So Much for Gaza Being a Concentration Camp

I find it difficult to believe that anyone with an IQ above -50 is actually discussing anything with Rigby.
Being Jewish myself


He could be telling the truth. There have been many traitorous and self-hating Jews throughout history. Did you ever hear of Benedict Arnold?
Did you ever hear of Benedict Arnold?

Pretty sure Benedict Arnold wasn't Jewish.

Lol, I wasn't clear. I was speaking of traitors in general. Just yesterday, I read an article of some traitorous Jews who actually turned in some of their own brethren to the Nazis. Most of them did it to save their own or their families' lives, but some did it for money or self-hatred. It was a list of 10 names, 8 men and 2 women. About half of them committed suicide afterwards, out of guilt.
The tunnels cost nothing and instead are a means of income from smuggling.
Nor do the tunnels have anything to do with Hamas.

Are you for real?

Last I checked tunnels cost upwards of $90 million dollars. Did you want to calculate that in terms of homes, hospitals or schools?

That is an obvious lie.
Tunnels are entirely by manpower and use no machines at all.
And considering Israel has blockaded Gaza into 60% unemployment, tunnels do not cost a cent.

And you also lie when you imply that Hamas has anything to do with tunnels.
The reality is that private enterprise builds the tunnels for the profits from smuggled luxury items the Israelis won't allow to be imported.

Seriously? So you are saying that concrete costs nothing in Gaza?

AND you are saying that there is a smuggling trade between Israel and Gaza? That Gaza is smuggling things in THROUGH Israel? Are you serious?

The tunnels are not made of concrete.
If they were, then there would not be cave-ins, as there frequently are.

There are no tunnels to Israel.
They are all between Egypt and Gaza.

OK, c’mon.

Rigby is a pre-teen who is skipping school and found the password to his parents computer.
lol And the moon is made of green cheese.

Do you deny that the Palestinians who used to own and occupy all of Palestine, are now illegally forced into just small settlements in Gaza and the West Bank?

Or the settlement of that why every time they mention Ottoman deeds they refuse to present knowing how much land was stolen from Jews in those records?

Maybe that's why You don't have any problem with Arabs demanding domination over the whole region while Jews are forced into a tiny reservation, less than 1% of the territory in the entire middle east.


That is just a lie.
Jews always were protected and prospered under Islam.
That is why Jews take high paying jobs from Islamic leaders, like to be Viziers in the Iberian Peninsula.
All these Muslim nations you showed a map of never, ever harmed any Jew or confiscated any property. The Jews voluntarily sneaked out of these countries and illegally headed for Israel where they were promised free homes stolen from the native Palestinians.
Under Islam it is illegal to abuse or steal land from Jews, it never happened, and you are just a liar.
Jews left the Mideast around 160 AD, and there has never been any sort of significant Mideast presence until after 1930 or so.
In 1920, the Jewish population of what became Israel later, was less than 5% Jewish.
There was very little Jewish Population in the Mideast for nearly two centuries.
The current Jewish population of Israel is almost entirely European.
And once again, it is important to remind everyone that you are a liar.
Bullshit. Muslims have been massacring Jews throughout the ME and North Africa for over 1,000 years. Whoever told you the nonsense you are posting lied to you.

Category:Anti-Jewish pogroms by Muslims - Wikipedia

As for some of your other misconceptions, when Israel declared statehood, there were about 600,000 Jews in Israel, mostly from Europe, but then 800,000 Jews from Arab and other Muslim nations quickly moved there so by the time the War of Independence was over, ME Jews outnumbered European Jews.

No one was promised free Arab homes. The Jewish Agency, which was largely responsible for the return of the Jews to Israel, purchased large parcels of land from wealthy Arab land owning families for Jews to settle in. The land was being farmed by tenant farmers, so the Jewish Agency, seeking to live in peace with the Arabs, paid each Arab family that was displaced an amount of money sufficient to purchase land of their own even though the law at the time didn't require it. Far from losing anything, the Arab land owning families were paid more than their land was worth, the tenant farmers who were displaced now had money to buy land of their own, so the Arabs actually benefited from the return of the Jews to Israel. You have been very badly misinformed.

There not once has ever been a Muslim abuse of Jews, not only because they have such common culture, but because it was the 12 Hebrew tribes who allied with Mohammad and allowed him to survive the Meccan attacks. Mohammad was extremely grateful to the Hebrew for this, and wrote extensively in the Quran that Hebrew were "Brothers of the Book", and equal "Sons of Abraham" with an "equally valid path to heaven". One can NOT be Muslim and be anti Hebrew or even remotely abusive to Jews.
You can not come up with a single incident.
It NEVER happened.

As for demographics of Palestine, in 1890 43 thousand Jews and 432 Muslims in Palestine.
Demographic history of Palestine (region) - Wikipedia
That has always been pretty much the case, where the Jewish population was insignificantly small, and were Arab by race. The European immigration flood did not happen until after 1930 or so, do not at all fit into the Mideast, and should not be there. But even with all the European immigration, Jews are only about 6 million compared to the 12 million Muslim Palestinians. It is a horrific travesty to then even remotely imply that could possibly be a democracy.

Being Jewish myself, I was offered a free home in Israel. And it clearly was taken from Arabs, like all the millions of homes confiscated when the Arabs were forced to flee for their lives and not allowed to ever return. The Jewish Agency is on record as purchasing almost NOTHING! And it was ILLEGAL for Arabs to sell land or homes to recent immigrants. And there were no wealthy land owners. The Ottoman Empire acted as a sort of landlord, but only in terms of taxes. There were no tenant farmers because the Ottoman Empire had been defeated in WWI and relinquished all claims.
And it is easy to prove you are lying because the cost of purchasing all the land Jews now occupy would take an estimated 3 trillion dollars. And since the Germans did not allow emigrating Jews to take wealth, most had no money to buy any land at all.
I don't know if you are stupid or just a dishonest bigot, but I provided you with a list of attacks by Muslims on Jews that date back to the 11th century. Here it is again:

Category:Anti-Jewish pogroms by Muslims - Wikipedia

Your racist garbage about demographics is not worth answering, but it should be noted that in Israel Arab/Muslim have all the same rights and protections as Jews including full participation in Israeli democracy and outside of Israel Arabs/Muslims have few rights or protections.

If you want to convince people you are a liar, base your arguments on claims of personal experience that cannot be verified as you have done.

Again, while it is unclear whether your ridiculous posts are the result of ignorance and bigotry or or just a defect of character it is clear you are not competent to carry on an honest discussion on this subject.
lol And the moon is made of green cheese.

Do you deny that the Palestinians who used to own and occupy all of Palestine, are now illegally forced into just small settlements in Gaza and the West Bank?
The term Palestinian referred to anyone who lived in the Mandate area, including non Arabs until Israel became a state, and the land was under Ottoman Turkish jurisdiction for five hundred years before WWI, so the Arabs who call themselves Palestinians never owned or occupied all the land. Gaza is densely populated but Judea and Samaria, what you call the West Bank, is not. The Arabs have all of Gaza and 43% of Judea and Samaria, and while conditions are difficult for many of the people, these conditions are entirely the result of their leaderships which have consistently refused to live in peace with the Jews. The status quo will not change in the foreseeable future because there is not political entity among the Palestinians that can credibly offer peace to Israel.

The Ottoman Empire owned the entire country known as Palestine, but each and every parcel of land was also owned privately and there were deeds and bills of sale to prove it.

You are also wrong that where the Arabs are forced to concentrate in the West Bank is not also somewhat crowded.
You also fail to admit that these Palestinians at one times owned and occupied all of Israel and Palestine, and now have been illegally forced onto less than 20% of their legal land.

It is also wrong to blame the Palestinians at all, in any way.
The Jews were the ones who always broke the peace.
It started way back in the 1920s, when armed Jews murdered unarmed Arabs.
The whole 1948 war started because Zionist gangs started massacring Arab villages, like Dier Yassin.
It so happened that Albert Einstein witnessed this massacre, and wrote about it. Look it up,.

The lack of peace has always been the fault of the Zionists because they not only never gave back any stolen land as they promised, but they constantly illegally confiscate more for new illegal Jewish settlements. There is absolutely no doubt who is totally at fault. And it is entirely and completely Israel. It is clearly they want genocide and all of the land in Palestine.
You are very badly misinformed. In any country, the majority of the land is state land, not owned by any private party. This was true when during the period of Ottoman occupation of the ME. Under Ottoman law, if a village used adjacent land for farming or grazing or some other important purpose, it was given a kind of deed to the land that was valid as long as the land was in continual use, but if the village stopped using it for a time, it reverted to state land. Very few of the Arabs were able t o produce the deeds they claimed they had, and when Israeli authorities asked the Turkish government for access to its archives, they were denied access, but if you have followed the news about the many land disputes in Israel you have seen that Israel's High Court of Justice has found in favor or the Arab claimants at least as often as the Jewish claimants.

All the early violence came from the Arabs, who felt the same intolerance of Jews that you are expressing, but initially the British protected the Jews, but after 1930 the British decided that their interests lay in good relations with the Arabs, not with the Jews, so the Jews armed themselves and began punishing Arab militants who attacked Jewish farms and villages. The simple fact is that once the British stopped protecting Jews from Arab attacks, the Arab militants were simply no match for the Jewish militants, Irgun, and neither were the British, for that matter. Here is a list of attacks during the Mandatory period, and you will notice all the early attacks were by Arabs against Jews, but once the British withdrew their protection, and the Irgun took their place, Arab militants and many of the Arab towns that hosted them were harshly punished for their attacks on Jews.

List of killings and massacres in Mandatory Palestine - Wikipedia

Almost NONE of the land is state owned in the Mideast.
Private ownership is ancient and pass on from generation to generation.
There were common grazing pastures, but they were owned by clan, tribe, or village.
There was unclaimed land.
Nothing reverts back to the central government, as all land ownership was always local in the Mideast.
It was only after the European invasion that land was confiscated and nationalized.
But that was just a shell game to cover up the fact almost all the land in Israel was stolen by the Zionist government massacring Arabs and stealing their land.
And only a liar would claim that Arabs could not produce deeds.
I have seen them myself.
I have also read the accounts of those who witnessed the massacres.
Even Albert Eiinstein wrote an account of the Massacre of the Arab village of Dier Yassin.
And you LIE when you claim Turkish officials denied access to land archives.
They are always available to the whole public.
Anyone can see them at any time.
And they show that nearly all of Israel is legally owned by Arabs.
And you also lie that the Israelis courts have ever rules in favor of Arabs.
That is the whole point of the settlements being illegal.
Everyone admits it, but no one has ever stopped a single settlement, much less giving anything back.

Palestinians never showed any intolerance towards Jews.
It was the Palestinians who offered to take in the Jews originally, at the negotiations for the Treaty of Sevres in 1920. They hoped Jewish immigrants would bring much needed investment capital.
But they had no idea the immigrating European Jews would be such thieves and murderers. And it was only after they murdered and stole, that conflict started.

You claim it was the Arabs who started the violence, but clearly they had no weapons and started nothing. The history proves it was the immigrant Jews who smuggled in weapons and started all the killing. It was these immigrant Jews who invented terrorism, like the Sergeants Affair, where they captured several noncoms, mutilated them, and then hung them. Then there was the King David Hotel bombing, murdering about 100 innocent people. Not to mention the assassination of the UN moderator, Count Folke Bernadotte, a hero of saving tens of thousands of Jews in WWII.
Do NOT try to keep lying to me. I not only know the truth, but can easily prove you are lying.
Your wiki link is also show you are liar.
You will notice the death toll is about even, so none were cases of Arabs murdering Jews.
And the reality is that Jews deliberately started almost every single one of these incidents.
And even this link says the vast majority of incidents were started by Jewish militants.
Arabs have no history of harming Jews at all, while Zionists only have a history of murder and violence.
I continue to provide you with clear evidence of Muslim massacres of Jews dating back to the 11th century, and you continue to falsely claim there is no such evidence. Here it is again:

Category:Anti-Jewish pogroms by Muslims - Wikipedia

Again, either by failure of character or intellect, it is clear you are not competent to carry on a discussion on these issues.
The tunnels cost nothing and instead are a means of income from smuggling.
Nor do the tunnels have anything to do with Hamas.

Are you for real?

Last I checked tunnels cost upwards of $90 million dollars. Did you want to calculate that in terms of homes, hospitals or schools?

That is an obvious lie.
Tunnels are entirely by manpower and use no machines at all.
And considering Israel has blockaded Gaza into 60% unemployment, tunnels do not cost a cent.

And you also lie when you imply that Hamas has anything to do with tunnels.
The reality is that private enterprise builds the tunnels for the profits from smuggled luxury items the Israelis won't allow to be imported.

Seriously? So you are saying that concrete costs nothing in Gaza?

AND you are saying that there is a smuggling trade between Israel and Gaza? That Gaza is smuggling things in THROUGH Israel? Are you serious?

The tunnels are not made of concrete.
If they were, then there would not be cave-ins, as there frequently are.

There are no tunnels to Israel.
They are all between Egypt and Gaza.

"There are no tunnels to Israel."

is this true?

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