So, Do Democrats REALLY Oppose HydroxyChloroquine Only Because Trump Supports Using It? Seems So.....

Can Hydroxychloroquine save lives?

  • No, it is snake oil

    Votes: 2 6.7%
  • Yes, and the goobermint should not intrude on doctor patient choices

    Votes: 25 83.3%
  • I dunno, whose playing tonight?

    Votes: 3 10.0%

  • Total voters
This is just unbelievable, but Democrats are slamming on the use of Hydroxychloroquine merely because Trump recommends it, and of course ORANGE MAN BAD!

So The goobernor of Mitchagain and New Yahk restrict the patient doctor relationship to only using it in a hospital setting?


Will this wake black voters up about the Dimocrat Death Party (of Abortion) and its very evil core nature?

Of course not.
We do not oppose it. We believe it needs proper trials on its efficacy.

Who does it work best on? 40-50 year olds, 60-70 year olds?

Female vs male?

At what time during the disease...before you're really sick, after you are sick, but before put on a ventilator?

What dosage works best? For what age, what weight? Child vs adult?

Like every other drug, we need to know these things...

Just like we are doing with all the other drugs created by our best and brightest scientists out there now, to combat the disease that are going thru trials, that are showing even greater promise than this drug for malaria....
The drug has been around for 75 years, Care....they kinda have an idea on the dosage and for how long.

I took that stuff my 2d tour in Vietnam. We experienced the side effect of getting infection of minor cuts and scratches. I got my nose scratched on a thorn bush and two days later my nose was swelled three times it's size. I had to go back to base camp for 3 days of treatment. The doctors claimed later that my team was eating way too many pineapples and the citric acid in them was the catalyst for infection.
We do not oppose it. We believe it needs proper trials on its efficacy.
Who does it work best on? 40-50 year olds, 60-70 year olds?
C4A, the Europeans have already done all this. The German documentation on dosage is available and doctors are using that for guidance now.

There is absolutely no reason to restrict doctors from using this 'off label'.
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I keep seeing people on this site talking about how well hydroxycholorquine is working. Where is this information coming from? I can't seem to find much about it outside of the 2 small studies that were what got it noticed as a possible treatment in the first place.

I have seen a few people saying that it helped them, but nothing about the sort of widespread positive outcomes that posters here appear to be claiming. Does anyone have any sort of articles or research they could post showing that this is working, other than the original French and Chinese studies that kicked this all off?

It would be great if this turns out to be an effective treatment, I just haven't seen anything one way or another to indicate that it is being effective in widespread fashion.
Montrovant, several days ago I read an article on the patients now using hydroxycholorquine, and I got the distinct impression the stuff is like N-Saids are to a headache: HOClQ just works, and people literally walk away well. I've heard nothing to the contrary, except that people waiting too late to take it are taking a quite lethal chance, particularly if they're very old or very immune system-compromised. I don't remember the stats if any, it's just a good way to walk away from the virus well in a few short days. Of course, people are required to stay away from others a good two or three weeks after they are declared "well." IOW, they want to get back to work instead of being 6 ft. under.

Everyone in the medical profession I have talked to said the exact opposite, that hydroxychloroquine is of little practical use.
If you do not have COVID-19 or have a very early case, then by hydroxychloroquine suppressing the immune system, it makes the COVID-19 infection far worse than it would have been without the hydroxychloroquine.
Only if you have an extremely severe case of COVID-19 is it possible that hydroxychloroquine might help a little.
It does 3 things. By suppressing the immune system, it brings down fevers that could be fatal all by themselves. By making cell membranes more permeable, they allow antibiotics to be more effective if the person has come down with bronchial pneumonia, bacterial infection. By making the cell more alkaline, the COVID-19 reproduction is reduced slightly.
If you give hydroxychloroquine to the patient too early, you are making it much more likely they will die.

1. Take it and pray that it helps
2. Don't take it and die.

Take it too early and you are more likely to die than if you did not take it at all.
It has to be timed perfectly and taken along with antibiotics.
This is just unbelievable, but Democrats are slamming on the use of Hydroxychloroquine merely because Trump recommends it, and of course ORANGE MAN BAD!

So The goobernor of Mitchagain and New Yahk restrict the patient doctor relationship to only using it in a hospital setting?


Will this wake black voters up about the Dimocrat Death Party (of Abortion) and its very evil core nature?

Of course not.
We do not oppose it. We believe it needs proper trials on its efficacy.

Who does it work best on? 40-50 year olds, 60-70 year olds?

Female vs male?

At what time during the disease...before you're really sick, after you are sick, but before put on a ventilator?

What dosage is good? For what age, what weight?

Like every other drug, we need to know these things...

Just like we are doing with all the other drugs created by our best and brightest scientists out there now, to combat the disease that are going thru trials, that are showing even greater promise than this drug for malaria....
Preliminary tests tell the medical community that it works, and it works well. It would keep a lot of people alive if the DNC would take off its gloves. Sadly, the party importantes disapprove of every little thing President Trump suggests is effective. I just don't know what it takes, because some people down at the bottom of the totem pole have no hope without something that works considerably well to spite the face of death from COVID-19.. The professionals available to President Trump are not fly-by-nights. They're real good medical people who know a winner when their first tests are in and help people if they get the diagnosis soon enough. I love them for their wonderful work. :huddle:

If the Democrats take people's hope away because it hasn't been 40 years in the proof, many who take them on their disgust will die who might well have been saved if they knew the results of the prelims. My prayers are up for the infected people that they do the do and get well very soon. :hands:

I'm curious...

How exactly is the DNC preventing the drug from being dispensed?
I hope it works.

I have my doubts. Since it is prescribed for arthritis (something old people get disproportionately), it would seem as though that the COVID19 sufferers who are also taking this drug would have some immunity to it. Perhaps they do...but COVID19 seems to be more deadly to the same population that is taking the drug.

Again, hope it works.
This is just unbelievable, but Democrats are slamming on the use of Hydroxychloroquine merely because Trump recommends it, and of course ORANGE MAN BAD!

So The goobernor of Mitchagain and New Yahk restrict the patient doctor relationship to only using it in a hospital setting?


Will this wake black voters up about the Dimocrat Death Party (of Abortion) and its very evil core nature?

Of course not.
We do not oppose it. We believe it needs proper trials on its efficacy.

Who does it work best on? 40-50 year olds, 60-70 year olds?

Female vs male?

At what time during the disease...before you're really sick, after you are sick, but before put on a ventilator?

What dosage works best? For what age, what weight? Child vs adult?

Like every other drug, we need to know these things...

Just like we are doing with all the other drugs created by our best and brightest scientists out there now, to combat the disease that are going thru trials, that are showing even greater promise than this drug for malaria....
The drug has been around for 75 years, Care....they kinda have an idea on the dosage and for how long.

They know the dosage for covid patients?

They know who it works on and who it doesn't with covid?

They know when the best time is to administer it for covid?

They know how long to keep administering it?

They do NOT know any of those things yet for Covid, meister?
Yeah, they pretty much do, Care. They have been using a 1 tablets twice a day for 10 days.
Been working quite well, and even a congress woman from your tribe seems to be giving thanks
to Trump. The drug saved her life....might want to look at what I posted, because I know you won't believe me.
Fact is, I bet she votes for Trump this Nov for helping save her life.

That is totally and completely wrong.
The point of hydroxychloroquine is to suppress the immune system response when the immune system response so out of control that it is going to be more fatal then the viral infection.
So you do NOT give it to someone early, either before infection or in early stages, because it you do, then by suppressing the immune system, you will only make it worse.
Since you only give it to someone when they are in such an advanced state that they are at risk from dying of the high fever, you would NOT give it to them for 10 days.
Nor do you give it to them alone, but along with antibiotics to suppress the pneumonia side effects.

The Congresswoman who praised it has no idea what she was given, what helped, or if she was about to recover on her own anyway.
Link, please.

As Tara Haelle skillfully summarized in an earlier piece for Forbes, thirty patients hospitalized for Covid-19 participated in the trial. Fifteen were treated with 400mg of chloroquine for five days and fifteen received the standard supportive care. On Day 7 of the trial both groups were evaluated

The results:

CT scans showed there was little difference in the progression of the disease for those given the hydroxychloroquine treatment and those who received conventional care.

Of the thirty patients, only one patient progressed to severe stages of the disease — that patient had received hydroxychloroquine as part of their treatment.

93% of patients in the control group tested negative for Covid-19 after seven days compared to 86.7% of patients in the hydroxychloroquine treated group.
I keep seeing people on this site talking about how well hydroxycholorquine is working. Where is this information coming from? I can't seem to find much about it outside of the 2 small studies that were what got it noticed as a possible treatment in the first place.

I have seen a few people saying that it helped them, but nothing about the sort of widespread positive outcomes that posters here appear to be claiming. Does anyone have any sort of articles or research they could post showing that this is working, other than the original French and Chinese studies that kicked this all off?

It would be great if this turns out to be an effective treatment, I just haven't seen anything one way or another to indicate that it is being effective in widespread fashion.
Montrovant, several days ago I read an article on the patients now using hydroxycholorquine, and I got the distinct impression the stuff is like N-Saids are to a headache: HOClQ just works, and people literally walk away well. I've heard nothing to the contrary, except that people waiting too late to take it are taking a quite lethal chance, particularly if they're very old or very immune system-compromised. I don't remember the stats if any, it's just a good way to walk away from the virus well in a few short days. Of course, people are required to stay away from others a good two or three weeks after they are declared "well." IOW, they want to get back to work instead of being 6 ft. under.

Everyone in the medical profession I have talked to said the exact opposite, that hydroxychloroquine is of little practical use.
If you do not have COVID-19 or have a very early case, then by hydroxychloroquine suppressing the immune system, it makes the COVID-19 infection far worse than it would have been without the hydroxychloroquine.
Only if you have an extremely severe case of COVID-19 is it possible that hydroxychloroquine might help a little.
It does 3 things. By suppressing the immune system, it brings down fevers that could be fatal all by themselves. By making cell membranes more permeable, they allow antibiotics to be more effective if the person has come down with bronchial pneumonia, bacterial infection. By making the cell more alkaline, the COVID-19 reproduction is reduced slightly.
If you give hydroxychloroquine to the patient too early, you are making it much more likely they will die.
My sources differ greatly from your unknown ones.
Thousands of Doctors: Yes, Hydroxychloroquine Works Against Wuhan Coronavirus

An international poll of thousands of doctors rated the Trump-touted anti-malaria drug hydroxychloroquine the best treatment for the novel coronavirus.

Of the 6,227 physicians surveyed in 30 countries, 37 percent rated hydroxychloroquine the “most effective therapy” for combating the potentially deadly illness, according to the results released Thursday.

The survey, conducted by the global health care polling company Sermo, also found that 23 percent of medical professionals had prescribed the drug in the US — far less than other countries.

"Outside the US, hydroxychloroquine was equally used for diagnosed patients with mild to severe symptoms whereas in the US it was most commonly used for high risk diagnosed patients,” the survey found.

The medicine was most widely used in Spain, where 72 percent of physicians said they had prescribed it.

This is an international study viewpoint. So do we go with the thousands of doctors who support the use of hydroxychloroquine or do we trust the Democrat Party's unique group after they lied about Trump for 3+ years, impeached him when he was found innocent of their projecting charges in which their leaders actually went after Trump by soliciting Russia for bad stuff on him, which turned out to be a little Faerie Tale written by none other than Hillary Rodham Clinton's former War Room buddies bought and paid for by Mrs. Clinton.

I hope those of you who read this make the right decision on avoiding death if you should succumb to COVID-19. You have both sides stated, and it's too bad there is jealousy and hatred in politics in an election year. We should be on each others' side at this time. :huddle:

My prayers are up for Aemricans. :hands:
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I hope it works.

I have my doubts. Since it is prescribed for arthritis (something old people get disproportionately), it would seem as though that the COVID19 sufferers who are also taking this drug would have some immunity to it. Perhaps they do...but COVID19 seems to be more deadly to the same population that is taking the drug.

Again, hope it works.

Hydroxychloroquine works by suppressing the immune system.
That is why it is effective on lupus, arthritis, and malaria.
In all those aliments, it is any overly strong immune response that is the main problem.

But then consider if you give Hydroxychloroquine to someone who does not have COVID-19 or is only in early stages?
The effect will be to reduce the immune system response, and make the COVID-19 infection take hold much more strongly then it would have if you had left the immune system alone.
So taking Hydroxychloroquine at the wrong time, increases the death rate, and does not help it.
I keep seeing people on this site talking about how well hydroxycholorquine is working. Where is this information coming from? I can't seem to find much about it outside of the 2 small studies that were what got it noticed as a possible treatment in the first place.

I have seen a few people saying that it helped them, but nothing about the sort of widespread positive outcomes that posters here appear to be claiming. Does anyone have any sort of articles or research they could post showing that this is working, other than the original French and Chinese studies that kicked this all off?

It would be great if this turns out to be an effective treatment, I just haven't seen anything one way or another to indicate that it is being effective in widespread fashion.
Montrovant, several days ago I read an article on the patients now using hydroxycholorquine, and I got the distinct impression the stuff is like N-Saids are to a headache: HOClQ just works, and people literally walk away well. I've heard nothing to the contrary, except that people waiting too late to take it are taking a quite lethal chance, particularly if they're very old or very immune system-compromised. I don't remember the stats if any, it's just a good way to walk away from the virus well in a few short days. Of course, people are required to stay away from others a good two or three weeks after they are declared "well." IOW, they want to get back to work instead of being 6 ft. under.

Everyone in the medical profession I have talked to said the exact opposite, that hydroxychloroquine is of little practical use.
If you do not have COVID-19 or have a very early case, then by hydroxychloroquine suppressing the immune system, it makes the COVID-19 infection far worse than it would have been without the hydroxychloroquine.
Only if you have an extremely severe case of COVID-19 is it possible that hydroxychloroquine might help a little.
It does 3 things. By suppressing the immune system, it brings down fevers that could be fatal all by themselves. By making cell membranes more permeable, they allow antibiotics to be more effective if the person has come down with bronchial pneumonia, bacterial infection. By making the cell more alkaline, the COVID-19 reproduction is reduced slightly.
If you give hydroxychloroquine to the patient too early, you are making it much more likely they will die.
My sources differ greatly from your unknown ones.
Thousands of Doctors: Yes, Hydroxychloroquine Works Against Wuhan Coronavirus

An international poll of thousands of doctors rated the Trump-touted anti-malaria drug hydroxychloroquine the best treatment for the novel coronavirus.

Of the 6,227 physicians surveyed in 30 countries, 37 percent rated hydroxychloroquine the “most effective therapy” for combating the potentially deadly illness, according to the results released Thursday.

The survey, conducted by the global health care polling company Sermo, also found that 23 percent of medical professionals had prescribed the drug in the US — far less than other countries.

"Outside the US, hydroxychloroquine was equally used for diagnosed patients with mild to severe symptoms whereas in the US it was most commonly used for high risk diagnosed patients,” the survey found.

The medicine was most widely used in Spain, where 72 percent of physicians said they had prescribed it.

This is an international study viewpoint.

You have not quoted or linked anyone at all with those claims, because they clearly are not true.
Everything I have read says it is harmful to give Hydroxychloroquine too early, and when it is administered, it is only useful if antibiotics were administered at the same time.

On March 28 the Food and Drug Administration approved the use of two antimalarial drugs, hydroxychloroquine and a related medication, chloroquine, for emergency use to treat COVID-19. The drugs were touted by President Trump as a “game changer” for COVID-19.

However, a study just published in a French medical journal provides new evidence that hydroxychloroquine does not appear to help the immune system clear the coronavirus from the body. The study comes on the heels of two others – one in France and one in China – that reported some benefits in the combination of hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin for COVID-19 patients who didn’t have severe symptoms of the virus.

It is the azithromycin that helps with the pneumonia side effect, and hydroxychloroquine only slightly help the antibiotic enter the cells. Hydroxychloroquine by itself can reduce survival rates.
I keep seeing people on this site talking about how well hydroxycholorquine is working. Where is this information coming from? I can't seem to find much about it outside of the 2 small studies that were what got it noticed as a possible treatment in the first place.

I have seen a few people saying that it helped them, but nothing about the sort of widespread positive outcomes that posters here appear to be claiming. Does anyone have any sort of articles or research they could post showing that this is working, other than the original French and Chinese studies that kicked this all off?

It would be great if this turns out to be an effective treatment, I just haven't seen anything one way or another to indicate that it is being effective in widespread fashion.
Montrovant, several days ago I read an article on the patients now using hydroxycholorquine, and I got the distinct impression the stuff is like N-Saids are to a headache: HOClQ just works, and people literally walk away well. I've heard nothing to the contrary, except that people waiting too late to take it are taking a quite lethal chance, particularly if they're very old or very immune system-compromised. I don't remember the stats if any, it's just a good way to walk away from the virus well in a few short days. Of course, people are required to stay away from others a good two or three weeks after they are declared "well." IOW, they want to get back to work instead of being 6 ft. under.

Everyone in the medical profession I have talked to said the exact opposite, that hydroxychloroquine is of little practical use.
If you do not have COVID-19 or have a very early case, then by hydroxychloroquine suppressing the immune system, it makes the COVID-19 infection far worse than it would have been without the hydroxychloroquine.
Only if you have an extremely severe case of COVID-19 is it possible that hydroxychloroquine might help a little.
It does 3 things. By suppressing the immune system, it brings down fevers that could be fatal all by themselves. By making cell membranes more permeable, they allow antibiotics to be more effective if the person has come down with bronchial pneumonia, bacterial infection. By making the cell more alkaline, the COVID-19 reproduction is reduced slightly.
If you give hydroxychloroquine to the patient too early, you are making it much more likely they will die.
My sources differ greatly from your unknown ones.
Thousands of Doctors: Yes, Hydroxychloroquine Works Against Wuhan Coronavirus

An international poll of thousands of doctors rated the Trump-touted anti-malaria drug hydroxychloroquine the best treatment for the novel coronavirus.

Of the 6,227 physicians surveyed in 30 countries, 37 percent rated hydroxychloroquine the “most effective therapy” for combating the potentially deadly illness, according to the results released Thursday.

The survey, conducted by the global health care polling company Sermo, also found that 23 percent of medical professionals had prescribed the drug in the US — far less than other countries.

"Outside the US, hydroxychloroquine was equally used for diagnosed patients with mild to severe symptoms whereas in the US it was most commonly used for high risk diagnosed patients,” the survey found.

The medicine was most widely used in Spain, where 72 percent of physicians said they had prescribed it.

This is an international study viewpoint. So do we go with the thousands of doctors who support the use of hydroxychloroquine or do we trust the Democrat Party's unique group after they lied about Trump for 3+ years, impeached him when he was found innocent of their projecting charges in which their leaders actually went after Trump by soliciting Russia for bad stuff on him, which turned out to be a little Faerie Tale written by none other than Hillary Rodham Clinton's former War Room buddies bought and paid for by Mrs. Clinton.

I hope those of you who read this make the right decision on avoiding death if you should succumb to COVID-19. You have both sides stated, and it's too bad there is jealousy and hatred in politics in an election year. We should be on each others' side at this time. :huddle:

My prayers are up for Aemricans. :hands: is a well known Hertitage Foundation hoax.
It is not a legitimate associate press member and known for issuing propaganda.
Find this in some thing real and relialble like Forbes of NY Times.
Good night everyone. I only got up to keep from waking others with my asthma coughing. A good hot cup of coffee stops the coughing, but unfortunately, I may or may not get to sleep. May you rest your firearms for the sake of brotherhood, :huddle: and God bless and save each and every one of you regardless of political party, from the COVID-19. Oh, and I've had asthma long before the coronavirus came to these shores. I just try to lay low, shop at hours few others are shopping, and basically, staying at home as much as possible. G'night.
I keep seeing people on this site talking about how well hydroxycholorquine is working. Where is this information coming from? I can't seem to find much about it outside of the 2 small studies that were what got it noticed as a possible treatment in the first place.

I have seen a few people saying that it helped them, but nothing about the sort of widespread positive outcomes that posters here appear to be claiming. Does anyone have any sort of articles or research they could post showing that this is working, other than the original French and Chinese studies that kicked this all off?

It would be great if this turns out to be an effective treatment, I just haven't seen anything one way or another to indicate that it is being effective in widespread fashion.
Montrovant, several days ago I read an article on the patients now using hydroxycholorquine, and I got the distinct impression the stuff is like N-Saids are to a headache: HOClQ just works, and people literally walk away well. I've heard nothing to the contrary, except that people waiting too late to take it are taking a quite lethal chance, particularly if they're very old or very immune system-compromised. I don't remember the stats if any, it's just a good way to walk away from the virus well in a few short days. Of course, people are required to stay away from others a good two or three weeks after they are declared "well." IOW, they want to get back to work instead of being 6 ft. under.

Everyone in the medical profession I have talked to said the exact opposite, that hydroxychloroquine is of little practical use.
If you do not have COVID-19 or have a very early case, then by hydroxychloroquine suppressing the immune system, it makes the COVID-19 infection far worse than it would have been without the hydroxychloroquine.
Only if you have an extremely severe case of COVID-19 is it possible that hydroxychloroquine might help a little.
It does 3 things. By suppressing the immune system, it brings down fevers that could be fatal all by themselves. By making cell membranes more permeable, they allow antibiotics to be more effective if the person has come down with bronchial pneumonia, bacterial infection. By making the cell more alkaline, the COVID-19 reproduction is reduced slightly.
If you give hydroxychloroquine to the patient too early, you are making it much more likely they will die.
My sources differ greatly from your unknown ones.
Thousands of Doctors: Yes, Hydroxychloroquine Works Against Wuhan Coronavirus

An international poll of thousands of doctors rated the Trump-touted anti-malaria drug hydroxychloroquine the best treatment for the novel coronavirus.

Of the 6,227 physicians surveyed in 30 countries, 37 percent rated hydroxychloroquine the “most effective therapy” for combating the potentially deadly illness, according to the results released Thursday.

The survey, conducted by the global health care polling company Sermo, also found that 23 percent of medical professionals had prescribed the drug in the US — far less than other countries.

"Outside the US, hydroxychloroquine was equally used for diagnosed patients with mild to severe symptoms whereas in the US it was most commonly used for high risk diagnosed patients,” the survey found.

The medicine was most widely used in Spain, where 72 percent of physicians said they had prescribed it.

This is an international study viewpoint.

You have not quoted or linked anyone at all with those claims, because they clearly are not true.
Everything I have read says it is harmful to give Hydroxychloroquine too early, and when it is administered, it is only useful if antibiotics were administered at the same time.

On March 28 the Food and Drug Administration approved the use of two antimalarial drugs, hydroxychloroquine and a related medication, chloroquine, for emergency use to treat COVID-19. The drugs were touted by President Trump as a “game changer” for COVID-19.

However, a study just published in a French medical journal provides new evidence that hydroxychloroquine does not appear to help the immune system clear the coronavirus from the body. The study comes on the heels of two others – one in France and one in China – that reported some benefits in the combination of hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin for COVID-19 patients who didn’t have severe symptoms of the virus.

It is the azithromycin that helps with the pneumonia side effect, and hydroxychloroquine only slightly help the antibiotic enter the cells. Hydroxychloroquine by itself can reduce survival rates.
It's in my quote which you posted. I recommend a seriously-effective course in reading comprehension/ speed reading for your benefit, dear. I can't believe you not only missed my link and the quotes therefrom, you posted them and said I didn't give a link. Your discrepancy is borne from your huge TDS case, and I can understand how you missed it and why. Deception doesn't work with me, madam or sir.
This is just unbelievable, but Democrats are slamming on the use of Hydroxychloroquine merely because Trump recommends it, and of course ORANGE MAN BAD!

So The goobernor of Mitchagain and New Yahk restrict the patient doctor relationship to only using it in a hospital setting?


Will this wake black voters up about the Dimocrat Death Party (of Abortion) and its very evil core nature?

Of course not.
I actually applaud this.

The Democrats are no longer the party of JFK. They are the party of Stalin.

They are pure and simply..... evil. Democrats are just flat out evil people.

They would rather people die, as long as they get their way. This is why you hear them push ridiculous priorities like environmental concerns, and funding solar panels, and public housing, and all sorts of insane stuff that has nothing to do with saving lives.

This is simply what the Democrat party is. They are evil. They hate Trump, and rather people die until the end of time, than what is good for the country.
I keep seeing people on this site talking about how well hydroxycholorquine is working. Where is this information coming from? I can't seem to find much about it outside of the 2 small studies that were what got it noticed as a possible treatment in the first place.

I have seen a few people saying that it helped them, but nothing about the sort of widespread positive outcomes that posters here appear to be claiming. Does anyone have any sort of articles or research they could post showing that this is working, other than the original French and Chinese studies that kicked this all off?

It would be great if this turns out to be an effective treatment, I just haven't seen anything one way or another to indicate that it is being effective in widespread fashion.
Montrovant, several days ago I read an article on the patients now using hydroxycholorquine, and I got the distinct impression the stuff is like N-Saids are to a headache: HOClQ just works, and people literally walk away well. I've heard nothing to the contrary, except that people waiting too late to take it are taking a quite lethal chance, particularly if they're very old or very immune system-compromised. I don't remember the stats if any, it's just a good way to walk away from the virus well in a few short days. Of course, people are required to stay away from others a good two or three weeks after they are declared "well." IOW, they want to get back to work instead of being 6 ft. under.

Everyone in the medical profession I have talked to said the exact opposite, that hydroxychloroquine is of little practical use.
If you do not have COVID-19 or have a very early case, then by hydroxychloroquine suppressing the immune system, it makes the COVID-19 infection far worse than it would have been without the hydroxychloroquine.
Only if you have an extremely severe case of COVID-19 is it possible that hydroxychloroquine might help a little.
It does 3 things. By suppressing the immune system, it brings down fevers that could be fatal all by themselves. By making cell membranes more permeable, they allow antibiotics to be more effective if the person has come down with bronchial pneumonia, bacterial infection. By making the cell more alkaline, the COVID-19 reproduction is reduced slightly.
If you give hydroxychloroquine to the patient too early, you are making it much more likely they will die.
My sources differ greatly from your unknown ones.
Thousands of Doctors: Yes, Hydroxychloroquine Works Against Wuhan Coronavirus

An international poll of thousands of doctors rated the Trump-touted anti-malaria drug hydroxychloroquine the best treatment for the novel coronavirus.

Of the 6,227 physicians surveyed in 30 countries, 37 percent rated hydroxychloroquine the “most effective therapy” for combating the potentially deadly illness, according to the results released Thursday.

The survey, conducted by the global health care polling company Sermo, also found that 23 percent of medical professionals had prescribed the drug in the US — far less than other countries.

"Outside the US, hydroxychloroquine was equally used for diagnosed patients with mild to severe symptoms whereas in the US it was most commonly used for high risk diagnosed patients,” the survey found.

The medicine was most widely used in Spain, where 72 percent of physicians said they had prescribed it.

This is an international study viewpoint.

You have not quoted or linked anyone at all with those claims, because they clearly are not true.
Everything I have read says it is harmful to give Hydroxychloroquine too early, and when it is administered, it is only useful if antibiotics were administered at the same time.

On March 28 the Food and Drug Administration approved the use of two antimalarial drugs, hydroxychloroquine and a related medication, chloroquine, for emergency use to treat COVID-19. The drugs were touted by President Trump as a “game changer” for COVID-19.

However, a study just published in a French medical journal provides new evidence that hydroxychloroquine does not appear to help the immune system clear the coronavirus from the body. The study comes on the heels of two others – one in France and one in China – that reported some benefits in the combination of hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin for COVID-19 patients who didn’t have severe symptoms of the virus.

It is the azithromycin that helps with the pneumonia side effect, and hydroxychloroquine only slightly help the antibiotic enter the cells. Hydroxychloroquine by itself can reduce survival rates.
It's in my quote which you posted. I recommend a seriously-effective course in reading comprehension/ speed reading for your benefit, dear. I can't believe you not only missed my link and the quotes therefrom, you posted them and said I didn't give a link. Your discrepancy is borne from your huge TDS case, and I can understand how you missed it and why. Deception doesn't work with me, madam or sir.

I think I did mix up my responses, because you clearly did provide a link, but it was to, a Heritage Foundation organ that is known for not telling the truth.
And I probably posted my response to you, to someone else, because I know I did post a response saying that is not a valid source.

The reality is that some studies have shown some ways that hydroxychloroquine can be effective, but none of them claims hydroxychloroquine fights COVID-19.
What they say instead is that in later stages of COVID-19 infection, the actual cause of death is from an over activated immune system response. So then hydroxychloroquine can suppress the immune system and help keep the person alive, but that does nothing to stop COVID-19.
This is just unbelievable, but Democrats are slamming on the use of Hydroxychloroquine merely because Trump recommends it, and of course ORANGE MAN BAD!

So The goobernor of Mitchagain and New Yahk restrict the patient doctor relationship to only using it in a hospital setting?


Will this wake black voters up about the Dimocrat Death Party (of Abortion) and its very evil core nature?

Of course not.
We do not oppose it. We believe it needs proper trials on its efficacy.

Who does it work best on? 40-50 year olds, 60-70 year olds?

Female vs male?

At what time during the disease...before you're really sick, after you are sick, but before put on a ventilator?

What dosage works best? For what age, what weight? Child vs adult?

Like every other drug, we need to know these things...

Just like we are doing with all the other drugs created by our best and brightest scientists out there now, to combat the disease that are going thru trials, that are showing even greater promise than this drug for malaria....
The drug has been around for 75 years, Care....they kinda have an idea on the dosage and for how long.

They know the dosage for covid patients?

They know who it works on and who it doesn't with covid?

They know when the best time is to administer it for covid?

They know how long to keep administering it?

They do NOT know any of those things yet for Covid, meister?
Yeah, they pretty much do, Care. They have been using a 1 tablets twice a day for 10 days.
Been working quite well, and even a congress woman from your tribe seems to be giving thanks
to Trump. The drug saved her life....might want to look at what I posted, because I know you won't believe me.
Fact is, I bet she votes for Trump this Nov for helping save her life.

That is totally and completely wrong.
The point of hydroxychloroquine is to suppress the immune system response when the immune system response so out of control that it is going to be more fatal then the viral infection.
So you do NOT give it to someone early, either before infection or in early stages, because it you do, then by suppressing the immune system, you will only make it worse.
Since you only give it to someone when they are in such an advanced state that they are at risk from dying of the high fever, you would NOT give it to them for 10 days.
Nor do you give it to them alone, but along with antibiotics to suppress the pneumonia side effects.

The Congresswoman who praised it has no idea what she was given, what helped, or if she was about to recover on her own anyway.
You are spreading dangerous disinformation. Everything you just said is completely false, you fucking moron.

Fuck off, asshole.
The reality is that some studies have shown some ways that hydroxychloroquine can be effective, but none of them claims hydroxychloroquine fights COVID-19.
What they say instead is that in later stages of COVID-19 infection, the actual cause of death is from an over activated immune system response. So then hydroxychloroquine can suppress the immune system and help keep the person alive, but that does nothing to stop COVID-19.
Then YOU dont take it, jack ass, but stay out of everyone elses way, beoch.

roflmao, stupid ass ideologue.

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