Stop Trump Is Newspeak For Elect Hillary

To Pogo: Trump and everyone else has, or should have, absolute control over their property. If not absolute at least more control than government parasites exercise.
Or do you mean he may want to build a whole new one, kicking the residets off their land like he does everywhere else?
To Pogo: Give me one example of Trump confiscating anybody's property by force as do government bureaucrats.
To Pogo: It looks like your team is on a losing streak:


The U.S. Supreme Court this week handed victory to another private-property owner in a long series of fights against federal regulators, essentially overturning a lower court’s decision that gave a totalitarian power to the government to impose use regulations on private land – and prevent the owners from appealing.​

Shocker! Private-property advocates win 9 straight at Supreme Court
Posted By Bob Unruh On 06/08/2016 @ 8:59 pm In Front Page,Money,Politics,U.S. | No Comments

Shocker! Private-property advocates win 9 straight at Supreme Court
To Pogo: Trump and everyone else has, or should have, absolute control over their property. If not absolute at least more control than government parasites exercise.
Or do you mean he may want to build a whole new one, kicking the residets off their land like he does everywhere else?
To Pogo: Give me one example of Trump confiscating anybody's property by force as do government bureaucrats.
To Pogo: It looks like your team is on a losing streak:


The U.S. Supreme Court this week handed victory to another private-property owner in a long series of fights against federal regulators, essentially overturning a lower court’s decision that gave a totalitarian power to the government to impose use regulations on private land – and prevent the owners from appealing.​

Shocker! Private-property advocates win 9 straight at Supreme Court
Posted By Bob Unruh On 06/08/2016 @ 8:59 pm In Front Page,Money,Politics,U.S. | No Comments

Shocker! Private-property advocates win 9 straight at Supreme Court

My "team"??

How the fuck would you know what "my team" is?

Wassamatta? Can't address the original point, so change the subject?

My "team"??

How the fuck would you know what "my team" is?
To Pogo: Asshole! Your team is the Democrat party’s crap you always defend.
Wassamatta? Can't address the original point, so change the subject?
To Pogo: Asshole. You brought up Trump kicking people off their land, but never a word in defense of the people EPA parasites abuse.

Before you mouth off in my threads in the future, note that eminent domain was not involved when the High Court handed down 9 rulings that protected private property Rights from bureaucrats:

Word of the latest victory for property owners comes from the Pacific Legal Foundation, which has fought many of the property rights disputes on behalf of those targeted by regulators from the Environmental Protection Agency, the Army Corps of Engineers and others.

In fact, it has now won nine straight times when it directly represents the private-property owners in fights with federal regulators, agencies or bureaucracies.​

Any decision that protects the property Rights of corporations is a big victory for every homeowner’s private property Rights.

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