States With the Highest Gas Prices

$4.09 a gallon of regular here is south Florida yesterday.

In 2010 Exxon made just over 2 cents per gallon, and -
Exxon also reports that in 2010 it “made less than 8 cents for every dollar of revenue from all of our businesses around the world.”
Why is it going up? Because the private sector would rather rake in even bigger profits and fuck the common folk than, well, not doing that.

On a $3.60 gallon of gas, the oil company is yielding anywhere between $.08 and $.10 per gallon; or about 3 percent. Federal Government however, gets approxately $0.60 per gallon or 20 percent. The oil company bears all of the risk (e.g. Exploration, manufacturing, liability). What overhead or risk does the Government bear?

Wouldn't the Government be doing the common folk a favor if they cut their take during rising prices vs. taking 7.5x multiples of so-called "obscene profits"?


You should say the companys not the company.
The drilling and exploration one.
The production one.
The transportation one.
The refining one.
the distribution one.
Yes the retailer gets 6-10 cents per gallon but others have made money off of it before it gets to the retailer.

The Federal Government makes more pure profit on a gallon of gas without any overhead or risk. If everyone stopped driving tomorrow, The Goverment can find another tax to make up the revenue loss. Hence, no risk or overhead. Why can't the Goverent do its part to lower the price of gas if prices go above a price level?
On a $3.60 gallon of gas, the oil company is yielding anywhere between $.08 and $.10 per gallon; or about 3 percent. Federal Government however, gets approxately $0.60 per gallon or 20 percent. The oil company bears all of the risk (e.g. Exploration, manufacturing, liability). What overhead or risk does the Government bear?

Wouldn't the Government be doing the common folk a favor if they cut their take during rising prices vs. taking 7.5x multiples of so-called "obscene profits"?


You should say the companys not the company.
The drilling and exploration one.
The production one.
The transportation one.
The refining one.
the distribution one.
Yes the retailer gets 6-10 cents per gallon but others have made money off of it before it gets to the retailer.

The Federal Government makes more pure profit on a gallon of gas without any overhead or risk. If everyone stopped driving tomorrow, The Goverment can find another tax to make up the revenue loss. Hence, no risk or overhead. Why can't the Goverent do its part to lower the price of gas if prices go above a price level?

Where would they get the money to maintain and expand our road system that we all so dearly like to drive on.

Gax taxes should actually be a percentage of the price tax.
As the pirce of gas/oil goes up so do the costs of maintaing roads, but generally as the prices rise sales drop thereby cutting per gallon taxes for road maintenance.
Would gas prices be this high if obama hadn't shut down so many refineries?

Yep no suprises there, they are pretty much the highest cost of living states.

Why is gas going up right now anyway?
It cannot be speculation can it?

Bigger question is why are we exporting so much oil when prices are so high?

So your answer is for us to just put our oil in storage? And that would help how?

We do not have a supply problem in this country, the reason for the high price is speculators buying oil futures.
Does 50 cents per gallon in either direction really make that much of a difference in most peoples lives? I mean enough to... you know, warrant all the bitching.

I'm talking about your every day commuter. I deal with it and I move on. 45 dollars a refill, 50... 55... 60. It's not breaking my bank.

NOTE: This is a bait thread. I want conservatives to come in here and defend the poor(of which I am by the way) and tell us just how hard it is to make ends meet because of fluctuations in gas prices.

I'm pretty sure the left was beating that dead horse into atoms during the bush years.....when prices went up. Everyday, we heard about some truck driver not being able to feed the kids etc.....
Yep no suprises there, they are pretty much the highest cost of living states.

Why is gas going up right now anyway?
It cannot be speculation can it?

Bigger question is why are we exporting so much oil when prices are so high?


We export to countries so we have to import from the ME, whose only real export is oil, if we stopped importing from there, their economies would fail and vast, expansive, expanding wars would break out.
Does 50 cents per gallon in either direction really make that much of a difference in most peoples lives? I mean enough to... you know, warrant all the bitching.

I'm talking about your every day commuter. I deal with it and I move on. 45 dollars a refill, 50... 55... 60. It's not breaking my bank.

NOTE: This is a bait thread. I want conservatives to come in here and defend the poor(of which I am by the way) and tell us just how hard it is to make ends meet because of fluctuations in gas prices.


You cried like a bitch when it was a buckeighty and blamed Bush, now that it's more than double, it's someone else fault.

You got what you asked for, now suffer
Does 50 cents per gallon in either direction really make that much of a difference in most peoples lives? I mean enough to... you know, warrant all the bitching.

I'm talking about your every day commuter. I deal with it and I move on. 45 dollars a refill, 50... 55... 60. It's not breaking my bank.

NOTE: This is a bait thread. I want conservatives to come in here and defend the poor(of which I am by the way) and tell us just how hard it is to make ends meet because of fluctuations in gas prices.

If Bush is so worried about our economy, then why doesn't he do something about gas prices? - Yahoo! Answers

Bush, the Economy, Social Security Reform, Nuclear Power, Social Class
There are a number of reasons why the public is currently so dour on the economy --

and isn't this just hypocriitcal?
CNBC: Why we have nothing to fear from $4 gas - Business - Oil & energy | NBC News
Finally, we’ve grown a little more used to these prices. They just aren’t as shocking as they were a few years ago. Plus, as CNBC’s excellent car guru Phil LeBeau points out, prices have risen gradually, not suddenly like a few years ago.

So that's there excuse for not giving Obama a hard time about high prices? Really?

U.S. gasoline prices peek above $2 a gallon - May. 18, 2004
Democratic presidential challenger John Kerry's campaign said Monday the administration's national energy plan, which was announced three years ago this week, has not reduced U.S. reliance on foreign oil or lowered gasoline prices.

"When it comes to crafting consumer-friendly energy policies, George Bush has been an abject failure," a Kerry spokesman said. "While gas prices skyrocket and consumers get pinched, oil companies are raking in record profits."

but now $4 and more per gallon seems to have all sorts of excuses, doesn't it?
Does 50 cents per gallon in either direction really make that much of a difference in most peoples lives? I mean enough to... you know, warrant all the bitching.

I'm talking about your every day commuter. I deal with it and I move on. 45 dollars a refill, 50... 55... 60. It's not breaking my bank.

NOTE: This is a bait thread. I want conservatives to come in here and defend the poor(of which I am by the way) and tell us just how hard it is to make ends meet because of fluctuations in gas prices.

How liberal of you to just think of how this affects you and not how it affects all Americans.

Some American employers have fleets of trucks used in transporting goods across America, their fuel cost will ultimately be payed for by the consumer. There are a host of folks in this country that are hurt by the rising cost of fuel.
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