Scientific Survey Shows Voters Across the Political Spectrum Are Ideologically Deluded


Gold Member
Mar 23, 2014
Article shows what we already know. That liberals are generally way more misinformed than the right.

During the late 1800s when the renowned scientist Louis Pasteur was trying to overturn the medical community’s deadly belief that germs are not communicable, he wrote: “The greatest aberration of the mind is to believe a thing to be, because we desire it.” The results of a scientific survey conducted just after the 2020 presidential election show that voters from across the political spectrum have failed to heed that warning.

The survey, commissioned by Just Facts, reveals that the vast bulk of voters have embraced false and harmful dogmas that accord with their political views. This is a typical consequence of confirmation bias, the human tendency to reflexively accept anything that accords with one’s preexisting beliefs and ignore or twist everything that defies them.

While most polls measure public opinion, this annual scientific survey measures voters’ perceptions of issues that can have major impacts on their lives. This year’s survey used an entirely new set of questions that addressed the topics of Covid-19, income, poverty, racial disparities, global warming, drug overdoses, life expectancy, pollution, and the national debt.

Some illuminating examples of the misconceptions held by voters with differing political preferences include the following:

  • 76% of Trump voters think that the average income of middle-income households fell during the Obama administration. In reality, their inflation-adjusted average income rose by $5,300 during this period.
  • 88% of Biden voters think that police are more likely to use lethal force when arresting black people than white people. In reality, police are 42% less likely to use lethal force when arresting blacks than whites.

The survey also found that a considerable portion of Trump voters have adopted some progressive fallacies spread by the media. For instance, 38% of Trump voters (and 86% of Biden voters) think that the number of strong-to-violent tornadoes in the U.S. has generally increased since the 1950s. In reality, they have slightly decreased.

That disconnect between fact and perception accords with numerous reports that link tornadoes and other extreme weather events to global warming, even though such events have occurred at a roughly level pace for as far back in time as reliable data extends. This suggests that progressive powerhouses like media titans, big tech corporations, and educational institutions have enough reach and influence to mislead large numbers of people who are ideologically opposed to falsehoods they propagate.

The survey was comprised of 21 questions posed to U.S. residents who regularly vote. It was conducted just after the 2020 presidential election by Triton Polling & Research, an academic research firm that applied scientific survey methods to optimize accuracy.

Results for All Voters​

For each question, voters were offered a selection of two or more answers, one of which was true. Voters also had the opportunity to say they were unsure.

On average, voters gave the correct answer 38% of the time, gave an incorrect answer 51% of the time, and said they were unsure 10% of the time.

A majority of voters gave the correct answer to only 4 of the 21 questions.

Results by Ideology of Falsehood​

Among questions in which the wrong answers accorded with partisan agendas, an average of 57% of answers were liberally misinformed, while 28% were conservatively misinformed. In other words, voters were twice as likely to believe certain progressive myths than conservative ones.

For all 10 of the questions in which the electorate was most deluded, the wrong answers they gave concurred with progressive narratives propagated by the media. Moreover, the false answers they gave were often far removed from reality, not just slightly mistaken. For example, 66% of voters thought that doubling the federal minimum wage to $15 per hour would raise the average income of families in poverty by 25% or more. The real figure is about 1%.

So if you believe Michelle Obama is a man, what does that "scientific survey" say?

What if you think these photos show Jimmy Carter's NSA Zbigniew talking to Col Tim Osman CIA Asset before he became "Osama?"



Even facts can be mis-perceived and misinterpreted. Every time one of the leftists here makes a list of all of Trump's atrocities, every one of them is bogus. It is either factually incorrect or a wildly distorted interpretation of a harmless reality.

My most frightening thought is that the elections of Joe Biden and John Fetterman were not flukes. That's what the people really want. It makes me glad that I'm 73 years old and don't pay much in taxes. Otherwise it would drive me crazy.
You use infanticide to spray children to kill them off .
Abortion stops them dead in their tracks .
Article shows what we already know. That liberals are generally way more misinformed than the right.

The article is completely one sided and biased, which is typical of this website.

"In conclusion, while it is true that all the facts listed on JF are validated or peer-reviewed in some way, JF does not attempt to report a balanced view of the totality of information, they do not include information that disagrees with their preferred conclusions, and they present facts (especially time series) selectively in such a way that those very facts seem to support the opposite of what the full data really support. Based on not presenting research and facts from both sides, we score this 6/10. Our last criteria are political affiliation which looks at a combination of ownership, funding, and the general tone of the information. We rate Just Facts 6/10 right for political affiliation based on ownership bias and demonstrated bias on the sister site. When added up, this website scores 3.5 Right, which falls within the Right-Center category."
The article is completely one sided and biased, which is typical of this website.

"In conclusion, while it is true that all the facts listed on JF are validated or peer-reviewed in some way, JF does not attempt to report a balanced view of the totality of information, they do not include information that disagrees with their preferred conclusions, and they present facts (especially time series) selectively in such a way that those very facts seem to support the opposite of what the full data really support. Based on not presenting research and facts from both sides, we score this 6/10. Our last criteria are political affiliation which looks at a combination of ownership, funding, and the general tone of the information. We rate Just Facts 6/10 right for political affiliation based on ownership bias and demonstrated bias on the sister site. When added up, this website scores 3.5 Right, which falls within the Right-Center category."
Lol. No site is 100% non partisan. It is common practice to demonize any source that does not put you in a good light.4
Article shows what we already know. That liberals are generally way more misinformed than the right.

Actually the article doesnt say that. It points to misconceptions on both sides of the aisle. I guess you cant read.
The article is completely one sided and biased, which is typical of this website.

"In conclusion, while it is true that all the facts listed on JF are validated or peer-reviewed in some way, JF does not attempt to report a balanced view of the totality of information, they do not include information that disagrees with their preferred conclusions, and they present facts (especially time series) selectively in such a way that those very facts seem to support the opposite of what the full data really support. Based on not presenting research and facts from both sides, we score this 6/10. Our last criteria are political affiliation which looks at a combination of ownership, funding, and the general tone of the information. We rate Just Facts 6/10 right for political affiliation based on ownership bias and demonstrated bias on the sister site. When added up, this website scores 3.5 Right, which falls within the Right-Center category."

It has "fact check" right in its name,

Did you not see that?
Wasn't in the fucking white house, you delusional Q-NUT.


He was a gay Kenyan coke whore community HATE HOAX organizer BEFORE she ran for Senate and called Michelle "Michael" twice on camera....
Do you want me to provide quotes from an article you supposedly read you dumb piece of shit?
You mean like this one?

Among questions in which the wrong answers accorded with partisan agendas, an average of 57% of answers were liberally misinformed, while 28% were conservatively misinformed. In other words, voters were twice as likely to believe certain progressive myths than conservative ones.

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