Shattering the Myth that the Tea Party is Dead

Yeah, and "W" is still a "W".

Murdock and Akin lost for no more reason than they ingested their feet along the way...Those who stayed on message won....But there's no media or "mainstream" political hay to be made from pointing out TP supported candidates who win, is there?
You will know the Tea Party is dead and gone when RINOs like Lindsey 'Hug Me' Graham finally relaxes, let their voice drop an octave along with at least one of their long gone testicals.
by Leslie Eastman

As an amateur Egyptologist who occasionally writes about Egypt at the Temple of Mut, my specialty is mummies. So, I know dead things and can say with certainty: The Tea Party is NOT dead.

I have been a Tea Party activist since the first nationwide series of events were organized in February, 2009. I assisted in the promotion of San Diego’s event, and helped found the SoCal Tax Revolt Coalition. I am also a member of the group’s punditry team, the SLOBs (San Diego Local Oder of Bloggers). So, I also know a thing or two about Tea Parties.

In the wake of this November’s extremely disappointing election results, liberal sites are ablaze in a delusional mixture of glee and schadenfreude that celebrates the demise of conservative activism.

On the other hand, supposedly conservative pundit/school marm Peggy Noonan derides the Tea Party for “rage”. Furthermore, one of the movement’s heroes, Rand Paul, is now joining the chorus of establishment Republicans in calling for amnesty for illegal immigrants.

Keep up your hopes Lefties! But, they ain't going away! Read more @ » Shattering the Myth that the Tea Party is Dead - Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion

They arent going away but their influence has already been reduced and it will diminsh even further.
As a former republican who attended a few local teaparty rallies in the beginning I can honestly say in the beginning they were nothing like what they morphed into
The teaparty lost two of their lions, Jim De Mint is leaving the Senate and Dick Armey quit as head of Freedom Works one of the original teaparty Orgs I found that peculiar, traditional Republicans went along with the Grover Norquist Creed, they went along with the Far Right of the rich for the rich philosophy and they got spanked their far right activism failed. Now they are jumping ship at a rapid pace. Boehner set the tone and sent the message when he dumped 4 from committe seats. The pundits and experts like Bill Kristol and other influential non political Republicans want the teaparty to go away. The realize its a loser for the Republican Party.
Senator Tom Coburn, nicknamed Dr No on taxs has done a 360 and says now says yes to new taxs.
To cut this short, America Loathes extremist anything left or right. Pelosi and company went extremist bonkers and got spanked, the teaparty followed with far right extremism and got spanked.
Americans want "REASON" "COMPROMISE" "RESULTS" not a bunch of super rich donors trying to buy an election with a billion dollars because they wanted another tax cut for the super rich.
America did not buy Paul Ryans <teaparty> take from everyone plan, dont pay down the debt and give the richest americans and corporations another huge tax cut.
The Tea Party has cost the Republican four Senate seats it should have won over the past two elections, and won none that it would not have won otherwise.

Shhhhhhh don't tell them that. The Angry White Man syndorme plays into the hands of the left.
Crist was backed by the Rove wing of the party and people knew it...I guess the memo hasn't got to those shitheels that America is sick of their bullshit.

Murdock and Akin were in states they were supposed to win, and couldn't even get so much as a tug from Romney's coattails....They shot their mouths off and lost because of it...Doesn't get anymore complicated than that.

Hell, Bachmann even won re-election....IN MINNESOTA....How does that fit into your box?

You mean in a Congressional district that she won by 1% in 2012 that she won by 13% in 2010? That's your example? Seriously?

Again, Tea Party candidates generally did worse in 2012, and lost states they should have won.

Usually you have to fight like a mother for the middle. As long as the GOP wants to concede it, the Dems should be happy to take it.

Seriously, if you were watching this from Mars, you'd be laughing at the GOP for embracing the division.
The Tea Party is in no doubt to me or any sane Republican the most detremental sector of a party that is already in serious trouble. We are creating a gap between us Republicans and Independent voters. How are we doing this? by placing Tea Party congressman from nowhereville, Kansas who are refusing to make any type of comprimise in congress. Why? because they dont know what they are doing. But how did they get in there if they dont know what they are doing? Well its simple cletus, actual politicians were replaced by Joe the plumber "Cuz he wont let dem gays get married an dats whats important!" I am twenty one, President of my college republicans and one of the most devout REPUBLICANS you will ever meet. I beleive in our core components of fiscal responsibility and social freedoms and it will be I along with other intelligent conservatives who will eventually have to dig our party out of the grave the Tea Party is putting us in to. God, I hope this isnt a myth.
The Tea Party has cost the Republican four Senate seats it should have won over the past two elections, and won none that it would not have won otherwise.

Shhhhhhh don't tell them that. The Angry White Man syndorme plays into the hands of the left.

It is fucking amazing that the Tea Party can spend 100% of its time on economic issues, discussing the scope of government and constitutional intent, and all dumbasses likke candycorn can take away from it is that they are 'angry white men'.

Candy, you are a racist piece of shit.
The Tea Party is in no doubt to me or any sane Republican the most detremental sector of a party that is already in serious trouble. We are creating a gap between us Republicans and Independent voters. How are we doing this? by placing Tea Party congressman from nowhereville, Kansas who are refusing to make any type of comprimise in congress. Why? because they dont know what they are doing. But how did they get in there if they dont know what they are doing? Well its simple cletus, actual politicians were replaced by Joe the plumber "Cuz he wont let dem gays get married an dats whats important!" I am twenty one, President of my college republicans and one of the most devout REPUBLICANS you will ever meet. I beleive in our core components of fiscal responsibility and social freedoms and it will be I along with other intelligent conservatives who will eventually have to dig our party out of the grave the Tea Party is putting us in to. God, I hope this isnt a myth.

You are profiling, and in a bad way. I'm Tea Party, I don't subscribe to Gay Bashing, I am Charitable, I act on Conscience, not the flavor or public opinion of the day, I serve Justice, and do take responsibility for my own thought, word, and action. I suggest you check your premise, and knock off the generalizing, and acting like DNC clone, by throwing everyone not on board with your platform under the bus. Liberty, is not so much about conforming to the will of the powers that be, as it is about personal freedom and individual expression and choice, without the fear of being punished without cause, for the exercise of it. What principle would you compromise to gain power over others?
The Tea Party is in no doubt to me or any sane Republican the most detremental sector of a party that is already in serious trouble. We are creating a gap between us Republicans and Independent voters. How are we doing this? by placing Tea Party congressman from nowhereville, Kansas who are refusing to make any type of comprimise in congress. Why? because they dont know what they are doing. But how did they get in there if they dont know what they are doing? Well its simple cletus, actual politicians were replaced by Joe the plumber "Cuz he wont let dem gays get married an dats whats important!" I am twenty one, President of my college republicans and one of the most devout REPUBLICANS you will ever meet. I beleive in our core components of fiscal responsibility and social freedoms and it will be I along with other intelligent conservatives who will eventually have to dig our party out of the grave the Tea Party is putting us in to. God, I hope this isnt a myth.

You are profiling, and in a bad way. I'm Tea Party, I don't subscribe to Gay Bashing, I am Charitable, I act on Conscience, not the flavor or public opinion of the day, I serve Justice, and do take responsibility for my own thought, word, and action. I suggest you check your premise, and knock off the generalizing, and acting like DNC clone, by throwing everyone not on board with your platform under the bus. Liberty, is not so much about conforming to the will of the powers that be, as it is about personal freedom and individual expression and choice, without the fear of being punished without cause, for the exercise of it. What principle would you compromise to gain power over others?

Is there a good way to profile? I am speaking to the majority of what I have read on this website. I am not putting forth a platform, just telling you and the rest of the Tea Party who devided the Republican Party during this last election that they are killing us. I suggest you look within to the thoughts your Tea Party puts forward. I personally would comprimise plenty of my principles, if in return you would comprimise some of yours. that is how we get things done. I am a Pro-life Republican, if I may assume for a second you are not (even if you are, just play along). I will compromise that they shouldnt be performed by the government and shouldnt occur after the first tri mester if you comprimise that there are reasons for them to occur. I am not compromising principle, im conceeding values so we arent stuck in the gridlock that is going to seriously harm my generation.
The true way to power is to exclude others and purify the party, purging all those who disagree and don't march lockstep with our dogma. That way, the tens of millions of True Conservatives who did not vote this election because Mitt Romney was not conservative enough, not caring one wit whether or not the communist President might be re-elected, will come out and vote for us. F*** the moderates. Who needs 'em.

Take it to the bank.
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YOu must be arguing with an imaginary fellow right winger that exists in your head, because the complaint you've just objected to is something THEY are saying.[/QUOTE]
Right...They galvanized lolberals sooooo much that 8 million fewer of them showed up to vote for their Boiking this time around, than they did in '08.

In the meantime, Ted Cruz, Jeff Flake and *gaaaaaasp* Michelle Bachmann won their races.

Yup...Them there lolberals were reeeeeaaally galvanized! :lol:[/QUOTE]

Look at where they won their races.. In places littered with hard line conservatives.. these people would have voted for Garfield the cat before a Democrat. we know we will win in Texas, Minnessota and Arizona's first district.. Its a moot point youre making. We need people that will take swing states so that we can win the general. No one cares how well we did in congress becase a. They dont do anything and b. it means nothing if our candidate isnt in the White House approving the decisions made by congress.
Crist was backed by the Rove wing of the party and people knew it...I guess the memo hasn't got to those shitheels that America is sick of their bullshit.

Murdock and Akin were in states they were supposed to win, and couldn't even get so much as a tug from Romney's coattails....They shot their mouths off and lost because of it...Doesn't get anymore complicated than that.

Hell, Bachmann even won re-election....IN MINNESOTA....How does that fit into your box?

You mean in a Congressional district that she won by 1% in 2012 that she won by 13% in 2010? That's your example? Seriously?

Again, Tea Party candidates generally did worse in 2012, and lost states they should have won.

Usually you have to fight like a mother for the middle. As long as the GOP wants to concede it, the Dems should be happy to take it.

Seriously, if you were watching this from Mars, you'd be laughing at the GOP for embracing the division.
Yet nobody is fighting for the people who abstain, which is a far bigger pool from which to draw.

If you were watching from Mars, you'd be laughing at the short-sightedness.
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You mean in a Congressional district that she won by 1% in 2012 that she won by 13% in 2010? That's your example? Seriously?

Again, Tea Party candidates generally did worse in 2012, and lost states they should have won.

Usually you have to fight like a mother for the middle. As long as the GOP wants to concede it, the Dems should be happy to take it.

Seriously, if you were watching this from Mars, you'd be laughing at the GOP for embracing the division.
Yet nobody is fighting for the people who abstain, which is a far bigger pool from which to draw.

If you were watching from Mars, you'd be laughing at the short-sightedness.


Counterfactual thinking is a term of psychology that describes the tendency people have to imagine alternatives to reality. Humans are predisposed to think about how things could have turned out differently if only..., and also to imagine what if?. Counterfactuals are conditional propositions, containing an antecedent and a consequence

Counterfactual thinking - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Usually you have to fight like a mother for the middle. As long as the GOP wants to concede it, the Dems should be happy to take it.

Seriously, if you were watching this from Mars, you'd be laughing at the GOP for embracing the division.
Yet nobody is fighting for the people who abstain, which is a far bigger pool from which to draw.

If you were watching from Mars, you'd be laughing at the short-sightedness.


Counterfactual thinking is a term of psychology that describes the tendency people have to imagine alternatives to reality. Humans are predisposed to think about how things could have turned out differently if only..., and also to imagine what if?. Counterfactuals are conditional propositions, containing an antecedent and a consequence

Counterfactual thinking - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


The Jesse Ventura election tends to support my POV , far more so than the "gotta fight for the middle" conventional wisdom chickenshit.

All he did was motivate less than the 15% of people who normally would've sat on the sidelines, and then next thing you know he was the Guv.

That's reality, pal.
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The Tea Party is in no doubt to me or any sane Republican the most detremental sector of a party that is already in serious trouble. We are creating a gap between us Republicans and Independent voters. How are we doing this? by placing Tea Party congressman from nowhereville, Kansas who are refusing to make any type of comprimise in congress. Why? because they dont know what they are doing. But how did they get in there if they dont know what they are doing? Well its simple cletus, actual politicians were replaced by Joe the plumber "Cuz he wont let dem gays get married an dats whats important!" I am twenty one, President of my college republicans and one of the most devout REPUBLICANS you will ever meet. I beleive in our core components of fiscal responsibility and social freedoms and it will be I along with other intelligent conservatives who will eventually have to dig our party out of the grave the Tea Party is putting us in to. God, I hope this isnt a myth.

You are profiling, and in a bad way. I'm Tea Party, I don't subscribe to Gay Bashing, I am Charitable, I act on Conscience, not the flavor or public opinion of the day, I serve Justice, and do take responsibility for my own thought, word, and action. I suggest you check your premise, and knock off the generalizing, and acting like DNC clone, by throwing everyone not on board with your platform under the bus. Liberty, is not so much about conforming to the will of the powers that be, as it is about personal freedom and individual expression and choice, without the fear of being punished without cause, for the exercise of it. What principle would you compromise to gain power over others?

Is there a good way to profile? I am speaking to the majority of what I have read on this website. I am not putting forth a platform, just telling you and the rest of the Tea Party who devided the Republican Party during this last election that they are killing us. I suggest you look within to the thoughts your Tea Party puts forward. I personally would comprimise plenty of my principles, if in return you would comprimise some of yours. that is how we get things done. I am a Pro-life Republican, if I may assume for a second you are not (even if you are, just play along). I will compromise that they shouldnt be performed by the government and shouldnt occur after the first tri mester if you comprimise that there are reasons for them to occur. I am not compromising principle, im conceeding values so we arent stuck in the gridlock that is going to seriously harm my generation.

Is there a good way to profile?
For starters, try to reserve judgement.
I'm not dividing anything nor anyone. I'm hear to bear witness, and tell the truth about what I see, from my unique perspective, and I advise you to do the same. I try not to compromise principle, but defend it, with respect for individual liberty and free will. There are things we do not act on without consent. There are circumstances where we do not act without consent. There are always boundaries and limits. We do not abandon reason. Let's distinguish between right action and wrong action. What harms us in part is what we find ourselves caught up in, against our better judgement, concerning our own actions.
Yet nobody is fighting for the people who abstain, which is a far bigger pool from which to draw.

If you were watching from Mars, you'd be laughing at the short-sightedness.


Counterfactual thinking is a term of psychology that describes the tendency people have to imagine alternatives to reality. Humans are predisposed to think about how things could have turned out differently if only..., and also to imagine what if?. Counterfactuals are conditional propositions, containing an antecedent and a consequence

Counterfactual thinking - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


The Jesse Ventura election tends to support my POV , far more so than the "gotta fight for the middle" conventional wisdom chickenshit.

All he did was motivate less than the 15% of people who normally would've sat on the sidelines, and then next thing you know he was the Guv.

That's reality, pal.

You'd have a point if the election in 2002 didn't have 150,000 more voters than when Ventura was elected in 1998, and if hadn't Ventura won with a mere 37% of the vote.

Obama won because he mobilized voters that tend to vote less - young people and minorities. We have always known through empirical analysis that these voting blocks voted less.

Now, the onus is on you to show that all these conservatives - who are generally white males who vote in a higher proportion to the rest of the population - would come out to vote if the party was more conservative without alienating even more of the moderates who are already voting that the Republican party has already alienated.

Back it up with hard analysis. Otherwise, it's just a counterfactual fantasy of those on the far right. Just saying "There are all these conservatives who don't vote blah blah blah" doesn't wash.

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