Stock Market Smashes Record On New NAFTA News, As Dems Continue Coup Against Success Source

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Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Strongest Economy In Decades
Lowest Unemployment In Decades
Lowest Black Unemployment In Recorded History
Lowest Asian Unemployment in Recorded History
Most Americans Working In Decades
Manufacturing Jobs Obama Said Were Gone Forever Have Returned
More Jobs
More Full-time Jobs
Higher Wages
Fewer Americans Dependent on Welfare/Unemployment/Food Stamps...Democrats


Nasdaq hits 8,000 for the first time as US and Mexico move closer to striking NAFTA deal...


The Democrats claim President Trump attempted to alter the results of the 2016 election, although it was Obama and his administration who protected Hillary Clinton from incitement and prison just so she could remain in the race...

The Democrats claim President Trump attempted to alter the results of the 2016 election, although it was Hillary Clinton and the DNC who rigged primaries, cheated in debates, engaged in election fraud, violated election laws, and broke campaign finance laws in an attempt to get Hillary Clinton the DNC nomination, one she could not win even with all of that and had to be GIVEN the nomination...

The Democrats claim President Trump illegally colluded with the Russians to attempt to alter the 2016 election, although it was Hillary Clinton and Barak Obama who took large sums of money from the Russians, although it was Hillary Clinton and Obama's DOJ, NIA, CIA, and FBI who knowingly illegally presented a false report written by Russians as legitimate Intel to deceive Congress into appointing an already hand-picked Political Assassin as Special Counsel....

The Democrats claim Trump is a traitor who hates America and who hates Americans....yet he has done more for the prosperity and success of this country and its people in less than 2 years than Obama did his entire 8 years in office.

In all of their previous and continued actions it is the Democratic Party and Democrats who have proven and continue to prove THEY are the ones who hate this country, who hate the American people who are so 'stupid' they cheated them out of having Hillary Clinton for President, and who value what is best for their Party over what is best for this country.

Even if it means reversing all of this success...if it means driving manufacturing plants back over seas, sending the stock markets plunging, eliminating millions of jobs, putting countless Americans back on Welfare, Food Stamps, and u7nemployment, for the benefit of the Democratic party - to give them back the power to 'Rule' once again, they would do it in a they are trying to do now and have been trying to do for 2 years.

The Democrats today are traitors who are attempting to regain their lost power, even if it means having to destroy the nation to get it .

Nasdaq hits 8,000 for the first time as US and Mexico move closer to striking NAFTA deal

'Stocks jumped on Monday as the United States and Mexico drew closer to a deal on NAFTA. Investors also digested reassuring comments from Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell on the central bank's policy-tightening path.

Nasdaq Composite climbed 0.6 percent to an all-time high, breaking above 8,000 for the first time, as Facebook, Amazon, Netflix and Alphabet. The Dow Jones Industrial Average rose 214 points as Caterpillar outperformed. The S&P 500 gained 0.6 percent to hit a record high with materials and financials as the best-performing sectors.'


Nasdaq hits 8,000 for the first time as US and Mexico move closer to striking NAFTA deal

'Stocks jumped on Monday as the United States and Mexico drew closer to a deal on NAFTA. Investors also digested reassuring comments from Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell on the central bank's policy-tightening path.

The Nasdaq Composite climbed 0.6 percent to an all-time high, breaking above 8,000 for the first time, as Facebook, Amazon, Netflix and Alphabet. The Dow Jones Industrial Average rose 214 points as Caterpillar outperformed. The S&P 500 gained 0.6 percent to hit a record high with materials and financials as the best-performing sectors.'


Good news indeed.
. "Pence and other Trump enthusiasts can point to increasing macroeconomic growth. Growth rose 4.1 percent in the second quarter and is up more than 3 percent for the year. Unemployment was down to 3.9 percent in July. The S&P 500 stock index is up 6 percent since the Trump presidency, while the rest of the world's stock markets are down 6 percent. These are numbers any recent administration would boast about.

More notable are positive trends among subgroups that weren't doing so well before Trump took office. Former Obama administration chief economic adviser Jason Furman, writing for Vox, notes that in the past three years "recent wage growth ... at the low end of the wage scale" is stronger than growth among the higher-paid. Similarly, Bloomberg columnist and portfolio manager Conor Sen makes the point that job growth has been greatest among "goods-producing workers and the least-educated workers."
Michael Barone - Has Trump Delivered on His Economic Promises?

Strongest Economy In Decades
Lowest Unemployment In Decades
Lowest Black Unemployment In Recorded History
Lowest Asian Unemployment in Recorded History
Most Americans Working In Decades
Manufacturing Jobs Obama Said Were Gone Forever Have Returned
More Jobs
More Full-time Jobs
Higher Wages
Fewer Americans Dependent on Welfare/Unemployment/Food Stamps...Democrats


Nasdaq hits 8,000 for the first time as US and Mexico move closer to striking NAFTA deal...


The Democrats claim President Trump attempted to alter the results of the 2016 election, although it was Obama and his administration who protected Hillary Clinton from incitement and prison just so she could remain in the race...

The Democrats claim President Trump attempted to alter the results of the 2016 election, although it was Hillary Clinton and the DNC who rigged primaries, cheated in debates, engaged in election fraud, violated election laws, and broke campaign finance laws in an attempt to get Hillary Clinton the DNC nomination, one she could not win even with all of that and had to be GIVEN the nomination...

The Democrats claim President Trump illegally colluded with the Russians to attempt to alter the 2016 election, although it was Hillary Clinton and Barak Obama who took large sums of money from the Russians, although it was Hillary Clinton and Obama's DOJ, NIA, CIA, and FBI who knowingly illegally presented a false report written by Russians as legitimate Intel to deceive Congress into appointing an already hand-picked Political Assassin as Special Counsel....

The Democrats claim Trump is a traitor who hates America and who hates Americans....yet he has done more for the prosperity and success of this country and its people in less than 2 years than Obama did his entire 8 years in office.

In all of their previous and continued actions it is the Democratic Party and Democrats who have proven and continue to prove THEY are the ones who hate this country, who hate the American people who are so 'stupid' they cheated them out of having Hillary Clinton for President, and who value what is best for their Party over what is best for this country.

Even if it means reversing all of this success...if it means driving manufacturing plants back over seas, sending the stock markets plunging, eliminating millions of jobs, putting countless Americans back on Welfare, Food Stamps, and u7nemployment, for the benefit of the Democratic party - to give them back the power to 'Rule' once again, they would do it in a they are trying to do now and have been trying to do for 2 years.

The Democrats today are traitors who are attempting to regain their lost power, even if it means having to destroy the nation to get it .

Nasdaq hits 8,000 for the first time as US and Mexico move closer to striking NAFTA deal

'Stocks jumped on Monday as the United States and Mexico drew closer to a deal on NAFTA. Investors also digested reassuring comments from Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell on the central bank's policy-tightening path.

The Nasdaq Composite climbed 0.6 percent to an all-time high, breaking above 8,000 for the first time, as Facebook, Amazon, Netflix and Alphabet. The Dow Jones Industrial Average rose 214 points as Caterpillar outperformed. The S&P 500 gained 0.6 percent to hit a record high with materials and financials as the best-performing sectors.'


And by 'coup', you mean your batshit 'deep state' fantasies?

As the investigation into Trump's collusion with the Russians is headed by a republican, seated by a republican, under a republican administration, initiated by the testimony of a republican.

But its a 'dems coup', huh?
Racist -
Lowest minority unemployment in recorded history...

Good one. :p

Yep, and Trump hired them all! :21::21::21::290968001256257790-final:


Dude, my 4yo grandson can come up with a better response that must be having an 'off' snowflake day. :p

For the last 24 years or so I have listened to partisan people say that presidents do not create jobs. The ones saying it changed with who was sitting in the white house, each side seemingly forgetting they had made that claim previously.

And the fact of the matter is, they are right when they say it. So, while it is good that minority unemployment is at record lows, laying that at the feet of Trump is just dumb.

But back to the OP, I am happy as hell to see the markets do something for a change. Let's hope the new "deal" does not disappoint and we lose our gains again.
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And by 'coup', you mean your batshit 'deep state' fantasies?
The investigation is being headed by the former FBI Director who hid evidence of Russian crimes associated with their effort to obtain Uranium One...

The investigation is being headed by former FBI Director Comey's mentor and friend...

The investigation is being headed by a criminal who has committed the crime of Obstruction by refusing to comply with a Congressional subpoena...

The investigation is being headed by a Probama/Pro-Hillary co-conspirator who has refused to follow-up on the recommendation by the US IG to indict former FBI Deputy Director McCabe and investigate former FBI agent Strzok....

The investigation is being headed by the man who has refused to look at any of the concrete existing evidence of proven Democrat crime related to the reason he was appointed Special Counsel while wasting tax dollars trying a case that has nothing to do with why he was appointed or what he was tasked to investigate...

The investigation is being headed by a co-conspirator who claims to be investigating Russian collusion but refuses to look at when it started, the conditions under which it started, or the President who knew about it, did nothing, and allowed it to continue for 2 years..

The investigation is being headed by the co-conspirator who, after 2 years, still has no evidence of any crime of illegal collusion involving the President.....
But back to the OP, I am happy as hell to see the markets do something for a change. Let's hope the new "deal" does not disappoint and we lose our gains again.
Yeah, I hope nothing happens to change it ... like butt-hurt snowflakes continue to Impeach the President because they could not get their preferred Felon into office by rigging, cheating, breaking laws, and committing treason...
Imagine when the details come out the anti-Trump forces will be spinning it as no big change while those that favor Trump will have it as the best thing since sliced bread.

While I've been keeping up with the news, I won't be affected much by the agreement and I'm not about to spin things one way or another. I'm mostly interested to see how labor takes to it and how it plays in the mid-term elections especially in the rust belt states.
But back to the OP, I am happy as hell to see the markets do something for a change. Let's hope the new "deal" does not disappoint and we lose our gains again.
Yeah, I hope nothing happens to change it ... like butt-hurt snowflakes continue to Impeach the President because they could not get their preferred Felon into office by rigging, cheating, breaking laws, and committing treason...

He will not get impeached, I am more worried about his stupid tariffs with China and the EU, you know the tariffs that brought the markets to a standstill more than 200 days ago.
Imagine when the details come out the anti-Trump forces will be spinning it as no big change while those that favor Trump will have it as the best thing since sliced bread.

While I've been keeping up with the news, I won't be affected much by the agreement and I'm not about to spin things one way or another. I'm mostly interested to see how labor takes to it and how it plays in the mid-term elections especially in the rust belt states.

It only affects me in how it affects the markets. As long as they continue up I will be happy to give say it was a good deal
Imagine when the details come out the anti-Trump forces will be spinning it as no big change while those that favor Trump will have it as the best thing since sliced bread.

While I've been keeping up with the news, I won't be affected much by the agreement and I'm not about to spin things one way or another. I'm mostly interested to see how labor takes to it and how it plays in the mid-term elections especially in the rust belt states.
well again, it's about free trade, which never happened in the first go around.
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