On Obama's Hatred of Religion


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Article I,Section 9, Clause 8 of theUnited States Constitution, forbids 'titles' of a certain kind...but there are other kinds of titles that are wll earned.

Our current Presidents earned 'the Food Stamp President,' .....and 'the Anti-Religion President,' as well.

1. History provides pertinent examples of other leaders who hated religion.

a. "Vladimir Ilych Ulyanov (Lenin) had the courage to come out and say openly that famine would have numerous positive results...Famine, he explained....would bring about the next stage more rapidly, and usher in socialism, the stage that necessarily followed capitalism. Famine would also destroy faith, not only in the tsar, but in God, too."
"The Black Book of Communism," p.123-124.

b. "Karl Marx famously belittled religion as an 'opiate for the masses,' a drug that the spread of worldwide socialism would one day make undesirable."

Sad how many who imagine themselves to be Americans are, today, socialists.

2. Not only is respect for religion lacking in contemporary society, but large parts of it have been co-opted by the Left; it comes out as Marxism's recitation of Christianity.
Today the view, sometimes described as "liberation theology,"makes the blanket appraisal that God is on the side of the poor. Period.
If one self-identifies as poor, one need simply sit back and receive what are called "entitlements," but are actually the redistribution of the nation's wealth.

a. "Take control of and redistribute assets....A heavy progressive or graduated Income Tax....Abolition of all rights of inheritance"
Chapter 2 of the Communist Manifesto

3. Then, there was this restatement of Marx's view of religion: "And it's not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy toward people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations."

"Like Marx, Obama views traditional religion as a temporary opiate for the poor, confused, and jobless- a drug that will dissipate, he hopes,, as the federal government assumes more God-like powers..."
Schlafly, "No Higher Power"

4. For a totalitarian secularist, as Obama is, the revolution he brings with the aim of 'fundamentally transforming' America is not the God-fearing American Revolution of the Founders, but, rather, the deeply hate-filled, death-draped anti-religion tradition of the French Revolution, summarized in the words of Denis Diderot:
"Man will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest."

a. “The French Revolution occurred almost simultaneously with the American Revolution. While sharing many similarities, there was one glaring difference. The French were not Christian and attempted to introduce a godless humanistic government. The result is amply recorded in history books. Instead of the liberty, justice, peace, happiness, and prosperity experienced in America, France suffered chaos and injustice as thousands of heads rolled under the sharp blade of the guillotine.”
Religion and Government in America Are they complementary The Mandate

b. "If the French revolution was the end of monarchy and aristocratic privilege and the emergence of the common man and democratic rights, it was also the beginnings of modern totalitarian government and large-scale executions of "enemies of the People" by impersonal government entities (Robespierre's "Committee of Public Safety"). This legacy would not reach its fullest bloom until the tragic arrival of the German Nazis and Soviet and Chinese communists of the 20th century." French Revolution - Robespierre and the Legacy of the Reign of Terror

"he was a handsome man and what i want to know is
how do you like your blueeyed boy
Mister Death"
e e cummings
Article I,Section 9, Clause 8 of theUnited States Constitution, forbids 'titles' of a certain kind...but there are other kinds of titles that are wll earned.

Our current Presidents earned 'the Food Stamp President,' .....and 'the Anti-Religion President,' as well.

1. History provides pertinent examples of other leaders who hated religion.

a. "Vladimir Ilych Ulyanov (Lenin) had the courage to come out and say openly that famine would have numerous positive results...Famine, he explained....would bring about the next stage more rapidly, and usher in socialism, the stage that necessarily followed capitalism. Famine would also destroy faith, not only in the tsar, but in God, too."
"The Black Book of Communism," p.123-124.

b. "Karl Marx famously belittled religion as an 'opiate for the masses,' a drug that the spread of worldwide socialism would one day make undesirable."

Sad how many who imagine themselves to be Americans are, today, socialists.

2. Not only is respect for religion lacking in contemporary society, but large parts of it have been co-opted by the Left; it comes out as Marxism's recitation of Christianity.
Today the view, sometimes described as "liberation theology,"makes the blanket appraisal that God is on the side of the poor. Period.
If one self-identifies as poor, one need simply sit back and receive what are called "entitlements," but are actually the redistribution of the nation's wealth.

a. "Take control of and redistribute assets....A heavy progressive or graduated Income Tax....Abolition of all rights of inheritance"
Chapter 2 of the Communist Manifesto

3. Then, there was this restatement of Marx's view of religion: "And it's not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy toward people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations."

"Like Marx, Obama views traditional religion as a temporary opiate for the poor, confused, and jobless- a drug that will dissipate, he hopes,, as the federal government assumes more God-like powers..."
Schlafly, "No Higher Power"

4. For a totalitarian secularist, as Obama is, the revolution he brings with the aim of 'fundamentally transforming' America is not the God-fearing American Revolution of the Founders, but, rather, the deeply hate-filled, death-draped anti-religion tradition of the French Revolution, summarized in the words of Denis Diderot:
"Man will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest."

a. “The French Revolution occurred almost simultaneously with the American Revolution. While sharing many similarities, there was one glaring difference. The French were not Christian and attempted to introduce a godless humanistic government. The result is amply recorded in history books. Instead of the liberty, justice, peace, happiness, and prosperity experienced in America, France suffered chaos and injustice as thousands of heads rolled under the sharp blade of the guillotine.”
Religion and Government in America Are they complementary The Mandate

b. "If the French revolution was the end of monarchy and aristocratic privilege and the emergence of the common man and democratic rights, it was also the beginnings of modern totalitarian government and large-scale executions of "enemies of the People" by impersonal government entities (Robespierre's "Committee of Public Safety"). This legacy would not reach its fullest bloom until the tragic arrival of the German Nazis and Soviet and Chinese communists of the 20th century." French Revolution - Robespierre and the Legacy of the Reign of Terror

"he was a handsome man and what i want to know is
how do you like your blueeyed boy
Mister Death"
e e cummings
Religion, faith, and worship is by personal choice. Also, since he was elected not once, but twice, should speak to whether his beliefs or non-beliefs bother the majority of voters. Shouldn't we be more concerned about whether or not he loves America, believes in true justice, real freedom, and whether or not he's interested in a prosperous self-supporting nation and citizenry? Shouldn't we be more concerned with, and critical of his damaging presidency?
Article I,Section 9, Clause 8 of theUnited States Constitution, forbids 'titles' of a certain kind...but there are other kinds of titles that are wll earned.

Our current Presidents earned 'the Food Stamp President,' .....and 'the Anti-Religion President,' as well.

1. History provides pertinent examples of other leaders who hated religion.

a. "Vladimir Ilych Ulyanov (Lenin) had the courage to come out and say openly that famine would have numerous positive results...Famine, he explained....would bring about the next stage more rapidly, and usher in socialism, the stage that necessarily followed capitalism. Famine would also destroy faith, not only in the tsar, but in God, too."
"The Black Book of Communism," p.123-124.

b. "Karl Marx famously belittled religion as an 'opiate for the masses,' a drug that the spread of worldwide socialism would one day make undesirable."

Sad how many who imagine themselves to be Americans are, today, socialists.

2. Not only is respect for religion lacking in contemporary society, but large parts of it have been co-opted by the Left; it comes out as Marxism's recitation of Christianity.
Today the view, sometimes described as "liberation theology,"makes the blanket appraisal that God is on the side of the poor. Period.
If one self-identifies as poor, one need simply sit back and receive what are called "entitlements," but are actually the redistribution of the nation's wealth.

a. "Take control of and redistribute assets....A heavy progressive or graduated Income Tax....Abolition of all rights of inheritance"
Chapter 2 of the Communist Manifesto

3. Then, there was this restatement of Marx's view of religion: "And it's not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy toward people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations."

"Like Marx, Obama views traditional religion as a temporary opiate for the poor, confused, and jobless- a drug that will dissipate, he hopes,, as the federal government assumes more God-like powers..."
Schlafly, "No Higher Power"

4. For a totalitarian secularist, as Obama is, the revolution he brings with the aim of 'fundamentally transforming' America is not the God-fearing American Revolution of the Founders, but, rather, the deeply hate-filled, death-draped anti-religion tradition of the French Revolution, summarized in the words of Denis Diderot:
"Man will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest."

a. “The French Revolution occurred almost simultaneously with the American Revolution. While sharing many similarities, there was one glaring difference. The French were not Christian and attempted to introduce a godless humanistic government. The result is amply recorded in history books. Instead of the liberty, justice, peace, happiness, and prosperity experienced in America, France suffered chaos and injustice as thousands of heads rolled under the sharp blade of the guillotine.”
Religion and Government in America Are they complementary The Mandate

b. "If the French revolution was the end of monarchy and aristocratic privilege and the emergence of the common man and democratic rights, it was also the beginnings of modern totalitarian government and large-scale executions of "enemies of the People" by impersonal government entities (Robespierre's "Committee of Public Safety"). This legacy would not reach its fullest bloom until the tragic arrival of the German Nazis and Soviet and Chinese communists of the 20th century." French Revolution - Robespierre and the Legacy of the Reign of Terror

"he was a handsome man and what i want to know is
how do you like your blueeyed boy
Mister Death"
e e cummings
Religion, faith, and worship is by personal choice. Also, since he was elected not once, but twice, should speak to whether his beliefs or non-beliefs bother the majority of voters. Shouldn't we be more concerned about whether or not he loves America, believes in true justice, real freedom, and whether or not he's interested in a prosperous self-supporting nation and citizenry? Shouldn't we be more concerned with, and critical of his damaging presidency?

1. Did you miss this?

"Sad how many who imagine themselves to be Americans are, today, socialists."

2. "Shouldn't we be more concerned about whether or not he loves America, believes in true justice, real freedom, and whether or not he's interested in a prosperous self-supporting nation and citizenry?"
Stay with this thread today....you can bet I will cover same in detail.
Article I,Section 9, Clause 8 of theUnited States Constitution, forbids 'titles' of a certain kind...but there are other kinds of titles that are wll earned.

Our current Presidents earned 'the Food Stamp President,' .....and 'the Anti-Religion President,' as well.

1. History provides pertinent examples of other leaders who hated religion.

a. "Vladimir Ilych Ulyanov (Lenin) had the courage to come out and say openly that famine would have numerous positive results...Famine, he explained....would bring about the next stage more rapidly, and usher in socialism, the stage that necessarily followed capitalism. Famine would also destroy faith, not only in the tsar, but in God, too."
"The Black Book of Communism," p.123-124.

b. "Karl Marx famously belittled religion as an 'opiate for the masses,' a drug that the spread of worldwide socialism would one day make undesirable."

Sad how many who imagine themselves to be Americans are, today, socialists.

2. Not only is respect for religion lacking in contemporary society, but large parts of it have been co-opted by the Left; it comes out as Marxism's recitation of Christianity.
Today the view, sometimes described as "liberation theology,"makes the blanket appraisal that God is on the side of the poor. Period.
If one self-identifies as poor, one need simply sit back and receive what are called "entitlements," but are actually the redistribution of the nation's wealth.

a. "Take control of and redistribute assets....A heavy progressive or graduated Income Tax....Abolition of all rights of inheritance"
Chapter 2 of the Communist Manifesto

3. Then, there was this restatement of Marx's view of religion: "And it's not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy toward people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations."

"Like Marx, Obama views traditional religion as a temporary opiate for the poor, confused, and jobless- a drug that will dissipate, he hopes,, as the federal government assumes more God-like powers..."
Schlafly, "No Higher Power"

4. For a totalitarian secularist, as Obama is, the revolution he brings with the aim of 'fundamentally transforming' America is not the God-fearing American Revolution of the Founders, but, rather, the deeply hate-filled, death-draped anti-religion tradition of the French Revolution, summarized in the words of Denis Diderot:
"Man will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest."

a. “The French Revolution occurred almost simultaneously with the American Revolution. While sharing many similarities, there was one glaring difference. The French were not Christian and attempted to introduce a godless humanistic government. The result is amply recorded in history books. Instead of the liberty, justice, peace, happiness, and prosperity experienced in America, France suffered chaos and injustice as thousands of heads rolled under the sharp blade of the guillotine.”
Religion and Government in America Are they complementary The Mandate

b. "If the French revolution was the end of monarchy and aristocratic privilege and the emergence of the common man and democratic rights, it was also the beginnings of modern totalitarian government and large-scale executions of "enemies of the People" by impersonal government entities (Robespierre's "Committee of Public Safety"). This legacy would not reach its fullest bloom until the tragic arrival of the German Nazis and Soviet and Chinese communists of the 20th century." French Revolution - Robespierre and the Legacy of the Reign of Terror

"he was a handsome man and what i want to know is
how do you like your blueeyed boy
Mister Death"
e e cummings
Religion, faith, and worship is by personal choice. Also, since he was elected not once, but twice, should speak to whether his beliefs or non-beliefs bother the majority of voters. Shouldn't we be more concerned about whether or not he loves America, believes in true justice, real freedom, and whether or not he's interested in a prosperous self-supporting nation and citizenry? Shouldn't we be more concerned with, and critical of his damaging presidency?

Yeah ... all those jobs, economic recovery, slashing the deficit, the robust stock market and damages of his presidency.
Article I,Section 9, Clause 8 of theUnited States Constitution, forbids 'titles' of a certain kind...but there are other kinds of titles that are wll earned.

Our current Presidents earned 'the Food Stamp President,' .....and 'the Anti-Religion President,' as well.

1. History provides pertinent examples of other leaders who hated religion.

a. "Vladimir Ilych Ulyanov (Lenin) had the courage to come out and say openly that famine would have numerous positive results...Famine, he explained....would bring about the next stage more rapidly, and usher in socialism, the stage that necessarily followed capitalism. Famine would also destroy faith, not only in the tsar, but in God, too."
"The Black Book of Communism," p.123-124.

b. "Karl Marx famously belittled religion as an 'opiate for the masses,' a drug that the spread of worldwide socialism would one day make undesirable."

Sad how many who imagine themselves to be Americans are, today, socialists.

2. Not only is respect for religion lacking in contemporary society, but large parts of it have been co-opted by the Left; it comes out as Marxism's recitation of Christianity.
Today the view, sometimes described as "liberation theology,"makes the blanket appraisal that God is on the side of the poor. Period.
If one self-identifies as poor, one need simply sit back and receive what are called "entitlements," but are actually the redistribution of the nation's wealth.

a. "Take control of and redistribute assets....A heavy progressive or graduated Income Tax....Abolition of all rights of inheritance"
Chapter 2 of the Communist Manifesto

3. Then, there was this restatement of Marx's view of religion: "And it's not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy toward people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations."

"Like Marx, Obama views traditional religion as a temporary opiate for the poor, confused, and jobless- a drug that will dissipate, he hopes,, as the federal government assumes more God-like powers..."
Schlafly, "No Higher Power"

4. For a totalitarian secularist, as Obama is, the revolution he brings with the aim of 'fundamentally transforming' America is not the God-fearing American Revolution of the Founders, but, rather, the deeply hate-filled, death-draped anti-religion tradition of the French Revolution, summarized in the words of Denis Diderot:
"Man will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest."

a. “The French Revolution occurred almost simultaneously with the American Revolution. While sharing many similarities, there was one glaring difference. The French were not Christian and attempted to introduce a godless humanistic government. The result is amply recorded in history books. Instead of the liberty, justice, peace, happiness, and prosperity experienced in America, France suffered chaos and injustice as thousands of heads rolled under the sharp blade of the guillotine.”
Religion and Government in America Are they complementary The Mandate

b. "If the French revolution was the end of monarchy and aristocratic privilege and the emergence of the common man and democratic rights, it was also the beginnings of modern totalitarian government and large-scale executions of "enemies of the People" by impersonal government entities (Robespierre's "Committee of Public Safety"). This legacy would not reach its fullest bloom until the tragic arrival of the German Nazis and Soviet and Chinese communists of the 20th century." French Revolution - Robespierre and the Legacy of the Reign of Terror

"he was a handsome man and what i want to know is
how do you like your blueeyed boy
Mister Death"
e e cummings
Religion, faith, and worship is by personal choice. Also, since he was elected not once, but twice, should speak to whether his beliefs or non-beliefs bother the majority of voters. Shouldn't we be more concerned about whether or not he loves America, believes in true justice, real freedom, and whether or not he's interested in a prosperous self-supporting nation and citizenry? Shouldn't we be more concerned with, and critical of his damaging presidency?

1. Did you miss this?

"Sad how many who imagine themselves to be Americans are, today, socialists."

2. "Shouldn't we be more concerned about whether or not he loves America, believes in true justice, real freedom, and whether or not he's interested in a prosperous self-supporting nation and citizenry?"
Stay with this thread today....you can bet I will cover same in detail.
Do you have anything new to cover? Anything revealing and shocking? Anything that hasn't been discussed and beat to death already? Is what you have just more Obama bashing? What exactly have you uncovered that hasn't been made known by the various news media? And, if I stay with this thread, as you suggested, will I read something that hasn't been covered and/or revealed?
Article I,Section 9, Clause 8 of theUnited States Constitution, forbids 'titles' of a certain kind...but there are other kinds of titles that are wll earned.

Our current Presidents earned 'the Food Stamp President,' .....and 'the Anti-Religion President,' as well.

1. History provides pertinent examples of other leaders who hated religion.

a. "Vladimir Ilych Ulyanov (Lenin) had the courage to come out and say openly that famine would have numerous positive results...Famine, he explained....would bring about the next stage more rapidly, and usher in socialism, the stage that necessarily followed capitalism. Famine would also destroy faith, not only in the tsar, but in God, too."
"The Black Book of Communism," p.123-124.

b. "Karl Marx famously belittled religion as an 'opiate for the masses,' a drug that the spread of worldwide socialism would one day make undesirable."

Sad how many who imagine themselves to be Americans are, today, socialists.

2. Not only is respect for religion lacking in contemporary society, but large parts of it have been co-opted by the Left; it comes out as Marxism's recitation of Christianity.
Today the view, sometimes described as "liberation theology,"makes the blanket appraisal that God is on the side of the poor. Period.
If one self-identifies as poor, one need simply sit back and receive what are called "entitlements," but are actually the redistribution of the nation's wealth.

a. "Take control of and redistribute assets....A heavy progressive or graduated Income Tax....Abolition of all rights of inheritance"
Chapter 2 of the Communist Manifesto

3. Then, there was this restatement of Marx's view of religion: "And it's not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy toward people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations."

"Like Marx, Obama views traditional religion as a temporary opiate for the poor, confused, and jobless- a drug that will dissipate, he hopes,, as the federal government assumes more God-like powers..."
Schlafly, "No Higher Power"

4. For a totalitarian secularist, as Obama is, the revolution he brings with the aim of 'fundamentally transforming' America is not the God-fearing American Revolution of the Founders, but, rather, the deeply hate-filled, death-draped anti-religion tradition of the French Revolution, summarized in the words of Denis Diderot:
"Man will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest."

a. “The French Revolution occurred almost simultaneously with the American Revolution. While sharing many similarities, there was one glaring difference. The French were not Christian and attempted to introduce a godless humanistic government. The result is amply recorded in history books. Instead of the liberty, justice, peace, happiness, and prosperity experienced in America, France suffered chaos and injustice as thousands of heads rolled under the sharp blade of the guillotine.”
Religion and Government in America Are they complementary The Mandate

b. "If the French revolution was the end of monarchy and aristocratic privilege and the emergence of the common man and democratic rights, it was also the beginnings of modern totalitarian government and large-scale executions of "enemies of the People" by impersonal government entities (Robespierre's "Committee of Public Safety"). This legacy would not reach its fullest bloom until the tragic arrival of the German Nazis and Soviet and Chinese communists of the 20th century." French Revolution - Robespierre and the Legacy of the Reign of Terror

"he was a handsome man and what i want to know is
how do you like your blueeyed boy
Mister Death"
e e cummings
Religion, faith, and worship is by personal choice. Also, since he was elected not once, but twice, should speak to whether his beliefs or non-beliefs bother the majority of voters. Shouldn't we be more concerned about whether or not he loves America, believes in true justice, real freedom, and whether or not he's interested in a prosperous self-supporting nation and citizenry? Shouldn't we be more concerned with, and critical of his damaging presidency?

Yeah ... all those jobs, economic recovery, slashing the deficit, the robust stock market and damages of his presidency.

It's Sunday....stop ya' lying.

1.More than 6.7 million more Americans have been plunged into poverty since Obama became President.

2.Real household income is down 5%

3. Consumer prices are up 10.2%

4. When Obama took office on Jan. 20, 2009, the debt was $10,626,877,048,913.08. Since then, it has increased $7,514,567,086,650.22--which is $65,443 per household, $70,985 per full-time worker and $84,266 per full-time private-sector worker. Under Obama Federal Debt Up 84 266 Per Full-Time Private-Sector Worker

5. (CNSNews.com) - The federal government drove $789,473,350,613.20 deeper into debt in calendar year 2014, an increase that equaled $6,875 per household, $7,458 per full-time year-round worker, and $8,853 per full-time year-round private-sector worker. According tothe Treasury, the debt started calendar year 2014 at $17,351,970,784,950.10 and ended it at $18,141,444,135,563.30. Under Obama Federal Debt Up 84 266 Per Full-Time Private-Sector Worker

6. Food stamp recipients up 49%

7. Debt held by the public is up 89%

However, the Obama administrationrecently projected an annual deficit of $750 billion in the fiscal year that began Oct. 1, and $626 billion the year after. At that rate, the debt owed to the public will more than double during the Obama presidency.

As of 2012, according to the most recent figures reported by the Census Bureau, median (midpoint) income for all U.S. households was $51,017, which was 4.9 percent lower (in inflation-adjusted dollars) than it was in 2008, the year before Obama took office.

The same story applies to family income, which includes many families with two earners. (The “household” figure includes single persons living alone, as well as families.) Median family income in 2012 was $62,241, or 5.1 percent below the inflation-adjusted 2008 level.

The number of persons living in poverty also worsened again in 2012, according to the most recent Census figures.

8. As of last year, 46,496,000 persons lived in households with income below the official poverty line, an increase of nearly 6.7 million since 2008 and 249,000 since 2011. The total poverty rate remained unchanged in 2012 at 15 percent of the total U.S. population. So for the second straight year, the poverty rate was 1.8 points higher than it was in 2008.

Obama s Numbers October Update

9...in today’s recovery — the slowest in the modern era going back to 1947 — private capital investment has lagged badly. ... so has the jobs situation, with 92 million dropping out of the workforce altogether. A labor-participation rate of 62.8% and an employment-to-population rate of 58% are historic lows indicative of the anemic jobs recovery.Big Business Swings Behind a Mantra of Growth - The New York Sun

10. Tavis Smiley: 'Black People Will Have Lost Ground in Every Single Economic Indicator' Under Obama

Tavis Smiley Black People Will Have Lost Ground in Every Single Economic Indicator Under Obama

11. . ".... the... [dollar] has today a value of barely a 1,250th of an ounce of gold, a staggering plunge from an 853rd of an ounce on the day Mr. Obama took office...." Fiat Wages - The New York Sun

12. "CBO says deficits slated to shrink in coming years, but will soar again if spending or tax changes are not made

Federal deficits have soared between 2009 and 2012, bring the total long-term debt to a level equal to 73 percent of the nation’s GDP. “Between 2009 and 2012, the federal government recorded the largest budget deficits relative to the size of the economy since 1946, causing federal debt to soar.”

CBO says deficits slated to shrink in coming years but will soar again if spending or tax changes are not made Dallas Morning News

13. "Incomes Have Dropped Twice as Much During the 'Recovery' as During the Recession
. ...the Census Bureau's Current Population Survey ....indicate that the real (inflation-adjusted)median annual household income in America has fallen by 4.4 percent during the "recovery," after having fallen by 1.8 during the recession.

Incomes Have Dropped Twice as Much During the Recovery as During the Recession The Weekly Standard

14. "(CNSNews.com) - The real median income of American women dropped a little more than four percent in the first three full years after the end of the last recession,..... Census Bureau income data, the median income of American women was $21,520 in constant 2012 dollars. That was down $914 dollars—or about 4.1 percent—from 2009." Median Income of Women Dropped 4 --In First 3 Years of Recovery

15. "US economy slowed to 0.1 percent growth rate in Q1

WASHINGTON (AP) — The U.S. economy slowed drastically in the first three months of the year...to a barely discernible 0.1 percent annual rate in the January-March quarter, the Commerce Department said Wednesday. That was the weakest pace since the end of 2012 and was down from a 2.6 percent rate in the previous quarter.... the anemic growth last quarter is surely a topic for discussion at the Federal Reserve's latest policy meeting,..."

My Way News - US economy slowed to 0.1 percent growth rate in Q1

16. "More Than 92 Million Americans Remain Out Of Labor Force
The unemployment rate dropped to 6.3 percent in April from 6.7 percent in March, the lowest it has been since September 2008 when it was 6.1 percent. The sharp drop, though, occurred because the number of people working or seeking work fell. The Bureau of Labor Statistics does not count people not looking for a job as unemployed.

The bureau noted that the civilian labor force dropped by 806,000 last month, following an increase of 503,000 in March."

Report More Than 92 Million Americans Remain Out Of Labor Force CBS DC

The amount (not seasonally adjusted) of Americans not in thelabor force in April rose to 92,594,000, almost 1 million more than the previous month.

17. "The U.S. economy contractedat a much steeper pace than previously estimated in the firstquarter, but there are indications that growth has sincerebounded strongly.

The Commerce Department said on Wednesday gross domesticproduct fell at a 2.9 percent annual rate, the economy's worstperformance in five years, instead of the 1.0 percent pace ithad reported last month." Final US first quarter GDP contracts

18. (CNSNews.com) - The number of Americans 16 and older who did not participate in the labor force climbed to a record high of 92,120,000 in June, according to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS)..... the labor force participation rate for Americans was 62.8 percent, matching a 36-year low. Record Number of Americans Not in Labor Force in June

19. (CNSNews.com)– The unemployment rate for black Americans is more than double that of white Americans, according to the latest data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).... In the numbers released today, covering the month of June, the seasonally adjusted unemployment rate for black Americans age 16 and over was 10.7%, reported the BLS. The unemployment rate for white Americans in the same age group and time-frame was 5.3%, said the BLS. Black Unemployment 10.7 More Than Double White Unemployment 5.3

20. (CNSNews.com) - 11.4 million Americans age 16 and over have left the workforce since President Obama took office in January 2009, according to data released today from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).
In July 2014, there were 92,001,000 Americans, 16 and over, who were classified as “not in the labor force,” meaning they not only did not have a job, but they didn’t actively seek one in the last four weeks

11 472 000 Americans Have Left Workforce Since Obama Took Office

21. "The 35.4 Percent: 109,631,000 on Welfare
109,631,000 Americans lived in households that received benefits from one or more federally funded "means-tested programs" — also known as welfare — as of the fourth quarter of 2012,according to data released Tuesdayby the Census Bureau. When those receiving benefits from non-means-tested federal programs — such as Social Security, Medicare, unemployment and veterans benefits — were added to those taking welfare benefits, it turned out that 153,323,000 people were getting federal benefits of some type at the end of 2012.

Subtract the 3,297,000 who were receiving veterans' benefits from the total, and that leaves 150,026,000 people receiving non-veterans' benefits."

The 35.4 Percent 109 631 000 on Welfare

22. "(CNSNews.com)-- In June 2014, there were 46,496,145 recipients of the food stamp program, which is enough to fill the Yankee Stadium 925 times, according todata fromthe Department of Agriculture " 46 496 145 Food Stamp Recipients Can Fill Yankee Stadium 925 Times

23. In a stunning Tuesday report, Gallup CEO and Chairman Jim Clifton revealed that “for the first time in 35 years, American business deaths now outnumber business births.”Clifton says for the past six years since 2008, employer business startups have fallen below the business failure rate, spurring what he calls“an underground earthquake” that only stands to worsen as lagging U.S. Census data becomes available.
“Let’s get one thing clear: This economy is never truly coming back unless we reverse the birth and death trends of American businesses,” writes Clifton." Economic Death Spiral More American Businesses Dying Than Starting - Breitbart

24. "Disability insurance entitlement explodes under Obama
Those of you paying attention have noticed that the Obama administration is actually doing what it promised: transforming America into a gigantic welfare state." Disability insurance entitlement explodes under Obama - tribunedigital-baltimoresun

25. Washington, D.C.- An unabated influx of illegal aliens along the southern border of the United States is causing a health crisis in the border region. Actions by the Obama Administration to disperse illegals across America while providing an incentive for more illegals to come could lead to a nationwide health crisis that is likely to manifest itself first within our public schools.....It has spread as far north as southern Mexico and south into Panama. Diseases such as this could be carried across our border by illegal immigrants and could create a nationwide health crisis. Chicken pox, measles, mumps and tuberculosis are already causing problems." — Project 21 member Michael Dozier, Ph.D., an expert in homeland security issues and talk radio host who has worked with humanitarian aid missions in Africa, Asia, the Balkans and the United States

Public Schools Face Health Threat from Illegal Aliens

26. "Despite the improving economy, most Americans continue to say that they are falling behind the cost of living. Overall, 55% said in theJan. 7-11 surveythat their family’s income is falling behind the cost of living,.... Views on this question have shown no improvement over the course of the last year..." Public opinion on the economy and Obama s handling of it Pew Research Center

27. "But with February’s slow down the 12-month wage growth rate ticked down to 2%....[Under Reagan: 'In 1984 alone real economic growth boomed by 6.8%, the highest in 50 years.Reaganomics Vs. Obamanomics Facts And Figures - Forbes ] Totalemployment gains in December and January were therefore 18,000 lower than what BLS previously reported. The labor force participation rate ticked lower to 62.8% from 62.9%, ..." Jobs Report U.S. Economy Added 295 000 Jobs In February Unemployment Down To 5.5 - Forbes

a. "But wage gains continued to lag, rising only 0.1 percent in February for private-sector workers after a reported 0.5 increase in January.... .“We hear we’re on the road to recovery, but people aren’t convinced of that.”http://www.nytimes.com/2015/03/07/business/economy/jobs-report-unemployment-february.html?_r=0

b. "White youths saw their rate decrease 1.4 percent to 15 percent, but young African-Americans saw theirs reach 30 percent, a 0.3 percent increase.... For the population as a whole, participation rates are still hovering around their 1978 lows at 62.8 percent,..." Unemployment Down To 5.5 Percent In February The Daily Caller

c. "92,898,000 Americans were not in the labor force in February, according todatareleased from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) on Friday. ...The 157,002,000 who participated in the labor force was 62.8 percent of the 249,899,000 civilian noninsttutional population, which matches the 62.8 percent rate in April, May, June, and October of 2014 as well as the participation rate in March of 1978. The participation rate hit its lowest level since February 1978 (62.7 percent) in September and December of 2014. 62.8 Labor Force Participation Has Hovered Near 37-Year-Low for 11 Months

(CNSNews.com) - A record 56,023,000 women, age 16 years and over, were not in the labor force in February.,,, According to the BLS, 56.7 percent of women were participating in the labor force in February, a drop from 56.8 percent in January. 56 023 000 Record Number of Women Not in Labor Force

28. "Surprise: U.S. Economic Data Have Been the World's Most Disappointing
It's not only the just-released University of Michigan consumer confidence report and February retail sales on Thursday that surprised economists and investors with another dose of underwhelming news. Overall, U.S. economic data have been falling short of prognosticators' expectations by the most in six years." Surprise U.S. Economic Data Have Been the World s Most Disappointing - Bloomberg Business

29. "More Businesses Shutting Down than Starting Up
'Business deaths now exceed business births for the first time' in decades.
The American economy is less entrepreneurial now than at any point in the last three decades. That's the conclusion of anew study out from the Brookings Institution, which looks at the rates of new business creation and destruction since 1978.

Not only that, but during the most recent three years of the study -- 2009, 2010 and 2011 -- businesses were collapsing faster than they were being formed, a first. Overall, new businesses creation (measured as the share of all businesses less than one year old) declined by about half from 1978 to 2011." More Businesses Shutting Down than Starting Up The Weekly Standard

30. Americans Not in Labor Force Exceed 93 Million for First Time; 62.7% Labor Force Participation Matches 37-Year Low
Americans Not in Labor Force Exceed 93 Million for First Time 62.7 Labor Force Participation Matches 37-Year Low

31. Except for rich, Americans' incomes fell last year
In fresh data that adds fire to a growing debate over income inequality, the department said that Americans on average saw income decline for the second straight year in the 12 months to June 2014.

The average pre-tax income fell 0.9 percent from the same period a year earlier, to $64,432. Except for rich Americans incomes fell last year - Yahoo News

Excellent link showing the economy US Household Income Department of Numbers
Article I,Section 9, Clause 8 of theUnited States Constitution, forbids 'titles' of a certain kind...but there are other kinds of titles that are wll earned.

Our current Presidents earned 'the Food Stamp President,' .....and 'the Anti-Religion President,' as well.

1. History provides pertinent examples of other leaders who hated religion.

a. "Vladimir Ilych Ulyanov (Lenin) had the courage to come out and say openly that famine would have numerous positive results...Famine, he explained....would bring about the next stage more rapidly, and usher in socialism, the stage that necessarily followed capitalism. Famine would also destroy faith, not only in the tsar, but in God, too."
"The Black Book of Communism," p.123-124.

b. "Karl Marx famously belittled religion as an 'opiate for the masses,' a drug that the spread of worldwide socialism would one day make undesirable."

Sad how many who imagine themselves to be Americans are, today, socialists.

2. Not only is respect for religion lacking in contemporary society, but large parts of it have been co-opted by the Left; it comes out as Marxism's recitation of Christianity.
Today the view, sometimes described as "liberation theology,"makes the blanket appraisal that God is on the side of the poor. Period.
If one self-identifies as poor, one need simply sit back and receive what are called "entitlements," but are actually the redistribution of the nation's wealth.

a. "Take control of and redistribute assets....A heavy progressive or graduated Income Tax....Abolition of all rights of inheritance"
Chapter 2 of the Communist Manifesto

3. Then, there was this restatement of Marx's view of religion: "And it's not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy toward people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations."

"Like Marx, Obama views traditional religion as a temporary opiate for the poor, confused, and jobless- a drug that will dissipate, he hopes,, as the federal government assumes more God-like powers..."
Schlafly, "No Higher Power"

4. For a totalitarian secularist, as Obama is, the revolution he brings with the aim of 'fundamentally transforming' America is not the God-fearing American Revolution of the Founders, but, rather, the deeply hate-filled, death-draped anti-religion tradition of the French Revolution, summarized in the words of Denis Diderot:
"Man will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest."

a. “The French Revolution occurred almost simultaneously with the American Revolution. While sharing many similarities, there was one glaring difference. The French were not Christian and attempted to introduce a godless humanistic government. The result is amply recorded in history books. Instead of the liberty, justice, peace, happiness, and prosperity experienced in America, France suffered chaos and injustice as thousands of heads rolled under the sharp blade of the guillotine.”
Religion and Government in America Are they complementary The Mandate

b. "If the French revolution was the end of monarchy and aristocratic privilege and the emergence of the common man and democratic rights, it was also the beginnings of modern totalitarian government and large-scale executions of "enemies of the People" by impersonal government entities (Robespierre's "Committee of Public Safety"). This legacy would not reach its fullest bloom until the tragic arrival of the German Nazis and Soviet and Chinese communists of the 20th century." French Revolution - Robespierre and the Legacy of the Reign of Terror

"he was a handsome man and what i want to know is
how do you like your blueeyed boy
Mister Death"
e e cummings
Religion, faith, and worship is by personal choice. Also, since he was elected not once, but twice, should speak to whether his beliefs or non-beliefs bother the majority of voters. Shouldn't we be more concerned about whether or not he loves America, believes in true justice, real freedom, and whether or not he's interested in a prosperous self-supporting nation and citizenry? Shouldn't we be more concerned with, and critical of his damaging presidency?

1. Did you miss this?

"Sad how many who imagine themselves to be Americans are, today, socialists."

2. "Shouldn't we be more concerned about whether or not he loves America, believes in true justice, real freedom, and whether or not he's interested in a prosperous self-supporting nation and citizenry?"
Stay with this thread today....you can bet I will cover same in detail.
Do you have anything new to cover? Anything revealing and shocking? Anything that hasn't been discussed and beat to death already? Is what you have just more Obama bashing? What exactly have you uncovered that hasn't been made known by the various news media? And, if I stay with this thread, as you suggested, will I read something that hasn't been covered and/or revealed?

You may actually be the recipient of real learning.

But....I am the eternal optimist.
5. Really....is it fair to say that Barack Obama, a self-proclaimed believing Christian, is the "Anti-Religion President"?

Well....Matthew 7:15-16 provides a Litmus Test..." "Beware of the false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly are ravenous wolves. You will know them by their fruits. "

If he behaves with intolerance toward religious folks, and, in fact contrary to the very
Constitution he swore to uphold "... make no law respecting an establishment of religion,or prohibiting the free exercise thereof..."....

...but, instead, authorizes the secularist federal government to dictate who should be hired or fired as a minister...
That would pretty much prove it.

a. Hosanna-Tabor Evangelical Lutheran Church & School v. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission

In the case, Obama's lawyers made the argument that the federal government could force a Lutheran Church to pick as minister, whomever the government decided.

Get that???
Obama claimed the authority to choose a church's ministers.

" All nine Supreme Court justices agreed with the decision written by Chief Justice John Roberts that "the Establishment Clause prevents the Government from appointing ministers, and the Free Exercise Clause prevents it from interfering with the freedom of religious groups to select their own."

Does that make him The Anti-Religion President?

You betcha'

'By their fruits ye shall know them.'
Last edited:
Article I,Section 9, Clause 8 of theUnited States Constitution, forbids 'titles' of a certain kind...but there are other kinds of titles that are wll earned.

Our current Presidents earned 'the Food Stamp President,' .....and 'the Anti-Religion President,' as well.

1. History provides pertinent examples of other leaders who hated religion.

a. "Vladimir Ilych Ulyanov (Lenin) had the courage to come out and say openly that famine would have numerous positive results...Famine, he explained....would bring about the next stage more rapidly, and usher in socialism, the stage that necessarily followed capitalism. Famine would also destroy faith, not only in the tsar, but in God, too."
"The Black Book of Communism," p.123-124.

b. "Karl Marx famously belittled religion as an 'opiate for the masses,' a drug that the spread of worldwide socialism would one day make undesirable."

Sad how many who imagine themselves to be Americans are, today, socialists.

2. Not only is respect for religion lacking in contemporary society, but large parts of it have been co-opted by the Left; it comes out as Marxism's recitation of Christianity.
Today the view, sometimes described as "liberation theology,"makes the blanket appraisal that God is on the side of the poor. Period.
If one self-identifies as poor, one need simply sit back and receive what are called "entitlements," but are actually the redistribution of the nation's wealth.

a. "Take control of and redistribute assets....A heavy progressive or graduated Income Tax....Abolition of all rights of inheritance"
Chapter 2 of the Communist Manifesto

3. Then, there was this restatement of Marx's view of religion: "And it's not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy toward people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations."

"Like Marx, Obama views traditional religion as a temporary opiate for the poor, confused, and jobless- a drug that will dissipate, he hopes,, as the federal government assumes more God-like powers..."
Schlafly, "No Higher Power"

4. For a totalitarian secularist, as Obama is, the revolution he brings with the aim of 'fundamentally transforming' America is not the God-fearing American Revolution of the Founders, but, rather, the deeply hate-filled, death-draped anti-religion tradition of the French Revolution, summarized in the words of Denis Diderot:
"Man will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest."

a. “The French Revolution occurred almost simultaneously with the American Revolution. While sharing many similarities, there was one glaring difference. The French were not Christian and attempted to introduce a godless humanistic government. The result is amply recorded in history books. Instead of the liberty, justice, peace, happiness, and prosperity experienced in America, France suffered chaos and injustice as thousands of heads rolled under the sharp blade of the guillotine.”
Religion and Government in America Are they complementary The Mandate

b. "If the French revolution was the end of monarchy and aristocratic privilege and the emergence of the common man and democratic rights, it was also the beginnings of modern totalitarian government and large-scale executions of "enemies of the People" by impersonal government entities (Robespierre's "Committee of Public Safety"). This legacy would not reach its fullest bloom until the tragic arrival of the German Nazis and Soviet and Chinese communists of the 20th century." French Revolution - Robespierre and the Legacy of the Reign of Terror

"he was a handsome man and what i want to know is
how do you like your blueeyed boy
Mister Death"
e e cummings
Religion, faith, and worship is by personal choice. Also, since he was elected not once, but twice, should speak to whether his beliefs or non-beliefs bother the majority of voters. Shouldn't we be more concerned about whether or not he loves America, believes in true justice, real freedom, and whether or not he's interested in a prosperous self-supporting nation and citizenry? Shouldn't we be more concerned with, and critical of his damaging presidency?

Yeah ... all those jobs, economic recovery, slashing the deficit, the robust stock market and damages of his presidency.
Yep, along with the astronomical and rising national debt, the loss of privacy, more war, neglected Vets, 50% of our children living at or below the poverty line, the real unemployment numbers, the number of citizens now receiving some form of government assistance, cities going bankrupt, lost tax revenue, lost home equity, troubled pension funds, our rundown infrastructure, unaffordable health care, the rising cost of higher education, the damaging illegal immigrant issues, failed foreign policies, the number of low-wage, part-time, and temporary jobs taken by our work force, less company paid benefits offered by employers, the difficulty of those 50 and older finding a job, the real cost of living to wages ratio, less home ownership, the injustices in the judicial system, our growing prison population, government corruption, the Lobbyist control of the U.S. Congress, tax breaks and tax loopholes for the wealthy, our polluted rivers, air, land, and oceans, supplying weapons to drug lords and terrorists, building mosques on foreign soil, college grads living with parents and flipping burgers, un-penalized off-shore job out-sourcing, un-penalized importing of labor, bribes paid to North Korea and Iran, and the elderly forced to make a choice between buying food and buying medicine.

Yep, he's done great. Six plus years of "politics as usual", the further decline of this once great nation, and little hope for future generations of Americans.
Article I,Section 9, Clause 8 of theUnited States Constitution, forbids 'titles' of a certain kind...but there are other kinds of titles that are wll earned.

Our current Presidents earned 'the Food Stamp President,' .....and 'the Anti-Religion President,' as well.

1. History provides pertinent examples of other leaders who hated religion.

a. "Vladimir Ilych Ulyanov (Lenin) had the courage to come out and say openly that famine would have numerous positive results...Famine, he explained....would bring about the next stage more rapidly, and usher in socialism, the stage that necessarily followed capitalism. Famine would also destroy faith, not only in the tsar, but in God, too."
"The Black Book of Communism," p.123-124.

b. "Karl Marx famously belittled religion as an 'opiate for the masses,' a drug that the spread of worldwide socialism would one day make undesirable."

Sad how many who imagine themselves to be Americans are, today, socialists.

2. Not only is respect for religion lacking in contemporary society, but large parts of it have been co-opted by the Left; it comes out as Marxism's recitation of Christianity.
Today the view, sometimes described as "liberation theology,"makes the blanket appraisal that God is on the side of the poor. Period.
If one self-identifies as poor, one need simply sit back and receive what are called "entitlements," but are actually the redistribution of the nation's wealth.

a. "Take control of and redistribute assets....A heavy progressive or graduated Income Tax....Abolition of all rights of inheritance"
Chapter 2 of the Communist Manifesto

3. Then, there was this restatement of Marx's view of religion: "And it's not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy toward people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations."

"Like Marx, Obama views traditional religion as a temporary opiate for the poor, confused, and jobless- a drug that will dissipate, he hopes,, as the federal government assumes more God-like powers..."
Schlafly, "No Higher Power"

4. For a totalitarian secularist, as Obama is, the revolution he brings with the aim of 'fundamentally transforming' America is not the God-fearing American Revolution of the Founders, but, rather, the deeply hate-filled, death-draped anti-religion tradition of the French Revolution, summarized in the words of Denis Diderot:
"Man will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest."

a. “The French Revolution occurred almost simultaneously with the American Revolution. While sharing many similarities, there was one glaring difference. The French were not Christian and attempted to introduce a godless humanistic government. The result is amply recorded in history books. Instead of the liberty, justice, peace, happiness, and prosperity experienced in America, France suffered chaos and injustice as thousands of heads rolled under the sharp blade of the guillotine.”
Religion and Government in America Are they complementary The Mandate

b. "If the French revolution was the end of monarchy and aristocratic privilege and the emergence of the common man and democratic rights, it was also the beginnings of modern totalitarian government and large-scale executions of "enemies of the People" by impersonal government entities (Robespierre's "Committee of Public Safety"). This legacy would not reach its fullest bloom until the tragic arrival of the German Nazis and Soviet and Chinese communists of the 20th century." French Revolution - Robespierre and the Legacy of the Reign of Terror

"he was a handsome man and what i want to know is
how do you like your blueeyed boy
Mister Death"
e e cummings
Religion, faith, and worship is by personal choice. Also, since he was elected not once, but twice, should speak to whether his beliefs or non-beliefs bother the majority of voters. Shouldn't we be more concerned about whether or not he loves America, believes in true justice, real freedom, and whether or not he's interested in a prosperous self-supporting nation and citizenry? Shouldn't we be more concerned with, and critical of his damaging presidency?

1. Did you miss this?

"Sad how many who imagine themselves to be Americans are, today, socialists."

2. "Shouldn't we be more concerned about whether or not he loves America, believes in true justice, real freedom, and whether or not he's interested in a prosperous self-supporting nation and citizenry?"
Stay with this thread today....you can bet I will cover same in detail.
Do you have anything new to cover? Anything revealing and shocking? Anything that hasn't been discussed and beat to death already? Is what you have just more Obama bashing? What exactly have you uncovered that hasn't been made known by the various news media? And, if I stay with this thread, as you suggested, will I read something that hasn't been covered and/or revealed?

You may actually be the recipient of real learning.

But....I am the eternal optimist.
Well, lay it on me. I'm always eager to learn. I learn something new every single day. Lay it out there and lets see what you've got. Don't be shy, just tell it like it is. If you have it, show it. Thanks.
PC forgets that 13 people listen to her and read her podcast and blog.

Put her in the perspective she has "earned".
PC forgets that 13 people listen to her and read her podcast and blog.

Put her in the perspective she has "earned".

Remember what a fool you were made to look like in the last thread about Obama' role in stoking up the flames of insurrection?

So...more of the same in store for you, huh?
"Sad how many who imagine themselves to be Americans are, today, socialists."
That's funny, as though either American and socialist are mutually exclusive, or only imaginary Americans can be socialist.

Which article of the Constitution is that in, the three fifths one?
"Sad how many who imagine themselves to be Americans are, today, socialists."
That's funny, as though either American and socialist are mutually exclusive, or only imaginary Americans can be socialist.

Which article of the Constitution is that in, the three fifths one?

Actually, American and socialist are mutually exclusive.

So glad for the opportunity to enlighten you.

By American, I'm referring to the America memorialized by the Founders, based on individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government.

Socialists, Democrats, Liberals, and Progressives subscribe to a very different constellation.
6. For Obama, being slapped down by all nine Supreme Court Justices, in Hosanna-Tabor Evangelical Lutheran Church & School v.EEOC served as merely a bump in the road for the Anti-Religion President.....and the application of a new title: The Anti-Constitution President.

Not a month later, Obama demanded that all employers, no matter religious or not, pay for contraception and abortion-inducing pills for their employees!

So, over a two month period,
a. he demanded the power to determine who a church could or must hire, and

b. the power to demand that churches pay for sexual practices.

Insight into Obama's psychosis, may be gleaned from his view that pregnancy is a curse, a punishment can be seen in his statement in 2008:
"At a town hall meeting in Johnstown, Pennsylvania on Saturdayafternoon, Barack Obama told the crowd that he didn't want his daughters, "punished with a baby."

Sound like the view of a 'self-proclaimed believing Christian?

"Punished with a baby?"That just doesn't sound right. Why use the word punished? I
would think that word would be alarming to people and possibly offensive to those who have had babies out of wedlock."

Psalm 127:3
3 Children are a gift from theLord;they are a reward from him.

Well....not if you're the Anti-Religion President.
PC forgets that 13 people listen to her and read her podcast and blog.

Put her in the perspective she has "earned".
Remember what a fool you were made to look like in the last thread about Obama' role in stoking up the flames of insurrection? So...more of the same in store for you, huh?
Only in your silliest neo-Nazi fancies, my dear. You are here for grins and chuckles only.
The 10 Most Socialist States In America - Business Insider

The 10 Most Socialist States In America
  • SEP. 23, 2010, 11:30 AM
  • 197,384
  • I work hard for my money. I leave my two gorgeous kids every morning to make money because I have to. So, I hate taxes. I hate politicians who waste my tax dollars. I hate politicians who can’t say no to wasteful spending, and then throw salt on the wound and increase taxes to escalate the rape of hardworking, law abiding taxpayers. So let’s take a look at the states that are doing this the most, the most socialist ones.

  • How do we know whether a state is socialist? Very easy. By definition, socialist states (or countries) tax and spend a higher percentage of their GDP. Instead of returning state revenue back to taxpayers, these states think they know how to spend hard-earned taxpayer dollars better. So we only need two pieces of data to determine which states are the most socialist: total state revenue and the state’s GDP.


    I used the Census Bureau’s total state revenue data from the Annual Surveys of State and Local Government Finances. The data is available for periods as recent as 2008 (the context of this year will make more sense when you see who the top state’s governor was at the time). Then I got my hands on the 2008 state level GDP data from the Bureau of Economic Analysis. Total state revenue includes all sorts of taxes including individual income tax, property tax, sales tax, and that of motor fuel, alcohol, tobacco, public utilities, etc. It also includes corporate taxes, and motor vehicle licenses, charges collected from highways, education, hospitals, airports, parking, parks, natural resources, housing, sewerage, garbage collection, interest earnings, special assessments, etc. There are only a few things that they don’t tax.

    On top of these taxes, states also receive some revenue (sometimes multiples of what they collect in the state) from the federal government. These are federal tax dollars collected from residents of this country, and spent by these states instead of returned to taxpayers. That’s why they are included in the calculations. Did I tell you that I hate taxes?

    Anyway, I divided the total state revenue by the state’s GDP and calculate the percentage of the public sector in the state’s economy. The larger this percentage, the more socialist the state is. Period. There’s no other way to look at it. Then I ranked all 50 states and DC to find the top 10 socialist, or red!, states of this country. You won’t believe who is number one. Or, if you’re educated, you already know.

    #10 North Dakota

    Matt Eckelberg via Flickr
    Size of Government: 21.4%
    State Revenue: $6.7 billion
    State GDP: $31.2 billion
    GDP Per Capita: $48650

    Governor: REPUBLICAN John Hoeven

    Source: Insider Monkey

    #9 Ohio

    Size of Government: 21.4%
    State Revenue: $100.9 billion
    State GDP: $471.5 billion
    GDP Per Capita: $41051

    Governor: DEMOCRAT Ted Strickland

    Source: Insider Monkey

    #8 Maine

    dougtone on flickr
    Size of Government: 21.6%
    State Revenue: $10.8 billion
    State GDP: $49.7billion
    GDP Per Capita: $37760

    Governor: DEMOCRAT John Elias Baldacci

    Source: Insider Monkey

    #7 West Virginia

    Size of Government: 22.2%
    State Revenue: $13.7 billion
    State GDP: $61.7 billion
    GDP Per Capita: $33978

    Governor: DEMOCRAT Joe Manchin

    Source: Insider Monkey

    #6 South Carolina

    Size of Government: 22.6%
    State Revenue: $35.4 billion
    State GDP: $156.4 billion
    GDP Per Capita: $34909

    Governor: REPUBLICAN Mark Sanford

    Source: Insider Monkey

    #5 Montana

    Size of Government: 23.7%
    State Revenue: $8.5 billion
    State GDP: $35.9 billion
    GDP Per Capita: $37099

    Governor: DEMOCRAT Brian Schweitzer

    Source: Insider Monkey

    #4 Vermont

    Size of Government: 23.9%
    State Revenue: $6.1 billion
    State GDP: $25.4 billion
    GDP Per Capita: $40952

    Governor: Republican Jim Douglas

    Source: Insider Monkey

    #3 Mississippi

    Express Monorail via Flickr
    Size of Government: 25.8%
    State Revenue: $23.6 billion State
    GDP: $91.8 billion
    GDP Per Capita: $31233

    Governor: Republican Haley Barbour

    Source: Insider Monkey

    #2 Wyoming

    Size of Government: 26.6%
    State Revenue: $9.4 billion
    State GDP: $35.3 billion
    GDP Per Capita: $66289

    Governor: Democrat Dave Freudenthal

    Source: Insider Monkey

    #1 Alaska

    Size of Government: 39.2%
    State Revenue: $18.8 billion
    State GDP: $47.9 billion
    GDP Per Capita: $69813

    Ditched By Sarah Palin last year.

    Source: Insider Monkey

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    Read more: The 10 Most Socialist States In America - Business Insider

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