Soaring profits thanks to obameyObamey.

High insurance premiums with no benefits. insurance companies are benefiting. Our tax dollars paying for those subsidizes.

High premiums either for those with high incomes or those too stubborn to check the marketplace sites. Good coverage for those who understand that they have choices in terms of premiums and deductibles. Crocodile tears for those who refuse to learn anything because it might spoil their endless whining.
High insurance premiums with no benefits. insurance companies are benefiting. Our tax dollars paying for those subsidizes.

High premiums either for those with high incomes or those too stubborn to check the marketplace sites. Good coverage for those who understand that they have choices in terms of premiums and deductibles. Crocodile tears for those who refuse to learn anything because it might spoil their endless whining.
What is the average low price on MP
High insurance premiums with no benefits. insurance companies are benefiting. Our tax dollars paying for those subsidizes.

High premiums either for those with high incomes or those too stubborn to check the marketplace sites. Good coverage for those who understand that they have choices in terms of premiums and deductibles. Crocodile tears for those who refuse to learn anything because it might spoil their endless whining.
What is the average low price on MP

It depends on your income, number of dependents, what state you live in, and a host of other variables. Start here:

Subsidy Calculator Widget

Then go to your state marketplace site, if you're lucky enough to have one. If not, go to the federal exchange.
Big fucking deal. they get to rape people, like me, who happen to be male, and over 68 years old and yet I have to buy coverage for pregnancy. You know, when you get to force men to pay for pregnancy coverage you can afford to pay for a whole lot of preconditions now can't you?

And those of us who are young and healthy have to pay in for old codgers with cardiac issues who ought to be covered by Medicare but instead insist on staying in the commercial pool with us (those folks, of course, are protected by the age rating bands, which raise the rates of those of us who are younger to keep the older folks' premiums down).

Yet life goes on. And many of us don't even spend all day bitching and moaning about it. Imagine that!

You too are a propagandist. Medicare should only be for those who can't afford their own health insurance. period. You asshats pushing for single payer insurance ignore the very real facts in Canada and the UK that show it to be shit. If a Canadian has money THEY leave the country to get the care they need. Yeppers, Canadian health care is soo good they ABANDON it!

Estimated 52,000 Canadians sought medical care outside Canada, Fraser Institute says

More Canadians seek health care outside Canada, report says
High insurance premiums with no benefits. insurance companies are benefiting. Our tax dollars paying for those subsidizes.

Who are you, Bernie Sanders? If you want to eliminate insurance companies, you've got a tough road in front of you.
I don't want to eliminate them I just don't want to pay for something that gives me no coverage.

Then do some comparison shopping.
High insurance premiums with no benefits. insurance companies are benefiting. Our tax dollars paying for those subsidizes.

High premiums either for those with high incomes or those too stubborn to check the marketplace sites. Good coverage for those who understand that they have choices in terms of premiums and deductibles. Crocodile tears for those who refuse to learn anything because it might spoil their endless whining.
What is the average low price on MP

It depends on your income, number of dependents, what state you live in, and a host of other variables. Start here:

Subsidy Calculator Widget

Then go to your state marketplace site, if you're lucky enough to have one. If not, go to the federal exchange.

Do you have anything other than propaganda dude or is that the limit of your capabilities?
Big fucking deal. they get to rape people, like me, who happen to be male, and over 68 years old and yet I have to buy coverage for pregnancy. You know, when you get to force men to pay for pregnancy coverage you can afford to pay for a whole lot of preconditions now can't you?

And those of us who are young and healthy have to pay in for old codgers with cardiac issues who ought to be covered by Medicare but instead insist on staying in the commercial pool with us (those folks, of course, are protected by the age rating bands, which raise the rates of those of us who are younger to keep the older folks' premiums down).

Yet life goes on. And many of us don't even spend all day bitching and moaning about it. Imagine that!

You too are a propagandist. Medicare should only be for those who can't afford their own health insurance. period. You asshats pushing for single payer insurance ignore the very real facts in Canada and the UK that show it to be shit. If a Canadian has money THEY leave the country to get the care they need. Yeppers, Canadian health care is soo good they ABANDON it!

Estimated 52,000 Canadians sought medical care outside Canada, Fraser Institute says

More Canadians seek health care outside Canada, report says

"Non-emergency care" is usually code for plastic surgery, which your Aetna policy probably doesn't cover, either. So what are you looking for - tummy tuck or butt lift?
High insurance premiums with no benefits. insurance companies are benefiting. Our tax dollars paying for those subsidizes.

Who are you, Bernie Sanders? If you want to eliminate insurance companies, you've got a tough road in front of you.
I don't want to eliminate them I just don't want to pay for something that gives me no coverage.

Then do some comparison shopping.

Do you have anything other than propaganda dude or is that the limit of your capabilities?

I don't want to eliminate them I just don't want to pay for something that gives me no coverage.

No coverage? If you've got insurance, at worst you've got access to a full slate of benefits that entitle you to unlimited payouts with a maximum (in the skimpiest plans available) of $6-7K out-of-pocket to you. That may seem like a lot of financial exposure but it's also a lot of financial protection, given out how much expensive episodes of care actually cost.

If you want everything and you want it cheap, Bernie Sander is probably the only candidate with an approach to your liking. But there are other downsides to that road.
Big fucking deal. they get to rape people, like me, who happen to be male, and over 68 years old and yet I have to buy coverage for pregnancy. You know, when you get to force men to pay for pregnancy coverage you can afford to pay for a whole lot of preconditions now can't you?

And those of us who are young and healthy have to pay in for old codgers with cardiac issues who ought to be covered by Medicare but instead insist on staying in the commercial pool with us (those folks, of course, are protected by the age rating bands, which raise the rates of those of us who are younger to keep the older folks' premiums down).

Yet life goes on. And many of us don't even spend all day bitching and moaning about it. Imagine that!

You too are a propagandist. Medicare should only be for those who can't afford their own health insurance. period. You asshats pushing for single payer insurance ignore the very real facts in Canada and the UK that show it to be shit. If a Canadian has money THEY leave the country to get the care they need. Yeppers, Canadian health care is soo good they ABANDON it!

Estimated 52,000 Canadians sought medical care outside Canada, Fraser Institute says

More Canadians seek health care outside Canada, report says

"Non-emergency care" is usually code for plastic surgery, which your Aetna policy probably doesn't cover, either. So what are you looking for - tummy tuck or butt lift?

Wrong, non emergency is anything that is not immediate. Sadly they think you can wait for heart surgery, or cancer treatments when anyone with a brain knows that neither can wait. Clearly you have no brain so I simply can't help you dude. You're just too stupid to understand the basics...

Danny Williams, Canadian Official, Seeks Heart Surgery In US

Danny Williams, Canadian Official, Seeks Heart Surgery In US

Stronach travels to U.S. for cancer treatment

Stronach travels to U.S. for cancer treatment | Toronto Star
I don't want to eliminate them I just don't want to pay for something that gives me no coverage.

No coverage? If you've got insurance, at worst you've got access to a full slate of benefits that entitle you to unlimited payouts with a maximum (in the skimpiest plans available) of $6-7K out-of-pocket to you. That may seem like a lot of financial exposure but it's also a lot of financial protection, given out how much expensive episodes of care actually cost.

If you want everything and you want it cheap, Bernie Sander is probably the only candidate with an approach to your liking. But there are other downsides to that road.

:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh: Delusion they name is greenbeard. Face it dude, everything you have claimed has been shown to be flat assed wrong and virtually everything we have claimed has happened.

What did anyone expect since they helped write the law along with the big pharmacy companies..

And yet the far left backed the bill without question hesitation.

The very thing they claim they are against they voted to empower it..

Exactly. Its hard to get past the hypocrisy of it all.

And the thing is, other than the corporatist shills deliberately campaigning, I think most of them sincerely believe that, somehow, outsourcing socialism to corporations will be good idea.
Other than four accidents. Only went to the doctor about 15 times in my whole life. Should just accept it and go on. But.
You too are a propagandist. Medicare should only be for those who can't afford their own health insurance. period.

Perhaps in your universe, but in real life it's for everybody who paid into it during their working life.

You asshats pushing for single payer insurance ignore the very real facts in Canada and the UK that show it to be shit.

I'm not pushing for single-payer. I honestly don't give a shit that the for-profit insurers are making profits. I do think the Rubios of the world need to stop trying to eliminate their not-for-profit competitors, but I'm elated to see the insurance markets working.

I just think you need a reality check. You refer to your physicians in the plural. They apparently include cardiologists. You are beyond the age commercial insurance pools are designed to include. You are being carried by the rest of us at this point. We bear your risk in our premiums. That's fine, that's how insurance pools work. But to see you of all people bitching about your benefit package including things you're not going to use is too much. Get a grip.
You too are a propagandist. Medicare should only be for those who can't afford their own health insurance. period.

Perhaps in your universe, but in real life it's for everybody who paid into it during their working life.

You asshats pushing for single payer insurance ignore the very real facts in Canada and the UK that show it to be shit.

I'm not pushing for single-payer. I honestly don't give a shit that the for-profit insurers are making profits. I do think the Rubios of the world need to stop trying to eliminate their not-for-profit competitors, but I'm elated to see the insurance markets working.

I just think you need a reality check. You refer to your physicians in the plural. They apparently include cardiologists. You are beyond the age commercial insurance pools are designed to include. You are being carried by the rest of us at this point. We bear your risk in our premiums. That's fine, that's how insurance pools work. But to see you of all people bitching about your benefit package including things you're not going to use is too much. Get a grip.

Please feel free to show us a market that is working. They are ALL failing. Every single one of them. As we said they would.

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