about an Army fatigue jacket
if that was even what the jacket was?
Schools are gun shy. Anything out of the ordinary is going to set them off.
Our teachers in Utah can CCW and don't have to tell their principals.

So some silly cow shot herslef in the ladies room in the break room as she was taking care of female business.

Only in America.
Seems like a pretty big overreaction to me.
It's the normal reaction one derives from a liberal state.

There actually isn't any proof that this man is in fact a liberal. Just a lot conjecture at this point. I don't care what side of the political spectrum he resides, it was a silly overreaction.
Chances are pretty good if he's from Connecticut he's a liberal.
The paranoia of the public school teachers is reaching a fever pitch.
Army fatigue jackets at one time used to be all the rage.
The teachers need to have their meds checked at the school door before entering.
It isn't paranoia if they actually have valid reasons to worry.

Cons want teachers armed. Now that's an overreaction.

And what is there exactly that gives someone a reason to worry about an Army fatigue jacket
if that was even what the jacket was?
Schools are gun shy. Anything out of the ordinary is going to set them off.

Still no excuse. Schools need to regain a little common sense.
The paranoia of the public school teachers is reaching a fever pitch.
Army fatigue jackets at one time used to be all the rage.
The teachers need to have their meds checked at the school door before entering.
It isn't paranoia if they actually have valid reasons to worry.

Cons want teachers armed. Now that's an overreaction.

Indeed arming teachers is an over reaction, but so is locking down a school because of a jacket LOL. How about just asking the boy about the jacket?
The paranoia of the public school teachers is reaching a fever pitch.
Army fatigue jackets at one time used to be all the rage.
The teachers need to have their meds checked at the school door before entering.
It isn't paranoia if they actually have valid reasons to worry.

Cons want teachers armed. Now that's an overreaction.

Indeed arming teachers is an over reaction, but so is locking down a school because of a jacket LOL. How about just asking the boy about the jacket?

A better protocol was necessary than the mass panic, I agree.
The paranoia of the public school teachers is reaching a fever pitch.
Army fatigue jackets at one time used to be all the rage.
The teachers need to have their meds checked at the school door before entering.
It isn't paranoia if they actually have valid reasons to worry.

Cons want teachers armed. Now that's an overreaction.

Indeed arming teachers is an over reaction, but so is locking down a school because of a jacket LOL. How about just asking the boy about the jacket?

A better protocol was necessary than the mass panic, I agree.

What protocol do you need here? I mean it's a jacket, in and of itself you gotta agree that worrying about a jacket is stupid.

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