Sarah Palin Slips into Self-Parody

The husband of the woman who wants to be President goes to Lolita Island to fuck 16 years old sex slaves
Palin has settled into a good gig and she is making millions doing it

Get up, throw out an endless stream of one liners, smirks and winks while mindless conservatives fawn over her. She is an entertainer who understands her audience

No legitimate candidate will be seen with her or seek her endorsement
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The husband of the woman who wants to be President goes to Lolita Island to fuck 16 years old sex slaves

Well they did put in a man with no experience in anything but community agitating. so what can you expect from them but to hate on a woman who had way more experience than their Messiah Obama.

the only problem I have is they vote FOR our lives
Since most of the left thnks Palin is a nothing nobody, one has to wonder why they give a shit about what she says or does??

Palin is no dummy and she was a damned good Gov in Alaska. If she decides to run I'd consider voting for her. She's head and shoulders above that fuck who occupies the White House right now.

Time will tell.

Palin today bears no resemblance whatsoever to the Governor Palin of Alaska that she once was.

Oh and your an expert on Palin. Do tell.

Of course your another lefty who thinks she's useless while telling everyone what a great POTUS Barry is.

Talk about useless. Thats Barry to a tee.

You're an expert on Palin, you stupid cow?
Much more Sarah-Bashing at the link.

This is exactly what Liberals and everyone with an ounce of comment sense has been saying for years: Sarah Palin is a know-nothing clown.

then you have nothing to worry about. You libtards should be glad she might run.
She's not going to run. That's not the issue. I just wish she would go away so that we don't have to suffer her word salad every time she wants media attention, which the corporate media gives her ever time she farts/talks.
Since most of the left thnks Palin is a nothing nobody, one has to wonder why they give a shit about what she says or does??

Palin is no dummy and she was a damned good Gov in Alaska. If she decides to run I'd consider voting for her. She's head and shoulders above that fuck who occupies the White House right now.

Time will tell.

Palin today bears no resemblance whatsoever to the Governor Palin of Alaska that she once was.

Oh and your an expert on Palin. Do tell.

Of course your another lefty who thinks she's useless while telling everyone what a great POTUS Barry is.

Talk about useless. Thats Barry to a tee.

You're an expert on Palin, you stupid cow?
Palin is her cowgirl.
Palin serves a role for the left

Her constant appeals for attention only provide sound bites that the left can label.....This is what Republicans think
Makes moderate Republicans nervous and helps Dems to raise funds

Also keeps comedians in business

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These Palin threads are so pathetic

all they do is regurgitate the same old shit

just a waste of time
I see the left is again pre-occupied with spitting venom and hate at Sarah Palin. Why do the left attack this woman? She is not an elected official, holds no sway on public policy and according to the left her 15 minutes of fame was up 6 years ago. The answer is, these simple minded liberal drones attack her because she's an 'easy' target ill positioned to defend herself. The left are gutless bullies and cowards that's why.
I see the left is again pre-occupied with spitting venom and hate at Sarah Palin. Why do the left attack this woman? She is not an elected official, holds no sway on public policy and according to the left her 15 minutes of fame was up 6 years ago. The answer is, these simple minded liberal drones attack her because she's an 'easy' target ill positioned to defend herself. The left are gutless bullies and cowards that's why.

yes they are. bullies and cowards all rolled into one
To be fair to Palin, there were reports that her teleprompter froze at some point during the speech, forcing her to ad-lib the bulk of her remarks. On the other hand, claims of a broken teleprompter have surfaced repeatedly since Palin stepped into the national spotlight after being chosen by Senator John McCain as his running mate.

RealClearPolitics national reporter Scott Conroy has spent no small amount of time watching Palin speeches. Conroy covered Palin's 2008 vice presidential run, and co-authored the book Sarah From Alaska, yet admitted to being caught off guard by what he heard come out of Palin's mouth on Saturday.

I don't say this lightly. This is the strangest speech I've ever seen Sarah Palin deliver.

— Scott Conroy (@RealClearScott) January 24, 2015

Bloomberg Politics host Mark Halperin, another person quite familiar with Palin's oratorical prowess, was, perhaps, less surprised by the former governor's performance.
.#GameChange That is all

— Mark Halperin (@MarkHalperin) January 24, 2015

At Politico, veteran reporter Roger Simon marveled at the words and phrases that sprung forth from Palin's mouth.

Some sample lines from Palin:

“Screw the left and Hollywood!”

“Coronation, rinse, repeat.”

Obama “is so over it. America, he’s just not that into you.”

“The man can only ride you when your back is bent.”

I would provide some context, but there wasn’t any. It is possible she was improperly inflated.​
Wait a minute - isn't this the bimbo who bitched constantly about Obama using a teleprompter? Then when hers "goes down" she is reduced to mindless mental diarrhea?

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