SAT Scores of Asian Students Cancelled Over Cheating


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 11, 2015
It's time to shut the mouths of white racists and the Asian wannabes in here.

SAT Scores of Asian Students Cancelled Over Cheating
The organization that oversees the leading college admissions test says it has cancelled the scores of several international students and is reducing future test dates overseas in an effort to crack down on cheating.

The College Board, which administers the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT), said the students whose scores are in question might not be allowed to retake the test. It is looking into the scores of other international students, as well, it said.

The Reuters new agency reported the update as part of its ongoing investigation into the SAT and test taking, mostly in Asia.

How Sophisticated Test Scams From China Are Making Their Way Into the U.S.

Chinese students hire imposter “gunmen” to take the SAT, the GRE and other tests.

And it is primarily the Chinese who have filed suits with that racist Bloom to try ending AA.

China and South Korea: Students Given Answers to Repeat Tests​

For the First Time, SAT Test Gets Canceled in an Entire Country

Some 1,500 South Korean students who dream of attending elite American colleges are scrambling after the U.S.-based administrator of the SAT cancelled the scheduled May 4 session of the exam because of allegations of widespread cheating.

Elite Asian students cheat like mad on US college applications

Asian Immigrants and What No One Mentions Aloud

By educationrealist
To continue my thoughts on college admissions and Asians:

Many people, reading of the clear discrimination against Asians, become all righteous, thinking of those poor, hardworking Asians. Come to America, work hard, and look how the system screws them.
But that reaction ignores the stereotype.

The stereotype, delicately put: first and second generation Chinese, Korean, and Indian Americans often fail to embody the sterling academic credentials they include with their applications, and do not live up to the expectations these universities have for top tier students.

Less delicately put: They cheat. And when they don’t cheat, they game tests in a way utterly incomprehensible to the Western mind, leading to test scores with absolutely zero link to underlying ability. Or both. Or maybe it’s all cheating, and we just don’t know it. Either way, the resumes are functional fraud.

Is it true for every single recent Chinese, Korean, or Indian immigrant? Of course not. I know far more recent Asian immigrants than most people, a fair number of whom effortlessly exceed their academic records, with style points to boot. That doesn’t make the stereotype any less relevant. Or less accurate, as stereotypes go.

This piece will focus on recent Asian immigrants and cheating. I hope at some point to put together a piece on Asian nationals and cheating, but the one that’s hardest of all is the second part of the stereotype, the one that says okay, so they don’t always cheat—maybe—but even if they don’t, their test scores don’t match what we consider reality.
I will include a number of reported stories that back up my own experiences, as well as excerpt from School of Dreams, by Edward Humes, the story of a few years at Whitney High, a selective California public high school that is almost entirely Asian (as early as 1987, it was 45% Asian). Note again that this behavior is of recent Asian immigrants, kids who either came here very young or were born to recent immigrants. Humes’ book specifices this, and the aforementioned Wall Street Journal article also specifies that the troubles are with recent immigrants.

It's time to shut the mouths of white racists and the Asian wannabes in here.

SAT Scores of Asian Students Cancelled Over Cheating
The organization that oversees the leading college admissions test says it has cancelled the scores of several international students and is reducing future test dates overseas in an effort to crack down on cheating.

The College Board, which administers the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT), said the students whose scores are in question might not be allowed to retake the test. It is looking into the scores of other international students, as well, it said.

The Reuters new agency reported the update as part of its ongoing investigation into the SAT and test taking, mostly in Asia.

How Sophisticated Test Scams From China Are Making Their Way Into the U.S.

Chinese students hire imposter “gunmen” to take the SAT, the GRE and other tests.

And it is primarily the Chinese who have filed suits with that racist Bloom to try ending AA.

China and South Korea: Students Given Answers to Repeat Tests​

For the First Time, SAT Test Gets Canceled in an Entire Country

Some 1,500 South Korean students who dream of attending elite American colleges are scrambling after the U.S.-based administrator of the SAT cancelled the scheduled May 4 session of the exam because of allegations of widespread cheating.

Elite Asian students cheat like mad on US college applications

Asian Immigrants and What No One Mentions Aloud

By educationrealist
To continue my thoughts on college admissions and Asians:

Many people, reading of the clear discrimination against Asians, become all righteous, thinking of those poor, hardworking Asians. Come to America, work hard, and look how the system screws them.
But that reaction ignores the stereotype.

The stereotype, delicately put: first and second generation Chinese, Korean, and Indian Americans often fail to embody the sterling academic credentials they include with their applications, and do not live up to the expectations these universities have for top tier students.

Less delicately put: They cheat. And when they don’t cheat, they game tests in a way utterly incomprehensible to the Western mind, leading to test scores with absolutely zero link to underlying ability. Or both. Or maybe it’s all cheating, and we just don’t know it. Either way, the resumes are functional fraud.

Is it true for every single recent Chinese, Korean, or Indian immigrant? Of course not. I know far more recent Asian immigrants than most people, a fair number of whom effortlessly exceed their academic records, with style points to boot. That doesn’t make the stereotype any less relevant. Or less accurate, as stereotypes go.

This piece will focus on recent Asian immigrants and cheating. I hope at some point to put together a piece on Asian nationals and cheating, but the one that’s hardest of all is the second part of the stereotype, the one that says okay, so they don’t always cheat—maybe—but even if they don’t, their test scores don’t match what we consider reality.
I will include a number of reported stories that back up my own experiences, as well as excerpt from School of Dreams, by Edward Humes, the story of a few years at Whitney High, a selective California public high school that is almost entirely Asian (as early as 1987, it was 45% Asian). Note again that this behavior is of recent Asian immigrants, kids who either came here very young or were born to recent immigrants. Humes’ book specifices this, and the aforementioned Wall Street Journal article also specifies that the troubles are with recent immigrants.

Orientals torture thier kids to preform .....shocked ....nope
Not making excuses for em just saying I understand ....its a white supremacist wouldn't understand
And on the other hand, the dreadful scores of our own beloved African Americans are entirely legitimate. They are not the full one-standard deviation below the GenPop because the Black student community self-selects, and the tens of thousands of dropouts don't take the SAT.

Remember the days long ago when it was claimed that the tests were "culturally biased"?

Some folks haven't got the news that those claims were completely debunked. It is what it is.

And yet we are to believe that the reason why there are not 13% Nuclear Physicists who are Black is because of racism in the ranks...

...and other fictions.

EQUALITY NOW! a formula for disaster.
It's time to shut the mouths of white racists and the Asian wannabes in here.

SAT Scores of Asian Students Cancelled Over Cheating
The organization that oversees the leading college admissions test says it has cancelled the scores of several international students and is reducing future test dates overseas in an effort to crack down on cheating.

The College Board, which administers the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT), said the students whose scores are in question might not be allowed to retake the test. It is looking into the scores of other international students, as well, it said.

The Reuters new agency reported the update as part of its ongoing investigation into the SAT and test taking, mostly in Asia.

How Sophisticated Test Scams From China Are Making Their Way Into the U.S.

Chinese students hire imposter “gunmen” to take the SAT, the GRE and other tests.

And it is primarily the Chinese who have filed suits with that racist Bloom to try ending AA.

China and South Korea: Students Given Answers to Repeat Tests​

For the First Time, SAT Test Gets Canceled in an Entire Country

Some 1,500 South Korean students who dream of attending elite American colleges are scrambling after the U.S.-based administrator of the SAT cancelled the scheduled May 4 session of the exam because of allegations of widespread cheating.

Elite Asian students cheat like mad on US college applications

Asian Immigrants and What No One Mentions Aloud

By educationrealist
To continue my thoughts on college admissions and Asians:

Many people, reading of the clear discrimination against Asians, become all righteous, thinking of those poor, hardworking Asians. Come to America, work hard, and look how the system screws them.
But that reaction ignores the stereotype.

The stereotype, delicately put: first and second generation Chinese, Korean, and Indian Americans often fail to embody the sterling academic credentials they include with their applications, and do not live up to the expectations these universities have for top tier students.

Less delicately put: They cheat. And when they don’t cheat, they game tests in a way utterly incomprehensible to the Western mind, leading to test scores with absolutely zero link to underlying ability. Or both. Or maybe it’s all cheating, and we just don’t know it. Either way, the resumes are functional fraud.

Is it true for every single recent Chinese, Korean, or Indian immigrant? Of course not. I know far more recent Asian immigrants than most people, a fair number of whom effortlessly exceed their academic records, with style points to boot. That doesn’t make the stereotype any less relevant. Or less accurate, as stereotypes go.

This piece will focus on recent Asian immigrants and cheating. I hope at some point to put together a piece on Asian nationals and cheating, but the one that’s hardest of all is the second part of the stereotype, the one that says okay, so they don’t always cheat—maybe—but even if they don’t, their test scores don’t match what we consider reality.
I will include a number of reported stories that back up my own experiences, as well as excerpt from School of Dreams, by Edward Humes, the story of a few years at Whitney High, a selective California public high school that is almost entirely Asian (as early as 1987, it was 45% Asian). Note again that this behavior is of recent Asian immigrants, kids who either came here very young or were born to recent immigrants. Humes’ book specifices this, and the aforementioned Wall Street Journal article also specifies that the troubles are with recent immigrants.

does this explain why blacks in the US drop out?
It's time to shut the mouths of white racists and the Asian wannabes in here.

SAT Scores of Asian Students Cancelled Over Cheating
The organization that oversees the leading college admissions test says it has cancelled the scores of several international students and is reducing future test dates overseas in an effort to crack down on cheating.

The College Board, which administers the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT), said the students whose scores are in question might not be allowed to retake the test. It is looking into the scores of other international students, as well, it said.

The Reuters new agency reported the update as part of its ongoing investigation into the SAT and test taking, mostly in Asia.

How Sophisticated Test Scams From China Are Making Their Way Into the U.S.

Chinese students hire imposter “gunmen” to take the SAT, the GRE and other tests.

And it is primarily the Chinese who have filed suits with that racist Bloom to try ending AA.

China and South Korea: Students Given Answers to Repeat Tests​

For the First Time, SAT Test Gets Canceled in an Entire Country

Some 1,500 South Korean students who dream of attending elite American colleges are scrambling after the U.S.-based administrator of the SAT cancelled the scheduled May 4 session of the exam because of allegations of widespread cheating.

Elite Asian students cheat like mad on US college applications

Asian Immigrants and What No One Mentions Aloud

By educationrealist
To continue my thoughts on college admissions and Asians:

Many people, reading of the clear discrimination against Asians, become all righteous, thinking of those poor, hardworking Asians. Come to America, work hard, and look how the system screws them.
But that reaction ignores the stereotype.

The stereotype, delicately put: first and second generation Chinese, Korean, and Indian Americans often fail to embody the sterling academic credentials they include with their applications, and do not live up to the expectations these universities have for top tier students.

Less delicately put: They cheat. And when they don’t cheat, they game tests in a way utterly incomprehensible to the Western mind, leading to test scores with absolutely zero link to underlying ability. Or both. Or maybe it’s all cheating, and we just don’t know it. Either way, the resumes are functional fraud.

Is it true for every single recent Chinese, Korean, or Indian immigrant? Of course not. I know far more recent Asian immigrants than most people, a fair number of whom effortlessly exceed their academic records, with style points to boot. That doesn’t make the stereotype any less relevant. Or less accurate, as stereotypes go.

This piece will focus on recent Asian immigrants and cheating. I hope at some point to put together a piece on Asian nationals and cheating, but the one that’s hardest of all is the second part of the stereotype, the one that says okay, so they don’t always cheat—maybe—but even if they don’t, their test scores don’t match what we consider reality.
I will include a number of reported stories that back up my own experiences, as well as excerpt from School of Dreams, by Edward Humes, the story of a few years at Whitney High, a selective California public high school that is almost entirely Asian (as early as 1987, it was 45% Asian). Note again that this behavior is of recent Asian immigrants, kids who either came here very young or were born to recent immigrants. Humes’ book specifices this, and the aforementioned Wall Street Journal article also specifies that the troubles are with recent immigrants.

Why do blacks score so low in SAT?

And on the other hand, the dreadful scores of our own beloved African Americans are entirely legitimate. They are not the full one-standard deviation below the GenPop because the Black student community self-selects, and the tens of thousands of dropouts don't take the SAT.

Remember the days long ago when it was claimed that the tests were "culturally biased"?

Some folks haven't got the news that those claims were completely debunked. It is what it is.

And yet we are to believe that the reason why there are not 13% Nuclear Physicists who are Black is because of racism in the ranks...

...and other fictions.

EQUALITY NOW! a formula for disaster.
And the racists do their thing.
Whites cheat on the tests too. We've seen that. So, maybe if whites and Asians stopped cheating, their real scores would come out. Last, if you have 5 times more people taking the tests, you will generally have the higher average scores. So while the there are more white people so we get to commit the most crime argument is used to excuse white criminality, it is not consisered in this case because whitey wants to brag about intelligence he doesn't really have.
Whites cheat on the tests too. We've seen that. So, maybe if whites and Asians stopped cheating, their real scores would come out. Last, if you have 5 times more people taking the tests, you will generally have the higher average scores. So while the there are more white people so we get to commit the most crime argument is used to excuse white criminality, it is not consisered in this case because whitey wants to brag about intelligence he doesn't really have.
Whites and Asians cheat. Do blacks cheat too?
Whites and Asians cheat. Do blacks cheat too?

Prison time for some Atlanta school educators in cheating scandal​

The cheating is believed to date back to 2001, when scores on statewide aptitude tests improved greatly, according to a 2013 indictment. The indictment also states that for at least four years, between 2005 and 2009, test answers were altered, fabricated or falsely certified.

A review that former Gov. Sonny Perdue ordered, determined that some cheating had occurred in more than half the district’s elementary and middle schools.

Michael Bowers, a former Georgia attorney general who investigated the cheating scandal, said in 2013 that there were “cheating parties,” erasures in and out of classrooms, and teachers were told to make changes to student answers on tests.

“Anything that you can imagine that could involve cheating – it was done,” he said at the time.

IM2 is this black culture?

Maybe the inner city school systems here in America need to follow the lead here and bring teachers like Mr. Cartmenez in to teach the children of color how to cheat?

It's time to shut the mouths of white racists and the Asian wannabes in here.

SAT Scores of Asian Students Cancelled Over Cheating
The organization that oversees the leading college admissions test says it has cancelled the scores of several international students and is reducing future test dates overseas in an effort to crack down on cheating.

The College Board, which administers the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT), said the students whose scores are in question might not be allowed to retake the test. It is looking into the scores of other international students, as well, it said.

The Reuters new agency reported the update as part of its ongoing investigation into the SAT and test taking, mostly in Asia.

How Sophisticated Test Scams From China Are Making Their Way Into the U.S.

Chinese students hire imposter “gunmen” to take the SAT, the GRE and other tests.

And it is primarily the Chinese who have filed suits with that racist Bloom to try ending AA.

China and South Korea: Students Given Answers to Repeat Tests​

For the First Time, SAT Test Gets Canceled in an Entire Country

Some 1,500 South Korean students who dream of attending elite American colleges are scrambling after the U.S.-based administrator of the SAT cancelled the scheduled May 4 session of the exam because of allegations of widespread cheating.

Elite Asian students cheat like mad on US college applications

Asian Immigrants and What No One Mentions Aloud

By educationrealist
To continue my thoughts on college admissions and Asians:

Many people, reading of the clear discrimination against Asians, become all righteous, thinking of those poor, hardworking Asians. Come to America, work hard, and look how the system screws them.
But that reaction ignores the stereotype.

The stereotype, delicately put: first and second generation Chinese, Korean, and Indian Americans often fail to embody the sterling academic credentials they include with their applications, and do not live up to the expectations these universities have for top tier students.

Less delicately put: They cheat. And when they don’t cheat, they game tests in a way utterly incomprehensible to the Western mind, leading to test scores with absolutely zero link to underlying ability. Or both. Or maybe it’s all cheating, and we just don’t know it. Either way, the resumes are functional fraud.

Is it true for every single recent Chinese, Korean, or Indian immigrant? Of course not. I know far more recent Asian immigrants than most people, a fair number of whom effortlessly exceed their academic records, with style points to boot. That doesn’t make the stereotype any less relevant. Or less accurate, as stereotypes go.

This piece will focus on recent Asian immigrants and cheating. I hope at some point to put together a piece on Asian nationals and cheating, but the one that’s hardest of all is the second part of the stereotype, the one that says okay, so they don’t always cheat—maybe—but even if they don’t, their test scores don’t match what we consider reality.
I will include a number of reported stories that back up my own experiences, as well as excerpt from School of Dreams, by Edward Humes, the story of a few years at Whitney High, a selective California public high school that is almost entirely Asian (as early as 1987, it was 45% Asian). Note again that this behavior is of recent Asian immigrants, kids who either came here very young or were born to recent immigrants. Humes’ book specifices this, and the aforementioned Wall Street Journal article also specifies that the troubles are with recent immigrants.

Do you honestly think this makes blacks less stupid?
That and hate-filled black backlash against people with slanted eyes and yellow skin starting with IM2 on this thread
Nah, it's got nothing to do with hate and everything to do with debunking white supremacist beliefs and the Asian supremacy a couple of Asians have adopted due to their internalized racism. I know racist like you love to try gaslighting, but these instances I presented are true. On top of that your racism shows in your description of Asians.
Maybe the inner city school systems here in America need to follow the lead here and bring teachers like Mr. Cartmenez in to teach the children of color how to cheat?

More ignorant whitness.
Yellow privilege! :laugh2: :banana:
And does this negate white privilege? No... but of course we can expect a lot of snark from the white-right racists, always desperate to attempt to obfuscate their own racism and pretend it's something else...

I think with whites the pattern is not so much cheating on the SAT as having rich parents buy their way into a good university. Or... if they don't get into their #1 choice, they whine about Affirmative Action.
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