So I Am in The Grocery Story Today.........(wow)

How many of you engage in a discussion on religion at the grocery store? I find the debate on which apple is best for snacking much more interesting. Why does anyone care about the beliefs of others?

Here's how the conversation went.

We have a chain of grocery stores here called Food Lion. Several years ago they "rebranded" themselves as "Bloom" grocery stores. The branding didn't work out too well. People wanted their old Food Lion back.

So - all the stores are now taking down everything Bloom and replacing it once again with Food Lion.

I was talking with the cashier (the girl in front of me) about how the turnaround was going and asked when the large sign out front was going to be replaced with a new Food Lion sign.

She said, "Oh, we converted this past week."

I said, "To what, Catholicism?"

She giggled, and then went on to say (in my OP), "Oh, I used to be one of them... "

All caught up now?
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That's not so bad. I'm Lutheran, and my Catholic friend says that I'm a heathen.:D

I've always thought the Lutherans, Catholics, and Episcopalians should duke this issue out. LOL! Can't tell the difference between their services, prayers, songs, etc. The differences that I know of are the Pope and transubstantiation, but actually had an Episcopal minister say that's not as true as it seems. Didn't know what she meant. OTOH since she was a minister, there's another difference. ;)

Catholics have some of the most beautiful and ornate churches.

We do.... I defy anyone to come up with something as stunning as the Vatican.
I've always thought the Lutherans, Catholics, and Episcopalians should duke this issue out. LOL! Can't tell the difference between their services, prayers, songs, etc. The differences that I know of are the Pope and transubstantiation, but actually had an Episcopal minister say that's not as true as it seems. Didn't know what she meant. OTOH since she was a minister, there's another difference. ;)

Catholics have some of the most beautiful and ornate churches.

We do.... I defy anyone to come up with something as stunning as the Vatican.




that was challenging...

Individual people can be pretty stupid. I was at the community bbq, using six square inches of one of six bbqs the complex provides when one of the black residents said that I had to leave because he had steaks to cook for the family. When I refused, suggesting using either the half of the bbq I wasn't using or one of the other five that wasn't being used at all, I was told that Rosa Parks no longer had to ride in the back of the bus. I had to leave and take my one hamburger patty with me.

So, WOW, just WOW.
Individual people can be pretty stupid. I was at the community bbq, using six square inches of one of six bbqs the complex provides when one of the black residents said that I had to leave because he had steaks to cook for the family. When I refused, suggesting using either the half of the bbq I wasn't using or one of the other five that wasn't being used at all, I was told that Rosa Parks no longer had to ride in the back of the bus. I had to leave and take my one hamburger patty with me.

So, WOW, just WOW.

well, now the reasons for your entrenched racial bitterness are clear: you have to eat a puny hamburger while the black folks are eating steaks.

poor baby...

Or was this a metaphor for some other lack in your phsyique?
Unfortunately that is a prevailing feeling especially with Ex Catholic's who become Born Again. However it is not true that Catholic's are not Christian, many Catholic's are true believers, they are just overly wrapped in Dogma that has been collected through the last 2000 years.
Individual people can be pretty stupid. I was at the community bbq, using six square inches of one of six bbqs the complex provides when one of the black residents said that I had to leave because he had steaks to cook for the family. When I refused, suggesting using either the half of the bbq I wasn't using or one of the other five that wasn't being used at all, I was told that Rosa Parks no longer had to ride in the back of the bus. I had to leave and take my one hamburger patty with me.

So, WOW, just WOW.

cool story, bro

we'll set up a defense fund for you
In my marathon drinking days, a group of friends and I would close down the bar, hang around inside the bar until morning, then open it up again! Woo hoo!

That shit's just plain crazy.
The Ten Commandments are God's law to us. Salvation is not found in the law, but rather condemnation. it's a good thing for it shows us when we fail. Christ came for our salvation and is our bridge to God. No other way can achieve salvation save through Him. All you have to do is accept Him. It's the hardest and easiest thing to do in your life. At least it was for me.

Plus those thousand pages of 'fluff' is really God's love letter to us in many ways. It helps us to know Him and His Character, for when He does need to talk to us, we can know His voice and not be fooled by those who would imitate it. For if the God of the Bible is true, so then is the Accuser and all his help willing and ready to lead us astray.

But yes, you got the basic rule book down. Sort of like having the Dungeon Master's Guide and the Players Guide. You can play D&D. But now there's 100 supplements that make the game so much richer.

There's also more to carry you, when times get hard.
Meh. The Gideons pass out free pocket new testaments with the psalms and proverbs. lightweight and fits in the pocket.

Zondervan makes a full bible that is about 5-1/2" L x 4" w x 1- 1/4" D. KJV Bonded leather cover with snap closure,ribbon place holder, words of Christ in red, concordance,Ministry of Jesus,Prophecies fulfilled in Christ,Prayers of the Bible, birth,death and marriages and Maps.

Not as pocket friendly as the Gideons pocket NT and the print is small but I carry it in my pocket book at all times and it needs no recharging.
Individual people can be pretty stupid. I was at the community bbq, using six square inches of one of six bbqs the complex provides when one of the black residents said that I had to leave because he had steaks to cook for the family. When I refused, suggesting using either the half of the bbq I wasn't using or one of the other five that wasn't being used at all, I was told that Rosa Parks no longer had to ride in the back of the bus. I had to leave and take my one hamburger patty with me.

So, WOW, just WOW.

well, now the reasons for your entrenched racial bitterness are clear: you have to eat a puny hamburger while the black folks are eating steaks.

poor baby...

Or was this a metaphor for some other lack in your phsyique?

In the story he forgot to include the part that he was standing outside the family's house with a torch and pitchfork the night before.
In my marathon drinking days, a group of friends and I would close down the bar, hang around inside the bar until morning, then open it up again! Woo hoo!

That shit's just plain crazy.

LOL I can't tell you how many nights I can't remember what I did or how I got home. I Why I ever thought it was fun to wake up over a toilet with a wicked headache IDK.

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