So what I dont believe in God?


Diamond Member
Jun 5, 2008
Seriously, what does it matter if someone believes in God? I've been talking to many theists who dont believe in hell or they say their religion doesnt say non believers go to hell so who cares if people dont believe? Especially if they are good people.

I believe this threat of hell is key to recruiting members. Even my theist buddy who doesnt believe in hell said to me "you just gotta believe". Why?
Seriously, what does it matter if someone believes in God? I've been talking to many theists who dont believe in hell or they say their religion doesnt say non believers go to hell so who cares if people dont believe? Especially if they are good people.

I believe this threat of hell is key to recruiting members. Even my theist buddy who doesnt believe in hell said to me "you just gotta believe". Why?
Well, obviously, we've beat this horse to death, many times over. Allow believers to believe, and allow non-believers to not believe, very simple, really. We're not going to change anyone's mind, and we're not going to make the world a better place to live by criticizing either side of the issue. This subject makes for non-productive conversation and debate. There is NO winning side to this argument, and I doubt there will be one until the very end comes. Do we continue to debate this, knowing in advance the outcome?
I believe that any possibility of entering into the presence of God hinges on coming to a saving knowledge of His LOVE. People who do not believe in God place faith in something else. This maybe mom or dad, the police, a friend, a lover, a company, or a government --- perhaps even an ideal or one's self. But such a person becomes the victim of control, manipulation, and discouragement upon finding out just how imperfect such temporal things are.
Seriously, what does it matter if someone believes in God? I've been talking to many theists who dont believe in hell or they say their religion doesnt say non believers go to hell so who cares if people dont believe? Especially if they are good people.

I believe this threat of hell is key to recruiting members. Even my theist buddy who doesnt believe in hell said to me "you just gotta believe". Why?
Well, obviously, we've beat this horse to death, many times over. Allow believers to believe, and allow non-believers to not believe, very simple, really. We're not going to change anyone's mind, and we're not going to make the world a better place to live by criticizing either side of the issue. This subject makes for non-productive conversation and debate. There is NO winning side to this argument, and I doubt there will be one until the very end comes. Do we continue to debate this, knowing in advance the outcome?
That's my point. That's what I hope religion becomes. Doesnt matter if a person believes. So now theists will vote for an athiest? Because last I checked athiests were the least electable people. Even pot smoking phalanderers ranked higher. So do you get why it matters that people stop caring if other people believe or not. Dont pretend it doesnt matter to you and your side when it clearly does very much.

I want to divide you theists. Make people realize how stupid any religion is that claims non believers are bad or go to hell.

Its all about reforming and upgrading religion. The old ways no longer work. Telling people they go to hell. Phooie.
Seriously, what does it matter if someone believes in God? I've been talking to many theists who dont believe in hell or they say their religion doesnt say non believers go to hell so who cares if people dont believe? Especially if they are good people.

I believe this threat of hell is key to recruiting members. Even my theist buddy who doesnt believe in hell said to me "you just gotta believe". Why?
I don't care if you believe in God or not. The beauty of this country is that you are free to do so. I care if you want to put restrictions on MY belief in God. you DON'T get to do that, ever.
I believe that any possibility of entering into the presence of God hinges on coming to a saving knowledge of His LOVE. People who do not believe in God place faith in something else. This maybe mom or dad, the police, a friend, a lover, a company, or a government --- perhaps even an ideal or one's self. But such a person becomes the victim of control, manipulation, and discouragement upon finding out just how imperfect such temporal things are.
What is faith? I dont have faith in anything really. I am greatful the big bang happened and eventually life started and my apelike ancestors mated 1 mill years ago and every one of my grandparents for millions of years met and mated and that led to me existing. I'm greatful for my wonderful life. I believe when my time comes that's it. All those grandparents for millions of years aren't waiting for me in heaven. Wishful thinking.

I'm greatful I wasn't born in Russia or with cancer. I hope we stay a free country and we cure cancer. I guess I'll put my faith in science.

That's it! Science is my faith! A faith that can be wrong. SOLD. Sign me up.
Seriously, what does it matter if someone believes in God? I've been talking to many theists who dont believe in hell or they say their religion doesnt say non believers go to hell so who cares if people dont believe? Especially if they are good people.

I believe this threat of hell is key to recruiting members. Even my theist buddy who doesnt believe in hell said to me "you just gotta believe". Why?

It makes no difference to me, Why can't you be the same way with people who believe? What difference does it make to you?
Sealy, what do you think the word God means,
shouldn't something be defined first before one claims it's irrelevant or doesn't exist?
The discussion shouldn't be if God exists it should be what is God. Because if one culture claims God is a word used to define the source and power of life and life exists means it's source exists, therefore the arguments should be about what is the most finite definition of that source and force of life we deem God. Now if another culture leads you to believe God is a man or figure in the sky then sure that DEFINITION OF God does not exist because it would have a further process in creating it. But then the argument is in defining God not does our source exist.
Seriously, what does it matter if someone believes in God? I've been talking to many theists who dont believe in hell or they say their religion doesnt say non believers go to hell so who cares if people dont believe? Especially if they are good people.

I believe this threat of hell is key to recruiting members. Even my theist buddy who doesnt believe in hell said to me "you just gotta believe". Why?

It makes no difference to me, Why can't you be the same way with people who believe? What difference does it make to you?

I feel like a born again wanting to spread my new found revelation. I also think belief in god has and is holding us back and " they" use it to control and manipulate and divide us.
Sealy, what do you think the word God means,
shouldn't something be defined first before one claims it's irrelevant or doesn't exist?
The discussion shouldn't be if God exists it should be what is God. Because if one culture claims God is a word used to define the source and power of life and life exists means it's source exists, therefore the arguments should be about what is the most finite definition of that source and force of life we deem God. Now if another culture leads yoy tobelueve God is a man or figure in the sky then sure that God does not exist becsuse it would have a further process in creating it. But then the argument is in defining God not does our source exist.
Does it matter if I believe is the question.
Seriously, what does it matter if someone believes in God? I've been talking to many theists who dont believe in hell or they say their religion doesnt say non believers go to hell so who cares if people dont believe? Especially if they are good people.

I believe this threat of hell is key to recruiting members. Even my theist buddy who doesnt believe in hell said to me "you just gotta believe". Why?

One of the commandments of Judaism is directly to blame for my not becomming a rabbi,

# To know that G-d exists (Ex. 20:2; Deut. 5:6) (CCA1).

Could never be a very good spiritual leader and authority if I myself lacked the ability to honestly say I believe in God. Unfortunately, I think many don't share my objection to lying.
Seriously, what does it matter if someone believes in God? I've been talking to many theists who dont believe in hell or they say their religion doesnt say non believers go to hell so who cares if people dont believe? Especially if they are good people.

I believe this threat of hell is key to recruiting members. Even my theist buddy who doesnt believe in hell said to me "you just gotta believe". Why?

One of the commandments of Judaism is directly to blame for my not becomming a rabbi,

# To know that G-d exists (Ex. 20:2; Deut. 5:6) (CCA1).

Could never be a very good spiritual leader and authority if I myself lacked the ability to honestly say I believe in God. Unfortunately, I think many don't share my objection to lying.
They may believe the lie is necessary and without it people will do bad things. Or that religion does a lot of good.

I dont agree. I think religions are just another way they control us and if this is the best religions can do I say that's not very good. Less church wealth more charity please.
Seriously, what does it matter if someone believes in God? I've been talking to many theists who dont believe in hell or they say their religion doesnt say non believers go to hell so who cares if people dont believe? Especially if they are good people.

I believe this threat of hell is key to recruiting members. Even my theist buddy who doesnt believe in hell said to me "you just gotta believe". Why?

One of the commandments of Judaism is directly to blame for my not becomming a rabbi,

# To know that G-d exists (Ex. 20:2; Deut. 5:6) (CCA1).

Could never be a very good spiritual leader and authority if I myself lacked the ability to honestly say I believe in God. Unfortunately, I think many don't share my objection to lying.

When I was a kid there were so many more churches than there are now. Even though there are more people. As Greeks marry non Greeks they stop going to greek church dances and picnics. One day I see there being no catholic protestant greek orthodox baptist protestants Presbyterian etc. It'll just be the church of god. I know they have these now I'm just saying those will be the ones that outlast the rest.

As greek americans assimilate the greek orthodox church loses members. Its not like more are coming from Greece now they aren't and a lot of greek americans end up marrying non Greeks.
I believe when my time comes that's it.
a meaningless existence - irregardless the influences that guide your Spirit before you perish, or your influence to others has no sense ?

Who has a meaningless existence? If the humans 1 million years ago didn't exist we wouldnt exist and the humans 1 million years from now have us to thank.

And I'm a positive impact on everyone who knows me. I'm even trying to help you.
Sealy of course it matters, how in the world can anyone argue a word that they haven't learned the definition to?
Each culture and faith may use the same word but define them differently.
Example: if someone from England asks you for a fag, you have to know his definition of the word as cigarette to understand and act properly and accordingly otherwise you might punch him in the face for your missunderstanding through the USE & definition you grew up on in the U.S.
You are doing this with the word God, seeing a forbidden figure form of fantasy when other cultures see it as describing Life's Essence.
Therefore you can believe life's essence is evolution aka progressions to all it can be and Judaism's God can be that Essence not some anthropromorphized deity and you both have the same understanding but you are fighting against yourself because you fsiled to defibe a word you argued over=plain stupid.
Seriously, what does it matter if someone believes in God?

Do you think the ideal matters, that striving for the ideal, both as an individual and as a community is a key aspect of life? Is there an ideal we should aim for in justice, love, marriage, and behavior?

While I know many atheists, the number I do know does not reach the number needed for a scientific study. All I have is the anecdotal observation that non of the atheists I know qualifies as an idealist. Rather, they are more the accepting type who feel that whatever is, is just fine, it is good enough.

What say you?
Sealy of course it matters, how in the world can anyone argue a word that they haven't learned the definition to?
Each culture and faith may use the same word but define them differently.
Example: if someone from England asks you for a fag, you have to know his definition of the word as cigarette to understand and act properly and accordingly otherwise you might punch him in the face for your missunderstanding through the USE & definition you grew up on in the U.S.
You are doing this with the word God, seeing a forbidden figure form of fantasy when other cultures see it as describing Life's Essence.
Therefore you can believe life's essence is evolution aka progressions to all it can be and Judaism's God can be that Essence not some anthropromorphized deity and you both have the same understanding but you are fighting against yourself because you fsiled to defibe a word you argued over=plain stupid.
Give me an example of how it matters or is relavent. We sent people to help in tebit and Haiti for example. I'm an athiest. I am in full support of our goverment giving them aid for example. So no god is necessary to do the right thing. To me god is irrelivent.
I believe when my time comes that's it.
a meaningless existence - irregardless the influences that guide your Spirit before you perish, or your influence to others has no sense ?

Who has a meaningless existence? If the humans 1 million years ago didn't exist we wouldnt exist and the humans 1 million years from now have us to thank.

And I'm a positive impact on everyone who knows me. I'm even trying to help you.

If the humans 1 million years ago didn't exist we wouldnt exist and ...

I believe when my time comes that's it.

then you refer to past history why you existed, so what do you mean by " that"s it " ?

Seriously, what does it matter if someone believes in God?

Do you think the ideal matters, that striving for the ideal, both as an individual and as a community is a key aspect of life? Is there an ideal we should aim for in justice, love, marriage, and behavior?

While I know many atheists, the number I do know does not reach the number needed for a scientific study. All I have is the anecdotal observation that non of the atheists I know qualifies as an idealist. Rather, they are more the accepting type who feel that whatever is, is just fine, it is good enough.

What say you?[/QUOTE

You'll find athiest want the same things you want. Minus any guilt for watching porn. But you dont have to believe in god to want justice fairness love or people to behave. Do kids need Santa to learn naughty and nice?

We have a secular society and no one credible is even considering inverting the bible into our laws like Muslims do in Arab nations. Why not? Because belief in god is not a requirement for being good or happy.

Yes we can abort without worrying about hell.

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