So I went and looked up Trump's 10 point plan------->

I liked my doctor.
I liked my plan.

Fuck you.
You never had a plan and you never had a doctor. We know you went to the clinic and that was for STD's. Twice this year alone.
Donald Trump: Here's My 10-Point Plan to Help Veterans

  • Appoint a Secretary of Veterans Affairs who will make it his or her personal mission to clean up the VA.
  • Use every lawful authority to remove and discipline federal employees or managers who fail our Veterans or breach the public trust.
  • Ask Congress to pass legislation that ensures the Secretary of Veterans Affairs has the authority to remove or discipline any employee who risks the health, safety or well-being of any veteran.
  • Appoint a commission to investigate all the wrongdoing at the VA and then present those findings to Congress as the basis for bold legislative reform.
  • Make sure the honest and dedicated people in the VA have their jobs protected, and are put in line for promotions.
  • Create a private White House Hotline—that is answered by a real person 24 hours a day—to ensure that no valid complaint about VA wrongdoing falls through the cracks.
  • Stop giving bonuses to people for wasting money, and start giving bonuses to people for improving service, saving lives and cutting waste.
  • Reform our visa programs to ensure American Veterans are in the front, not back, of the line.
  • Increase the number of mental health care professionals, and increase outreach to Veterans outside of the system.
  • Ensure every Veteran in America has the choice to seek care at the VA, or to seek private medical care paid for by our government.
Happy Veterans Day? 5 Times Republicans in Congress Screwed Veterans

Republicans In Congress Still Dishonor America's Veterans

The GOP’s bill would have cut health benefits for roughly 70,000 veterans as well as cut out funding for medical research like better prosthetics, education and veterans’ cemeteries. In fact, it was not only a piece of legislation President Obama opposed for punishing Veterans for being alive while Republicans control spending, the Veterans Administration Secretary said, “Please don’t let this funding bill become law if you care about our veterans. We must do better for them.” However, Republicans have demonstrated time and again they do not care about Veterans; particularly since they gained control of Congress.


He has to go to court on Nov 28 for Fraud and Racketeering. He's a swindler. Will he swindle you?

The hillary has swindled you with all of her scandals and you love it.
If he accomplishes one of the ten, he will have already outperformed Obama's two terms of Government expansion, economic and Racial division and horrendous destructive foreign policies.
4.7% unemployment
5.8 million jobs available
Crime way down
Bin Laden dead
The Stock Market triples
Most troops out of Iraq
Car industries saved
and all that in spite of GOP obstructionism.

You know, when a party is 90% white, like the GOP, it would help their cause if they stopped screaming racial division.
95 million out of the work force
Part time jobs
Crime on an alarming trajectory going UP
The one percent thank you for your hypocrisy
ISIS replaced our troops
Car industry bailed out with my money
Fuck you
This has been fact checked by Fact Check 4 times:

The labor force participation rate, the percentage of the civilian population that is either employed or looking for work, has been on a downward trajectory since 2000. As we noted in our most recent “Obama’s Numbers” article, that’s partly due to the aging of the population. BLS data published in December 2015 show 44 percent of those not in the labor force in 2014 said they were retired. Other reasons for not working: Eighteen percent cited school; 19 percent cited illness or disability; and 15 percent cited home responsibilities. About 3.5 percent said they couldn’t find work or gave another reason.

This is the fourth time that we have fact-checked Trump claiming that he “heard” something that’s not close to being accurate.

In fact, the current figure — 95 million as of January — includes only 6 million who say they want to work.

Trump Wildly Inflates Unemployment

What does it feel like to be this kind of squishy liar? And you even got some ignorant tard to agree with you? How is such ignorance possible.
Donald Trump: Here's My 10-Point Plan to Help Veterans

  • Appoint a Secretary of Veterans Affairs who will make it his or her personal mission to clean up the VA.
  • Use every lawful authority to remove and discipline federal employees or managers who fail our Veterans or breach the public trust.
  • Ask Congress to pass legislation that ensures the Secretary of Veterans Affairs has the authority to remove or discipline any employee who risks the health, safety or well-being of any veteran.
  • Appoint a commission to investigate all the wrongdoing at the VA and then present those findings to Congress as the basis for bold legislative reform.
  • Make sure the honest and dedicated people in the VA have their jobs protected, and are put in line for promotions.
  • Create a private White House Hotline—that is answered by a real person 24 hours a day—to ensure that no valid complaint about VA wrongdoing falls through the cracks.
  • Stop giving bonuses to people for wasting money, and start giving bonuses to people for improving service, saving lives and cutting waste.
  • Reform our visa programs to ensure American Veterans are in the front, not back, of the line.
  • Increase the number of mental health care professionals, and increase outreach to Veterans outside of the system.
  • Ensure every Veteran in America has the choice to seek care at the VA, or to seek private medical care paid for by our government.
Happy Veterans Day? 5 Times Republicans in Congress Screwed Veterans

Republicans In Congress Still Dishonor America's Veterans

The GOP’s bill would have cut health benefits for roughly 70,000 veterans as well as cut out funding for medical research like better prosthetics, education and veterans’ cemeteries. In fact, it was not only a piece of legislation President Obama opposed for punishing Veterans for being alive while Republicans control spending, the Veterans Administration Secretary said, “Please don’t let this funding bill become law if you care about our veterans. We must do better for them.” However, Republicans have demonstrated time and again they do not care about Veterans; particularly since they gained control of Congress.


He has to go to court on Nov 28 for Fraud and Racketeering. He's a swindler. Will he swindle you?

The hillary has swindled you with all of her scandals and you love it.
Scandals are when you are actually convicted of something. What Hillary has been fighting are conspiracies.

Trump U will be a huge scandal for Trump. If he loses his civil case, he could have criminal charges for Fraud and Racketeering under RICO.
And his bribery case is moving forward. He bribed the AG of Florida to the tune of $25,000.00 to drop his class action lawsuit against him and the Florida AG did. Now both her and Trump are under investigation.

See what I'm saying? Those are scandals, not conspiracies.
Donald Trump: Here's My 10-Point Plan to Help Veterans

  • Appoint a Secretary of Veterans Affairs who will make it his or her personal mission to clean up the VA.
  • Use every lawful authority to remove and discipline federal employees or managers who fail our Veterans or breach the public trust.
  • Ask Congress to pass legislation that ensures the Secretary of Veterans Affairs has the authority to remove or discipline any employee who risks the health, safety or well-being of any veteran.
  • Appoint a commission to investigate all the wrongdoing at the VA and then present those findings to Congress as the basis for bold legislative reform.
  • Make sure the honest and dedicated people in the VA have their jobs protected, and are put in line for promotions.
  • Create a private White House Hotline—that is answered by a real person 24 hours a day—to ensure that no valid complaint about VA wrongdoing falls through the cracks.
  • Stop giving bonuses to people for wasting money, and start giving bonuses to people for improving service, saving lives and cutting waste.
  • Reform our visa programs to ensure American Veterans are in the front, not back, of the line.
  • Increase the number of mental health care professionals, and increase outreach to Veterans outside of the system.
  • Ensure every Veteran in America has the choice to seek care at the VA, or to seek private medical care paid for by our government.
Happy Veterans Day? 5 Times Republicans in Congress Screwed Veterans

Republicans In Congress Still Dishonor America's Veterans

The GOP’s bill would have cut health benefits for roughly 70,000 veterans as well as cut out funding for medical research like better prosthetics, education and veterans’ cemeteries. In fact, it was not only a piece of legislation President Obama opposed for punishing Veterans for being alive while Republicans control spending, the Veterans Administration Secretary said, “Please don’t let this funding bill become law if you care about our veterans. We must do better for them.” However, Republicans have demonstrated time and again they do not care about Veterans; particularly since they gained control of Congress.


He has to go to court on Nov 28 for Fraud and Racketeering. He's a swindler. Will he swindle you?

The hillary has swindled you with all of her scandals and you love it.
Scandals are when you are actually convicted of something. What Hillary has been fighting are conspiracies.

Trump U will be a huge scandal for Trump. If he loses his civil case, he could have criminal charges for Fraud and Racketeering under RICO.
And his bribery case is moving forward. He bribed the AG of Florida to the tune of $25,000.00 to drop his class action lawsuit against him and the Florida AG did. Now both her and Trump are under investigation.

See what I'm saying? Those are scandals, not conspiracies.

No, they weren't conspiracies. They go all the way back to whitewater and the rose law firm.
Donald Trump: Here's My 10-Point Plan to Help Veterans

  • Appoint a Secretary of Veterans Affairs who will make it his or her personal mission to clean up the VA.
  • Use every lawful authority to remove and discipline federal employees or managers who fail our Veterans or breach the public trust.
  • Ask Congress to pass legislation that ensures the Secretary of Veterans Affairs has the authority to remove or discipline any employee who risks the health, safety or well-being of any veteran.
  • Appoint a commission to investigate all the wrongdoing at the VA and then present those findings to Congress as the basis for bold legislative reform.
  • Make sure the honest and dedicated people in the VA have their jobs protected, and are put in line for promotions.
  • Create a private White House Hotline—that is answered by a real person 24 hours a day—to ensure that no valid complaint about VA wrongdoing falls through the cracks.
  • Stop giving bonuses to people for wasting money, and start giving bonuses to people for improving service, saving lives and cutting waste.
  • Reform our visa programs to ensure American Veterans are in the front, not back, of the line.
  • Increase the number of mental health care professionals, and increase outreach to Veterans outside of the system.
  • Ensure every Veteran in America has the choice to seek care at the VA, or to seek private medical care paid for by our government.
Happy Veterans Day? 5 Times Republicans in Congress Screwed Veterans

Republicans In Congress Still Dishonor America's Veterans

The GOP’s bill would have cut health benefits for roughly 70,000 veterans as well as cut out funding for medical research like better prosthetics, education and veterans’ cemeteries. In fact, it was not only a piece of legislation President Obama opposed for punishing Veterans for being alive while Republicans control spending, the Veterans Administration Secretary said, “Please don’t let this funding bill become law if you care about our veterans. We must do better for them.” However, Republicans have demonstrated time and again they do not care about Veterans; particularly since they gained control of Congress.


He has to go to court on Nov 28 for Fraud and Racketeering. He's a swindler. Will he swindle you?

What incipient nonsense.

First, to assign responsibility to Donald Trump for the supposed actions of Congress before 2015 is, simply, intellectually dishonest.

Second, as an avid activist in veterans' rights (as a 20 year veteran of USAF and national director, and member of the board of two charitable organizations dedicated to veterans over the past 20 years), I am offended by your intentionally misleading selection of isolated, and misrepresented, actions that give the lie to your whole premise. We have watched the current administration virtually destroy veterans rights and benefits over the past 8 years, all the while flying the false flag of supposed concern for veterans.

I strongly suggest you stick to a subject that you know something about - because, clearly, you don't have a damn clue about veterans benefits and rights.
And check this out, and independent analysis of the candidates that estimates Trump's proposals will raise the debt by over 11 TRILLION, and take that debt from 75% of GDP to an incredible 127% of GDP. When Trump says "I'm the king of debt" it's no joke. He'll leverage our country like he leveraged his many bankrupt businesses, this time leaving the American people holding the bag.
Promises and Price Tags: A Fiscal Guide to the 2016 Election


I never cease to be amazed by the number of people who don't have a fuckin' clue about the truth, but feel it somehow enhances their image to regurgitate the garbage coming from the left.

At least, please clean the mess up .....
If he accomplishes one of the ten, he will have already outperformed Obama's two terms of Government expansion, economic and Racial division and horrendous destructive foreign policies.
4.7% unemployment
5.8 million jobs available
Crime way down
Bin Laden dead
The Stock Market triples
Most troops out of Iraq
Car industries saved
and all that in spite of GOP obstructionism.

You know, when a party is 90% white, like the GOP, it would help their cause if they stopped screaming racial division.
95 million out of the work force
Part time jobs
Crime on an alarming trajectory going UP
The one percent thank you for your hypocrisy
ISIS replaced our troops
Car industry bailed out with my money
Fuck you

There has been a 3% decline in participation rate since 2007.More than half of that decline is due to the Baby boomers retiring. When you consider that there is no allowance for disabled, or people in school, or any one of dozens of other reasonable reasons not to be in the work force, it's really not that big of a deal. Of course fox probably didn't mention that part of it to you.

Completely without attribution .... I love the way you misrepresent the data. It's impressive --- if it wasn't so damn dishonest.
Donald Trump: Here's My 10-Point Plan to Help Veterans

  • Appoint a Secretary of Veterans Affairs who will make it his or her personal mission to clean up the VA.
  • Use every lawful authority to remove and discipline federal employees or managers who fail our Veterans or breach the public trust.
  • Ask Congress to pass legislation that ensures the Secretary of Veterans Affairs has the authority to remove or discipline any employee who risks the health, safety or well-being of any veteran.
  • Appoint a commission to investigate all the wrongdoing at the VA and then present those findings to Congress as the basis for bold legislative reform.
  • Make sure the honest and dedicated people in the VA have their jobs protected, and are put in line for promotions.
  • Create a private White House Hotline—that is answered by a real person 24 hours a day—to ensure that no valid complaint about VA wrongdoing falls through the cracks.
  • Stop giving bonuses to people for wasting money, and start giving bonuses to people for improving service, saving lives and cutting waste.
  • Reform our visa programs to ensure American Veterans are in the front, not back, of the line.
  • Increase the number of mental health care professionals, and increase outreach to Veterans outside of the system.
  • Ensure every Veteran in America has the choice to seek care at the VA, or to seek private medical care paid for by our government.
Happy Veterans Day? 5 Times Republicans in Congress Screwed Veterans

Republicans In Congress Still Dishonor America's Veterans

The GOP’s bill would have cut health benefits for roughly 70,000 veterans as well as cut out funding for medical research like better prosthetics, education and veterans’ cemeteries. In fact, it was not only a piece of legislation President Obama opposed for punishing Veterans for being alive while Republicans control spending, the Veterans Administration Secretary said, “Please don’t let this funding bill become law if you care about our veterans. We must do better for them.” However, Republicans have demonstrated time and again they do not care about Veterans; particularly since they gained control of Congress.


He has to go to court on Nov 28 for Fraud and Racketeering. He's a swindler. Will he swindle you?

I listened to all his acceptance speech - and here is my take: If Trump becomes president - what is he going to tell his supporters when they realize that all that Hitleresque Utopian bullshit he promised them isn't happening?
so he promises shit he cant deliver like the other politicians do? shocked.....
Donald Trump: Here's My 10-Point Plan to Help Veterans

  • Appoint a Secretary of Veterans Affairs who will make it his or her personal mission to clean up the VA.
  • Use every lawful authority to remove and discipline federal employees or managers who fail our Veterans or breach the public trust.
  • Ask Congress to pass legislation that ensures the Secretary of Veterans Affairs has the authority to remove or discipline any employee who risks the health, safety or well-being of any veteran.
  • Appoint a commission to investigate all the wrongdoing at the VA and then present those findings to Congress as the basis for bold legislative reform.
  • Make sure the honest and dedicated people in the VA have their jobs protected, and are put in line for promotions.
  • Create a private White House Hotline—that is answered by a real person 24 hours a day—to ensure that no valid complaint about VA wrongdoing falls through the cracks.
  • Stop giving bonuses to people for wasting money, and start giving bonuses to people for improving service, saving lives and cutting waste.
  • Reform our visa programs to ensure American Veterans are in the front, not back, of the line.
  • Increase the number of mental health care professionals, and increase outreach to Veterans outside of the system.
  • Ensure every Veteran in America has the choice to seek care at the VA, or to seek private medical care paid for by our government.
Happy Veterans Day? 5 Times Republicans in Congress Screwed Veterans

Republicans In Congress Still Dishonor America's Veterans

The GOP’s bill would have cut health benefits for roughly 70,000 veterans as well as cut out funding for medical research like better prosthetics, education and veterans’ cemeteries. In fact, it was not only a piece of legislation President Obama opposed for punishing Veterans for being alive while Republicans control spending, the Veterans Administration Secretary said, “Please don’t let this funding bill become law if you care about our veterans. We must do better for them.” However, Republicans have demonstrated time and again they do not care about Veterans; particularly since they gained control of Congress.


He has to go to court on Nov 28 for Fraud and Racketeering. He's a swindler. Will he swindle you?

The hillary has swindled you with all of her scandals and you love it.
Scandals are when you are actually convicted of something. What Hillary has been fighting are conspiracies.

Trump U will be a huge scandal for Trump. If he loses his civil case, he could have criminal charges for Fraud and Racketeering under RICO.
And his bribery case is moving forward. He bribed the AG of Florida to the tune of $25,000.00 to drop his class action lawsuit against him and the Florida AG did. Now both her and Trump are under investigation.

See what I'm saying? Those are scandals, not conspiracies.
dean like hillary and other wealthy and powerful people....trump aint going nowhere...
If he accomplishes one of the ten, he will have already outperformed Obama's two terms of Government expansion, economic and Racial division and horrendous destructive foreign policies.
4.7% unemployment
5.8 million jobs available
Crime way down
Bin Laden dead
The Stock Market triples
Most troops out of Iraq
Car industries saved
and all that in spite of GOP obstructionism.

You know, when a party is 90% white, like the GOP, it would help their cause if they stopped screaming racial division.
95 million out of the work force
Part time jobs
Crime on an alarming trajectory going UP
The one percent thank you for your hypocrisy
ISIS replaced our troops
Car industry bailed out with my money
Fuck you

There has been a 3% decline in participation rate since 2007.More than half of that decline is due to the Baby boomers retiring. When you consider that there is no allowance for disabled, or people in school, or any one of dozens of other reasonable reasons not to be in the work force, it's really not that big of a deal. Of course fox probably didn't mention that part of it to you.

Completely without attribution .... I love the way you misrepresent the data. It's impressive --- if it wasn't so damn dishonest.
Declining Labor Participation Rates
Donald Trump: Here's My 10-Point Plan to Help Veterans

  • Appoint a Secretary of Veterans Affairs who will make it his or her personal mission to clean up the VA.
  • Use every lawful authority to remove and discipline federal employees or managers who fail our Veterans or breach the public trust.
  • Ask Congress to pass legislation that ensures the Secretary of Veterans Affairs has the authority to remove or discipline any employee who risks the health, safety or well-being of any veteran.
  • Appoint a commission to investigate all the wrongdoing at the VA and then present those findings to Congress as the basis for bold legislative reform.
  • Make sure the honest and dedicated people in the VA have their jobs protected, and are put in line for promotions.
  • Create a private White House Hotline—that is answered by a real person 24 hours a day—to ensure that no valid complaint about VA wrongdoing falls through the cracks.
  • Stop giving bonuses to people for wasting money, and start giving bonuses to people for improving service, saving lives and cutting waste.
  • Reform our visa programs to ensure American Veterans are in the front, not back, of the line.
  • Increase the number of mental health care professionals, and increase outreach to Veterans outside of the system.
  • Ensure every Veteran in America has the choice to seek care at the VA, or to seek private medical care paid for by our government.
Happy Veterans Day? 5 Times Republicans in Congress Screwed Veterans

Republicans In Congress Still Dishonor America's Veterans

The GOP’s bill would have cut health benefits for roughly 70,000 veterans as well as cut out funding for medical research like better prosthetics, education and veterans’ cemeteries. In fact, it was not only a piece of legislation President Obama opposed for punishing Veterans for being alive while Republicans control spending, the Veterans Administration Secretary said, “Please don’t let this funding bill become law if you care about our veterans. We must do better for them.” However, Republicans have demonstrated time and again they do not care about Veterans; particularly since they gained control of Congress.


He has to go to court on Nov 28 for Fraud and Racketeering. He's a swindler. Will he swindle you?

The hillary has swindled you with all of her scandals and you love it.
Scandals are when you are actually convicted of something. What Hillary has been fighting are conspiracies.

Trump U will be a huge scandal for Trump. If he loses his civil case, he could have criminal charges for Fraud and Racketeering under RICO.
And his bribery case is moving forward. He bribed the AG of Florida to the tune of $25,000.00 to drop his class action lawsuit against him and the Florida AG did. Now both her and Trump are under investigation.

See what I'm saying? Those are scandals, not conspiracies.

No, they weren't conspiracies. They go all the way back to whitewater and the rose law firm.
Which were also conspiracies. All those millions spent on investigations that led to a blowjob?
The scandal here is the GOP spent all that taxpayer money and only came up with a BJ? Disgraceful.
If he accomplishes one of the ten, he will have already outperformed Obama's two terms of Government expansion, economic and Racial division and horrendous destructive foreign policies.
4.7% unemployment
5.8 million jobs available
Crime way down
Bin Laden dead
The Stock Market triples
Most troops out of Iraq
Car industries saved
and all that in spite of GOP obstructionism.

You know, when a party is 90% white, like the GOP, it would help their cause if they stopped screaming racial division.
95 million out of the work force
Part time jobs
Crime on an alarming trajectory going UP
The one percent thank you for your hypocrisy
ISIS replaced our troops
Car industry bailed out with my money
Fuck you

There has been a 3% decline in participation rate since 2007.More than half of that decline is due to the Baby boomers retiring. When you consider that there is no allowance for disabled, or people in school, or any one of dozens of other reasonable reasons not to be in the work force, it's really not that big of a deal. Of course fox probably didn't mention that part of it to you.

Completely without attribution .... I love the way you misrepresent the data. It's impressive --- if it wasn't so damn dishonest.
Declining Labor Participation Rates
That's why we need immigrants.

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