So, Do Democrats REALLY Oppose HydroxyChloroquine Only Because Trump Supports Using It? Seems So.....

Can Hydroxychloroquine save lives?

  • No, it is snake oil

    Votes: 2 6.7%
  • Yes, and the goobermint should not intrude on doctor patient choices

    Votes: 25 83.3%
  • I dunno, whose playing tonight?

    Votes: 3 10.0%

  • Total voters


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
This is just unbelievable, but Democrats are slamming on the use of Hydroxychloroquine merely because Trump recommends it, and of course ORANGE MAN BAD!

So The goobernor of Mitchagain and New Yahk restrict the patient doctor relationship to only using it in a hospital setting?


Will this wake black voters up about the Dimocrat Death Party (of Abortion) and its very evil core nature?

Of course not.
This is just unbelievable, but Democrats are slamming on the use of Hydroxychloroquine merely because Trump recommends it, and of course ORANGE MAN BAD!

So The goobernor of Mitchagain and New Yahk restrict the patient doctor relationship to only using it in a hospital setting?


Will this wake black voters up about the Dimocrat Death Party (of Abortion) and its very evil core nature?

Of course not.
Unbelievably this appears to be so. If our president said that oxygen is vital for our lungs and necessary for life, some liberal lunatics and Dim Dems would undoubtedly hold their breath until expiring. Their hatred for our president really DOES appear to be THAT strong. And with that hatred, severe stupidity is the end result for these morons. VERY sad, but VERY preventable.
This is just unbelievable, but Democrats are slamming on the use of Hydroxychloroquine merely because Trump recommends it, and of course ORANGE MAN BAD!

So The goobernor of Mitchagain and New Yahk restrict the patient doctor relationship to only using it in a hospital setting?


Will this wake black voters up about the Dimocrat Death Party (of Abortion) and its very evil core nature?

Of course not.
We do not oppose it. We believe it needs proper trials on its efficacy.

Who does it work best on? 40-50 year olds, 60-70 year olds?

Female vs male?

At what time during the disease...before you're really sick, after you are sick, but before put on a ventilator?

What dosage works best? For what age, what weight? Child vs adult?

Like every other drug, we need to know these things...

Just like we are doing with all the other drugs created by our best and brightest scientists out there now, to combat the disease that are going thru trials, that are showing even greater promise than this drug for malaria....
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Why would you even need a miracle drug?
Isn't the virus supposed to be gone from the US by now?
There was only one person coming in from China and it was totally under control.
This is just unbelievable, but Democrats are slamming on the use of Hydroxychloroquine merely because Trump recommends it, and of course ORANGE MAN BAD!

So The goobernor of Mitchagain and New Yahk restrict the patient doctor relationship to only using it in a hospital setting?


Will this wake black voters up about the Dimocrat Death Party (of Abortion) and its very evil core nature?

Of course not.
We do not oppose it. We believe it needs proper trials on its efficacy.

Who does it work best on? 40-50 year olds, 60-70 year olds?

Female vs male?

At what time during the disease...before you're really sick, after you are sick, but before put on a ventilator?

What dosage works best? For what age, what weight? Child vs adult?

Like every other drug, we need to know these things...

Just like we are doing with all the other drugs created by our best and brightest scientists out there now, to combat the disease that are going thru trials, that are showing even greater promise than this drug for malaria....
The drug has been around for 75 years, Care....they kinda have an idea on the dosage and for how long.
This is just unbelievable, but Democrats are slamming on the use of Hydroxychloroquine merely because Trump recommends it, and of course ORANGE MAN BAD!

So The goobernor of Mitchagain and New Yahk restrict the patient doctor relationship to only using it in a hospital setting?


Will this wake black voters up about the Dimocrat Death Party (of Abortion) and its very evil core nature?

Of course not.
Bowie, their hate is stronger than their sense of survival
This is just unbelievable, but Democrats are slamming on the use of Hydroxychloroquine merely because Trump recommends it, and of course ORANGE MAN BAD!

So The goobernor of Mitchagain and New Yahk restrict the patient doctor relationship to only using it in a hospital setting?


Will this wake black voters up about the Dimocrat Death Party (of Abortion) and its very evil core nature?

Of course not.
We do not oppose it. We believe it needs proper trials on its efficacy.

Who does it work best on? 40-50 year olds, 60-70 year olds?

Female vs male?

At what time during the disease...before you're really sick, after you are sick, but before put on a ventilator?

What dosage is good? For what age, what weight?

Like every other drug, we need to know these things...

Just like we are doing with all the other drugs created by our best and brightest scientists out there now, to combat the disease that are going thru trials, that are showing even greater promise than this drug for malaria....
Preliminary tests tell the medical community that it works, and it works well. It would keep a lot of people alive if the DNC would take off its gloves. Sadly, the party importantes disapprove of every little thing President Trump suggests is effective. I just don't know what it takes, because some people down at the bottom of the totem pole have no hope without something that works considerably well to spite the face of death from COVID-19.. The professionals available to President Trump are not fly-by-nights. They're real good medical people who know a winner when their first tests are in and help people if they get the diagnosis soon enough. I love them for their wonderful work. :huddle:

If the Democrats take people's hope away because it hasn't been 40 years in the proof, many who take them on their disgust will die who might well have been saved if they knew the results of the prelims. My prayers are up for the infected people that they do the do and get well very soon. :hands:
Michigan Democratic state Rep. Karen Whitsett credited hydroxychloroquine and President Trump for her speedy recovery from COVID-19, according to the Detroit Free Press.

Hydroxychloroquine, an anti-malaria drug, has been touted by the Trump administration as a potential key to treating the disease.


Whitsett suffers from chronic Lyme disease — for which hydroxychloroquine is also used as a treatment — but she said she had never thought of it as a potential coronavirus treatment until President Trump touted the drug.


These are the drugs being tested in fight against coronavirus
“If President Trump had not talked about this, it wouldn’t have been something that would be accessible for anyone to be able to get right now,” the lawmaker said.

Whitsett was feeling better within hours of her first dose, she said.

“It has a lot to do with the president … bringing it up,” the freshman lawmaker told the Detroit Free Press. “He is the only person who has the power to make it a priority.”

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