Senate Democrats Refuse To Acknowledge Sexual Assault Accusations Against Joe Biden

Dont Taz Me Bro

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Nov 17, 2009
Las Vegas, Nevada
If this isn't proof of what a farce the Kavanaugh hearings were, I don't know what is. Every single Democratic Senator except for one voted against his confirmation based almost entirely on the accusation of Christine Blasey-Ford. Most of these Senators were also very outspoken on their steadfast belief that Blasey-Ford was telling the truth. This was despite there not being a single shred of evidence against Kavanaugh other than Blasey-Ford's own claim. There was no legal evidence or corroborating witnesses who could so much as even recall her talking about this back when she claimed the incident took place. Unlike Blasey-Ford, there is at least a minute amount of circumstantial evidence that Reade could be telling the truth. There was the phone call made to CNN allegedly from her mother back in 1993 and a friend has come forward recalling her talking about the incident around the time it allegedly occurred. Despite this, not a single Democratic Senator will say a word.

Again, if that doesn't tell you how full of shit these people were about the Me Too movement, what does? The Senate Democrats have made it quite clear that they don't give a damn about women and they don't give a damn about sexual assault. What they care about is exploiting vulnerable women to their political advantage. In the case of Blasey-Ford, that was sabotaging a pick for the United States Supreme Court, which they ultimately failed to do.

I don't know if Joe Biden is guilty of this or not. I'm giving him the same benefit of the doubt that I gave Brett Kavanaugh. Take the accusation seriously and look into it. If it appears to be true then America deserves to know. Same if it isn't and if nothing can be concluded one way or the other, let Americans make up their own minds. Don't condemn him based on partisan politics. Conversely, don't exonerate him for the same reason. As we were told repeatedly during the Kavanaugh calamity, we are to believe all women, but apparently that standard doesn't apply when the accused is the presumptive presidential nominee for the Democratic Party who could take down Donald Trump.

This is in no way an endorsement of the Republican Party. They have plenty of their own failures on their hands. I am not a registered voter with the party nor did I vote for Trump in 2016. I'm simply pointing out the truth of what is taking place here. The Senate Democrats, along with their helpers in the media who are working with them hand to hand to try and make this go away, are not applying their own standard to themselves, even the female Senators. Not one of the Democratic women in the Senate will comment and that's really quite striking considering almost all of them were present for the Kavanaugh vote and all of them voted against him. Ask yourself what it is you think you're voting for and take a look at what you are actually voting for because it may not be the same thing.

If this isn't proof of what a farce the Kavanaugh hearings were, I don't know what is. Every single Democratic Senator except for one voted against his confirmation based almost entirely on the accusation of Christine Blasey-Ford. Most of these Senators were also very outspoken on their steadfast belief that Blasey-Ford was telling the truth. This was despite there not being a single shred of evidence against Kavanaugh other than Blasey-Ford's own claim. There was no legal evidence or corroborating witnesses who could so much as even recall her talking about this back when she claimed the incident took place. Unlike Blasey-Ford, there is at least a minute amount of circumstantial evidence that Reade could be telling the truth. There was the phone call made to CNN allegedly from her mother back in 1993 and a friend has come forward recalling her talking about the incident around the time it allegedly occurred. Despite this, not a single Democratic Senator will say a word.

Again, if that doesn't tell you how full of shit these people were about the Me Too movement, what does? The Senate Democrats have made it quite clear that they don't give a damn about women and they don't give a damn about sexual assault. What they care about is exploiting vulnerable women to their political advantage. In the case of Blasey-Ford, that was sabotaging a pick for the United States Supreme Court, which they ultimately failed to do.

I don't know if Joe Biden is guilty of this or not. I'm giving him the same benefit of the doubt that I gave Brett Kavanaugh. Take the accusation seriously and look into it. If it appears to be true then America deserves to know. Same if it isn't and if nothing can be concluded one way or the other, let Americans make up their own minds. Don't condemn him based on partisan politics. Conversely, don't exonerate him for the same reason. As we were told repeatedly during the Kavanaugh calamity, we are to believe all women, but apparently that standard doesn't apply when the accused is the presumptive presidential nominee for the Democratic Party who could take down Donald Trump.

This is in no way an endorsement of the Republican Party. They have plenty of their own failures on their hands. I am not a registered voter with the party nor did I vote for Trump in 2016. I'm simply pointing out the truth of what is taking place here. The Senate Democrats, along with their helpers in the media who are working with them hand to hand to try and make this go away, are not applying their own standard to themselves, even the female Senators. Not one of the Democratic women in the Senate will comment and that's really quite striking considering almost all of them were present for the Kavanaugh vote and all of them voted against him. Ask yourself what it is you think you're voting for and take a look at what you are actually voting for because it may not be the same thing.

Which is why this along with evidence from
the recent admission it was all about abortion (admitted by both Ford's Lawyer and then Ford), is enough to file abuse of power charges that can impeach and indite most of the Senators involved, and that alone will get a few talking about how they were forced to push on Kavanaugh and the narrative for political posteuring and abortion rights. IT'S UP TO LINDSEY I BELIEVE to bring up a hearing or file with the Justice Dept or Senate oversight.
And here comes the train of double standards pulling into the station. One was "sabotaging", the other is to be believed without question. A political figure gets away with behavior that would land you or I in jail. Stop me if you've heard this before (oh yeah, dude in the White House). Biden will have to answer the allegations one way or another. But I do love the hand wringing and righteous indignation. Yep, it's an election year.
If this isn't proof of what a farce the Kavanaugh hearings were, I don't know what is. Every single Democratic Senator except for one voted against his confirmation based almost entirely on the accusation of Christine Blasey-Ford. Most of these Senators were also very outspoken on their steadfast belief that Blasey-Ford was telling the truth. This was despite there not being a single shred of evidence against Kavanaugh other than Blasey-Ford's own claim. There was no legal evidence or corroborating witnesses who could so much as even recall her talking about this back when she claimed the incident took place. Unlike Blasey-Ford, there is at least a minute amount of circumstantial evidence that Reade could be telling the truth. There was the phone call made to CNN allegedly from her mother back in 1993 and a friend has come forward recalling her talking about the incident around the time it allegedly occurred. Despite this, not a single Democratic Senator will say a word.

Again, if that doesn't tell you how full of shit these people were about the Me Too movement, what does? The Senate Democrats have made it quite clear that they don't give a damn about women and they don't give a damn about sexual assault. What they care about is exploiting vulnerable women to their political advantage. In the case of Blasey-Ford, that was sabotaging a pick for the United States Supreme Court, which they ultimately failed to do.

I don't know if Joe Biden is guilty of this or not. I'm giving him the same benefit of the doubt that I gave Brett Kavanaugh. Take the accusation seriously and look into it. If it appears to be true then America deserves to know. Same if it isn't and if nothing can be concluded one way or the other, let Americans make up their own minds. Don't condemn him based on partisan politics. Conversely, don't exonerate him for the same reason. As we were told repeatedly during the Kavanaugh calamity, we are to believe all women, but apparently that standard doesn't apply when the accused is the presumptive presidential nominee for the Democratic Party who could take down Donald Trump.

This is in no way an endorsement of the Republican Party. They have plenty of their own failures on their hands. I am not a registered voter with the party nor did I vote for Trump in 2016. I'm simply pointing out the truth of what is taking place here. The Senate Democrats, along with their helpers in the media who are working with them hand to hand to try and make this go away, are not applying their own standard to themselves, even the female Senators. Not one of the Democratic women in the Senate will comment and that's really quite striking considering almost all of them were present for the Kavanaugh vote and all of them voted against him. Ask yourself what it is you think you're voting for and take a look at what you are actually voting for because it may not be the same thing.

Has she filed a police report yet, or are we still talking about a FaceBook post. Get back to me when she files a police report and signs up for a full investigation.
If this isn't proof of what a farce the Kavanaugh hearings were, I don't know what is. Every single Democratic Senator except for one voted against his confirmation based almost entirely on the accusation of Christine Blasey-Ford. Most of these Senators were also very outspoken on their steadfast belief that Blasey-Ford was telling the truth. This was despite there not being a single shred of evidence against Kavanaugh other than Blasey-Ford's own claim. There was no legal evidence or corroborating witnesses who could so much as even recall her talking about this back when she claimed the incident took place. Unlike Blasey-Ford, there is at least a minute amount of circumstantial evidence that Reade could be telling the truth. There was the phone call made to CNN allegedly from her mother back in 1993 and a friend has come forward recalling her talking about the incident around the time it allegedly occurred. Despite this, not a single Democratic Senator will say a word.

Again, if that doesn't tell you how full of shit these people were about the Me Too movement, what does? The Senate Democrats have made it quite clear that they don't give a damn about women and they don't give a damn about sexual assault. What they care about is exploiting vulnerable women to their political advantage. In the case of Blasey-Ford, that was sabotaging a pick for the United States Supreme Court, which they ultimately failed to do.

I don't know if Joe Biden is guilty of this or not. I'm giving him the same benefit of the doubt that I gave Brett Kavanaugh. Take the accusation seriously and look into it. If it appears to be true then America deserves to know. Same if it isn't and if nothing can be concluded one way or the other, let Americans make up their own minds. Don't condemn him based on partisan politics. Conversely, don't exonerate him for the same reason. As we were told repeatedly during the Kavanaugh calamity, we are to believe all women, but apparently that standard doesn't apply when the accused is the presumptive presidential nominee for the Democratic Party who could take down Donald Trump.

This is in no way an endorsement of the Republican Party. They have plenty of their own failures on their hands. I am not a registered voter with the party nor did I vote for Trump in 2016. I'm simply pointing out the truth of what is taking place here. The Senate Democrats, along with their helpers in the media who are working with them hand to hand to try and make this go away, are not applying their own standard to themselves, even the female Senators. Not one of the Democratic women in the Senate will comment and that's really quite striking considering almost all of them were present for the Kavanaugh vote and all of them voted against him. Ask yourself what it is you think you're voting for and take a look at what you are actually voting for because it may not be the same thing.

Has she filed a police report yet, or are we still talking about a FaceBook post. Get back to me when she files a police report and signs up for a full investigation.

Do you think she should go directly to operative for advice first?
If this isn't proof of what a farce the Kavanaugh hearings were, I don't know what is. Every single Democratic Senator except for one voted against his confirmation based almost entirely on the accusation of Christine Blasey-Ford. Most of these Senators were also very outspoken on their steadfast belief that Blasey-Ford was telling the truth. This was despite there not being a single shred of evidence against Kavanaugh other than Blasey-Ford's own claim. There was no legal evidence or corroborating witnesses who could so much as even recall her talking about this back when she claimed the incident took place. Unlike Blasey-Ford, there is at least a minute amount of circumstantial evidence that Reade could be telling the truth. There was the phone call made to CNN allegedly from her mother back in 1993 and a friend has come forward recalling her talking about the incident around the time it allegedly occurred. Despite this, not a single Democratic Senator will say a word.

Again, if that doesn't tell you how full of shit these people were about the Me Too movement, what does? The Senate Democrats have made it quite clear that they don't give a damn about women and they don't give a damn about sexual assault. What they care about is exploiting vulnerable women to their political advantage. In the case of Blasey-Ford, that was sabotaging a pick for the United States Supreme Court, which they ultimately failed to do.

I don't know if Joe Biden is guilty of this or not. I'm giving him the same benefit of the doubt that I gave Brett Kavanaugh. Take the accusation seriously and look into it. If it appears to be true then America deserves to know. Same if it isn't and if nothing can be concluded one way or the other, let Americans make up their own minds. Don't condemn him based on partisan politics. Conversely, don't exonerate him for the same reason. As we were told repeatedly during the Kavanaugh calamity, we are to believe all women, but apparently that standard doesn't apply when the accused is the presumptive presidential nominee for the Democratic Party who could take down Donald Trump.

This is in no way an endorsement of the Republican Party. They have plenty of their own failures on their hands. I am not a registered voter with the party nor did I vote for Trump in 2016. I'm simply pointing out the truth of what is taking place here. The Senate Democrats, along with their helpers in the media who are working with them hand to hand to try and make this go away, are not applying their own standard to themselves, even the female Senators. Not one of the Democratic women in the Senate will comment and that's really quite striking considering almost all of them were present for the Kavanaugh vote and all of them voted against him. Ask yourself what it is you think you're voting for and take a look at what you are actually voting for because it may not be the same thing.

Has she filed a police report yet, or are we still talking about a FaceBook post. Get back to me when she files a police report and signs up for a full investigation.

Did Ford file a police report? that did matter last year, but now you think it matters?

Reade, like Ford waited to long and the evidence is next to nothing for either of them. Biden doesn't need to be investigated as Kavanaugh didn't need to be investigated.

The Democratic Senators are hypocritical in their stance. Of course you will defend the Senators because that is what lemmings do.
The hypocrisy and double standard is so off the charts I'm not sure what to say. I guess when the Dem leaning news media is 100% in the tank for you Dem flip flops like this are nothing to worry about.
The election of Donald Trump has shown the American electorate does not give a shit about sexual assault allegations. Trump had more than a few allegations of sexual assault and no one cared. Not right but that is the way it is.
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Ladies if you are going to get sexually assaulted or raped make sure its not by a prominent Democrat politician, they have immunity.
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And here comes the train of double standards pulling into the station. One was "sabotaging", the other is to be believed without question. A political figure gets away with behavior that would land you or I in jail. Stop me if you've heard this before (oh yeah, dude in the White House). Biden will have to answer the allegations one way or another. But I do love the hand wringing and righteous indignation. Yep, it's an election year.

No asshole. Neither is credible.

Don’t you get it.

However, applying the rules that the LIBERALS SET WITH KAVANAUGH, Reade is to be believed without question.

Biden should run and hypocrites on the left should vote for his senile ass.
If this isn't proof of what a farce the Kavanaugh hearings were, I don't know what is. Every single Democratic Senator except for one voted against his confirmation based almost entirely on the accusation of Christine Blasey-Ford. Most of these Senators were also very outspoken on their steadfast belief that Blasey-Ford was telling the truth. This was despite there not being a single shred of evidence against Kavanaugh other than Blasey-Ford's own claim. There was no legal evidence or corroborating witnesses who could so much as even recall her talking about this back when she claimed the incident took place. Unlike Blasey-Ford, there is at least a minute amount of circumstantial evidence that Reade could be telling the truth. There was the phone call made to CNN allegedly from her mother back in 1993 and a friend has come forward recalling her talking about the incident around the time it allegedly occurred. Despite this, not a single Democratic Senator will say a word.

Again, if that doesn't tell you how full of shit these people were about the Me Too movement, what does? The Senate Democrats have made it quite clear that they don't give a damn about women and they don't give a damn about sexual assault. What they care about is exploiting vulnerable women to their political advantage. In the case of Blasey-Ford, that was sabotaging a pick for the United States Supreme Court, which they ultimately failed to do.

I don't know if Joe Biden is guilty of this or not. I'm giving him the same benefit of the doubt that I gave Brett Kavanaugh. Take the accusation seriously and look into it. If it appears to be true then America deserves to know. Same if it isn't and if nothing can be concluded one way or the other, let Americans make up their own minds. Don't condemn him based on partisan politics. Conversely, don't exonerate him for the same reason. As we were told repeatedly during the Kavanaugh calamity, we are to believe all women, but apparently that standard doesn't apply when the accused is the presumptive presidential nominee for the Democratic Party who could take down Donald Trump.

This is in no way an endorsement of the Republican Party. They have plenty of their own failures on their hands. I am not a registered voter with the party nor did I vote for Trump in 2016. I'm simply pointing out the truth of what is taking place here. The Senate Democrats, along with their helpers in the media who are working with them hand to hand to try and make this go away, are not applying their own standard to themselves, even the female Senators. Not one of the Democratic women in the Senate will comment and that's really quite striking considering almost all of them were present for the Kavanaugh vote and all of them voted against him. Ask yourself what it is you think you're voting for and take a look at what you are actually voting for because it may not be the same thing.

Has she filed a police report yet, or are we still talking about a FaceBook post. Get back to me when she files a police report and signs up for a full investigation.

Just apply the same standards as You did Ford.

I don’t think either allegation is credible after 30 years or whatever.

See what I did there? Kavanaugh is fit for the bench and Biden should still run for President.

It’s not that tough to not be a fucking hypocrite.
If this isn't proof of what a farce the Kavanaugh hearings were, I don't know what is. Every single Democratic Senator except for one voted against his confirmation based almost entirely on the accusation of Christine Blasey-Ford. Most of these Senators were also very outspoken on their steadfast belief that Blasey-Ford was telling the truth. This was despite there not being a single shred of evidence against Kavanaugh other than Blasey-Ford's own claim. There was no legal evidence or corroborating witnesses who could so much as even recall her talking about this back when she claimed the incident took place. Unlike Blasey-Ford, there is at least a minute amount of circumstantial evidence that Reade could be telling the truth. There was the phone call made to CNN allegedly from her mother back in 1993 and a friend has come forward recalling her talking about the incident around the time it allegedly occurred. Despite this, not a single Democratic Senator will say a word.

Again, if that doesn't tell you how full of shit these people were about the Me Too movement, what does? The Senate Democrats have made it quite clear that they don't give a damn about women and they don't give a damn about sexual assault. What they care about is exploiting vulnerable women to their political advantage. In the case of Blasey-Ford, that was sabotaging a pick for the United States Supreme Court, which they ultimately failed to do.

I don't know if Joe Biden is guilty of this or not. I'm giving him the same benefit of the doubt that I gave Brett Kavanaugh. Take the accusation seriously and look into it. If it appears to be true then America deserves to know. Same if it isn't and if nothing can be concluded one way or the other, let Americans make up their own minds. Don't condemn him based on partisan politics. Conversely, don't exonerate him for the same reason. As we were told repeatedly during the Kavanaugh calamity, we are to believe all women, but apparently that standard doesn't apply when the accused is the presumptive presidential nominee for the Democratic Party who could take down Donald Trump.

This is in no way an endorsement of the Republican Party. They have plenty of their own failures on their hands. I am not a registered voter with the party nor did I vote for Trump in 2016. I'm simply pointing out the truth of what is taking place here. The Senate Democrats, along with their helpers in the media who are working with them hand to hand to try and make this go away, are not applying their own standard to themselves, even the female Senators. Not one of the Democratic women in the Senate will comment and that's really quite striking considering almost all of them were present for the Kavanaugh vote and all of them voted against him. Ask yourself what it is you think you're voting for and take a look at what you are actually voting for because it may not be the same thing.

They are already scrambling on how to shut out Sanders because Biden is already done as if he denies the charge the woman will go ballistic. Also with the womans mother on Larry King and the woman having spoken to a neighbor Biden has to respond, since he hasn't he is mulling whether to pull out now and or how to do it

Bye bye lovey
If this isn't proof of what a farce the Kavanaugh hearings were, I don't know what is. Every single Democratic Senator except for one voted against his confirmation based almost entirely on the accusation of Christine Blasey-Ford. Most of these Senators were also very outspoken on their steadfast belief that Blasey-Ford was telling the truth. This was despite there not being a single shred of evidence against Kavanaugh other than Blasey-Ford's own claim. There was no legal evidence or corroborating witnesses who could so much as even recall her talking about this back when she claimed the incident took place. Unlike Blasey-Ford, there is at least a minute amount of circumstantial evidence that Reade could be telling the truth. There was the phone call made to CNN allegedly from her mother back in 1993 and a friend has come forward recalling her talking about the incident around the time it allegedly occurred. Despite this, not a single Democratic Senator will say a word.

Again, if that doesn't tell you how full of shit these people were about the Me Too movement, what does? The Senate Democrats have made it quite clear that they don't give a damn about women and they don't give a damn about sexual assault. What they care about is exploiting vulnerable women to their political advantage. In the case of Blasey-Ford, that was sabotaging a pick for the United States Supreme Court, which they ultimately failed to do.

I don't know if Joe Biden is guilty of this or not. I'm giving him the same benefit of the doubt that I gave Brett Kavanaugh. Take the accusation seriously and look into it. If it appears to be true then America deserves to know. Same if it isn't and if nothing can be concluded one way or the other, let Americans make up their own minds. Don't condemn him based on partisan politics. Conversely, don't exonerate him for the same reason. As we were told repeatedly during the Kavanaugh calamity, we are to believe all women, but apparently that standard doesn't apply when the accused is the presumptive presidential nominee for the Democratic Party who could take down Donald Trump.

This is in no way an endorsement of the Republican Party. They have plenty of their own failures on their hands. I am not a registered voter with the party nor did I vote for Trump in 2016. I'm simply pointing out the truth of what is taking place here. The Senate Democrats, along with their helpers in the media who are working with them hand to hand to try and make this go away, are not applying their own standard to themselves, even the female Senators. Not one of the Democratic women in the Senate will comment and that's really quite striking considering almost all of them were present for the Kavanaugh vote and all of them voted against him. Ask yourself what it is you think you're voting for and take a look at what you are actually voting for because it may not be the same thing.

Has she filed a police report yet, or are we still talking about a FaceBook post. Get back to me when she files a police report and signs up for a full investigation.

Just apply the same standards as You did Ford.

I don’t think either allegation is credible after 30 years or whatever.

See what I did there? Kavanaugh is fit for the bench and Biden should still run for President.

It’s not that tough to not be a fucking hypocrite.

I am. She went to her Congresswoman, not the media. She went through an FBI investigation. She provided names of potential witnesses. She testified under oath to the Senate. She has given no press interviews since.

Tara Reid. Posted on Facebook. She hasn’t made any filings to start an investigation and is currently giving interviews to right wing media.
And here comes the train of double standards pulling into the station. One was "sabotaging", the other is to be believed without question. A political figure gets away with behavior that would land you or I in jail. Stop me if you've heard this before (oh yeah, dude in the White House). Biden will have to answer the allegations one way or another. But I do love the hand wringing and righteous indignation. Yep, it's an election year.

Where are the charges? Can't defend if no case is made... Where is there a lawsuit like in Trump's case...

If the senate want to call her up, go on ahead... Let her swear to it on oath first...
If this isn't proof of what a farce the Kavanaugh hearings were, I don't know what is. Every single Democratic Senator except for one voted against his confirmation based almost entirely on the accusation of Christine Blasey-Ford. Most of these Senators were also very outspoken on their steadfast belief that Blasey-Ford was telling the truth. This was despite there not being a single shred of evidence against Kavanaugh other than Blasey-Ford's own claim. There was no legal evidence or corroborating witnesses who could so much as even recall her talking about this back when she claimed the incident took place. Unlike Blasey-Ford, there is at least a minute amount of circumstantial evidence that Reade could be telling the truth. There was the phone call made to CNN allegedly from her mother back in 1993 and a friend has come forward recalling her talking about the incident around the time it allegedly occurred. Despite this, not a single Democratic Senator will say a word.

Again, if that doesn't tell you how full of shit these people were about the Me Too movement, what does? The Senate Democrats have made it quite clear that they don't give a damn about women and they don't give a damn about sexual assault. What they care about is exploiting vulnerable women to their political advantage. In the case of Blasey-Ford, that was sabotaging a pick for the United States Supreme Court, which they ultimately failed to do.

I don't know if Joe Biden is guilty of this or not. I'm giving him the same benefit of the doubt that I gave Brett Kavanaugh. Take the accusation seriously and look into it. If it appears to be true then America deserves to know. Same if it isn't and if nothing can be concluded one way or the other, let Americans make up their own minds. Don't condemn him based on partisan politics. Conversely, don't exonerate him for the same reason. As we were told repeatedly during the Kavanaugh calamity, we are to believe all women, but apparently that standard doesn't apply when the accused is the presumptive presidential nominee for the Democratic Party who could take down Donald Trump.

This is in no way an endorsement of the Republican Party. They have plenty of their own failures on their hands. I am not a registered voter with the party nor did I vote for Trump in 2016. I'm simply pointing out the truth of what is taking place here. The Senate Democrats, along with their helpers in the media who are working with them hand to hand to try and make this go away, are not applying their own standard to themselves, even the female Senators. Not one of the Democratic women in the Senate will comment and that's really quite striking considering almost all of them were present for the Kavanaugh vote and all of them voted against him. Ask yourself what it is you think you're voting for and take a look at what you are actually voting for because it may not be the same thing.

Has she filed a police report yet, or are we still talking about a FaceBook post. Get back to me when she files a police report and signs up for a full investigation.

Just apply the same standards as You did Ford.

I don’t think either allegation is credible after 30 years or whatever.

See what I did there? Kavanaugh is fit for the bench and Biden should still run for President.

It’s not that tough to not be a fucking hypocrite.

I am. She went to her Congresswoman, not the media. She went through an FBI investigation. She provided names of potential witnesses. She testified under oath to the Senate. She has given no press interviews since.

Tara Reid. Posted on Facebook. She hasn’t made any filings to start an investigation and is currently giving interviews to right wing media.

Of course. Do you actually believe this shit.

Ford didn’t recall when or where. Reade worked for Biden and she told her neighbor.

Don’t be such a jackass. If you think Kavanaugh shouldn’t have made the bench because of Ford’s baseless allegations, but Meade’s allegations shouldn’t affect Biden, you are just a hypocritical partisan.

You should be ashamed of yourself.

I bet you don’t think Biden is senile.

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