Seahawks SUCK !!!!

Well, The playoffs are falling in Seattle's lap as I see it. AZ and Santa Clara then a week off. Then who? NY? Detroit? Atlanta? At home then a trip to Dallas. Not really that daunting of a schedule to make it to the super bowl. We already spanked NE in THEIR stadium so bring it ON!!!!

Seattle's running game is non-existent and Wilson hasn't had what one would call a stellar season but then again he hasn't had much to work with. He has Baldwin and Graham but that's it. Their defense is what has carried them. They should win their last two games and get a first round bye but if they have to play the Packers or the Lions in the first round, it's not a given that they win. Th Cowboys are not that good IMHO even though that is my team. They have an awesome star-studded offensive line and a great running back but Dak Prescott still has some seasoning to go and teams are catching up to his rookie tendencies...he is the "Duke Of Dink and Dunk" and rarely goes deep. Dez has been under utilized. The Cowboys defense is mediocre at best and has played above their heads but if left on the field for too long, they are exposed for the weak defensive line play that they have with little to no pass rush..... unless they blitz which leaves underachieving corners like Carr in "one on one" situations and he rarely fares well. I believe that the NFC rep will be the weakest Super Bowl team in a long time. If I was a betting man, I woulkd say that the Patriots will once again take the championship......

Most of your post I have to agree with even when I don't follow Dallas that closely. I did see a lot of problems at the quarterback position later in the season when other teams were figuring Prescott out...seem like when he pressured and has to move out of the pocket he is just not that effective. That leaves the defense to concentrate on Elliott like the Giants did.

About Seattle running game....Rawls has been hurt most of the season and is just now rounding back into shape, he will be okay going forward. Baldwin and Graham is not the only weapon Wilson has..don't forget Lockett and/or Willson. Seattle main weakness continues to be both their offensive line and poor play calling by the offensive coordinator.
Another point is that after the bye Seattle will be playing in Seattle where they are undefeated this year.
Well, The playoffs are falling in Seattle's lap as I see it. AZ and Santa Clara then a week off. Then who? NY? Detroit? Atlanta? At home then a trip to Dallas. Not really that daunting of a schedule to make it to the super bowl. We already spanked NE in THEIR stadium so bring it ON!!!!

Seattle's running game is non-existent and Wilson hasn't had what one would call a stellar season but then again he hasn't had much to work with. He has Baldwin and Graham but that's it. Their defense is what has carried them. They should win their last two games and get a first round bye but if they have to play the Packers or the Lions in the first round, it's not a given that they win. Th Cowboys are not that good IMHO even though that is my team. They have an awesome star-studded offensive line and a great running back but Dak Prescott still has some seasoning to go and teams are catching up to his rookie tendencies...he is the "Duke Of Dink and Dunk" and rarely goes deep. Dez has been under utilized. The Cowboys defense is mediocre at best and has played above their heads but if left on the field for too long, they are exposed for the weak defensive line play that they have with little to no pass rush..... unless they blitz which leaves underachieving corners like Carr in "one on one" situations and he rarely fares well. I believe that the NFC rep will be the weakest Super Bowl team in a long time. If I was a betting man, I woulkd say that the Patriots will once again take the championship......

Most of your post I have to agree with even when I don't follow Dallas that closely. I did see a lot of problems at the quarterback position later in the season when other teams were figuring Prescott out...seem like when he pressured and has to move out of the pocket he is just not that effective. That leaves the defense to concentrate on Elliott like the Giants did.

About Seattle running game....Rawls has been hurt most of the season and is just now rounding back into shape, he will be okay going forward. Baldwin and Graham is not the only weapon Wilson has..don't forget Lockett and/or Willson. Seattle main weakness continues to be both their offensive line and poor play calling by the offensive coordinator.
Another point is that after the bye Seattle will be playing in Seattle where they are undefeated this year.

Prescott is being used much the same way as Seattle used Wilson his first year. A lot of ball control, short passes, using the running game and avoiding mistakes. If he can manage the game until the game slows down like it did for Wilson then Dallas should be fine. With Elliott as a threat that takes a lot of pressure off Prescott.
Kudos to you HUGGY on making the call that Prescott was a good QB back during the exhibition season. He reminds me lot of Wilson.
Well, The playoffs are falling in Seattle's lap as I see it. AZ and Santa Clara then a week off. Then who? NY? Detroit? Atlanta? At home then a trip to Dallas. Not really that daunting of a schedule to make it to the super bowl. We already spanked NE in THEIR stadium so bring it ON!!!!
yeah and then got overconfidant thinking they could just show up for games s
You think the firing of Fischer was unwarranted?? If so, you know nothing about pro-football....
It was a conspiracy

The Government did it
The gubmint made him tied for the luzingest coach? Riiiiggghhttt!!!!

Its an inside job

The Government planned on making the Rams lose games just so they could make it look like Fisher was fired when, in reality, he is an undercover coach

You do realize NFL referees are Government agents... don't you?

I thought someone who roots for Seattle would know that. Didn't you watch that Superbowl between Pittsburgh and Seattle? All those calls were part of a government conspiracy

Even 911 inside job knows it was a set up for the Patriots to beat Seattle. Pretty common knowledge how the government runs the NFL.

I thought it was because the Patriots practiced that pic play... Probably because they first picked Browner's head for 411 on Hawk tendencies.

Of course it was set up for the cheats to beat seattle,every person not in denial that these games are as phony and as rigged as pro wrestling knows that.:biggrin: with the ONLY difference of course being it doesnt always go the way they plan it.:biggrin:

prime example in that the NFL wanted the cheats to not only go undefeated that year when they did in the regular season but wanted them to win the superbowl as well but too bad for them it did not go the way they had planned.:biggrin:

They did not plan on it happening that that Giants wide receiver would make a one in a million catch that seriously he would not make in another million times after that again.:biggrin: they were angry as hell and crying that night when they lost all those hundreds of millions.:up:

I tip my cap off to what one of the Raven players said that year about the corrupt refs when on a monday night game that the cheats beat them on benefitting from obvious horrible calls that went against the Ravens that cost them the game one of them coming out and saying the truth-"The NFL wants this team to go undefeated,that is WHY they did not call this game fairy.:clap2::thup:

my hats off to that player brave enough to speak out and tell the truth and suffer the consequences i guarantee he did where they probably took away his many millions. That Raven player is a hero of mine for not being afraid to speak the truth on the corrupt NFL.:thup::clap2:

as always,the carrol apologists are in denial their head coach is just as much a criminal as belicheat thinking of petty excuse after another that pete the cheat threw the game same as Bill Callahan of the raiders did so his buddy John Gruden could win the superbowl because they BOTH hated Al Davis and Callahan even hated the Raider PLAYERS as well.

Remember,Callahan was just brought along for the ride in Oakland by Gruden.Otherwise he never wanted to be a part of that Oakland organization prior to that.wakey wakey.:D

Guess what? even mad scientist,a nutcase "I dont even care for no less." even HE said the same thing YEARS ago in this section omn the forum that the raiders and Bucs superbowl game was was sooooo obvious.:rolleyes:

MS WISELY doesnt come here and post anymore in the sports section cause he sees how you guys are so much in denial and cant be reasoned with.:up::rolleyes:

the carrol apologists are in denial about pete carrol falling for carrols brilliant acting performance he put on that he was shocked it was intercepted.:D

the NFL also rigged the NFC title game for the seahawks to be in that superbowl as well against the donkeys.

anyone who is objective and open minded like mad scientist for example,a poster who "AGAIN", I DONT EVEN LIKE OR CARE FOR AT ALL,,even a nutcase like HIM sees how all these NFL games are rigged ESPECIALLY the playoffs and superbowl.:up:

Had this NFC title game of the seahawks/49ers game been officiated FAIRLY,there is no way in hell the seashits would have won this game as this video so very well proves.:up: chickenshits like antiquity and yourself wont watch it though since the truth scares you. if you two are such chickenshit cowards to dodge a question about the rams coming back to LA always changing the subject all the time ESPECIALLY anquity,then you wont ever watch this video of that seahawks/niners game of course.:D

Montrovants 49ers got screwed major big time in this game,they should have been in the superbowl that year but the corrupt NFL wanted the best defense to play against the best offense in the superbowl so as this video so well proves beyond a doubt,they rigged this game so the seahawks would advance and the niners would go home.

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I thought someone who roots for Seattle would know that. Didn't you watch that Superbowl between Pittsburgh and Seattle? All those calls were part of a government conspiracy[/QU

I hate to admit this but for the first time in this miserable trolls existance in his life,.antiquitys bedlover USMB';s resident troll, brings something up that you ignored since it is pesky fact that hurts your feelings lol. Then again I forget all seahawk fans seem to have alzheimers diseace so i would not expect you to remember this post of the resident troll recently.:up:

yeah YOU of all people being a seahawk fan SHOULD remember how these games are just as phony and as rigged as pro wresting after how the NFL rigged this game for your seashits to lose against the Steelers who i have heard you rightly so,complain about over the years.:up:

I guess you forgot how Holmgren came out and spoke the truth saying back then-"I did not realise that we would not only have to compete with the players but the officials as well?":biggrin:

SOMEHOW you seemed to forget how THAT SUPERBOWL was rigged? which is no surprise since it would prove you are a hypocrite ignoring how the NFL rigged that game for the Steelers same as how with the help of pete the cheat,they rigged the superbowl for your seahawks to lose to the cheats..:lmao::rofl:

the NFL is so corrupt they dont believe in free speech.when Homlgren came out and told the truth how the NFL rigged the game basically,they fined him heavily,thats why they have those rules in the NFL not to criticize these criminal officials,cant have people telling the truth how the NFL is a cartel and rigs games and has criminal coachs like carrol and belicheat.uh uh.:up:

fuck you will never get a dime of MY money.:up_yours::fu:
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thought it was because the Patriots practiced that pic play... Probably because they first picked Browner's head for 411 on Hawk tendencies.

like clockwork,the carrol apologists are in denial their head coach is a criminal.they are the exact same way to no surprise that the cheatriot apologists such as belicheats biggest fan of them all old fartstyle and chrissy troll keep their heads up their asses on that team and ignore facts how they are cheaters and liars and get away with scandal after scandal that any other NFL team if they go and commit,gets punished for.:D

Those two patriot trolls ,they ignore how if a coach does what Belicheat does in college,they kick you out of the program.same with seahawks fans,lame excuse after another in denial their coach is a criminal.:up::happy-1::clap2:

even mad scientist who seldom ever posts here and poster I really cant stand cause he trolls here in the sports section so much as I cant stand him even HE knows how the NFL is rigged and phony.:thup:

Years ago he posted what I been saying a lot recently how the raiders and bucs superbowl game was so obviously fixed and rigged for the Buccaneers to win because the coach of the raiders was a criminal same as pete the cheat and belicheat.:thup:

then coach Bill Callahan threw the superbowl for his buddy John Gruden to win because BOTH hated al davis and callahan even hated THE PLAYERS of the team as well.

He never wanted to be in oakland with the Raiders,he was just brought along by Gruden for the ride when Gruden got hired. Tim Brown,and Jerry Rice all the other Raider players nailed it when they said Gruden threw the game changing the game plan they were all excited about that whole week changing it at the last minute just a mere 48 hours before game day something Tim brown said a coach had NEVER done since his days of pop warner,high school,college AND NFL days. Only an idiot would say that game was not fixed by callahan.:rolleyes::uhoh3:

as i said,even that fool madnutcase said that years ago,that the raiders.bucs game was obviously rigged. that was about the only time i ever saw mad nutcase ever say anything intelligent here in the sports section.:up:
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Three posts back to back to back that aren't worth spending the time to read. What a shame to waste the time to write them, but worse to read! LOL!
I thought someone who roots for Seattle would know that. Didn't you watch that Superbowl between Pittsburgh and Seattle? All those calls were part of a government conspiracy[/QU

I hate to admit this but for the first time in this miserable trolls existance in his life,.antiquitys bedlover USMB';s resident troll, brings something up that you ignored since it is pesky fact that hurts your feelings lol. Then again I forget all seahawk fans seem to have alzheimers diseace so i would not expect you to remember this post of the resident troll recently.:up:

yeah YOU of all people being a seahawk fan SHOULD remember how these games are just as phony and as rigged as pro wresting after how the NFL rigged this game for your seashits to lose against the Steelers who i have heard you rightly so,complain about over the years.:up:

I guess you forgot how Holmgren came out and spoke the truth saying back then-"I did not realise that we would not only have to compete with the players but the officials as well?":biggrin:

SOMEHOW you seemed to forget how THAT SUPERBOWL was rigged? which is no surprise since it would prove you are a hypocrite ignoring how the NFL rigged that game for the Steelers same as how with the help of pete the cheat,they rigged the superbowl for your seahawks to lose to the cheats..:lmao::rofl:

the NFL is so corrupt they dont believe in free speech.when Homlgren came out and told the truth how the NFL rigged the game basically,they fined him heavily,thats why they have those rules in the NFL not to criticize these criminal officials,cant have people telling the truth how the NFL is a cartel and rigs games and has criminal coachs like carrol and belicheat.uh uh.:up:

fuck you will never get a dime of MY money.:up_yours::fu:
Moron doesn't have a clue that I was mocking him
I thought someone who roots for Seattle would know that. Didn't you watch that Superbowl between Pittsburgh and Seattle? All those calls were part of a government conspiracy[/QU

I hate to admit this but for the first time in this miserable trolls existance in his life,.antiquitys bedlover USMB';s resident troll, brings something up that you ignored since it is pesky fact that hurts your feelings lol. Then again I forget all seahawk fans seem to have alzheimers diseace so i would not expect you to remember this post of the resident troll recently.:up:

yeah YOU of all people being a seahawk fan SHOULD remember how these games are just as phony and as rigged as pro wresting after how the NFL rigged this game for your seashits to lose against the Steelers who i have heard you rightly so,complain about over the years.:up:

I guess you forgot how Holmgren came out and spoke the truth saying back then-"I did not realise that we would not only have to compete with the players but the officials as well?":biggrin:

SOMEHOW you seemed to forget how THAT SUPERBOWL was rigged? which is no surprise since it would prove you are a hypocrite ignoring how the NFL rigged that game for the Steelers same as how with the help of pete the cheat,they rigged the superbowl for your seahawks to lose to the cheats..:lmao::rofl:

the NFL is so corrupt they dont believe in free speech.when Homlgren came out and told the truth how the NFL rigged the game basically,they fined him heavily,thats why they have those rules in the NFL not to criticize these criminal officials,cant have people telling the truth how the NFL is a cartel and rigs games and has criminal coachs like carrol and belicheat.uh uh.:up:

fuck you will never get a dime of MY money.:up_yours::fu:
Moron doesn't have a clue that I was mocking him

He has no clue, period. The guy is an absolute nut.
I thought it was because the Patriots practiced that pic play... Probably because they first picked Browner's head for 411 on Hawk tendencies

surrrrrrrrrreeeee he did. Yeah Browner just KNEW Carrol would make the most idiotic call in superbowl history that only a stupid moron would make that Carrol is clearly not.:rolleyes:

He just KNEW that Carrol would all of sudden become an idiot and and call for that pass play even though the pats players were all hopeless in stopping Lynch in the fourth quarter.:rofl: they were so gassed he was knocking them down on their butts running OVER them. and the pats were HORRIBLE all year long in goal line stands stopping the run.Carrol KNEW that. He is way too experienced a coach and too smart to call for such a retarded play like that that ONLY a retard WOULD call.:rolleyes-41::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha:

Now Brian SHITTENHEIMER,former Offensive coordinater of the Rams,now he "WOULD" make a call like that because HE IS a stupid retarded moron that you all obviously think carrol is.:lmao:

Had it not been for his special connections to his father Marty The Moron,he NEVER would have landed any kind of job in the NFL,he got booed out of new york with Jet fans demanding his firing and LA fans as well were outraged as hell when that idiot Fisher hired him.:lmao:they ALSO celebrated when Fisher finally got rid of

Lynch and all the other seahawk players they all PUBLICLY said they could not believe the call either.:rolleyes: They knew it was the most retarded call in NFL playoff history only a moron would make as well.:thup:

Lynch got smart,he retired just shortly after that superbowl after that asshole cost him form scoring the winning touchdown.He wont say anything bad about carrol anytime soon but he KNOWS carrol was paid off as all objective people do,:thup:

Well I am glad in a way carrol threw that superbowl because it finally woke me up to how the NFL is every bit as corrupt as our government is. Last year was the first time I missed a superbowl in years.

That superbowl will be the last I EVER watch again unless of course my Rams are in it. for me,the NFL is all dead and over with after next week obviously and i will go back to watching games from yesteryear till next football season. I will enjoy watching games from yesteryear so many decades ago when the game was NOT corrupt like it is now.:thup:
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Well, The playoffs are falling in Seattle's lap as I see it. AZ and Santa Clara then a week off. Then who? NY? Detroit? Atlanta? At home then a trip to Dallas. Not really that daunting of a schedule to make it to the super bowl. We already spanked NE in THEIR stadium so bring it ON!!!!

which AGAIN you are ignoring took place in the FIRST half of the season when they DID look like superbowl contenders.:biggrin:

ever since beating the Cheats they look like a team same as my Rams and Montrovants niners,that they dont belong in the NFL.:biggrin:

again detroit or atlanta WONT be teams that where their receivers cant even catch an easy pass and drop them at the most critical times of the games nor have a coach that makes idiot decisions after decision in the game same as carrols call in the superbowl.:biggrin:

I had to laugh my ass off when Al Michales said in that game against the Rams he knew Wilson would bounce back after having such a bad performance agianst green bay. Like that was REALLY impressive beating a Rams team that was on the field all night long cause the offense had so many three and outs.:lmao:

NEXT thing I will be hearing from you is that the Seahawks had a STATEMENT game against the Rams last week knowing the logic of you Seahawk fans.:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha:

I STILL laugh today about that hysterical comment you and your fellow seahawk fan the child antiquity made that the Seahawks even though they were EXPECTED to win at home against the Falcons earlier in the season by a much larger score,that when the scored turned out to be a close game,you guys pulled this theory out of your asses that it was a STAEMENT game.:lmao:

comedy gold from you seahawk fans as always,your logic kills me.:lmao::lmao::lmao::haha::haha::haha::haha:

Even Montrovant agreed with me you guys logic was absurd back then on that.:lmao::haha:
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I thought someone who roots for Seattle would know that. Didn't you watch that Superbowl between Pittsburgh and Seattle? All those calls were part of a government conspiracy[/QU

I hate to admit this but for the first time in this miserable trolls existance in his life,.antiquitys bedlover USMB';s resident troll, brings something up that you ignored since it is pesky fact that hurts your feelings lol. Then again I forget all seahawk fans seem to have alzheimers diseace so i would not expect you to remember this post of the resident troll recently.:up:

yeah YOU of all people being a seahawk fan SHOULD remember how these games are just as phony and as rigged as pro wresting after how the NFL rigged this game for your seashits to lose against the Steelers who i have heard you rightly so,complain about over the years.:up:

I guess you forgot how Holmgren came out and spoke the truth saying back then-"I did not realise that we would not only have to compete with the players but the officials as well?":biggrin:

SOMEHOW you seemed to forget how THAT SUPERBOWL was rigged? which is no surprise since it would prove you are a hypocrite ignoring how the NFL rigged that game for the Steelers same as how with the help of pete the cheat,they rigged the superbowl for your seahawks to lose to the cheats..:lmao::rofl:

the NFL is so corrupt they dont believe in free speech.when Homlgren came out and told the truth how the NFL rigged the game basically,they fined him heavily,thats why they have those rules in the NFL not to criticize these criminal officials,cant have people telling the truth how the NFL is a cartel and rigs games and has criminal coachs like carrol and belicheat.uh uh.:up:

fuck you will never get a dime of MY money.:up_yours::fu:
Moron doesn't have a clue that I was mocking him

He has no clue, period. The guy is an absolute nut.

He is not a nut case...he is a 911 conspiracy nut case and to make it worst a Rams fan. I think when he said he wasn't about to spend a dime on a NFL football game he is actually going to the games disguised as an empty seat.

I thought someone who roots for Seattle would know that. Didn't you watch that Superbowl between Pittsburgh and Seattle? All those calls were part of a government conspiracy[/QU

I hate to admit this but for the first time in this miserable trolls existance in his life,.antiquitys bedlover USMB';s resident troll, brings something up that you ignored since it is pesky fact that hurts your feelings lol. Then again I forget all seahawk fans seem to have alzheimers diseace so i would not expect you to remember this post of the resident troll recently.:up:

yeah YOU of all people being a seahawk fan SHOULD remember how these games are just as phony and as rigged as pro wresting after how the NFL rigged this game for your seashits to lose against the Steelers who i have heard you rightly so,complain about over the years.:up:

I guess you forgot how Holmgren came out and spoke the truth saying back then-"I did not realise that we would not only have to compete with the players but the officials as well?":biggrin:

SOMEHOW you seemed to forget how THAT SUPERBOWL was rigged? which is no surprise since it would prove you are a hypocrite ignoring how the NFL rigged that game for the Steelers same as how with the help of pete the cheat,they rigged the superbowl for your seahawks to lose to the cheats..:lmao::rofl:

the NFL is so corrupt they dont believe in free speech.when Homlgren came out and told the truth how the NFL rigged the game basically,they fined him heavily,thats why they have those rules in the NFL not to criticize these criminal officials,cant have people telling the truth how the NFL is a cartel and rigs games and has criminal coachs like carrol and belicheat.uh uh.:up:

fuck you will never get a dime of MY money.:up_yours::fu:
Moron doesn't have a clue that I was mocking him

He has no clue, period. The guy is an absolute nut.

He is not a nut case...he is a 911 conspiracy nut case and to make it worst a Rams fan. I think when he said he wasn't about to spend a dime on a NFL football game he is actually going to the games disguised as an empty seat.


like clockwork,the butthurt hypocrite troll that has his head up his lovers ass rightwinger.shows what a major hypocrite he is.:lmao::rofl:

the whining crybaby troll as always shows what a MAJOR hypocrite he is.FIRST he goes and whines about a poster that came on here bringing politics into the sports section talking about Trump yet SOMEHOW incredibly it is okay for HIM to talk politics by talking about the murderer Hitlery recenty,NOW this stupid fuck is bringing politics into it AGAIN about government.:rolleyes: cause he cant get over an ass beating on that one from me as well.:D

wow the biggest hypocrite to ever grace these boards in the sports section.

I love how you have one set of rules for other posters that apply to OTHERS yet they dont apply to YOU kiddie hypocrite.:thup:
oh and love your latest game of dodgeball on how your point on hillery was dead on of a poster whining and moaning about it but you were 1000 degrees off that it was me,you play dodgeball on that as well since it exposes your lover rightwinger who you worship.:thup:

when I bring THAT point up,you do the same thing you do with the two year old Rams question youu are too much of a coward to answer,this-:scared1: since my point proves you wrong and you would KILL yourself first before ever admitting to being wrong on anything as well as well as make up LIES about me i disproved which you ALSO like clockwork.did this-:scared1:as well when they were PROVEN to be LIES you made up about me.:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
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I thought someone who roots for Seattle would know that. Didn't you watch that Superbowl between Pittsburgh and Seattle? All those calls were part of a government conspiracy[/QU

I hate to admit this but for the first time in this miserable trolls existance in his life,.antiquitys bedlover USMB';s resident troll, brings something up that you ignored since it is pesky fact that hurts your feelings lol. Then again I forget all seahawk fans seem to have alzheimers diseace so i would not expect you to remember this post of the resident troll recently.:up:

yeah YOU of all people being a seahawk fan SHOULD remember how these games are just as phony and as rigged as pro wresting after how the NFL rigged this game for your seashits to lose against the Steelers who i have heard you rightly so,complain about over the years.:up:

I guess you forgot how Holmgren came out and spoke the truth saying back then-"I did not realise that we would not only have to compete with the players but the officials as well?":biggrin:

SOMEHOW you seemed to forget how THAT SUPERBOWL was rigged? which is no surprise since it would prove you are a hypocrite ignoring how the NFL rigged that game for the Steelers same as how with the help of pete the cheat,they rigged the superbowl for your seahawks to lose to the cheats..:lmao::rofl:

the NFL is so corrupt they dont believe in free speech.when Homlgren came out and told the truth how the NFL rigged the game basically,they fined him heavily,thats why they have those rules in the NFL not to criticize these criminal officials,cant have people telling the truth how the NFL is a cartel and rigs games and has criminal coachs like carrol and belicheat.uh uh.:up:

fuck you will never get a dime of MY money.:up_yours::fu:
Moron doesn't have a clue that I was mocking him

He has no clue, period. The guy is an absolute nut.

He is not a nut case...he is a 911 conspiracy nut case and to make it worst a Rams fan. I think when he said he wasn't about to spend a dime on a NFL football game he is actually going to the games disguised as an empty seat.


"make it worst"???? And you attempt to insult the intelligence of others??? STFU, punkinpuss....
BTW, I am a "truther".......want to debate me? Bring something other than lamestream media pieces because I will chew you up and then spit you out with minimal effort. I know more than you...infinitely more. Your frail cyber shoulder would falter under the weight of what I know and bear daily.....

I thought someone who roots for Seattle would know that. Didn't you watch that Superbowl between Pittsburgh and Seattle? All those calls were part of a government conspiracy[/QU

I hate to admit this but for the first time in this miserable trolls existance in his life,.antiquitys bedlover USMB';s resident troll, brings something up that you ignored since it is pesky fact that hurts your feelings lol. Then again I forget all seahawk fans seem to have alzheimers diseace so i would not expect you to remember this post of the resident troll recently.:up:

yeah YOU of all people being a seahawk fan SHOULD remember how these games are just as phony and as rigged as pro wresting after how the NFL rigged this game for your seashits to lose against the Steelers who i have heard you rightly so,complain about over the years.:up:

I guess you forgot how Holmgren came out and spoke the truth saying back then-"I did not realise that we would not only have to compete with the players but the officials as well?":biggrin:

SOMEHOW you seemed to forget how THAT SUPERBOWL was rigged? which is no surprise since it would prove you are a hypocrite ignoring how the NFL rigged that game for the Steelers same as how with the help of pete the cheat,they rigged the superbowl for your seahawks to lose to the cheats..:lmao::rofl:

the NFL is so corrupt they dont believe in free speech.when Homlgren came out and told the truth how the NFL rigged the game basically,they fined him heavily,thats why they have those rules in the NFL not to criticize these criminal officials,cant have people telling the truth how the NFL is a cartel and rigs games and has criminal coachs like carrol and belicheat.uh uh.:up:

fuck you will never get a dime of MY money.:up_yours::fu:
Moron doesn't have a clue that I was mocking him

He has no clue, period. The guy is an absolute nut.

He is not a nut case...he is a 911 conspiracy nut case and to make it worst a Rams fan. I think when he said he wasn't about to spend a dime on a NFL football game he is actually going to the games disguised as an empty seat.


"make it worst"???? And you attempt to insult the intelligence of others??? STFU, punkinpuss....
BTW, I am a "truther".......want to debate me? Bring something other than lamestream media pieces because I will chew you up and then spit you out with minimal effort. I know more than you...infinitely more. Your frail cyber shoulder would falter under the weight of what I know and bear daily.....


You don't seem to know the meaning of the word infinitely. ;)
I thought someone who roots for Seattle would know that. Didn't you watch that Superbowl between Pittsburgh and Seattle? All those calls were part of a government conspiracy[/QU

I hate to admit this but for the first time in this miserable trolls existance in his life,.antiquitys bedlover USMB';s resident troll, brings something up that you ignored since it is pesky fact that hurts your feelings lol. Then again I forget all seahawk fans seem to have alzheimers diseace so i would not expect you to remember this post of the resident troll recently.:up:

yeah YOU of all people being a seahawk fan SHOULD remember how these games are just as phony and as rigged as pro wresting after how the NFL rigged this game for your seashits to lose against the Steelers who i have heard you rightly so,complain about over the years.:up:

I guess you forgot how Holmgren came out and spoke the truth saying back then-"I did not realise that we would not only have to compete with the players but the officials as well?":biggrin:

SOMEHOW you seemed to forget how THAT SUPERBOWL was rigged? which is no surprise since it would prove you are a hypocrite ignoring how the NFL rigged that game for the Steelers same as how with the help of pete the cheat,they rigged the superbowl for your seahawks to lose to the cheats..:lmao::rofl:

the NFL is so corrupt they dont believe in free speech.when Homlgren came out and told the truth how the NFL rigged the game basically,they fined him heavily,thats why they have those rules in the NFL not to criticize these criminal officials,cant have people telling the truth how the NFL is a cartel and rigs games and has criminal coachs like carrol and belicheat.uh uh.:up:

fuck you will never get a dime of MY money.:up_yours::fu:
Moron doesn't have a clue that I was mocking him

He has no clue, period. The guy is an absolute nut.

He is not a nut case...he is a 911 conspiracy nut case and to make it worst a Rams fan. I think when he said he wasn't about to spend a dime on a NFL football game he is actually going to the games disguised as an empty seat.


"make it worst"???? And you attempt to insult the intelligence of others??? STFU, punkinpuss....
BTW, I am a "truther".......want to debate me? Bring something other than lamestream media pieces because I will chew you up and then spit you out with minimal effort. I know more than you...infinitely more. Your frail cyber shoulder would falter under the weight of what I know and bear daily.....


You don't seem to know the meaning of the word infinitely. ;)

Wanna bet on that one?????
Moron doesn't have a clue that I was mocking him

He has no clue, period. The guy is an absolute nut.

He is not a nut case...he is a 911 conspiracy nut case and to make it worst a Rams fan. I think when he said he wasn't about to spend a dime on a NFL football game he is actually going to the games disguised as an empty seat.


"make it worst"???? And you attempt to insult the intelligence of others??? STFU, punkinpuss....
BTW, I am a "truther".......want to debate me? Bring something other than lamestream media pieces because I will chew you up and then spit you out with minimal effort. I know more than you...infinitely more. Your frail cyber shoulder would falter under the weight of what I know and bear daily.....


You don't seem to know the meaning of the word infinitely. ;)

Wanna bet on that one?????

He is not a nut case...he is a 911 conspiracy nut case and to make it worst a Rams fan. I think when he said he wasn't about to spend a dime on a NFL football game he is actually going to the games disguised as an empty seat.


"make it worst"???? And you attempt to insult the intelligence of others??? STFU, punkinpuss....
BTW, I am a "truther".......want to debate me? Bring something other than lamestream media pieces because I will chew you up and then spit you out with minimal effort. I know more than you...infinitely more. Your frail cyber shoulder would falter under the weight of what I know and bear daily.....


After the latest dismal and pitiful performance by the Rams in getting whipped by the 49ers I am wonder why anyone is a Rams fan.

As far as being a truther please refer to my tag line. I am sure you know a lot of BS.
He is not a nut case...he is a 911 conspiracy nut case and to make it worst a Rams fan. I think when he said he wasn't about to spend a dime on a NFL football game he is actually going to the games disguised as an empty seat.


"make it worst"???? And you attempt to insult the intelligence of others??? STFU, punkinpuss....
BTW, I am a "truther".......want to debate me? Bring something other than lamestream media pieces because I will chew you up and then spit you out with minimal effort. I know more than you...infinitely more. Your frail cyber shoulder would falter under the weight of what I know and bear daily.....


After the latest dismal and pitiful performance by the Rams in getting whipped by the 49ers I am wonder why anyone is a Rams fan.

As far as being a truther please refer to my tag line. I am sure you know a lot of BS.[/QUOTE]

Be fair, the Rams didn't get whipped, the Niners barely squeaked by in a comeback win on a 2 point conversion at the end of the game. Still bad for the Rams, though, having been swept by one of the worst teams in the league this year. :)

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