Shame on US!!


American Mutt
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 23, 2008
Your Imagination
I admit it. I've tossed money in to the bucket... there's NO shame in that.

And there's absolutely no shame in feeling like its needed - this kind of shit is EXACTLY what you pay your congress-critter to deal with. They should be ashamed.


Shame number one is the simple fact of seeing our returning vets begging on the street corners to pay for artificial limbs and the like.

Shame number two could only be made in America: For every hard earned Hamilton* tossed in the can, $8.30 goes to the administration of keeping the begging vets on the streets organized and a handsome profit for the privilege of doing so.

How much of your donations actually reaches veterans?

Every fucking one of US.

* Hamilton is on the $10 bill. Shame on you if you had to look.
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I feel bad when I don't give to the guy on the street corner, but I have to say, that so often these days the guy on the street corner is not the vet he claims to be and the fact is that since I am unemployed and he may very well be working and just trying to pick up some extra beer money, I have a problem with throwing money in the bucket. Maybe I should be standing on that corner instead of him.

And giving through an organization as discussed in the article, is out of the question for exactly the reasons given in the article.

And giving through an organization as discussed in the article, is out of the question for exactly the reasons given in the article.


I think the real trick is to research before you give and give wisely.

At least until we hire a congress that gives a shit.
There is a man that begs on the street corner near here. He has a sign saying USMC Please help buy food for my hero K9. He has a dog, a scraggly mutt mostly german shepard. The odd thing about this man is, I've seen several men, all holding the same sign, and the leash of the same dog standing on that corner. Yesterday I was stuck at a red light when a man came up to the beggar. After a few words the new guy took the sign and the leash. The other man walked away. I realized that I had just seen a shift change!

No I'm not giving them anything.
There is a man that begs on the street corner near here. He has a sign saying USMC Please help buy food for my hero K9. He has a dog, a scraggly mutt mostly german shepard. The odd thing about this man is, I've seen several men, all holding the same sign, and the leash of the same dog standing on that corner. Yesterday I was stuck at a red light when a man came up to the beggar. After a few words the new guy took the sign and the leash. The other man walked away. I realized that I had just seen a shift change!

No I'm not giving them anything.

It would almost be better to pay taxes towards a solution and hold an elected government accountable.


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