The MAJOR reason NOT to use hydroxychloroquine ... because Trump supports it!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Separately, the president of the American Medical Association, Patrice Harris, told CNN anchor Wolf Blitzer on Sunday that she would not prescribe hydroxychloroquine if she had a coronavirus patient,
cautioning against Trump's "What do we have to lose?" rationale.
The drug's well-known side effects can cause fatal heart problems in patients who are taking other drugs that affect the heart's rhythm, such as antidepressants, or who have existing heart issues

So NOW the MSM wanting to keep COVID-19 headline news as it seemingly thwarts Trump...again purely political, biased MSM efforts.
They are pitting Fauci vs Trump.

NOW the conclusive point of the first paragraph...
The drug's well-known side effects can cause fatal heart problems in patients who are taking other drugs that affect the heart's rhythm, such as antidepressants, or who have existing heart issues".
WHAT f...king idiot doctor would then prescribe hydroxychloroquine IF the doctor knows the Patient's medical history consists of the above problems?

But these dumb ass reporters, knowing only ONE thing don't pay attention to reality!
The realty Trump is seemingly the only person to grasp is PEOPLE are dying and hydroxychloroquine has shown anecdotally to work!
So why not allow it and by the way... Doctors ARE prescribing hydroxychloroquine !

As to Dr. Fauci's position which again the MSM is trying to drive a wedge for biased news reporting sake ... READ his
recommendation !

"If you're a doctor listening to me right now and a patient with coronavirus feels like they want to try that,"
Stigall asked,
"and you're their doctor, you're not Anthony Fauci the guy running the coronavirus task force, would you say 'alright, we'll give it a whirl'?"

"Yeah, of course, particularly if people have no other option,"
Fauci said.
"These drugs are approved drugs for other reasons.
They're anti-malaria drugs, and they're drugs against certain autoimmune diseases like lupus.
Physicians throughout the country can prescribe that in an off-label way. Which means they can write it for something it was not approved for."
promise everything. deliver nothing. blame someone else. TRUMP 2020!
Why would concentrated capital be all torn up over less people on SS and/or Medicare? America has always been the land of opportunity for capital and we've often sacrificed the lives of human beings for "progress".
Something has to be done about these Democrats.....because the only thing they have to do is oppose everything Trump does. Because of them we've apparently had more deaths than the Chinese. Either that or the media is hyping the shit out of the statistics.

This is a national crisis.

This would be a perfect opportunity to clean house.
Start with the leaders and work our way down.
I suggest kicking in Hillary's door for starters.
Separately, the president of the American Medical Association, Patrice Harris, told CNN anchor Wolf Blitzer on Sunday that she would not prescribe hydroxychloroquine if she had a coronavirus patient,
cautioning against Trump's "What do we have to lose?" rationale.
The drug's well-known side effects can cause fatal heart problems in patients who are taking other drugs that affect the heart's rhythm, such as antidepressants, or who have existing heart issues

So NOW the MSM wanting to keep COVID-19 headline news as it seemingly thwarts Trump...again purely political, biased MSM efforts.
They are pitting Fauci vs Trump.

NOW the conclusive point of the first paragraph...
The drug's well-known side effects can cause fatal heart problems in patients who are taking other drugs that affect the heart's rhythm, such as antidepressants, or who have existing heart issues".
WHAT f...king idiot doctor would then prescribe hydroxychloroquine IF the doctor knows the Patient's medical history consists of the above problems?

But these dumb ass reporters, knowing only ONE thing don't pay attention to reality!
The realty Trump is seemingly the only person to grasp is PEOPLE are dying and hydroxychloroquine has shown anecdotally to work!
So why not allow it and by the way... Doctors ARE prescribing hydroxychloroquine !

As to Dr. Fauci's position which again the MSM is trying to drive a wedge for biased news reporting sake ... READ his
recommendation !

"If you're a doctor listening to me right now and a patient with coronavirus feels like they want to try that,"
Stigall asked,
"and you're their doctor, you're not Anthony Fauci the guy running the coronavirus task force, would you say 'alright, we'll give it a whirl'?"

"Yeah, of course, particularly if people have no other option,"
Fauci said.
"These drugs are approved drugs for other reasons.
They're anti-malaria drugs, and they're drugs against certain autoimmune diseases like lupus.
Physicians throughout the country can prescribe that in an off-label way. Which means they can write it for something it was not approved for."
Bundle branch affecting meds are the only reason for contra-indication.

So most everyone can take it and not have a problem with it... Even Fauci acknowledge this.

The drug has exceeded the null hypothosis by 40 times. The evidence for its wide spread use is overwhelming. Even the United States Navy is now giving profilactic doses to its sailors to stop or slow transmission on ships. We will know in short order if it works due to blood testing they are capable of.
Separately, the president of the American Medical Association, Patrice Harris, told CNN anchor Wolf Blitzer on Sunday that she would not prescribe hydroxychloroquine if she had a coronavirus patient,
cautioning against Trump's "What do we have to lose?" rationale.
The drug's well-known side effects can cause fatal heart problems in patients who are taking other drugs that affect the heart's rhythm, such as antidepressants, or who have existing heart issues

So NOW the MSM wanting to keep COVID-19 headline news as it seemingly thwarts Trump...again purely political, biased MSM efforts.
They are pitting Fauci vs Trump.

NOW the conclusive point of the first paragraph...
The drug's well-known side effects can cause fatal heart problems in patients who are taking other drugs that affect the heart's rhythm, such as antidepressants, or who have existing heart issues".
WHAT f...king idiot doctor would then prescribe hydroxychloroquine IF the doctor knows the Patient's medical history consists of the above problems?

But these dumb ass reporters, knowing only ONE thing don't pay attention to reality!
The realty Trump is seemingly the only person to grasp is PEOPLE are dying and hydroxychloroquine has shown anecdotally to work!
So why not allow it and by the way... Doctors ARE prescribing hydroxychloroquine !

As to Dr. Fauci's position which again the MSM is trying to drive a wedge for biased news reporting sake ... READ his
recommendation !

"If you're a doctor listening to me right now and a patient with coronavirus feels like they want to try that,"
Stigall asked,
"and you're their doctor, you're not Anthony Fauci the guy running the coronavirus task force, would you say 'alright, we'll give it a whirl'?"

"Yeah, of course, particularly if people have no other option,"
Fauci said.
"These drugs are approved drugs for other reasons.
They're anti-malaria drugs, and they're drugs against certain autoimmune diseases like lupus.
Physicians throughout the country can prescribe that in an off-label way. Which means they can write it for something it was not approved for."

Next up, Trump decrees Berlin Airlift order for hydroxychloroquine to be dropped across this nation, but only in red and swing states. The desperate attempt to salvage his presidency continues unabated.
When you people would take an unproven drug just because a politician recommends it I have to wonder why you didn't accidentally kill yourself with the electric can-opener or curling iron years ago. Do you still have all your fingers? Do you now wear an eye-patch because ink pens are complicated?
Something has to be done about these Democrats.....because the only thing they have to do is oppose everything Trump does. Because of them we've apparently had more deaths than the Chinese. Either that or the media is hyping the shit out of the statistics.

This is a national crisis.

This would be a perfect opportunity to clean house.
Start with the leaders and work our way down.
I suggest kicking in Hillary's door for starters.
Hillary has zero power, zero influence in the past 3 years.
Of course this is like Hannity
All you have is "orange man bad", TDS and buttery males.
promise everything. deliver nothing. blame someone else. TRUMP 2020!
The Liar-in-Chief must feel like his political risk in recommending an unproven, potentially lethal drug, is minimal. If it turns out to have some efficacy he'll say I told you so. If not, The Following won't care if he gets someone killed.
Something has to be done about these Democrats.....because the only thing they have to do is oppose everything Trump does. Because of them we've apparently had more deaths than the Chinese. Either that or the media is hyping the shit out of the statistics.

This is a national crisis.

This would be a perfect opportunity to clean house.
Start with the leaders and work our way down.
I suggest kicking in Hillary's door for starters.
Hillary has zero power, zero influence in the past 3 years.
Of course this is like Hannity
All you have is "orange man bad", TDS and buttery males.
I think your English comprehension is a bit lacking.
Go back and re-read what I posted.
promise everything. deliver nothing. blame someone else. TRUMP 2020!
The Liar-in-Chief must feel like his political risk in recommending an unproven, potentially lethal drug, is minimal. If it turns out to have some efficacy he'll say I told you so. If not, The Following won't care if he gets someone killed.
That's rich....considering the fact that Democrats are currently releasing jobless and homeless convicts from our prisons during a lockdown into our streets as we speak expecting a pleasant outcome.
Separately, the president of the American Medical Association, Patrice Harris, told CNN anchor Wolf Blitzer on Sunday that she would not prescribe hydroxychloroquine if she had a coronavirus patient,
cautioning against Trump's "What do we have to lose?" rationale.
The drug's well-known side effects can cause fatal heart problems in patients who are taking other drugs that affect the heart's rhythm, such as antidepressants, or who have existing heart issues

So NOW the MSM wanting to keep COVID-19 headline news as it seemingly thwarts Trump...again purely political, biased MSM efforts.
They are pitting Fauci vs Trump.

NOW the conclusive point of the first paragraph...
The drug's well-known side effects can cause fatal heart problems in patients who are taking other drugs that affect the heart's rhythm, such as antidepressants, or who have existing heart issues".
WHAT f...king idiot doctor would then prescribe hydroxychloroquine IF the doctor knows the Patient's medical history consists of the above problems?

But these dumb ass reporters, knowing only ONE thing don't pay attention to reality!
The realty Trump is seemingly the only person to grasp is PEOPLE are dying and hydroxychloroquine has shown anecdotally to work!
So why not allow it and by the way... Doctors ARE prescribing hydroxychloroquine !

As to Dr. Fauci's position which again the MSM is trying to drive a wedge for biased news reporting sake ... READ his
recommendation !

"If you're a doctor listening to me right now and a patient with coronavirus feels like they want to try that,"
Stigall asked,
"and you're their doctor, you're not Anthony Fauci the guy running the coronavirus task force, would you say 'alright, we'll give it a whirl'?"

"Yeah, of course, particularly if people have no other option,"
Fauci said.
"These drugs are approved drugs for other reasons.
They're anti-malaria drugs, and they're drugs against certain autoimmune diseases like lupus.
Physicians throughout the country can prescribe that in an off-label way. Which means they can write it for something it was not approved for."

Next up, Trump decrees Berlin Airlift order for hydroxychloroquine to be dropped across this nation, but only in red and swing states. The desperate attempt to salvage his presidency continues unabated.

Of course you "FEEL" that way because you are a political animal who hates Americans especially like me that are logical, rational and also compassionate...which you obviously aren't.
You are only motivated by politics... too bad.
Separately, the president of the American Medical Association, Patrice Harris, told CNN anchor Wolf Blitzer on Sunday that she would not prescribe hydroxychloroquine if she had a coronavirus patient,
cautioning against Trump's "What do we have to lose?" rationale.
The drug's well-known side effects can cause fatal heart problems in patients who are taking other drugs that affect the heart's rhythm, such as antidepressants, or who have existing heart issues

So NOW the MSM wanting to keep COVID-19 headline news as it seemingly thwarts Trump...again purely political, biased MSM efforts.
They are pitting Fauci vs Trump.

NOW the conclusive point of the first paragraph...
The drug's well-known side effects can cause fatal heart problems in patients who are taking other drugs that affect the heart's rhythm, such as antidepressants, or who have existing heart issues".
WHAT f...king idiot doctor would then prescribe hydroxychloroquine IF the doctor knows the Patient's medical history consists of the above problems?

But these dumb ass reporters, knowing only ONE thing don't pay attention to reality!
The realty Trump is seemingly the only person to grasp is PEOPLE are dying and hydroxychloroquine has shown anecdotally to work!
So why not allow it and by the way... Doctors ARE prescribing hydroxychloroquine !

As to Dr. Fauci's position which again the MSM is trying to drive a wedge for biased news reporting sake ... READ his
recommendation !

"If you're a doctor listening to me right now and a patient with coronavirus feels like they want to try that,"
Stigall asked,
"and you're their doctor, you're not Anthony Fauci the guy running the coronavirus task force, would you say 'alright, we'll give it a whirl'?"

"Yeah, of course, particularly if people have no other option,"
Fauci said.
"These drugs are approved drugs for other reasons.
They're anti-malaria drugs, and they're drugs against certain autoimmune diseases like lupus.
Physicians throughout the country can prescribe that in an off-label way. Which means they can write it for something it was not approved for."

Next up, Trump decrees Berlin Airlift order for hydroxychloroquine to be dropped across this nation, but only in red and swing states. The desperate attempt to salvage his presidency continues unabated.

Of course you "FEEL" that way because you are a political animal who hates Americans especially like me that are logical, rational and also compassionate...which you obviously aren't.
You are only motivated by politics... too bad.

The "you hate America" thing again?..honestly, you wingers need some new lines.
If you support Trump blindly then you are none of those above. He is the President. His incompetence and inaction are the reasons the country was forced to shut down.
He is desperately hoping for anything that can salvage his re-election chances. He'll even stoop to dispensing miracle cures, just so we can get back to normal and he can go back to doing the only thing he really knows how to do. Campaigning.
When you people would take an unproven drug just because a politician recommends it I have to wonder why you didn't accidentally kill yourself with the electric can-opener or curling iron years ago. Do you still have all your fingers? Do you now wear an eye-patch because ink pens are complicated?
There is nothing unproven about this drug...

It is safe and in use for 67 years.

Use for COVID19 is a no lose situation as the drug is proven to slow or stop replication in the blood and it slows the hyper-cytoplast response which causes pneumonia. This has been proven in the lab. It is individual response that is in question.

ThankS for playing, YOUR AN IDIOT....
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The Liar-in-Chief must feel like his political risk in recommending an unproven, potentially lethal drug, is minimal. If it turns out to have some efficacy he'll say I told you so. If not, The Following won't care if he gets someone killed.
Do we really have time for testing?? Trump says it works. We elected him to be our leader. In times like this everyone needs to rally behind our president.
When you people would take an unproven drug just because a politician recommends it I have to wonder why you didn't accidentally kill yourself with the electric can-opener or curling iron years ago. Do you still have all your fingers? Do you now wear an eye-patch because ink pens are complicated?
There is nothing unproven about this drug...

It is safe and in use for 67 years.

Use for COVID19 is a no lose situation as the drug is proven to slow or stop replication in the blood and it slows the hyper-cytoplast response which causes pneumonia. This has been proven in the lab. It is individual response that is in question.

ThankS for playing, YOUR AN IDIOT....

For malaria. Not for COVID-19. No it has not been proven in the lab. It will take months maybe years of research, data gathering, and trials to determine that. It has shown PROMISE in treating those already infected. And it is within a doctor's expertise to recommend this treatment for their patients if they deem it necessary...note, I used the word doctor....not politician. One has my health and best interest at heart. The other is just trying to salvage what's left of his political life.
Something has to be done about these Democrats.....because the only thing they have to do is oppose everything Trump does. Because of them we've apparently had more deaths than the Chinese. Either that or the media is hyping the shit out of the statistics.

This is a national crisis.

This would be a perfect opportunity to clean house.
Start with the leaders and work our way down.
I suggest kicking in Hillary's door for starters.

As you ponder the MAGAness of our COVID-19 trajectory below, do bear in mind that the US and S Korea both diagnosed their first COVID-19 cases on the exactly same day; Jan 21.

And that we knew all along, bipartisanly, that we were exposed.

Enjoy the Reality America Show.
When you people would take an unproven drug just because a politician recommends it I have to wonder why you didn't accidentally kill yourself with the electric can-opener or curling iron years ago. Do you still have all your fingers? Do you now wear an eye-patch because ink pens are complicated?
There is nothing unproven about this drug...

It is safe and in use for 67 years.

Use for COVID19 is a no lose situation as the drug is proven to slow or stop replication in the blood and it slows the hyper-cytoplast response which causes pneumonia. This has been proven in the lab. It is individual response that is in question.

ThankS for playing, YOUR AN IDIOT....

For malaria. Not for COVID-19. No it has not been proven in the lab. It will take months maybe years of research, data gathering, and trials to determine that. It has shown PROMISE in treating those already infected. And it is within a doctor's expertise to recommend this treatment for their patients if they deem it necessary...note, I used the word doctor....not politician. One has my health and best interest at heart. The other is just trying to salvage what's left of his political life.

Don's entire strategy toward governance is just to fling poo so fast no one can keep up with the nonsense.

When you people would take an unproven drug just because a politician recommends it I have to wonder why you didn't accidentally kill yourself with the electric can-opener or curling iron years ago. Do you still have all your fingers? Do you now wear an eye-patch because ink pens are complicated?
There is nothing unproven about this drug...

It is safe and in use for 67 years.

Use for COVID19 is a no lose situation as the drug is proven to slow or stop replication in the blood and it slows the hyper-cytoplast response which causes pneumonia. This has been proven in the lab. It is individual response that is in question.

ThankS for playing, YOUR AN IDIOT....
Every so often I have had conversations with people who are sure some shady supplement is a golden road to better health. The refrain is always the same, science is wrong, studies are wrong, this stuff is the Shit. This feels like that. If it ends up doing something valuable that's great but Trump is nothing like a medical doctor and his medical opinions are worthless.

This all reminds me of something that happened back in the 70s. There was a piece of quackery called "latrile". According to some it was a miracle cure for cancer. There were even "studies" that supposedly proved all sorts of miracles. Notably, Steve McQueen went off conventional treatment and went down to Mexico where he could get this stuff after which he quickly succumbed to mesothelioma.

There are no magic bullets here. Don't take medical advice from politicians, it's like getting financial advice from a doctor.

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