Second Amendment Sanctuary States


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
Under the guise of the March for our Lives, the Progressive, proto Communist Jihad on American laws, values and culture continues to roll forward. The Trump election, which denied them the critical 5th gun grabbing SCOTUS vote, only delayed the inevitable. Progressives remain steadfast in opposition to a Constitutionally limited government, they seek and long for and work towards a government like Cuba or North Korea. They cannot get to the Progressive Utopia as long as there are armed citizens willing to stand against them.

Shamefully, the American federal government remains fully weaponized and aimed against the citizens, nothing's changed and it will only continue its own March to Fascism. Maybe the FBI will encourage and allow another school shooter, or the CIA will orchestrate another 911, but this time engineered to make the NRA the enemy rather than Muslims. But one day, sooner or later Proto Communists will get their way

When it finally happens will TX, OK and others become 2A Santuary States?
No they were not under the guise of the Progressives, they had help from both sides. Socialism is not communism, and I so hate all of our taxes going to the military and the corps that supply our military, the largest form of socialism ever.
Under the guise of the March for our Lives, the Progressive, proto Communist Jihad on American laws, values and culture continues to roll forward. The Trump election, which denied them the critical 5th gun grabbing SCOTUS vote, only delayed the inevitable. Progressives remain steadfast in opposition to a Constitutionally limited government, they seek and long for and work towards a government like Cuba or North Korea. They cannot get to the Progressive Utopia as long as there are armed citizens willing to stand against them.

Shamefully, the American federal government remains fully weaponized and aimed against the citizens, nothing's changed and it will only continue its own March to Fascism. Maybe the FBI will encourage and allow another school shooter, or the CIA will orchestrate another 911, but this time engineered to make the NRA the enemy rather than Muslims. But one day, sooner or later Proto Communists will get their way

When it finally happens will TX, OK and others become 2A Santuary States?
This fails as a strawman fallacy, as ridiculous as it is wrong.
Under the guise of the March for our Lives, the Progressive, proto Communist Jihad on American laws, values and culture continues to roll forward. The Trump election, which denied them the critical 5th gun grabbing SCOTUS vote, only delayed the inevitable. Progressives remain steadfast in opposition to a Constitutionally limited government, they seek and long for and work towards a government like Cuba or North Korea. They cannot get to the Progressive Utopia as long as there are armed citizens willing to stand against them.

Shamefully, the American federal government remains fully weaponized and aimed against the citizens, nothing's changed and it will only continue its own March to Fascism. Maybe the FBI will encourage and allow another school shooter, or the CIA will orchestrate another 911, but this time engineered to make the NRA the enemy rather than Muslims. But one day, sooner or later Proto Communists will get their way

When it finally happens will TX, OK and others become 2A Santuary States?
This fails as a strawman fallacy, as ridiculous as it is wrong.

Sadly, its true. Your statement fails once again.
I hope every gun nut find their way to Texas and stays there.

Poor Penelope, she think Texas is some White gun owning Utopia while not knowing a damn thing about the State I live in!

Texas is independent, rapes the earth by drilling for oil, and loves guns. Of course she hates it. They hate it that individuals can think for themselves. The penelopes need to be led around by the nose. They can't think for themselves.
Under the guise of the March for our Lives, the Progressive, proto Communist Jihad on American laws, values and culture continues to roll forward. The Trump election, which denied them the critical 5th gun grabbing SCOTUS vote, only delayed the inevitable. Progressives remain steadfast in opposition to a Constitutionally limited government, they seek and long for and work towards a government like Cuba or North Korea. They cannot get to the Progressive Utopia as long as there are armed citizens willing to stand against them.

Shamefully, the American federal government remains fully weaponized and aimed against the citizens, nothing's changed and it will only continue its own March to Fascism. Maybe the FBI will encourage and allow another school shooter, or the CIA will orchestrate another 911, but this time engineered to make the NRA the enemy rather than Muslims. But one day, sooner or later Proto Communists will get their way

When it finally happens will TX, OK and others become 2A Santuary States?
Did you pass your mental health test the last time you bought a gun?

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