Stable Genius: "The Kurds Are Very Happy"

Where they are is their Homeland. For thousands of years in fact.

Their homeland are parts of 4 countries.
Looks like they can't get their shit together.

Why should the US help them carve out chunks of other nations anyway? Seems like asking for big trouble. If Trump went along with that plan we all know the left would call him insane, and rightfully so.
The democommiecrats want Americans fighting in Turkey, Syria and Iraq for the glory of an independent Kurdistan.

You just gotta love the hypocrisy of the anti-war left suddenly up in arms because Trump took action to avoid a conflict with Turkey. Similarly hilarious that they are mad at him for not doing regime change in Syria when they spent like 20 years complaining about that practice. Not only that but the "race is a social construct" left who agonizes about racism 24/7 thinks the Kurds need to have their own ethno-state. But white people are Nazis for wanting to remain a majority in their own countries.
How were we gonna have a conflict with Turkey?

You people are just making shit up now.

What do you think would happen if American soldiers were caught up in the middle of Turkey's incursion into Syria?
1st post
Their homeland are parts of 4 countries.
Looks like they can't get their shit together.

Why should the US help them carve out chunks of other nations anyway? Seems like asking for big trouble. If Trump went along with that plan we all know the left would call him insane, and rightfully so.
The democommiecrats want Americans fighting in Turkey, Syria and Iraq for the glory of an independent Kurdistan.

You just gotta love the hypocrisy of the anti-war left suddenly up in arms because Trump took action to avoid a conflict with Turkey. Similarly hilarious that they are mad at him for not doing regime change in Syria when they spent like 20 years complaining about that practice. Not only that but the "race is a social construct" left who agonizes about racism 24/7 thinks the Kurds need to have their own ethno-state. But white people are Nazis for wanting to remain a majority in their own countries.
How were we gonna have a conflict with Turkey?

You people are just making shit up now.

What do you think would happen if American soldiers were caught up in the middle of Turkey's incursion into Syria?
There was no Turkish invasion of Syria until our soldiers left.

You remember that, right? All of this started because tRump decided to withdraw our troops from northern Syria.
Why should the US help them carve out chunks of other nations anyway? Seems like asking for big trouble. If Trump went along with that plan we all know the left would call him insane, and rightfully so.
The democommiecrats want Americans fighting in Turkey, Syria and Iraq for the glory of an independent Kurdistan.

You just gotta love the hypocrisy of the anti-war left suddenly up in arms because Trump took action to avoid a conflict with Turkey. Similarly hilarious that they are mad at him for not doing regime change in Syria when they spent like 20 years complaining about that practice. Not only that but the "race is a social construct" left who agonizes about racism 24/7 thinks the Kurds need to have their own ethno-state. But white people are Nazis for wanting to remain a majority in their own countries.
How were we gonna have a conflict with Turkey?

You people are just making shit up now.

What do you think would happen if American soldiers were caught up in the middle of Turkey's incursion into Syria?
There was no Turkish invasion of Syria until our soldiers left.

You remember that, right? All of this started because tRump decided to withdraw our troops from northern Syria.

That's why they were there. To discourage Turkish aggression. Sitting ducks surrounded by chaos who's lives were being gambled with. All it would take is one stray bullet and boom, America is stuck in a war against whoever gets blamed.
Why should the US help them carve out chunks of other nations anyway? Seems like asking for big trouble. If Trump went along with that plan we all know the left would call him insane, and rightfully so.
The democommiecrats want Americans fighting in Turkey, Syria and Iraq for the glory of an independent Kurdistan.

You just gotta love the hypocrisy of the anti-war left suddenly up in arms because Trump took action to avoid a conflict with Turkey. Similarly hilarious that they are mad at him for not doing regime change in Syria when they spent like 20 years complaining about that practice. Not only that but the "race is a social construct" left who agonizes about racism 24/7 thinks the Kurds need to have their own ethno-state. But white people are Nazis for wanting to remain a majority in their own countries.
How were we gonna have a conflict with Turkey?

You people are just making shit up now.

What do you think would happen if American soldiers were caught up in the middle of Turkey's incursion into Syria?
There was no Turkish invasion of Syria until our soldiers left.

You remember that, right? All of this started because tRump decided to withdraw our troops from northern Syria.
We were supposed to stay in Syria permanently?
Forced out of their homeland. A Kurd politician dragged from her car and shot in the street like a dog. Kurd women and children massacred.

And what does the Colluder-in-Chief say about how the Kurds are feeling?

President Trump insisted Friday that Kurdish allies who were being forced from northern Syria to avoid slaughter are "very happy about the way things are going," describing the already breached ceasefire brokered with Turkey like a business deal.

Trump claims Kurds are "very happy about the way things are going," a day after Turkey ceasefire announcement - CBS News

Our President is full-on batshit crazy, people. All the way around the bend.


WHO took care of the Kurds before the 2008 CIA, Mossad and Mabahith invasion ?

Washington wrong once again – Kurds join Assad to defend Syria

Crack a history book every now and then and stop BSng,

5th post

Your analysis is a great example of what happens when "everything you have is a hammer" applies.

The TDS is mostly generated by the extreme bias which the media has against Trump. That did not exist under Obama.

It's quite ironic that the same guy who always talks about nuance and continuity falls into the fallacy and creates a binary category so powerful it can explain anything.
Forced out of their homeland. A Kurd politician dragged from her car and shot in the street like a dog. Kurd women and children massacred.

And what does the Colluder-in-Chief say about how the Kurds are feeling?

President Trump insisted Friday that Kurdish allies who were being forced from northern Syria to avoid slaughter are "very happy about the way things are going," describing the already breached ceasefire brokered with Turkey like a business deal.

Trump claims Kurds are "very happy about the way things are going," a day after Turkey ceasefire announcement - CBS News

Our President is full-on batshit crazy, people. All the way around the bend.

#25thAmendment has been trending AGAIN because of Trump's unhinged actions.

"There's lots of sand"

Jesus H Christ on a raft. If this guy was a relative, you'd take his fucking keys and call a doctor.
The democommiecrats want Americans fighting in Turkey, Syria and Iraq for the glory of an independent Kurdistan.

You just gotta love the hypocrisy of the anti-war left suddenly up in arms because Trump took action to avoid a conflict with Turkey. Similarly hilarious that they are mad at him for not doing regime change in Syria when they spent like 20 years complaining about that practice. Not only that but the "race is a social construct" left who agonizes about racism 24/7 thinks the Kurds need to have their own ethno-state. But white people are Nazis for wanting to remain a majority in their own countries.
How were we gonna have a conflict with Turkey?

You people are just making shit up now.

What do you think would happen if American soldiers were caught up in the middle of Turkey's incursion into Syria?
There was no Turkish invasion of Syria until our soldiers left.

You remember that, right? All of this started because tRump decided to withdraw our troops from northern Syria.
We were supposed to stay in Syria permanently?

Of course not. Is this really the proper way to draw down troops in an area, just leave all our shit there so we have to strategically blow it up?

Y'all freaked out when Obama wanted to start withdrawing troops in a much more careful and planned way, but bend over and spread America's asscheeks at whatever Trump wants to do (completely impulsively, without talking to the Pentagon or State Department, but after talking to fucking Turkey)
What importance is Syria or the Kurds when it comes to the security of the United States? Not worth our time, money or lives.
10th post
"Finally the US is greeted as liberators by people in the Middle East. Unfortunately, they are ISIS."

- Bill Maher
Forced out of their homeland. A Kurd politician dragged from her car and shot in the street like a dog. Kurd women and children massacred.

And what does the Colluder-in-Chief say about how the Kurds are feeling?

President Trump insisted Friday that Kurdish allies who were being forced from northern Syria to avoid slaughter are "very happy about the way things are going," describing the already breached ceasefire brokered with Turkey like a business deal.

Trump claims Kurds are "very happy about the way things are going," a day after Turkey ceasefire announcement - CBS News

Our President is full-on batshit crazy, people. All the way around the bend.
The Kurds sided with the Turks and were more than willing participants in the massacre of Armenians. They lost a local ally who could now give less of a shit than most Americans.
Seriously. How many pounds of brain damage does it take to claim the Kurds are "very happy"?

If that does not wake you tards up to how fucked up a horse you are backing, nothing will.

If you line up to drink that piss, then you are fucking more retarded than even I believed you are. are insane with hate from TDS

Every time you Rumpsters wish to wish away something totally insane from your Orange Leader, you use the TDS response when you can't come up with even a decent lie to come back with.

no--you are bat shit crazy
....please learn some history---it doesn't matter what the US did or does--plain and simple
I know history, fuckwit. Especially Trump's history.

Congratulations. You have become a cut and run Democrat like Trump has always been.
Less than 50 troops. They were going to get slaughtered if they stayed there. Your hatred has turned you into a warmonger.
Less than 50 troops. They were going to get slaughtered if they stayed there.
By whom? You're making shit up. No serious person is saying this.
That's the amount of troops that were moved. You know they were on the border and these attacks were planned. So you would support for our troops to be slaughtered for no other reason, than your hatred for Trump?
The Kurds sided with the Turks and were more than willing participants in the massacre of Armenians.
Bullshit. The ones who participated were conscripted. And the ones who escaped this did not fight against the Armenians.
You obviously know shit about history. The Kurds were either slaughtering Armenians or/and waiting for them like vultures to be removed so they could loot and move into their houses.

You know shit!

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