The MAJOR reason NOT to use hydroxychloroquine ... because Trump supports it!

Separately, the president of the American Medical Association, Patrice Harris, told CNN anchor Wolf Blitzer on Sunday that she would not prescribe hydroxychloroquine if she had a coronavirus patient,
cautioning against Trump's "What do we have to lose?" rationale.
The drug's well-known side effects can cause fatal heart problems in patients who are taking other drugs that affect the heart's rhythm, such as antidepressants, or who have existing heart issues

So NOW the MSM wanting to keep COVID-19 headline news as it seemingly thwarts Trump...again purely political, biased MSM efforts.
They are pitting Fauci vs Trump.

NOW the conclusive point of the first paragraph...
The drug's well-known side effects can cause fatal heart problems in patients who are taking other drugs that affect the heart's rhythm, such as antidepressants, or who have existing heart issues".
WHAT f...king idiot doctor would then prescribe hydroxychloroquine IF the doctor knows the Patient's medical history consists of the above problems?

But these dumb ass reporters, knowing only ONE thing don't pay attention to reality!
The realty Trump is seemingly the only person to grasp is PEOPLE are dying and hydroxychloroquine has shown anecdotally to work!
So why not allow it and by the way... Doctors ARE prescribing hydroxychloroquine !

As to Dr. Fauci's position which again the MSM is trying to drive a wedge for biased news reporting sake ... READ his
recommendation !

"If you're a doctor listening to me right now and a patient with coronavirus feels like they want to try that,"
Stigall asked,
"and you're their doctor, you're not Anthony Fauci the guy running the coronavirus task force, would you say 'alright, we'll give it a whirl'?"

"Yeah, of course, particularly if people have no other option,"
Fauci said.
"These drugs are approved drugs for other reasons.
They're anti-malaria drugs, and they're drugs against certain autoimmune diseases like lupus.
Physicians throughout the country can prescribe that in an off-label way. Which means they can write it for something it was not approved for."

Next up, Trump decrees Berlin Airlift order for hydroxychloroquine to be dropped across this nation, but only in red and swing states. The desperate attempt to salvage his presidency continues unabated.

Salvage his Presidency? :laughing0301:
When you people would take an unproven drug just because a politician recommends it I have to wonder why you didn't accidentally kill yourself with the electric can-opener or curling iron years ago. Do you still have all your fingers? Do you now wear an eye-patch because ink pens are complicated?
Jerkoffwithnotrade must have just turned his word of the day calendar over and found salvage.

That's the best you have? Your screen name is right on the money. It's what I think whenever I see a Trump supporter post...or talk for that matter. :)
Yes, salvage his presidency. Cause right now, it's in ashes.

Than why are his numbers up?
Jerkoffwithnotrade must have just turned his word of the day calendar over and found salvage.

That's the best you have? Your screen name is right on the money. It's what I think whenever I see a Trump supporter post...or talk for that matter. :)
Yes, salvage his presidency. Cause right now, it's in ashes.

Than why are his numbers up?

They aren't...anymore. He got a bump after March 13th because, well, that's what US voters do when there is a crisis, they rally around their leaders. But, that bump is evaporating.
RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Trump Job Approval
Jerkoffwithnotrade must have just turned his word of the day calendar over and found salvage.

That's the best you have? Your screen name is right on the money. It's what I think whenever I see a Trump supporter post...or talk for that matter. :)
Yes, salvage his presidency. Cause right now, it's in ashes.

Than why are his numbers up?

They aren't...anymore. He got a bump after March 13th because, well, that's what US voters do when there is a crisis, they rally around their leaders. But, that bump is evaporating.
RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Trump Job Approval

Real Muddy politics? :auiqs.jpg:
So, here’s what do. If you are a dumbassed Democrat don’t take the drug. Trump will just wail and knash his teeth when he hears you are refusing. Those on the right, if your doctor recommends this drug take it. There should be plenty since the dumbassed Democrats are refusing it.
When you people would take an unproven drug just because a politician recommends it I have to wonder why you didn't accidentally kill yourself with the electric can-opener or curling iron years ago. Do you still have all your fingers? Do you now wear an eye-patch because ink pens are complicated?
There is nothing unproven about this drug...

It is safe and in use for 67 years.

Use for COVID19 is a no lose situation as the drug is proven to slow or stop replication in the blood and it slows the hyper-cytoplast response which causes pneumonia. This has been proven in the lab. It is individual response that is in question.

ThankS for playing, YOUR AN IDIOT....

For malaria. Not for COVID-19. No it has not been proven in the lab. It will take months maybe years of research, data gathering, and trials to determine that. It has shown PROMISE in treating those already infected. And it is within a doctor's expertise to recommend this treatment for their patients if they deem it necessary...note, I used the word doctor....not politician. One has my health and best interest at heart. The other is just trying to salvage what's left of his political life.

It is routinely prescribed for arthritis. Why on earth would we wait for more and more people to die because we aren't sure it will be effective? If you have the virus, the chances of dying from it are multitudes higher than dying from complications from Plaquenil (hydroxychloroquine). In fact, even if you don't have the virus, you would be better of taking it as a preventative if you live in a highly infected area due to the very small chance of complications. I might add, almost all drugs have interactions with other drugs, which is why your doctor looks at what you are taking as well as any allergies before prescribing a new one. There is nothing different about this.

It is ludicrous for those with COVID-19 not to take this drug, with rare exceptions.
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When you people would take an unproven drug just because a politician recommends it I have to wonder why you didn't accidentally kill yourself with the electric can-opener or curling iron years ago. Do you still have all your fingers? Do you now wear an eye-patch because ink pens are complicated?

Nobody is taking it because of Trump's recommendation. They are taking it because their doctors are giving it to them because doctors all over the world have said it's working for their patients. I've seen several doctors on tv say they are taking it daily as a prophylactic. Of course, you already know this.

And the OP is correct. The opposition against Trump talking about this drug is almost exclusively partisan and certainly gives credence to the claim that you knee-jerk oppose its use simply because he is for it, like everything else you oppose. If Trump told the country not to use the drug because it was too dangerous you would all accuse him of wanting people to suffer and die and demand it be available for everyone.
If three doctor's say the medicine could kill me then I will shy away from it but if one says it then that is why I got a second and third opinion...

Do not understand?

Because the drug is promising does not mean it is for everyone and you should get at least three opinions before taking something like the Malaria Medication...

I am not saying do not take it but instead get multiple medical advice before risking your life...
Next up, Trump decrees Berlin Airlift order for hydroxychloroquine to be dropped across this nation, but only in red and swing states. The desperate attempt to salvage his presidency continues unabated.

What's it to you jackass. You bitched 20 times in one thread against it.

"not approved"
"not clinically tested"
"aquarium cleaner kills people and Trump told them to take it"
Next up, Trump decrees Berlin Airlift order for hydroxychloroquine to be dropped across this nation, but only in red and swing states. The desperate attempt to salvage his presidency continues unabated.

What's it to you jackass. You bitched 20 times in one thread against it.

"not approved"
"not clinically tested"
"aquarium cleaner kills people and Trump told them to take it"

I said the first two...and not 20 times either. Not even close. :) As far as the aquarium cleaner goes, think of your fish before you take it. Tanks need cleaning too.
But feel free to grasp on to any hope that you think will bail your savior out the absolute sinkhole that he finds himself in right now.
Next up, Trump decrees Berlin Airlift order for hydroxychloroquine to be dropped across this nation, but only in red and swing states. The desperate attempt to salvage his presidency continues unabated.

What's it to you jackass. You bitched 20 times in one thread against it.

"not approved"
"not clinically tested"
"aquarium cleaner kills people and Trump told them to take it"

I said the first two...and not 20 times either. Not even close. :) As far as the aquarium cleaner goes, think of your fish before you take it. Tanks need cleaning too.
But feel free to grasp on to any hope that you think will bail your savior out the absolute sinkhole that he finds himself in right now.

I bet it really pisses you off that Trump is going to win again... easily.
Will you be around to collect your lumps when it happens?
Somehow I doubt it.
Next up, Trump decrees Berlin Airlift order for hydroxychloroquine to be dropped across this nation, but only in red and swing states. The desperate attempt to salvage his presidency continues unabated.

What's it to you jackass. You bitched 20 times in one thread against it.

"not approved"
"not clinically tested"
"aquarium cleaner kills people and Trump told them to take it"

I said the first two...and not 20 times either. Not even close. :) As far as the aquarium cleaner goes, think of your fish before you take it. Tanks need cleaning too.
But feel free to grasp on to any hope that you think will bail your savior out the absolute sinkhole that he finds himself in right now.

I bet it really pisses you off that Trump is going to win again... easily.
Will you be around to collect your lumps when it happens?
Somehow I doubt it.

Hah, you just keep holding on to hope. November is a long way away. His chances were 40/60 before the shit hit the fan. He got a good bump after March 13th. That bump is slowly disappearing.
Come and see me again in a month and if his numbers are still within the margin of error, then you can brag and gloat.
Next up, Trump decrees Berlin Airlift order for hydroxychloroquine to be dropped across this nation, but only in red and swing states. The desperate attempt to salvage his presidency continues unabated.

What's it to you jackass. You bitched 20 times in one thread against it.

"not approved"
"not clinically tested"
"aquarium cleaner kills people and Trump told them to take it"

I said the first two...and not 20 times either. Not even close. :) As far as the aquarium cleaner goes, think of your fish before you take it. Tanks need cleaning too.
But feel free to grasp on to any hope that you think will bail your savior out the absolute sinkhole that he finds himself in right now.

I bet it really pisses you off that Trump is going to win again... easily.
Will you be around to collect your lumps when it happens?
Somehow I doubt it.

Hah, you just keep holding on to hope. November is a long way away. His chances were 40/60 before the shit hit the fan. He got a good bump after March 13th. That bump is slowly disappearing.
Come and see me again in a month and if his numbers are still within the margin of error, then you can brag and gloat.

I bet you thought the same about clinton.
Where were you then?
Watch these sissy mother fuckers scream for hydroxychloroquine as their lungs fill up and drown them in their own filth.

So sanctimonious.... so condescending.... so overwhelmed by TDS....

Until the rubber meets the road.

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