So sick of the double standard of the left.

What is this like the 6th thread just today whining about the internet?

Well, we know what was in the latest talking points email.
Tell us again for the millionth time how a tweet hurt you.

I am not the one making a half a dozen threads whining like 12 year old girls because the government wont come to your rescue.
Why am I not surprised that me exercising my first amendment right offends you?

Little triggered bitch
Poor trumpanzees and their even tinier hangers on.......
You are just making shit up. Which is what cons do.
You can't be fucking serious?!

Sure I am . How about a link to prove anything you said .

As for the current bots targeting cons. Find me a story where they actually targeted conservatives views ! Not the bots fault cons can’t stop hurling racial slurs .

Cmon Dood, you could have looked it up yourself and saved the embarrassment.

I didn’t start a crybaby thread . How about u put up or shot up .

Same shit all the time. Blaming “the media” is very convenient since it’s a broad brush of nothing . You can never post real examples .
Everything you know is crap backed up by no evidence and just BS hate propaganda repeated endlessly by High School Grad ex Coke head DJs on your ridiculous propaganda machine.
They had an absolute fit over talk radio for near two damn decades. Even though they had their own radio programs but no one wanted to hear them and they went belly up. So they DEMANDED free and equal air time on every program including TV programs.
Thing is NO ONE WAS SILENCING THEM. They had their own shows but no one tuned in and they went under. Yet the left screamed bloody murder for 2 fucking decades.

Now the internet has become the main source fought over and the conservative voice is wanted and in demand but silenced under the masquerade of "computer algorithms"

Now we see the left laughing and pretending it isn't an issue despite 20 years of endless whining about equal time for opposing opinions.

A SERIOUS lack of integrity and the very "fairness" (docterine) they demanded.

So, the left could have their own radio shows and it was all good.

But when we they tell you to get your own search engines and social media sites they are being unfair.

Fuck dude, is your picture listed under hypocrite?

Why should we need to get our own search engines and social media sites? The original intent of the internet was the free and open exchange of information and ideas, wasn't it?
Amazing...and now the so-called small government, free enterprise folks want the government to force private businesses to give them the attention they so desperately need.
You are just making shit up. Which is what cons do.
You can't be fucking serious?!

Sure I am . How about a link to prove anything you said .

As for the current bots targeting cons. Find me a story where they actually targeted conservatives views ! Not the bots fault cons can’t stop hurling racial slurs .
You need a link to recent history? Do you dumbfucks know anything without being told by your masters?

Why The Fairness Doctrine Is Anything But Fair

Why on Earth would Google, or any mainstream search engine, put such nutty sites like infowars, gatewaypundit or dailykos? They bring up mainstream media to the top of their list because that is what most people want.
You are just making shit up. Which is what cons do.
You can't be fucking serious?!

Sure I am . How about a link to prove anything you said .

As for the current bots targeting cons. Find me a story where they actually targeted conservatives views ! Not the bots fault cons can’t stop hurling racial slurs .
You need a link to recent history? Do you dumbfucks know anything without being told by your masters?

Why The Fairness Doctrine Is Anything But Fair

Dumbass, the Fairness Doctrine was repealed by the FCC in 1987.
So you're saying that the GOP has been treated unfairly by the press/media for over 30 years?
And yet today we have a Republican congress and POTUS who started the whining.
Aren't you "tired of winning" yet?
Even more, aren't you tired of being manipulated by Trump's distractions?

Stupid people are quite easily manipulated.
You are just making shit up. Which is what cons do.
You can't be fucking serious?!

Sure I am . How about a link to prove anything you said .

As for the current bots targeting cons. Find me a story where they actually targeted conservatives views ! Not the bots fault cons can’t stop hurling racial slurs .
You need a link to recent history? Do you dumbfucks know anything without being told by your masters?

Why The Fairness Doctrine Is Anything But Fair

Why on Earth would Google, or any mainstream search engine, put such nutty sites like infowars, gatewaypundit or dailykos? They bring up mainstream media to the top of their list because that is what most people want.

Do you think google should shut down ISIS sites ?
They had an absolute fit over talk radio for near two damn decades. Even though they had their own radio programs but no one wanted to hear them and they went belly up. So they DEMANDED free and equal air time on every program including TV programs.
Thing is NO ONE WAS SILENCING THEM. They had their own shows but no one tuned in and they went under. Yet the left screamed bloody murder for 2 fucking decades.

Now the internet has become the main source fought over and the conservative voice is wanted and in demand but silenced under the masquerade of "computer algorithms"

Now we see the left laughing and pretending it isn't an issue despite 20 years of endless whining about equal time for opposing opinions.

A SERIOUS lack of integrity and the very "fairness" (docterine) they demanded.

So, the left could have their own radio shows and it was all good.

But when we they tell you to get your own search engines and social media sites they are being unfair.

Fuck dude, is your picture listed under hypocrite?

Why should we need to get our own search engines and social media sites? The original intent of the internet was the free and open exchange of information and ideas, wasn't it?

And that is still the intent of the internet, but it is not the intent of the companies that own search engines and the like. As as they are private companies they are free to not do that if they do not wish.
I would tend to agree with you. Now replace Facebook with Exxon. Do you still feel the same?

As long as they are not breaking any laws or damaging the environment, then sure.
So monopolies aren’t bad. Whether that be oil and gas or public information. Just trying to clarify.
Amazing...and now the so-called small government, free enterprise folks want the government to force private businesses to give them the attention they so desperately need.

Conservative is just a word nowadays. Very, very, few conservatives left in modern America. Very few.
So monopolies aren’t bad. Whether that be oil and gas or public information. Just trying to clarify.

I actually do not have an issue with monopolies, it is not the government business to control such things.

I would also challenge the concept of a monopoly on information, such a thing is not possible in today's world.
Amazing...and now the so-called small government, free enterprise folks want the government to force private businesses to give them the attention they so desperately need.

Conservative is just a word nowadays. Very, very, few conservatives left in modern America. Very few.

True, the last actual Conservative president was a guy named Calvin.
So monopolies aren’t bad. Whether that be oil and gas or public information. Just trying to clarify.

I actually do not have an issue with monopolies, it is not the government business to control such things.

I would also challenge the concept of a monopoly on information, such a thing is not possible in today's world.

Monopolies destroy capitalism. I thought you worshiped capitalism?
So monopolies aren’t bad. Whether that be oil and gas or public information. Just trying to clarify.

I actually do not have an issue with monopolies, it is not the government business to control such things.

I would also challenge the concept of a monopoly on information, such a thing is not possible in today's world.

Monopolies destroy capitalism. I thought you worshiped capitalism?

Monopolies are the result of capitalism, how can they destroy it?
So monopolies aren’t bad. Whether that be oil and gas or public information. Just trying to clarify.

I actually do not have an issue with monopolies, it is not the government business to control such things.

I would also challenge the concept of a monopoly on information, such a thing is not possible in today's world.
I would tend to agree. Until the monopoly is paying off government to keep that position while taking out any competition. How do we make sure that doesn’t happen?
They had an absolute fit over talk radio for near two damn decades. Even though they had their own radio programs but no one wanted to hear them and they went belly up. So they DEMANDED free and equal air time on every program including TV programs.
Thing is NO ONE WAS SILENCING THEM. They had their own shows but no one tuned in and they went under. Yet the left screamed bloody murder for 2 fucking decades.

Now the internet has become the main source fought over and the conservative voice is wanted and in demand but silenced under the masquerade of "computer algorithms"

Now we see the left laughing and pretending it isn't an issue despite 20 years of endless whining about equal time for opposing opinions.

A SERIOUS lack of integrity and the very "fairness" (docterine) they demanded.

But not sick of the double standards of the right? How convenient.
So monopolies aren’t bad. Whether that be oil and gas or public information. Just trying to clarify.

I actually do not have an issue with monopolies, it is not the government business to control such things.

I would also challenge the concept of a monopoly on information, such a thing is not possible in today's world.
I would tend to agree. Until the monopoly is paying off government to keep that position while taking out any competition. How do we make sure that doesn’t happen?

Don't elect corrupt politicians! :21::21::21::21::21::21::21::21:

Sorry, just laughing at my own joke!

I am not sure if we can keep it from happening, but the only way would be for we the people to much more vigilant
Don't elect corrupt politicians! :21::21::21::21::21::21::21::21:

Sorry, just laughing at my own joke!

I am not sure if we can keep it from happening, but the only way would be for we the people to much more vigilant

Problem with it is that generally it's the corrupt people who run for political office.
Sure I am . How about a link to prove anything you said .

As for the current bots targeting cons. Find me a story where they actually targeted conservatives views ! Not the bots fault cons can’t stop hurling racial slurs .

Google is TOTALLY biased against Trump. Just search 'dumb presidential tweets.'

That article is total bullshit.

I googled Trump is an American hero and got more than 155,000 hits...this article says you get none.

Damn you sheep are gullible.

Try putting that in quotes, as in "Trump is an American hero"

648 results, the majority of which were denigrating anti-trump instances. If you don't put it in quotes, Google will return every instance that has those specific words, not necessarily in sequence.

Bing on the other hand, produced 44,700,000 results for "Trump is an American hero". This is why we don't use Google for anything but images. Google image is faster.

Did you bother to look at any of the 44,700,000? Most on first page seemed to agree that "Trump is not an American hero"

Try putting the plus sign designator in front of the phrase, as in +"Trump is an American hero"

That filters out all of the unqualifiers. Google still returns 19 results, while Bing returns 39.

+"Trump is an American hero" - Google Search

47,700 hits
You are just making shit up. Which is what cons do.
You can't be fucking serious?!

Sure I am . How about a link to prove anything you said .

As for the current bots targeting cons. Find me a story where they actually targeted conservatives views ! Not the bots fault cons can’t stop hurling racial slurs .
You need a link to recent history? Do you dumbfucks know anything without being told by your masters?

Why The Fairness Doctrine Is Anything But Fair

That video proves conservatives are batshit insane. They're actually bitching that Google recommendations that start with "Hillary cri" don't recommend, 'Hillary criminal.'

Why would it? She's not a criminal.

And they whine that Google recommendations that start with "Hillary ind" don't recommend, 'Hillary indictment.'

Why would it? She's never been indicted.

Even worse for their delusions -- enter either 'Trump cri' or 'Trump ind' and you don't get either 'Trump criminal' or 'Trump indictment.'

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