Christian Evangelicals: Stop lying to yourselves!


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2016
As an Independent Christian voter, I think the presidential election of 2016 was a choice between the 2 worst major party candidates in history. Hillary Clinton is a corrupt, manipulative, power hungry lady who couldn't tell the truth if she had to. Donald Trump is a arrogant, lying, womanizing blowhard with an ego the size of Jupiter. Trump won, Clinton lost, election over.

Christian Evangelical folks seem like nice people, but I think it's time you stopped lying to yourselves about your President. Donald J Trump is no more a follower of Jesus Christ than your average maggot. He makes no attempt to follow the teachings of Jesus whatsoever, and the fact that he pays lip service to the (so called) pro life folks, it's just that....lip service. The truth is Trump cares no more about this issue than he does the poor, and has flip -flopped on it several times. (Please see link below)

Jesus reserved his most encouraging and understanding words for those who those who acknowledge their own imperfections, and were struggling to make themselves better people in accordance with GOD's law. Jesus also reserved his most bitter attacks for those arrogant, remorseless, power hungry, religious and political hypocrites who used GOD's word as a tool to further their own greedy play for power and money. Christian Evangelicals, be honest with yourselves: Which of these most accurately describes Donald Trump??

If you folks believe the Conservative agenda reflects your values and want to vote Republican, that's fine with me, but please try to pick one that's not the polar opposite of what you claim to believe in.

Trump in 1999: ‘I am Very Pro-Choice’
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I've seen no evidence that Christian Evangelical voters were a major part of Trump's support in the Primaries.

Not like for, say Romney.
I've seen no evidence that Christian Evangelical voters were a major part of Trump's support in the Primaries.

Not like for, say Romney.

The OP rated this as "Funny".

BILL! Support your premise that christian evangelicals were a major part of Trump's base, or STFU.
I've seen no evidence that Christian Evangelical voters were a major part of Trump's support in the Primaries.

Not like for, say Romney.

The OP rated this as "Funny".

BILL! Support your premise that christian evangelicals were a major part of Trump's base, or STFU.

They resort to "funny" when they realize they have nothing else...gawd it's stupid and tiresome
I've seen no evidence that Christian Evangelical voters were a major part of Trump's support in the Primaries.

Not like for, say Romney.
I beleive he did get the majaroity of the evangelical vote in the primary election. Who else were they going to vote for? Hillary.

I see it kind of similar to feminists that supported Bill Clinton. As long as Bill Clinton supported the policies that the feminists liked, they gave him a pass concerning his personal behavior. The evangelicals are giving Trump a similar treatment.
Since the op doesn't have a clue how to support his argument, or even the idea of HOW to support an argument, here are some actual FACTS about evangelical support for Trump.

As I initially posted, Evangelicals were NOT a major portion of Trump's support in the primaries. They did not pick him.

The whole OP is based on a false premise.

Churchgoing Republicans, once skeptical of Trump, now support him

"An analysis of Republican and Republican-leaning registered voters at three points over a roughly five month period shows that by April, Trump was the preferred nominee of just 34% of those who attend religious services weekly, including 15% who had been steady supporters (i.e., had consistently supported him across the three separate surveys in December 2015, March 2016 and April 2016). Two-thirds of regular churchgoing Republicans were not supporting Trump for the GOP nomination even in April. This includes 57% who were Trump “skeptics,” having not expressed support for Trump as the GOP nominee in any of the three surveys conducted mainly online among participants in the Pew Research Center’s American Trends Panel between December and April....


Trump received much more support during the GOP primaries from Republicans who do not attend religious services every week; half of this group was in Trump’s corner by April, including 28% who had steadily supported him throughout the primaries."
I've seen no evidence that Christian Evangelical voters were a major part of Trump's support in the Primaries.

Not like for, say Romney.

since you brought it up, KKKorrell.. in 2008, Evangelicals rejected Romney because he was a Mormon. Of course, Mormons believe some crazy shit, and that's actually a pretty good reason.

But in 2012, OH MY GOD THERE'S A NEGRO IN THE WHITE HOUSE! Romney could have worshiped Dread C'Thulhu and the Evangelicals would have supported him.

In 2016, the Evangelicals just went all out. As long as they think they can get judges who will ban abortion and gay marriage, Trump could be sacrificing Ms. Universe contestants to bring back the Great Old Ones on the South Lawn.

Since the op doesn't have a clue how to support his argument, or even the idea of HOW to support an argument, here are some actual FACTS about evangelical support for Trump.
This will be an interesting thread. Watch what the Regressives say - the same people who would crucify you (no pun intended) if you came within 50 miles of criticizing Islam.

As an Independent Christian voter, I think the presidential election of 2016 was a choice between the 2 worst major party candidates in history. Hillary Clinton is a corrupt, manipulative, power hungry lady who couldn't tell the truth if she had to. Donald Trump is a arrogant, lying, womanizing blowhard with an ego the size of Jupiter. Trump won, Clinton lost, election over.

Christian Evangelical folks seem like nice people, but I think it's time you stopped lying to yourselves about your President. Donald J Trump is no more a follower of Jesus Christ than your average maggot. He makes no attempt to follow the teachings of Jesus whatsoever, and the fact that he pays lip service to the (so called) pro life folks, it's just that....lip service. The truth is Trump cares no more about this issue than he does the poor, and has flip -flopped on it several times. (Please see link below)

Jesus reserved his most encouraging and understanding words for those who those who acknowledge their own imperfections, and were struggling to make themselves better people in accordance with GOD's law. Jesus also reserved his most bitter attacks for those arrogant, remorseless, power hungry, religious and political hypocrites who used GOD's word as a tool to further their own greedy play for power and money. Christian Evangelicals, be honest with yourselves: Which of these most accurately describes Donald Trump??

If you folks believe the Conservative agenda reflects your values and want to vote Republican, that's fine with me, but please try to pick one that's not the polar opposite of what you claim to believe in.

Trump in 1999: ‘I am Very Pro-Choice’

The evangelicals are a bunch of hypocrites they don't care what he does there fake.

If Obama was like Trump people would have pitch forks and running the streets give me a break.
As an Independent Christian voter, I think the presidential election of 2016 was a choice between the 2 worst major party candidates in history. Hillary Clinton is a corrupt, manipulative, power hungry lady who couldn't tell the truth if she had to. Donald Trump is a arrogant, lying, womanizing blowhard with an ego the size of Jupiter. Trump won, Clinton lost, election over.

Christian Evangelical folks seem like nice people, but I think it's time you stopped lying to yourselves about your President. Donald J Trump is no more a follower of Jesus Christ than your average maggot. He makes no attempt to follow the teachings of Jesus whatsoever, and the fact that he pays lip service to the (so called) pro life folks, it's just that....lip service. The truth is Trump cares no more about this issue than he does the poor, and has flip -flopped on it several times. (Please see link below)

Jesus reserved his most encouraging and understanding words for those who those who acknowledge their own imperfections, and were struggling to make themselves better people in accordance with GOD's law. Jesus also reserved his most bitter attacks for those arrogant, remorseless, power hungry, religious and political hypocrites who used GOD's word as a tool to further their own greedy play for power and money. Christian Evangelicals, be honest with yourselves: Which of these most accurately describes Donald Trump??

If you folks believe the Conservative agenda reflects your values and want to vote Republican, that's fine with me, but please try to pick one that's not the polar opposite of what you claim to believe in.

Trump in 1999: ‘I am Very Pro-Choice’

The evangelicals are a bunch of hypocrites they don't care what he does there fake.

If Obama was like Trump people would have pitch forks and running the streets give me a break.

I've posted hard numbers that show that Trump was not supported by evangelicals in the primaries.

Which is not surprising considering his two divorces and his ownership of casinos.

THe OP is based on a flawed premise.
As an Independent Christian voter, I think the presidential election of 2016 was a choice between the 2 worst major party candidates in history. Hillary Clinton is a corrupt, manipulative, power hungry lady who couldn't tell the truth if she had to. Donald Trump is a arrogant, lying, womanizing blowhard with an ego the size of Jupiter. Trump won, Clinton lost, election over.

Christian Evangelical folks seem like nice people, but I think it's time you stopped lying to yourselves about your President. Donald J Trump is no more a follower of Jesus Christ than your average maggot. He makes no attempt to follow the teachings of Jesus whatsoever, and the fact that he pays lip service to the (so called) pro life folks, it's just that....lip service. The truth is Trump cares no more about this issue than he does the poor, and has flip -flopped on it several times. (Please see link below)

Jesus reserved his most encouraging and understanding words for those who those who acknowledge their own imperfections, and were struggling to make themselves better people in accordance with GOD's law. Jesus also reserved his most bitter attacks for those arrogant, remorseless, power hungry, religious and political hypocrites who used GOD's word as a tool to further their own greedy play for power and money. Christian Evangelicals, be honest with yourselves: Which of these most accurately describes Donald Trump??

If you folks believe the Conservative agenda reflects your values and want to vote Republican, that's fine with me, but please try to pick one that's not the polar opposite of what you claim to believe in.

Trump in 1999: ‘I am Very Pro-Choice’

Who is saying Trump is a God fearing Christian? Certainly none of the Evangelicals I've heard.

You have to love it when other people try to lecture Christians about what they're supposed to believe and how they're supposed to vote.
Trump was a playboy from what I read. He has excellent Economic policies; that won him the Presidency. Such is life.


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