Sarah Palin Faces Conservative Backlash

The Constitution cedes certain powers to the Federal government. States should be autonomous by the 9th and 10th Amendments other then for those powers that were ceded. But to revoke ceding those powers would require a Constitutional Amendment.

So, the way a State can secede from the Union is with 2/3 vote in both houses and approval of 3/4 of the legislatures. It cannot just stop ceding powers in the Constitution any other way.

Actually no contract or agreement including the Constitution requires them to stay part of the union at all. The Constitution doesn't require membership and it can't, so therefore no Amendment is required, simple decision of the state is all that would be required as there is no power for the federal government to prohibit secession, unless you can find one...

U.S. Constitution - Article 7 - The U.S. Constitution Online -

This establishes how many states needed to ratify the constitution, how does that mandate any state remaining part of the union should they choose to secede? Oh, it doesn't. Nothing does. Even in ratifying the Constitution it was understood that the power of the federal government was granted by the states, not as a seperate overseeing entity but as a unified national governing body between them. This is also why no federal taxation was originally allowed for. Citizens paid taxes to the states and the states funded the federal government.

As the intent was for any state to be able to leave at the discretion of the people if they became dissatisfied with the federal government, secession was never prohibited and ratification didn't mandate any membership, but states were voluntarily consolidated.
No, once we became the United States, a state was not and is not a country. You want to pretend did the South (and learned as they tried to fight the war as so many different countries)...but we are not.

Which came first the states or the central government?

The colonies came first.

But, please continue showing us your disloyality to the United States and your loyality to the Country of (*snicker) North Carolina.

Little Rebecca the bigot probably voted for Stephen Colbert for president of NC as well!
Not seeing a number there, my friend. Are you backing down?

You're a mindless, feral baboon. Sometimes you shriek and bare your fangs, an act of frustration and confusion.

You fling feces and make a great show of your rage, which your masters channel and hatred of Sarah Palin.

I pity you and I often laugh at you. Thus far, nothing has led me to take you seriously.
Leave Caribou Barbie/Bible Spice alone you Republican meanies!!!

If the hive didn't fear her, they wouldn't program you drones to mindlessly attack.

That not a day goes by without one or more drones in this forum attacking Palin is clear proof that the collective fears her.

That's a misreading of what's going on. Keeping Palin in the headlines isn't because of fear of her per se, but fear she'll fall out of the spotlight before she takes her ass kicking in the 2012 election.
Little Rebecca is a racist bigot who thinks that he and his fellow teabaggers should be the ones to run this country.

Fucker doesn't know shit about history.

You are truly a scumbag.

Who DO you think "runs the country?" The glorious rulers of your shameful party?

Are you openly advocating totalitarian dictatorship under the democratic party? It's clear that's what you desire, but are you openly advocating a dictatorship?
For accuracy, as it was legal to succeed when the southern states formed the Confederate states of America, it was illegal and imperialistic for the Union to force them back under Union rule.

You're a nice guy. It is very nice of you to spend the time trying to teach the feral baboons about history and fact.

Sadly, I don't think they have the requisite intellect to grasp your words.
They did not have the right to secede....and they certainly did not have the right to start a war over it.

Really, little simian?

Show us all legal precedent supporting your claim circa 1860? I'd love to see the backup for this claim.

Oh, you don't have any, do you? You're just spouting off as a mindless monkey, sans knowledge or support.

See, this is why you're a leftist, you're both ignorant and flat out stupid.
Not seeing a number there, my friend. Are you backing down?

You're a mindless, feral baboon. Sometimes you shriek and bare your fangs, an act of frustration and confusion.

You fling feces and make a great show of your rage, which your masters channel and hatred of Sarah Palin.

I pity you and I often laugh at you. Thus far, nothing has led me to take you seriously.
You could have just answered "Yes - I'm backing down".
It's kind of sad to see that he is so ignorant about the South being traitors in the 1860s.

It's pretty sad that you're ignorant enough to make that claim.

Not surprising, you are quite stupid, but sad nonetheless.

I do have to say, your -4 neg rep was cute.....almost like the real thing but only much, much smaller.

And I'm not surprised you have problems with the Southern traitors being called out for what they were.

I'll say it again, they were LUCKY they weren't lined up and shot....or their leaders hung and buried in paupers' fields.
That's a misreading of what's going on. Keeping Palin in the headlines isn't because of fear of her per se, but fear she'll fall out of the spotlight before she takes her ass kicking in the 2012 election.

There is a zero percent chance of Palin being nominated by the GOP, so what "ass kicking" do you think she will take?

The hive fears her influence, she awakens the sleeping masses and energizes the citizenry in the form of TEA parties.

What the hive doesn't grasp is that all of your attacks only serve to empower her.
You could have just answered "Yes - I'm backing down".

I could have, but that would have been dishonest. Remember, one of the primary features distinguishing right from left is the fact that we have integrity, where you are integrity free.

Hey, Uncensored....I've got some of your Rightwing integrity right here:****.html
I do have to say, your -4 neg rep was cute.....almost like the real thing but only much, much smaller.

Whatever that's supposed to mean.

I couldn't care less about the reputation thingy, you made a fool of yourself and I pointed it out.

And I'm not surprised you have problems with the Southern traitors being called out for what they were.

You're an ignorant baboon. You have no knowledge of American history and are determined to demonstrate your ignorance for all to see.

What a fool.

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