So Much for Gaza Being a Concentration Camp

Iā€™m hoping you can give us specifics on this occupation you allege.
Who controls the airspace, land crossings, territorial waters, and passport processing of Gaza? Is Gaza a sovereign entity, with control over its own territory? The UN considers it occupied, the last vote expressing that opinion unanimously.

Are you suggesting they are not occupied just because Israel stopped stealing their land a few years ago?

What land did Israel steal?
The settlements they themselves dismantled. Omg how do you have sooo little info? Youā€™re a regular in this subforum, and somehow I know more than you? Have you never bothered to go look anything up?

I think you mean settlements on land that the Arabs-Moslems want for some imagined future Islamic settlement.

What land, specifically, was Arab-Moslem land that was stolen by Israel?

ALL of Palestine was Arab/Moslem land in Israel because Israel is legally part of Palestine and almost none of the land was ever legally paid for by the Jewish immigrants who illegally created Israel by force.
The owner of Palestine was the Ottoman Empire until 1920, when it was given independence as an Arab/Muslim ruled nation by the Treaty of Sevres. Israel has no such legal origins and was created by theft and illegal force of arms against the will of the majority, the natives, and the legal land owners.

Iā€™m afraid you simply donā€™t know the facts. Among the facts are that Jewish agencies purchased large tracts of land on the geographic area known as Palestine. These tracts of land were purchased from absentee land owners in Lebanon, Syria and Egypt.

How do we know this? Well, the Turkish government released Ottoman land records.

Turkey transfers Ottoman land records to Palestinian Authority

Even before 1917, Jewish and Zionist institutions had purchased large tracts of land in Palestine from absentee landlords, who lived mainly in Syria and Lebanon. These landlords had previously leased their property to local farmers, but were happy to sell it for the right price, without giving a thought to their tenant farmers. Nevertheless, Palestinians view these sales as more legitimate than those that took place during the British occupation that began in 1917.
Hamas said to impose restrictions after young, educated Gazans exited for ā€˜vacationsā€™ through reopened Rafah Crossing to escape and seek better lives in Europe.

What percentage of those who complain about Israel imposing restrictions on Gaza for security reasons are going to complain about Hamas imposing further restrictions to prevent people from escaping Hamas rule? An initial estimate of ā€œzeroā€ seems right.

"Some 35,000 Palestinians left the Gaza Strip in 2018 and didnā€™t return due to the financial crisis there --- with the Hamas terror group imposing measures to stem the tide of emigration. The Rafah Crossing between the Strip and Egypt was opened in November 2017 for the first time in a decade, letting Gazans take a plane to Turkey for vacations. The report cited data by the UN and other organizations to conclude that ā€œestimations in Israelā€ are that the number of those who left Gaza and did not return was 35,000. Hamas ā€” which took over Gaza by force in 2007, leading Israel and Egypt to impose a blockade ever since ā€” at first saw the Rafah Crossingā€™s opening as a way of pocketing some cash via payments for the permits, passports, transportation and bribes received in exchange for expediting the process."

". . .the Hamas terror group imposing measures to stem the tide of emigration. . ."

what a bunch of ...weirdos.

Shooting people who try to leave for a better life is terrorism.
People fleeing Gaza doesnā€™t fit the narrative of conditions being horrible there?
How about Syria occupied Lebanon?
Thatā€™s cool...No JOOS.
Has my government pledged fealty to Lebanon?
Now about all of those Global Religion based conflicts...
Please elaborate on Gaza as opposed to everywhere else.
And donā€™t forget about China building artificial islands to take sovereignty over itā€™s neighbors.
Iā€™m sure there will be a bloodless solution.
At least youā€™re acknowledging it is all stupidly based on magical beliefs
Okay? What, you trying to get applause for the perseverance of an occupied people that are under constant blockade, border closures, and no right to self-determination?

They have every right to self-determination (and some level of actual self-determination). But they haven't put in the work necessary to build a nation in order to bring about their self-determination.

Blockades, embargos and border closures are all responses to security threats. Don't want blockades, embargos and border closures? Don't be a security threat. Not rocket science.
Surrender and take whatever we force on you. Thatā€™s a great negotiaing position. There will never be peace in the ā€œholyā€ land. The people fleeing are the smartest ones there.

ā€œSurrender and take whatever we force on you.ā€

An interesting comment. Have you read the Hamas Charter?

From the Arab-Moslem position, thereā€™s not even the option of surrender. Hamas calls for the destruction of Israel. For all your hand-wringing and grieving over the ā€œPeaceful Inner Strugglersā€, you donā€™t seem to have much to add relative to the Hamas bargaining position that requires the death of every Israeli.
People fleeing Gaza doesnā€™t fit the narrative of conditions being horrible there?
How about Syria occupied Lebanon?
Thatā€™s cool...No JOOS.
Has my government pledged fealty to Lebanon?
Now about all of those Global Religion based conflicts...
Please elaborate on Gaza as opposed to everywhere else.
And donā€™t forget about China building artificial islands to take sovereignty over itā€™s neighbors.
Iā€™m sure there will be a bloodless solution.
At least youā€™re acknowledging it is all stupidly based on magical beliefs
Everybody in the world is wrong except the 2% who spend their entire lives in narcissist hatred of everything.
People fleeing Gaza doesnā€™t fit the narrative of conditions being horrible there?
How about Syria occupied Lebanon?
Thatā€™s cool...No JOOS.
Has my government pledged fealty to Lebanon?
Now about all of those Global Religion based conflicts...
Please elaborate on Gaza as opposed to everywhere else.
And donā€™t forget about China building artificial islands to take sovereignty over itā€™s neighbors.
Iā€™m sure there will be a bloodless solution.
At least youā€™re acknowledging it is all stupidly based on magical beliefs
Itā€™s based on teaching hate to children from the moment theyā€™re born and being willing to use them as shields.
Okay? What, you trying to get applause for the perseverance of an occupied people that are under constant blockade, border closures, and no right to self-determination?

all the millions$$$ given to the people in charge [abbass/hamass] - and NONE of the money is used to ......get rid of "refugee camps." bulloney. there doesn't have to be a....concentra.... - i mean refugee camp. [how many are there now?]....these Camps are used for show, for propaganda purposes. they have the means to do away with the camps - they just need the right people to do the right thing $$ to get rid of them and that ain't going to happen with Hamasssssssss and abassssssss being handed the millions$$$ from DONORS...... that's how joe world public feels about self-centered guy, abbasssssss, and Terrorists, GIVEN $$$$ to run the post office and things......pathetic.

WRONG! Gaza has the highest population concentration in the world, and that is because Israel has illegally taken the land away from millions of Palestinians and forced them to live in these concentration camps like Gaza.

Abbas and Hamas only get a few hundred million a years, which is not even enough to pay for sanitation and water. While Israel is gifted over $5 billion a year by the US.

And the Palestinians can't get rid of the refugee camps because there is no where for the refugees to go. All of Gaza and the West Bank are way over crowded already. The Palestinians are about 12 million natives forced to live on 20% of their land, while the invading 6 million Jewish immigrants occupy 80% of the Palestinian land.
People fleeing Gaza doesnā€™t fit the narrative of conditions being horrible there?
How about Syria occupied Lebanon?
Thatā€™s cool...No JOOS.
Has my government pledged fealty to Lebanon?
Now about all of those Global Religion based conflicts...
Please elaborate on Gaza as opposed to everywhere else.
And donā€™t forget about China building artificial islands to take sovereignty over itā€™s neighbors.
Iā€™m sure there will be a bloodless solution.
At least youā€™re acknowledging it is all stupidly based on magical beliefs
Itā€™s based on teaching hate to children from the moment theyā€™re born and being willing to use them as shields.

You don't have to teach hatred when the Palestinian children see Israeli soldiers beat and shoot innocent people at least every week or so.
It is obvious to every Palestinian child because they can see it besides being able to read about how their country and homes were invaded and taken over by European Jewish immigrants.
Okay? What, you trying to get applause for the perseverance of an occupied people that are under constant blockade, border closures, and no right to self-determination?

all the millions$$$ given to the people in charge [abbass/hamass] - and NONE of the money is used to ......get rid of "refugee camps." bulloney. there doesn't have to be a....concentra.... - i mean refugee camp. [how many are there now?]....these Camps are used for show, for propaganda purposes. they have the means to do away with the camps - they just need the right people to do the right thing $$ to get rid of them and that ain't going to happen with Hamasssssssss and abassssssss being handed the millions$$$ from DONORS...... that's how joe world public feels about self-centered guy, abbasssssss, and Terrorists, GIVEN $$$$ to run the post office and things......pathetic.

WRONG! Gaza has the highest population concentration in the world, and that is because Israel has illegally taken the land away from millions of Palestinians and forced them to live in these concentration camps like Gaza.

Abbas and Hamas only get a few hundred million a years, which is not even enough to pay for sanitation and water. While Israel is gifted over $5 billion a year by the US.

And the Palestinians can't get rid of the refugee camps because there is no where for the refugees to go. All of Gaza and the West Bank are way over crowded already. The Palestinians are about 12 million natives forced to live on 20% of their land, while the invading 6 million Jewish immigrants occupy 80% of the Palestinian land.
lol And the moon is made of green cheese.
That is just a lie.
Gaza is completely cut off from the outside world, us not allow any commerce or free movement, and the bare minimum of food is allowed in, while being heavily and illegally taxed by Israel.
It is essentially a forced labor camp.
And no, Israel has not abandoned Gaza, and still retains military bases there, with complete control over the airport, harbors, bridges, and border with neighboring nations.

There are military bases IN Gaza?! Link, please.

Gaza is actually just one of many cities in the Gaza Strip, and Israel controls and maintains all of the Gaza Strip through military bases in the Gaza Strip. But not in the city of Gaza itself.
There is lots of the Gaza Strip that is still illegally occupied by Israel. The Dananya airport in the south of the Gaza Strip is one. Dugit and New Nisanit are Israel occupied areas of the Gaza Strip on its north east border. The only thing Israel did was to remove the Jewish civilian settlements, because they were too costly to defend. They removed no military bases.

Here is proof:
{... An extensive Israeli buffer zone within the Strip renders much land off-limits to Gaza's Palestinians. ...}
Gaza Strip - Wikipedia

Oh sweet summer child.
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no right to self-determination?

Didn't they elect Hamas as their leadership?

Hamas does not have the authority a sovereign nation should have, such as freedom of access to foreign trade, and even the right to fish in territorial waters. Israel denies them self determination at every item. Israel denies Hamas the ability to give Palestinians self determination. Israel won't even allow Gaza to reopen the airport.
Okay? What, you trying to get applause for the perseverance of an occupied people that are under constant blockade, border closures, and no right to self-determination?

all the millions$$$ given to the people in charge [abbass/hamass] - and NONE of the money is used to ......get rid of "refugee camps." bulloney. there doesn't have to be a....concentra.... - i mean refugee camp. [how many are there now?]....these Camps are used for show, for propaganda purposes. they have the means to do away with the camps - they just need the right people to do the right thing $$ to get rid of them and that ain't going to happen with Hamasssssssss and abassssssss being handed the millions$$$ from DONORS...... that's how joe world public feels about self-centered guy, abbasssssss, and Terrorists, GIVEN $$$$ to run the post office and things......pathetic.

WRONG! Gaza has the highest population concentration in the world, and that is because Israel has illegally taken the land away from millions of Palestinians and forced them to live in these concentration camps like Gaza.

Abbas and Hamas only get a few hundred million a years, which is not even enough to pay for sanitation and water. While Israel is gifted over $5 billion a year by the US.

And the Palestinians can't get rid of the refugee camps because there is no where for the refugees to go. All of Gaza and the West Bank are way over crowded already. The Palestinians are about 12 million natives forced to live on 20% of their land, while the invading 6 million Jewish immigrants occupy 80% of the Palestinian land.
lol And the moon is made of green cheese.

Do you deny that the Palestinians who used to own and occupy all of Palestine, are now illegally forced into just small settlements in Gaza and the West Bank?
Okay? What, you trying to get applause for the perseverance of an occupied people that are under constant blockade, border closures, and no right to self-determination?

all the millions$$$ given to the people in charge [abbass/hamass] - and NONE of the money is used to ......get rid of "refugee camps." bulloney. there doesn't have to be a....concentra.... - i mean refugee camp. [how many are there now?]....these Camps are used for show, for propaganda purposes. they have the means to do away with the camps - they just need the right people to do the right thing $$ to get rid of them and that ain't going to happen with Hamasssssssss and abassssssss being handed the millions$$$ from DONORS...... that's how joe world public feels about self-centered guy, abbasssssss, and Terrorists, GIVEN $$$$ to run the post office and things......pathetic.

WRONG! Gaza has the highest population concentration in the world, and that is because Israel has illegally taken the land away from millions of Palestinians and forced them to live in these concentration camps like Gaza.

Abbas and Hamas only get a few hundred million a years, which is not even enough to pay for sanitation and water. While Israel is gifted over $5 billion a year by the US.

And the Palestinians can't get rid of the refugee camps because there is no where for the refugees to go. All of Gaza and the West Bank are way over crowded already. The Palestinians are about 12 million natives forced to live on 20% of their land, while the invading 6 million Jewish immigrants occupy 80% of the Palestinian land.
Too bad.
no right to self-determination?

Didn't they elect Hamas as their leadership?

Hamas does not have the authority a sovereign nation should have, such as freedom of access to foreign trade, and even the right to fish in territorial waters. Israel denies them self determination at every item. Israel denies Hamas the ability to give Palestinians self determination. Israel won't even allow Gaza to reopen the airport.

Do You think if Israel let Hamas open an airport, Egypt does as well?
Get some grip.
How about Syria occupied Lebanon?
Thatā€™s cool...No JOOS.
Has my government pledged fealty to Lebanon?
Now about all of those Global Religion based conflicts...
Please elaborate on Gaza as opposed to everywhere else.
And donā€™t forget about China building artificial islands to take sovereignty over itā€™s neighbors.
Iā€™m sure there will be a bloodless solution.
At least youā€™re acknowledging it is all stupidly based on magical beliefs
Itā€™s based on teaching hate to children from the moment theyā€™re born and being willing to use them as shields.

You don't have to teach hatred when the Palestinian children see Israeli soldiers beat and shoot innocent people at least every week or so.
It is obvious to every Palestinian child because they can see it besides being able to read about how their country and homes were invaded and taken over by European Jewish immigrants.
Why spend all that money on infrastructure when you can build state of the art tunnels into Egypt and Israel?
You lose.
Okay? What, you trying to get applause for the perseverance of an occupied people that are under constant blockade, border closures, and no right to self-determination?

all the millions$$$ given to the people in charge [abbass/hamass] - and NONE of the money is used to ......get rid of "refugee camps." bulloney. there doesn't have to be a....concentra.... - i mean refugee camp. [how many are there now?]....these Camps are used for show, for propaganda purposes. they have the means to do away with the camps - they just need the right people to do the right thing $$ to get rid of them and that ain't going to happen with Hamasssssssss and abassssssss being handed the millions$$$ from DONORS...... that's how joe world public feels about self-centered guy, abbasssssss, and Terrorists, GIVEN $$$$ to run the post office and things......pathetic.

WRONG! Gaza has the highest population concentration in the world, and that is because Israel has illegally taken the land away from millions of Palestinians and forced them to live in these concentration camps like Gaza.

Abbas and Hamas only get a few hundred million a years, which is not even enough to pay for sanitation and water. While Israel is gifted over $5 billion a year by the US.

And the Palestinians can't get rid of the refugee camps because there is no where for the refugees to go. All of Gaza and the West Bank are way over crowded already. The Palestinians are about 12 million natives forced to live on 20% of their land, while the invading 6 million Jewish immigrants occupy 80% of the Palestinian land.
lol And the moon is made of green cheese.

Do you deny that the Palestinians who used to own and occupy all of Palestine, are now illegally forced into just small settlements in Gaza and the West Bank?

Or the settlement of that why every time they mention Ottoman deeds they refuse to present knowing how much land was stolen from Jews in those records?

Maybe that's why You don't have any problem with Arabs demanding domination over the whole region while Jews are forced into a tiny reservation, less than 1% of the territory in the entire middle east.

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no right to self-determination?

Didn't they elect Hamas as their leadership?

Hamas does not have the authority a sovereign nation should have, such as freedom of access to foreign trade, and even the right to fish in territorial waters. Israel denies them self determination at every item. Israel denies Hamas the ability to give Palestinians self determination. Israel won't even allow Gaza to reopen the airport.

Hamas, the elected leadership of the Gaza Palestinians, is waging a declared war against Israel.

Despite that, Israel sends tens of thousands of tons of food and fuel aid to Gaza and tens of thousands of Palestinians receive free medical treatment in Israeli hospitals.

How much aid did the US give Germany and Japan in the middle of the Second world war?

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