So I Am Wondering.


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2008
How much does the dead Steve Jobs owe to the US Gov.? Should his family walk away paupers? he was after all an evil rich white capitalist wasn't he?
How much does the dead Steve Jobs owe to the US Gov.? Should his family walk away paupers? he was after all an evil rich white capitalist wasn't he?

I suspect the gubmint owes his estate for all the tax revenue they collect on his iphones. A 'thank you' would be nice.
How much does the dead Steve Jobs owe to the US Gov.? Should his family walk away paupers? he was after all an evil rich white capitalist wasn't he?

I think it depends... Democrats like to pick the winners & losers...guess how & why..:lol:
I would like to point out that this is another example of jobs ending under the current administration.
<yes, I know that was a cold-hearted cheap shot, but I just couldn't help myself>
How much does the dead Steve Jobs owe to the US Gov.? Should his family walk away paupers? he was after all an evil rich white capitalist wasn't he?

What exactly wil 9 9 9 do to the economy?

999 looks alot like 666
I dont like it, and if it passes that will be the end of peacefull resolution. And ill tell you why:

9% sales tax + state and local sales taxes. I am already at 7.3, so now were going to jump it up to 16.3% On a 150,000 dollar house that comes to 174,500. Thats right, 24,500 dollars in taxes. Average trip to the grocery store? 20 Dollars in taxes. This will also destroy any business that 'fuels the economy' by having a lower profit margin and supplying real goods and services. Were talking about small business here, not say jp morgan who contributes squate to reap in huge mountians of profit.

9% corporate income tax. Agian, this will destroy every business trying to survive. Business is like people to, in that if you dont make any money you dont pay any tax. So for business not making any money, or very little, its actually a 9% decrease in gross profits. Anyone should be able to see where this is going. What will big business do? Just continue to hide profits and move operations oversea's. Corporate power considers government rather weak, considering they have the rights of a human being but have an army of attorneys.

9% Personel income tax. This tax and sales tax are the only two that are going to generate any income whatsoever to the government. And both will destroy the weak and embolden the strong. The poor will suddenly see a 9% decrease in gross income, while seeing a 9% increase in prices. Ofcourse they dont have the money for this, so more will be on foodstamps, and housing assistance, and so on. The rich will bask in wealth because they spend only a teeny tiny fraction of income back into the system and they will continue to do as they always have. So while the poor and middle class and dumping up to 18% of what they dont have, corporate power will pay almost nothing, and the wealthy will pay only slightly more.

The only way to fiscal freedom is with fiscal responsability. This idea that we need a government that manages and regulates everything is insane, especially when the price is considered. I like Ron Pauls plan, the one where the income tax system just goes away to be replaced with nothing! Paid for with spending reduction and huge increases in freedom!

I hope your not ignoring this Willowtree. 9-9-9 is about as stupid and foolish as they come. It would really be a shame if you came to realize later that you supported a total doushbag based on moronic mathamatics.

Still a fan of the not funny bill cosby willowtree?? Wouldnt suprise me if this 999 plan wasnt written by the federal reserve he used to work for. I dunno if you pay any attention but thats usually what happens when you elect corporations instead of people.

You should be publicly shamed for believing in that drudgery.
For a guy that couldn't AFFORD to stay in college, he did OK.. Wouldn't hurt to let his family and estate decide what the man would have wanted to say with his wealth.

Prime example of FIRST generation wealth. And the mobility that exists in the system. No Plutocratic trust fund baby this time lefties.. Sorry..
I am informed that Steve Jobs' estate is about $8 Billion.

Assuming that he did nothing to plan and is simply leaving all that as cash?

His hers will have to get by with only about $4,000,000,000.

Poor things!

I hope they can manage to scrimp by on that pittance.
999 looks alot like 666
I dont like it, and if it passes that will be the end of peacefull resolution. And ill tell you why:

9% sales tax + state and local sales taxes. I am already at 7.3, so now were going to jump it up to 16.3% On a 150,000 dollar house that comes to 174,500. Thats right, 24,500 dollars in taxes. Average trip to the grocery store? 20 Dollars in taxes. This will also destroy any business that 'fuels the economy' by having a lower profit margin and supplying real goods and services. Were talking about small business here, not say jp morgan who contributes squate to reap in huge mountians of profit.

9% corporate income tax. Agian, this will destroy every business trying to survive. Business is like people to, in that if you dont make any money you dont pay any tax. So for business not making any money, or very little, its actually a 9% decrease in gross profits. Anyone should be able to see where this is going. What will big business do? Just continue to hide profits and move operations oversea's. Corporate power considers government rather weak, considering they have the rights of a human being but have an army of attorneys.

9% Personel income tax. This tax and sales tax are the only two that are going to generate any income whatsoever to the government. And both will destroy the weak and embolden the strong. The poor will suddenly see a 9% decrease in gross income, while seeing a 9% increase in prices. Ofcourse they dont have the money for this, so more will be on foodstamps, and housing assistance, and so on. The rich will bask in wealth because they spend only a teeny tiny fraction of income back into the system and they will continue to do as they always have. So while the poor and middle class and dumping up to 18% of what they dont have, corporate power will pay almost nothing, and the wealthy will pay only slightly more.

The only way to fiscal freedom is with fiscal responsability. This idea that we need a government that manages and regulates everything is insane, especially when the price is considered. I like Ron Pauls plan, the one where the income tax system just goes away to be replaced with nothing! Paid for with spending reduction and huge increases in freedom!

I hope your not ignoring this Willowtree. 9-9-9 is about as stupid and foolish as they come. It would really be a shame if you came to realize later that you supported a total doushbag based on moronic mathamatics.

Still a fan of the not funny bill cosby willowtree?? Wouldnt suprise me if this 999 plan wasnt written by the federal reserve he used to work for. I dunno if you pay any attention but thats usually what happens when you elect corporations instead of people.

You should be publicly shamed for believing in that drudgery.

well go ahead and publicly shame me... cause I do agree.. har deeee har har.

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