Stable Genius: "The Kurds Are Very Happy"

You just gotta love the hypocrisy of the anti-war left suddenly up in arms because Trump took action to avoid a conflict with Turkey. Similarly hilarious that they are mad at him for not doing regime change in Syria when they spent like 20 years complaining about that practice. Not only that but the "race is a social construct" left who agonizes about racism 24/7 thinks the Kurds need to have their own ethno-state. But white people are Nazis for wanting to remain a majority in their own countries.
How were we gonna have a conflict with Turkey?

You people are just making shit up now.

What do you think would happen if American soldiers were caught up in the middle of Turkey's incursion into Syria?
Why do you think Turkey crossed the border?

I don't really care. It's their business.

Stupid answer.

In the long run, US involvement in the Turkey vs Syria thing will end up costing a lot more civilian lives than if we just stay out of it.
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That's the amount of troops that were moved. You know they were on the border and these attacks were planned
Turkey would not have attacked, had the agreement for them to be there stayed in place. That is literally why they were ther
Actually you're wrong, but we are used to that.
Forced out of their homeland. A Kurd politician dragged from her car and shot in the street like a dog. Kurd women and children massacred.

And what does the Colluder-in-Chief say about how the Kurds are feeling?

President Trump insisted Friday that Kurdish allies who were being forced from northern Syria to avoid slaughter are "very happy about the way things are going," describing the already breached ceasefire brokered with Turkey like a business deal.

Trump claims Kurds are "very happy about the way things are going," a day after Turkey ceasefire announcement - CBS News

Our President is full-on batshit crazy, people. All the way around the bend.
Why do you want to help them but not Americans? Why don't you want to secure our borders?
Forced out of their homeland. A Kurd politician dragged from her car and shot in the street like a dog. Kurd women and children massacred.

And what does the Colluder-in-Chief say about how the Kurds are feeling?

President Trump insisted Friday that Kurdish allies who were being forced from northern Syria to avoid slaughter are "very happy about the way things are going," describing the already breached ceasefire brokered with Turkey like a business deal.

Trump claims Kurds are "very happy about the way things are going," a day after Turkey ceasefire announcement - CBS News

Our President is full-on batshit crazy, people. All the way around the bend.

Trump is pure TREASON! His evil shit stain will echo in eternity.
keep the laughs coming
always funny to see crazy people
Forced out of their homeland. A Kurd politician dragged from her car and shot in the street like a dog. Kurd women and children massacred.

And what does the Colluder-in-Chief say about how the Kurds are feeling?

President Trump insisted Friday that Kurdish allies who were being forced from northern Syria to avoid slaughter are "very happy about the way things are going," describing the already breached ceasefire brokered with Turkey like a business deal.

Trump claims Kurds are "very happy about the way things are going," a day after Turkey ceasefire announcement - CBS News

Our President is full-on batshit crazy, people. All the way around the bend.
Why do you want to help them but not Americans? Why don't you want to secure our borders?
.....that is one of the ultimate hypocrisies of the left/Dems
Are you happy now, Trump supporters?

Now Kurds are being slaughtered, and Islamic State detainees are escaping. With chaos all around, Trump had no choice on Sunday but to order most U.S. troops to scuttle out of Syria in a humiliating defeat. Our forces are leaving so fast they could not take with them, as planned, some 60 “high value” Islamic State detainees — i.e., some of the worst terrorists on the planet.

The Kurds, in turn, had no choice but to invite Syrian regime forces to come to their rescue, thereby handing a massive win not only to Bashar al-Assad but also to his backers in Moscow and Tehran.
yes--very happy we are not wasting MORE tax $$$$$

are Kurds happy? If not (DUH) why the fuck is your dear leader lying about it to your face?
I don't care---just as long as I am happy

Lying fuck Trump just deployed 1800 more troops in Saudi Arabia.
US sending 2,000 troops to Saudi Arabia as Iran threat grows

I'm sure you are happy :rolleyes:
lying?? how so???
When the Ottoman Empire collapsed, the Kurds were much happier when participating in the genocide of Armenians.

Nobody slaughtered Armenians like the
Turks, nobody. Just like they wanna do with the Kurds now.

Kurds took part in the Armenian genocide.
Could be their turn now.

So you justify it that way? Got nothing to say about your friends the Turks slaughtering the Armenians?
Anyone who thinks they havce a "HOMELAND" is so righteous. Except for White people. Fuck all monobrow fucktards with hooked noses, especially the ones in the US local, state, and federal government. Go the fuck back to your fucking disgusting homeland.
Are you happy now, Trump supporters?

Now Kurds are being slaughtered, and Islamic State detainees are escaping. With chaos all around, Trump had no choice on Sunday but to order most U.S. troops to scuttle out of Syria in a humiliating defeat. Our forces are leaving so fast they could not take with them, as planned, some 60 “high value” Islamic State detainees — i.e., some of the worst terrorists on the planet.

The Kurds, in turn, had no choice but to invite Syrian regime forces to come to their rescue, thereby handing a massive win not only to Bashar al-Assad but also to his backers in Moscow and Tehran.

Ask all of the Turkish parents whose children were blown up by Kurdish terrorists. The Kurds are trying to change the geography of Turkey the same way the Palestinians are trying to change the geography of Israel and they're using the same methods.

Shut the fuck up.... suit up...grab your M16 and stop talking about it... Talk is cheap... do something about it you pussy.

Forced out of their homeland. A Kurd politician dragged from her car and shot in the street like a dog. Kurd women and children massacred.

And what does the Colluder-in-Chief say about how the Kurds are feeling?

President Trump insisted Friday that Kurdish allies who were being forced from northern Syria to avoid slaughter are "very happy about the way things are going," describing the already breached ceasefire brokered with Turkey like a business deal.

Trump claims Kurds are "very happy about the way things are going," a day after Turkey ceasefire announcement - CBS News

Our President is full-on batshit crazy, people. All the way around the bend.
There is no Kurd homeland. There never was. That's the basis for the Kurds fight against Turkey. The Kurds should be overjoyed to be allowed to return to the region of north Turkey, Syria or Iraq that they came from.
Where they are is their Homeland. For thousands of years in fact.
and not our responsibility

I agree.

Not our problem and certainly not our responsibility.

The Kurds have been fighting the Turks for hundreds of years. If they helped us you can bet your ass they got something out of it.

The lefty loons seem to think it is our problem and our responsibility. They should all grab their guns, hop a plane and head on over to fight for the Kurds. Of course that won't happen. All they have are big mouths.

Forced out of their homeland. A Kurd politician dragged from her car and shot in the street like a dog. Kurd women and children massacred.

And what does the Colluder-in-Chief say about how the Kurds are feeling?

President Trump insisted Friday that Kurdish allies who were being forced from northern Syria to avoid slaughter are "very happy about the way things are going," describing the already breached ceasefire brokered with Turkey like a business deal.

Trump claims Kurds are "very happy about the way things are going," a day after Turkey ceasefire announcement - CBS News

Our President is full-on batshit crazy, people. All the way around the bend.
There is no Kurd homeland. There never was. That's the basis for the Kurds fight against Turkey. The Kurds should be overjoyed to be allowed to return to the region of north Turkey, Syria or Iraq that they came from.
Where they are is their Homeland. For thousands of years in fact.
and not our responsibility

I agree.

Not our problem and certainly not our responsibility.

The Kurds have been fighting the Turks for hundreds of years. If they helped us you can bet your ass they got something out of it.

The lefty loons seem to think it is our problem and our responsibility. They should all grab their guns, hop a plane and head on over to fight for the Kurds. Of course that won't happen. All they have are big mouths.


The kurds blow up school buses for crissakes... How the hell did we ever end up with them for allies?

Erdogan maybe a political bully but even he has his limits. The Kurds had been warned for the past 10 years that if they didn't cut the shit the Turkish army was going to go down there and cut it for them.

Forced out of their homeland. A Kurd politician dragged from her car and shot in the street like a dog. Kurd women and children massacred.

And what does the Colluder-in-Chief say about how the Kurds are feeling?

President Trump insisted Friday that Kurdish allies who were being forced from northern Syria to avoid slaughter are "very happy about the way things are going," describing the already breached ceasefire brokered with Turkey like a business deal.

Trump claims Kurds are "very happy about the way things are going," a day after Turkey ceasefire announcement - CBS News

Our President is full-on batshit crazy, people. All the way around the bend.
There is no Kurd homeland. There never was. That's the basis for the Kurds fight against Turkey. The Kurds should be overjoyed to be allowed to return to the region of north Turkey, Syria or Iraq that they came from.
Where they are is their Homeland. For thousands of years in fact.
and not our responsibility

I agree.

Not our problem and certainly not our responsibility.

The Kurds have been fighting the Turks for hundreds of years. If they helped us you can bet your ass they got something out of it.

The lefty loons seem to think it is our problem and our responsibility. They should all grab their guns, hop a plane and head on over to fight for the Kurds. Of course that won't happen. All they have are big mouths.

You children are so uninformed it's not even funny.
Forced out of their homeland. A Kurd politician dragged from her car and shot in the street like a dog. Kurd women and children massacred.

And what does the Colluder-in-Chief say about how the Kurds are feeling?

President Trump insisted Friday that Kurdish allies who were being forced from northern Syria to avoid slaughter are "very happy about the way things are going," describing the already breached ceasefire brokered with Turkey like a business deal.

Trump claims Kurds are "very happy about the way things are going," a day after Turkey ceasefire announcement - CBS News

Our President is full-on batshit crazy, people. All the way around the bend.
There is no Kurd homeland. There never was. That's the basis for the Kurds fight against Turkey. The Kurds should be overjoyed to be allowed to return to the region of north Turkey, Syria or Iraq that they came from.
Where they are is their Homeland. For thousands of years in fact.
and not our responsibility

I agree.

Not our problem and certainly not our responsibility.

The Kurds have been fighting the Turks for hundreds of years. If they helped us you can bet your ass they got something out of it.

The lefty loons seem to think it is our problem and our responsibility. They should all grab their guns, hop a plane and head on over to fight for the Kurds. Of course that won't happen. All they have are big mouths.

You children are so uninformed it's not even funny.

Not as uniformed as your stupid ass.

Kurds aren't our problem or our responsibility. Only an idiot would assume responsibility for them.

There is no Kurd homeland. There never was. That's the basis for the Kurds fight against Turkey. The Kurds should be overjoyed to be allowed to return to the region of north Turkey, Syria or Iraq that they came from.
Where they are is their Homeland. For thousands of years in fact.
and not our responsibility

I agree.

Not our problem and certainly not our responsibility.

The Kurds have been fighting the Turks for hundreds of years. If they helped us you can bet your ass they got something out of it.

The lefty loons seem to think it is our problem and our responsibility. They should all grab their guns, hop a plane and head on over to fight for the Kurds. Of course that won't happen. All they have are big mouths.

You children are so uninformed it's not even funny.

Not as uniformed as your stupid ass.

Kurds aren't our problem or our responsibility. Only an idiot would assume responsibility for them.

Blindly repeating what hannity told you to say is not an argument. This is about more than just the Kurds anyway, although what we've just done to them is incredibly shitty.

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