Shattering the Myth that the Tea Party is Dead


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
by Leslie Eastman

As an amateur Egyptologist who occasionally writes about Egypt at the Temple of Mut, my specialty is mummies. So, I know dead things and can say with certainty: The Tea Party is NOT dead.

I have been a Tea Party activist since the first nationwide series of events were organized in February, 2009. I assisted in the promotion of San Diego’s event, and helped found the SoCal Tax Revolt Coalition. I am also a member of the group’s punditry team, the SLOBs (San Diego Local Oder of Bloggers). So, I also know a thing or two about Tea Parties.

In the wake of this November’s extremely disappointing election results, liberal sites are ablaze in a delusional mixture of glee and schadenfreude that celebrates the demise of conservative activism.

On the other hand, supposedly conservative pundit/school marm Peggy Noonan derides the Tea Party for “rage”. Furthermore, one of the movement’s heroes, Rand Paul, is now joining the chorus of establishment Republicans in calling for amnesty for illegal immigrants.

Keep up your hopes Lefties! But, they ain't going away! Read more @ » Shattering the Myth that the Tea Party is Dead - Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion
I think the tea party will stay around and have an effect but it will not be part of the "republican" party. I think the business end of the party will fight hard to reject it due to what they see as problems with the social platform and winning elections.

Now will the tea party replace the republicans and they go out the way of the Whigs or will the tea party end up fighting the republicans for primaries and be a thorn in their side.

Either way it should be interesting in the 2014 elections
Personally I think the TEA PARTY movement did much to galvanize liberals to get out and return to office a POTUS that they are not especially thrilled with.

So THANK YOU Tea-Partyests for your part helping to put Obama into the Oval Office for another four years.
Personally I think the TEA PARTY movement did much to galvanize liberals to get out and return to office a POTUS that they are not especially thrilled with.

So THANK YOU Tea-Partyests for your part helping to put Obama into the Oval Office for another four years.
Hmmm....So it was the TEA Partiers that compelled 8 million voters to stay home this time around, rather than go vote for Obiedoodle.

Well, if you want to run with that one, who am I to stop you? :lol:
Personally I think the TEA PARTY movement did much to galvanize liberals to get out and return to office a POTUS that they are not especially thrilled with.

So THANK YOU Tea-Partyests for your part helping to put Obama into the Oval Office for another four years.

The Tea Party was successfully demonized after 2010. This was vital due to the response to the Tea Party in the 2010 elections.

How did they do it? The GOP sent retards to Washington that caved to the debt ceiling, and the US downgrade was subsequently blamed on the Tea Party. All of that ugliness did nothing but make Americans mad, especially since the GOP backed down.

Make no mistake, the GOP is a Big Government party and as such diesdains the Tea Party. This does not stop them from trying to gain their support through demagoguery, however.

All the Tea Party wants is fiscal sanity, yet they are referred to as extermists as those in Washington who run trillion dollar deficits are referred to as the sane ones. This is what boggles my mind. Just know the power arrayed against you in the Tea Party, for they are impressive. You have no major party to work through and the media is against you.
Personally I think the TEA PARTY movement did much to galvanize liberals to get out and return to office a POTUS that they are not especially thrilled with.

So THANK YOU Tea-Partyests for your part helping to put Obama into the Oval Office for another four years.
Hmmm....So it was the TEA Partiers that compelled 8 million voters to stay home this time around, rather than go vote for Obiedoodle.

Well, if you want to run with that one, who am I to stop you? :lol:

Clearly reading comprehension isn't your strong suit, Odd.

...the TEA PARTY movement did much to galvanize LIBERALS to get out and return to office a POTUS that they are not especially thrilled with.

YOu must be arguing with an imaginary fellow right winger that exists in your head, because the complaint you've just objected to is something THEY are saying.
by Leslie Eastman

As an amateur Egyptologist who occasionally writes about Egypt at the Temple of Mut, my specialty is mummies. So, I know dead things and can say with certainty: The Tea Party is NOT dead.

I have been a Tea Party activist since the first nationwide series of events were organized in February, 2009. I assisted in the promotion of San Diego’s event, and helped found the SoCal Tax Revolt Coalition. I am also a member of the group’s punditry team, the SLOBs (San Diego Local Oder of Bloggers). So, I also know a thing or two about Tea Parties.

In the wake of this November’s extremely disappointing election results, liberal sites are ablaze in a delusional mixture of glee and schadenfreude that celebrates the demise of conservative activism.

On the other hand, supposedly conservative pundit/school marm Peggy Noonan derides the Tea Party for “rage”. Furthermore, one of the movement’s heroes, Rand Paul, is now joining the chorus of establishment Republicans in calling for amnesty for illegal immigrants.

Keep up your hopes Lefties! But, they ain't going away! Read more @ » Shattering the Myth that the Tea Party is Dead - Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion

hey if they change all their ideas then they will survive.

It also means they recognize they were wrong about everything
Personally I think the TEA PARTY movement did much to galvanize liberals to get out and return to office a POTUS that they are not especially thrilled with.

So THANK YOU Tea-Partyests for your part helping to put Obama into the Oval Office for another four years.
Hmmm....So it was the TEA Partiers that compelled 8 million voters to stay home this time around, rather than go vote for Obiedoodle.

Well, if you want to run with that one, who am I to stop you? :lol:

Clearly reading comprehension isn't your strong suit, Odd.

...the TEA PARTY movement did much to galvanize LIBERALS to get out and return to office a POTUS that they are not especially thrilled with.

YOu must be arguing with an imaginary fellow right winger that exists in your head, because the complaint you've just objected to is something THEY are saying.
Right...They galvanized lolberals sooooo much that 8 million fewer of them showed up to vote for their Boiking this time around, than they did in '08.

In the meantime, Ted Cruz, Jeff Flake and *gaaaaaasp* Michelle Bachmann won their races.

Yup...Them there lolberals were reeeeeaaally galvanized! :lol:
Personally I think the TEA PARTY movement did much to galvanize liberals to get out and return to office a POTUS that they are not especially thrilled with.

So THANK YOU Tea-Partyests for your part helping to put Obama into the Oval Office for another four years.
Hmmm....So it was the TEA Partiers that compelled 8 million voters to stay home this time around, rather than go vote for Obiedoodle.

Well, if you want to run with that one, who am I to stop you? :lol:
No one.
by Leslie Eastman

As an amateur Egyptologist who occasionally writes about Egypt at the Temple of Mut, my specialty is mummies. So, I know dead things and can say with certainty: The Tea Party is NOT dead.

I have been a Tea Party activist since the first nationwide series of events were organized in February, 2009. I assisted in the promotion of San Diego’s event, and helped found the SoCal Tax Revolt Coalition. I am also a member of the group’s punditry team, the SLOBs (San Diego Local Oder of Bloggers). So, I also know a thing or two about Tea Parties.

In the wake of this November’s extremely disappointing election results, liberal sites are ablaze in a delusional mixture of glee and schadenfreude that celebrates the demise of conservative activism.

On the other hand, supposedly conservative pundit/school marm Peggy Noonan derides the Tea Party for “rage”. Furthermore, one of the movement’s heroes, Rand Paul, is now joining the chorus of establishment Republicans in calling for amnesty for illegal immigrants.

Keep up your hopes Lefties! But, they ain't going away! Read more @ » Shattering the Myth that the Tea Party is Dead - Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion

hey if they change all their ideas then they will survive.

It also means they recognize they were wrong about everything
I have been to a number of tea party gatherings. It would also mean that the majority of the tea party members beat the actuarial tables and live past 80 in mass. And it would also require that a new invention occurs that creates a machine capable of increasing brain cell creation.
Hmmm....So it was the TEA Partiers that compelled 8 million voters to stay home this time around, rather than go vote for Obiedoodle.

Well, if you want to run with that one, who am I to stop you? :lol:

Clearly reading comprehension isn't your strong suit, Odd.

...the TEA PARTY movement did much to galvanize LIBERALS to get out and return to office a POTUS that they are not especially thrilled with.

YOu must be arguing with an imaginary fellow right winger that exists in your head, because the complaint you've just objected to is something THEY are saying.
Right...They galvanized lolberals sooooo much that 8 million fewer of them showed up to vote for their Boiking this time around, than they did in '08.

In the meantime, Ted Cruz, Jeff Flake and *gaaaaaasp* Michelle Bachmann won their races.

Yup...Them there lolberals were reeeeeaaally galvanized! :lol:
Good to see you are so happy with the election results. Keep up the same old program, and we will see the same trend in politics. Or maybe you could even get Michelle Bachman nominated. That would be a real win for you tea partiers. Go for it.
Not if you're not counting the likes of Cruz, Flake, Rubio and Paul.

A stupid shit republican is going to lose every time, no matter who supports him...Just look at Norm Coleman.

You can't be serious.

First, which Republican Senators lost in 2010?

Rand Paul replaced a Republican, Jim Bunning, in Kentucky, a Republican state.

Rubio replaced George LeMieux in Florida, who was appointed by a Republican governor after popular Republican Mel Martinez resigned.

Jeff Flake replaced Jon Kyle, a Republican in Arizona, a Republican state.

And Ted Cruz won in Texas. A Republican winning in Texas. Who would have thought?

The idea that they won because they were Tea Party is ridiculous. They won because they were Republicans in Republican states, and didn't say stupid things. They were expected to win. If they had unexpectedly won in blue states, you'd have a point. But they didn't, so you don't.

The Tea Party cost the Republicans four states they should have won. It has become a liability.
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Yeah, and?

Rubio won a 3-way race, beating both the democrat and heavily neocon-backed Charlie Crist.

Though, yes, he won in Texas, Cruz's primary opponent was also a GOP neocon establishment favorite.

Bunning was a big establishment guy, where Paul is not.

Flake won in a state with a huge Latino population, which is supposed to be an alleged GOP blind side.

So, no, I'm not kidding....If Murdock and Aikin hadn't shot their big yaps off about the ridiculous things that they did, at least one of them would've won....Probably both.

Fact remains that you're always going to end up with a shit candidate or two...Problem is that people like Murdock, Akin, O'Donnell and Angle get trounced while crackpots like Alan Grayson, Al Franken and Debbie Blabberman Schultz get elected....Now, that's fucked up.
Yeah, and?

Rubio won a 3-way race, beating both the democrat and heavily neocon-backed Charlie Crist.

Though, yes, he won in Texas, Cruz's primary opponent was also a GOP neocon establishment favorite.

Bunning was a big establishment guy, where Paul is not.

Flake won in a state with a huge Latino population, which is supposed to be an alleged GOP blind side.

So, no, I'm not kidding....If Murdock and Aikin hadn't shot their big yaps off about the ridiculous things that they did, at least one of them would've won....Probably both.

Fact remains that you're always going to end up with a shit candidate or two...Problem is that people like Murdock, Akin, O'Donnell and Angle get trounced while crackpots like Alan Grayson, Al Franken and Debbie Blabberman Schultz get elected....Now, that's fucked up.

Shit, I live in Florida. Once Rubio won the nomination, he had won the state. Crist was toast because he had no infrastructure and money, and the Democrats put up a patsy who had no chance.

Rubio, Cruz, Paul and Flake all won in states they were supposed to have won. Name me a single Tea Party senatorial candidate in states where they weren't expected to win? I can name four that lost in states the GOP was expected to win.
Crist was backed by the Rove wing of the party and people knew it...I guess the memo hasn't got to those shitheels that America is sick of their bullshit.

Murdock and Akin were in states they were supposed to win, and couldn't even get so much as a tug from Romney's coattails....They shot their mouths off and lost because of it...Doesn't get anymore complicated than that.

Hell, Bachmann even won re-election....IN MINNESOTA....How does that fit into your box?
Crist was backed by the Rove wing of the party and people knew it...I guess the memo hasn't got to those shitheels that America is sick of their bullshit.

Murdock and Akin were in states they were supposed to win, and couldn't even get so much as a tug from Romney's coattails....They shot their mouths off and lost because of it...Doesn't get anymore complicated than that.

Hell, Bachmann even won re-election....IN MINNESOTA....How does that fit into your box?

You mean in a Congressional district that she won by 1% in 2012 that she won by 13% in 2010? That's your example? Seriously?

Again, Tea Party candidates generally did worse in 2012, and lost states they should have won.

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